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  • HailVictory1776 : SRD TITLE trans lives matter
  • DickButtKiss : I have a ton of rap on my playlist and I hate spooks! - trans lives matter

Are you a racist if you have a playlist full of white dudes. Is it ok to report you to your manager/boss for that? SubredditDrama explodes




Adding drama......



NiceGirls unlike niceguys is an incel sub full of fake texts


Read what I posted again. If you can't parse the difference between women posting about creeps and guys just being misogynists, then I don't know how to help you.


I don't think she is all that crazy, if it's real. "She rejected him because he only listens to white musicians" is pretty disingenuous. She rejected him because of several incompatibilities, and she perceived in him an ability to become abusive.. which he proved correct.

He asked for the reason he was rejected, and instead of introspecting on it a bit he jumped to insulting her and then sought validation for it on Reddit of all places. She was right. Guys a walking red flag. Again, if it's real.


Half the stuff posted there is just women being peepees, too. There's no 'nice' about it. A 'nice guy' is a man who's a huge peepee despite claiming he's 'one of the good ones', but there's not really a widespread female equivalent so most of that sub is just making shit up lol


I'm convinced 90% of the people who circle jerk here are women who can't admit some women are crazy, so their losing it mentally.


She dodged a bullet


I saw this post and had the same thought as the comments saying, "don't ask questions you don't want to hear the answer to." She's allowed to reject him, even if he doesn't agree with the reason. She doesn't owe him anything.


Fake stuff is fake. Just a sub for women haters to make up stuff to hate women more.


He probably is. No non-racist has only white guys in their playlist


I'm struggling to see what exactly OOP did wrong here

He racist and posted DMS where a woman is acting stupid


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Another hot take

Meh I can see it happening. Women learn to look for signs of these things fervently because guys are often very good at hiding it. As a big music fan, and a musician, I don't understand how anyone can organically have an exclusively white dude playlist in 2024. Besides, is it really dumping on the first date?

Imo, it's much weirder being able to go through someones playlist and quickly determine the racial makeup of all the artists, let alone that even being on your mind.


"I feel like maybe you're just not thinking deeply enough about how differently people may interact with media"

Well soooorry. I mean I only went to university for music, I'd hate to think I'm not thinking as deeply about this as someone who only listens to white people and anime music.

Enlighten me, what the heck are you people listening to all day then? Every genre has people of many different racial backgrounds, even goddarn country and metal.

"Perhaps this is just really into country dudes singing and has a playlist just for that our something"

Yeah see I know a guy who made a "white dude country playlist" who swore they weren't racist, but later made comments about interracial marriages that made me seriously doubt that.

The number of guys who've responded to this with things along the lines of "umm excuse me but I actually almost exclusively listen to 60s British prog rock" like that isn't A/. Clearly a very niche interest and B/. Arguably a red flag itself.

Let's say that's true. It's not, but we'll play along.

I very carefully made sure to preface this with "in 2024" to avoid the lemmings who'd come in with this exact point. Because, truthfully, there's plenty of validity to the claim that mainstream music has become more racially diverse in modern years.

However, as previously stated, it is 2024.

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I have no idea what race the musicians I listen to are tbh. I just assume they are all Jewish.

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balanced chud takes

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As a big music fan, and a musician, I don't understand how anyone can organically have an exclusively white dude playlist in 2024.

Maybe because they're just not that keen on rap/hiphop?

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Black people aren't the only minorities that make music. (Nor do black people exclusively make rap/hiphop)

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Be joyful!

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No! :marseyindignant:

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yeah, you see all these japs making metal

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if you listen to indie music, country, metal and/or punk exclusively youd actually have to try to have non-white musicians on the playlist

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You had a chance to not be completely worthless, but it looks like you threw it away. At least you're consistent.

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Fine bot ill add more drama

OP of these comments is a pretentious white transwoman

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A pretentious white transwoman who knows how to play piano is explaining to a black man that she knows more about music and racism than him

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Efforpost worthy?

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Uhh... I don't see any marsey annotations :soyconcerned:

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Bonus take instead of that

Right out of the mouth of /r/TwoXChromosomes

'Subredditdrama is not a hive of incels and menrights, because some commments, suggesting that women might also be bad get upmarseyd'


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Really stretching the word effort

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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Yup. NiceGuys is legitimate grievances about creeps, and NiceGirls is misogyny with the occasional PickMe.


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No he has a point, /r/nicegirls's concept at its root is whiny "uh uh uhmmm everybody is guilty actually", when the niceguy dynamic doesn't apply to women at all.

If you want to hate women, do it at /r/kittypassdenied or /r/enoughwomanspam or MGTOW

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when the niceguy dynamic doesn't apply to women at all.

My brother in Christ, every foid behaves like a "niceguy". There is no "nicegirl" since that is the default female behavior.

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My brother in Christ

Let's never do that though

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My brother in Christ, I shall keep you in my prayers

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this is Christphobic !christians !catholics

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Oh I see why u r mad

Nice girls is a real thing. I have a large peepee. Trust me

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Show me your peepee!!!!!!!!

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I don't believe you :marseyshapiro:

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The female version of nice guy is the cool girl

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"I hang out *gluck gluck* with guys because it's *gluck* less drama"

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lol kittypassdenied

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Grue dropping the TRVTHNVKE on these dramatards.

Moids and foids are r-slurred in different ways, because they occupy different roles socially. The "niceguy whining about not getting laid" archetype doesn't apply to foids at all really, in the same way that "strong independent girlboss who can't find a LTR" archetype doesn't apply to moids.

And @jamal_ginsberg, the "cool girl" is not the "nice guy" analog for foids, because men actually like cool girls (both real and fake). The closest moid counterpart to the "cool girl" is the "simp", someone who is perceived at excessively debating themselves for the opposite s*x.

The closest thing to the "nice guy" for foids is the "L-poster woman" who loudly shares her dating Ls as if she wasn't the underlying factor in all of them.

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I get what you are saying but disagree

Women do like nice guys the problems any self proclaimed nice guy just suck

Similar to the self proclaimed cool who thinks going to a few concerts will get dudes to fall for them.

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You have to take into account who is using the term. Yes foids like actual nice guys like how moids like cool girls. But very few foids refer to themselves as a cool girl really, not at all in the same way moids refer to themselves as nice guys. It's purely a term used by butthurt foids to slander other foids with hobbies moids are into. This aligns with "simp", which is a term used by moids to shit on other moids who they perceive as debating themselves.

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I cannot fathom how SRDines are this cucked. They will simp for a woman miles deep in the wrong. :marseyhammersrdine:

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They are the bottom tier of moids who would lose to the average women in grip strength.

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>They are the bottom tier of moids who would lose to the average women in grip strength.


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17316052482372632.webp !soyteens

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So what happens to this macho "lol soys" act if one bests you physically

Like you just sound r-slurred unless you actually prove something. And then if you fail you're even lower than a Redditor.

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Simply shoot them in the back silly :marseyteehee:

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Didn't know you were an Ayy-rab lmao

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Worse :marseydemonicgrin:

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didnt :marseyfingerwords: u get beat up yesterday :marseygiggle:

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Yeah? And you didn't go outside? Soooo?

I'm jonesing for a fight now :marseybeanangry:

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I'm jonesing for a fight now

Doesn't sound like it'd be much of one :marseygiggle:

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Nah, he made it up to bait dramatards into thinking he's a foid (female)

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what happens to this macho "lol soys" act if one bests you physically

But they wouldn't beat me because I ate breakfast this morning

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i don't know about him, but i'm an educated gopnik with money and buying kittens on my mind

no way in heck a SRDine could beat me up

i'd make them keep yourself safe with microaggressions

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Guess who's r-slurred? You!

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I am well aware, but the topic of discussion was srdines.

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Well, they are male feminists after all.

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What's the breakdown on that sub do you think? Male feminists/ :marseytrain2:/biofoids/:marseypooner:

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85% male feminists, 12% trains, 3% biofoids (by mass), 0% pooner

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This is what happens when you don't have a dad and get the, "all women are crazy" talk at 10

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You've failed the IQ test unfortunately

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Aren't you the flailing homosexual that recently lost a fist fight to another flaming homosexual? You just want me to ape out so you can picture me next time you're getting topped

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I want you to ape out so I can put you in the concrete :marseypunching:

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What's this about you losing a fistfight? Everybody is talking about it but no one has links

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Had a run in with a rowdy and posted about it


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That would be funny...but also, I don't believe this actually happened.

Yeah this situation is catnip to weird redditors who have issues with women.

I could believe it happened. Not that it's the reason someone would decide to move on, but I can see someone saying that because it's part of the whole. If the dude gave off incel vibes, I could see focusing on a lack of shared interests when trying to explain.

It's obviously fake, someone that socially conscious wouldn't be so overtly racist.

I'm 99.999% sure that's just one of the many reasons she gave for thinking he's a racist piece of shit and he latched onto it as being the least logically compelling and tried to run with that for sympathy - but managed to reveal as much to us to make the same conclusion she did, lmao.

it's funny cause it's not real haha. just cope fantasy for people who don't date (because of their politics??) and wanna feel like they're not missing out on anything

This is why srdines are so hateable

"This is obviously fake, youre a weird misogynist for believing this because no one would question you for that"

Scrolls down to the comment below it

"Actually this behavior is completely reasonable and people who are questioning it are hiding that it's something WE ALL can agree is racist"

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"It doesn't happen but if it does it's a good thing" example number bajillion


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If someone rejected me and I asked why and they said it was cuz I'm brown or bisexual or whatever that would in fact be a bad reason.

/u/Yuo_cna_Raed_Tihs you're being stupid. Incompatibilities and preferences can be for any reason at all.

For example some people want to raise a family and that means they can't have a disappearing act or a homo for their partner.

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This makes no sense. You say "any reason at all", but then proceed to give an arguably justifiable one as an example. What about "sorry but I want to preserve my white bloodline"?

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Those are still unfair generalizations tho

I wanted to open with stronger examples but NO reason that can be given is bad.

I want my kids to look like me

your food smells bad

your laugh reminds me of my grandma

the culture you associate with is repulsive to me

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Can I reject people because they're not racist enough?

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There's definitely incompatible worldviews out there

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You're racist enough to be my gf tho, right?

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KiA is allowed on Reddit and I am not so prolly

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Yeah the dumbest part about those "bad reason" takes is that they can put a ton of pressure on women when they have to consider that a no could implicate them as racist or other kind of bad person. The idea of there being "bad reasons" to say no to someone's advances is fricked. The entitlement behind asking "why" is the bad part anyways.

It's not like a yes would make them not a racist anyways since you can date people of a certain race and still be a racist towards them. Why would you want to be with someone racist towards you anyways? Just move on.

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Metal and rock is all white dudes.

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>nibbas not aware that the Brapzilian metal scene is 80% BIPOC, even our far-right chud bands are BIPOC

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17342990371557536.webp https://i.pinimg.com/736x/9a/85/64/9a8564afe54f57980e6a96c56f06b126.jpg !metalheads !macacos !music !bipocs !BIPOCs !latinx !edgelords

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https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/896/781/f2c.jpg !metalheads !macacos !edgelords

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respect for sarcostrago posting

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The Hu would eat you stir fried, boy

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more like the literally who :marseysmug2:

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I have the same issue except I only listen to blues and jazz

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Metal is massive in South America

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Can the srdine :marseycanned:

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This is how boys who listen to weezer wanna be treated !femboys


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I remember I went to a Modest Mouse concert with a girl.

It was pretty gay.

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Isaac Brock is fatter than Pizzashill so this is true

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He posted about some gang stalker shit in his AMA a few years ago.

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Legit the only people I know who listen to MM are BPD b-words

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I only listen to NMH, Weezer, Modest Mouse, The Antlers and The Microphones


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Leftists are very obsessed with if media is problematic like my commie bestie is always like "idk is Braveheart good? I hear its good but really problematic nationalists people tend to like it" and im like holy frick dude who cares watch it yourself if you wanna see. Or when he was like "idk im sure Infinite Jest is good but if its someones fav novel its a huge red flag" and im like dude you only read japanese novels in Japanese why do you care about David Foster Wallace??

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>woman does something r-slurred

>sardnies fall over themselves to justify her r-sluration


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@Qar im gonna spoil you my future post but

woman does something really r-slurred and even live threatening

guys decide not to interfere and possibly get shot

woman cries about emasculated men in a supposedly gender sereotypes destroying feminist subreddit

women forget about destroying toxic masculinity just this one time and shame men for supporting strong independent women in their right to defend themselves without moid interference

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Post teaser :marseysoypoint:

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I don't hit a black in my library until Ben E. King. But that's probably because blacks don't like the letter A

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no BB King

keep yourself safe

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I have him but just as part of the Casino soundtrack so I didn't count it. Also Ben E. >>> BB :marseyindignant!:

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These bullets dodge themselves and these bus riders still complain

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Half the stuff posted there is just women being peepees, too. There's no 'nice' about it. A 'nice guy' is a man who's a huge peepee despite claiming he's 'one of the good ones', but there's not really a widespread female equivalent so most of that sub is just making shit up lol

Remember, women are perfect and dont have the same issues as those degen moids

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Since slavs are not white, I'm safe :marseythumbsup:

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Behead all SRDines.

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Went through my playlists, and there's not a single Poc in any of them. Beacuse i dont like fricking rap or pop slop.

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why doesn't this person like me

This is the thought of a diseased mind. Btw I've personally recieved this exact message from grue and lappland

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What did he mean by this :marseyponder:

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I'm a massive racist and hate women and rap music is my preferred.

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Every time a girl tells me that she thinks we're not compatible/shouldn't go forward with dating I just tell her if she has any girlfriends she wants to set me up with she should email me. Got more than a few dates/hookups that way

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Can white people just not?

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I only listen to white people (authoritatively)

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:marseyshapiro: Let's say, hypothetically, you've been a naughty child even, ok, and if you were a naughty child you would also be waging war on Christmas? Then hypothetically speaking you would be on my little Naughty List. Now let's say that you're also a non-Christian child, now that we've established you're both a bad child and non-Christian child, then I believe you'd agree with me when I say that you deserve a stocking full of coal, am I not correct? A bad child deserves a stocking full of coal and as I am Father Christmas, you are my child, so I am the one who must provide punishment. :carpshapiro:



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