Adding drama......
NiceGirls unlike niceguys is an incel sub full of fake texts
Read what I posted again. If you can't parse the difference between women posting about creeps and guys just being misogynists, then I don't know how to help you.
I don't think she is all that crazy, if it's real. "She rejected him because he only listens to white musicians" is pretty disingenuous. She rejected him because of several incompatibilities, and she perceived in him an ability to become abusive.. which he proved correct.
He asked for the reason he was rejected, and instead of introspecting on it a bit he jumped to insulting her and then sought validation for it on Reddit of all places. She was right. Guys a walking red flag. Again, if it's real.
Half the stuff posted there is just women being peepees, too. There's no 'nice' about it. A 'nice guy' is a man who's a huge peepee despite claiming he's 'one of the good ones', but there's not really a widespread female equivalent so most of that sub is just making shit up lol
I'm convinced 90% of the people who circle jerk here are women who can't admit some women are crazy, so their losing it mentally.
She dodged a bullet
I saw this post and had the same thought as the comments saying, "don't ask questions you don't want to hear the answer to." She's allowed to reject him, even if he doesn't agree with the reason. She doesn't owe him anything.
Fake stuff is fake. Just a sub for women haters to make up stuff to hate women more.
He probably is. No non-racist has only white guys in their playlist
I'm struggling to see what exactly OOP did wrong here
He racist and posted DMS where a woman is acting stupid
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Leftists are very obsessed with if media is problematic like my commie bestie is always like "idk is Braveheart good? I hear its good but really problematic nationalists people tend to like it" and im like holy frick dude who cares watch it yourself if you wanna see. Or when he was like "idk im sure Infinite Jest is good but if its someones fav novel its a huge red flag" and im like dude you only read japanese novels in Japanese why do you care about David Foster Wallace??
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