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After Duke Lacrosse, how to we balance belief with innocent until proven guilty? : r/AskPolitics




Since 2006, a team of Duke Lacrosse players had their lives upended. A black woman accused them of raping her with no evidence.

:marseysuspicious: This :marseymayo: cracker took enormous pleasure needlessly putting the word 'black' in there :marseyeyeroll:

How do we balance the "Believe All Women" movement with our civil liberty of "Innocent until proven guilty?"

Yes, how do we balance that flash-in-the-pan twitter bleating movement with one of the founding principles of common law? :marseyhmm: conundrum

"Believe All Women" doesn't mean to just accept them at their word and punish the men they accuse without evidence- it means to investigate the allegation, no matter who they are or who they are accusing.

We didn't actually mean 'defund the police' when we said 'defund the police'. :marseyjerkoffsmile:

"Often"...no. This is a big story because of how rare it is. Accusations like this upend the life of the accuser too. A lot of women don't come forward with true allegations because of what they'll have to deal with.

Yes women famously hate attention :really:

"Believe all women" was just a political slogan. What it really meant was "Believe all women who accuse Republicans" and once it started getting applied to people on the left it stopped being used.

Show me some of these high profile democrats r*pe convicted felons, oh wait, you don't have any. Both sides is your best defense?


never heard of him!

Also, people use a single case to start a discussion is laughable. Millions of women are r*ped each year, but hey, what about those guys who got falsely accused once? Such an unfair and disingenuous world view.

Because if we publicised every single r*pe case people might start to :marseynoooticer: notice some things :marseywrongthonk:

I'm just glad normal people find your ideology laughable.

"I'm just glad the conservatives who like me aren't very good at critical thinking and mostly juts buy into propaganda agree with me that your reasonable ideology is laughable." Fixed that for you.

Fixed that for you :soyjakanimeglasses:

"Believe Women" means to take their claims seriously and investigate. It stems from claims being ignored.

No it doesn't. That's not what those words mean. A belief doesn't require investigation.

You're taking it too literally. You have to apply common sense.

You have to apply common sense to my r-slurred prog slogan :marseyindignant: I didn't actually mean it. Unless I said 'black lives matter', in which case this position is reversed. :marseydisconcerting:

If your slogan needs explaining, it's a poor slogan :marseyboomer:

I don't think you understand the point of a slogan. Try to think a little.

When I said 'gas the jewish chads, race war now' it was actually a very subtle and nuanced statement about in-group preference, it should be immediately obvious that I do not want a race war. :marseybrainlet:

No, if you believe the woman automatically you are passing judgment of guilty on the accused.

Nope. Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

OH SHIT THIS NEIGHBOR SAID THE LINE https://media.tenor.com/Yuk3X_AikGAAAAAx/simpsons-bart.webp FROM THAT SPACESHIT FILM

:#soysnoo4: :#soysnoo2: :#marseystarwars: :#soysnoo5:


I never understood the rationale behind "Believe All Women"

The rationale is that r*pe is one of the least likely crimes to be investigated, nevermind convicted.



  • "them crackas said 'this is lacrosse country now' and then r*ped me for real"
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Yes, the rare time something like this happens is a tragedy, and it's horrible what happened to the kids. But it's one instance for every 1,000+ cases of actual r*pe and sexual assault and most of those go unpunished.

if it was black men accused by a white woman this person would be "this happens all the time because of the inherent racism in our society". In fact i bet you the narrative if you asked this person BEFORE she admitted to lying he wouldve said "well they were proven innocent but our court system is inherently sexist so they definitely did r*pe her". that's how they move the goalposts

Show me some of these high profile democrats r*pe convicted felons, oh wait, you don't have any. Both sides is your best defense?

Epstein lmao

Millions of women are r*ped each year, but hey, what about those guys who got falsely accused once? Such an unfair and disingenuous world view.

this is how ridiculous libs have gotten, MILLIONS r*ped every year? 400,000 people are sexually assaulted in America sure, but that includes any form of groping or sexual battery. R*pe in itself in a first world country is very rare

mostly juts buy into propaganda agree with me that your reasonable ideology is laughable.

reasonable ideology. his post history:

It's always innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. That's how it works. That's why these boys weren't convicted by the law.

"Believe all women" is clumsy, but it just means to take women's claims seriously. One reason men feel so free to r*pe and sexually assault is that it's relatively easy to get away with. In a lot of cases it's a he said/she said situation. That's what makes it so hard. A large number of women don't come forward after they're r*ped or sexually assaulted, because they likely will have to face backlash and don't have great odds of getting a conviction anyway.

R*pe and sexual assault are many times more common than false accusations, which are extremely rare. Because, again, accusations tend not to get taken seriously and the accuser often has to deal with a lot of bullshit, and it usually doesn't result in a conviction anyway.

So, we take women's claims seriously, stop jumping straight to accusing them of lying or "asking for it" or other such nonsense that excuses r*pe. We do everything we can to figure out what happened and punish people when they're found guilty. That last part is especially important. Remember Brock Turner? Convicted of multiple counts of sexual assault and then sentenced to 6 months in prison? (Yes, there was also probation and registering as a s*x offender, but that's the bare minimum.)

Until the system works the way it should for the actual victims of r*pe and sexual assault, I'll feel bad for people like these lacrosse players who endure something like this, but it won't do much to change my view of the overall situation.

this is "reasonable ideology" to him, that the men who get aquitted of r*pe ARE all male feminists anyway even when proven innocent because it's just so easy to get away with r*pe. this guy would cheer on emmet till's murder if liberal ideology wasnt based off of worshipping black people

and what do you know he's a Heardcel:

Depp was not cleared of all charges. He most definitely did abuse Amber (and she probably abused him too). The case wasn't to determine whether he abused her or was guilty of anything. It was a claim of defamation.

oh and he thinks Jon Stewart is right wing:

The problem isn't being critical of both sides. The problem is doing it in a way that makes them seem similar or equal. Like his big criticism of two old men in the race. While his criticism is valid, and I don't want two 70+-year-old white men running again, it has a way of reducing it to two equally bad sides. I wouldn't say he's staunchly and publicly partisan toward the left. He is definitely a democrat/liberal, and I don't think he leaves doubt which side he supports, though.

I've watched it all, and almost none of it is left wing. A lot of it leans liberal, and some of it attacks Trump. It's not a "now and then thing" that he criticizes both sides, and it's not just the frequency of it. It's how it's done. The old-man thing was a "both sides" situation. It was railing against the system that gave us these two old white men. It was not about democrats propping up Biden specifically. While I mostly agree that the system sucks, it's still an argument that helps legitimize Trump, because it treats them as two sides of the bad system

more gay shit:

Trump's McDonald's stunt wasn't really a win, unless you have evidence that it helped. All Trump does is pander to his base. Biden and Harris didn't "divide up the country into groups" anymore than republicans do. Your use of buzzwords like "DEI considerations" belies your bias on the point. Nope, none of that is true. What's true is that she was too secure in getting votes from the usual base that she tried too hard to court people outside of the base.

I'm not even clear on what your point is. There's no racism there. And not wanting the same old two old white men running for president is not why "the white working class has turned on them". People voted for Trump based on misinformation and low information, precisely things like thinking that comment is racist. They also voted for him based on the false narrative you're supporting here, that "white working class has turned on democrats due to racism and being out of touch". That's part of the misinformation.

You could have stopped at "Russiagate hoax". That was plenty to let us all know there's no point in reading anything else you write.

1) This is a weird topic to use for that. There's nothing to discuss really. 2) Most reactions are basically "yeah, he went back on his word. It's not great, it's his son, and at least it's not what Trump has done". That's perfectly reasonable. 3) Look at every other conversation here. Every time someone asks why people voted for Trump, the reasons end up being bits of misinformation. Then to talk about it, you have to debunk that stuff. 4) Easier to have a conversation with? That's quite the detour. We're talking about the problem with the general conversation right now. It's not about "ease". It's about starting from facts and reality.

he defends not being mad at biden pardoning his son because it's "reasonable". this is the problem with the US, they see a plutocracy where the people in power wield too much of their power and never see any accountability and then defend it because it's within liberal standards of listening to le hecking experts. biden could r*pe a child and pardon kim jong un and he'd be crying "but what about all the misinformation on the border!!!" As if extreme disgust at the people running the show is bad because the good people follow all the rules when theyre evil

Attention spans haven't changed. Tiktok and YouTube haven't affected people's ability to sit and watch movies. And ticket prices are about the same as they've been for decades.

oh so he's just r-slurred

Even if they didn't do it, they should still get the death penalty. I'll even pay for full page newspaper ads to tell you that.

I believe he's making a commentary on Trump and the Central Park Five. Where they were convicted of r*pe/assault and spent years in prison, while Trump called for them to be executed, even taking out a full-page ad to advocate for it. Of course, they were innocent the whole time and later proved to be so.

/u/Basic_Seat_8349 this is why people hate you: https://old.reddit.com/r/Askpolitics/comments/1hex5l4/after_duke_lacrosse_how_to_we_balance_belief_with/m274rnz/?context=8 You can cry misinformation and that r*pe needs to be taken seriously, as soon as Trump takes it seriously by your standards you clutch pearls and talk about how false accusations are so horrible. Youre literally spreading misinformation by saying he "was calling for innocent men to be executed", he was calling for people accused of r*pe to be executed before they were aquitted and by your standards he had excellent judgment because it "almost never happens". heck even when they are aquitted you think they probably r*ped, but the only standards you have is relative to what trump says so trump just needs to start saying vaguely liberal shit and youll be putting on the KKK hood and talking about the border. youre a moron

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