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After Duke Lacrosse, how to we balance belief with innocent until proven guilty? : r/AskPolitics




Since 2006, a team of Duke Lacrosse players had their lives upended. A black woman accused them of raping her with no evidence.

:marseysuspicious: This :marseymayo: cracker took enormous pleasure needlessly putting the word 'black' in there :marseyeyeroll:

How do we balance the "Believe All Women" movement with our civil liberty of "Innocent until proven guilty?"

Yes, how do we balance that flash-in-the-pan twitter bleating movement with one of the founding principles of common law? :marseyhmm: conundrum

"Believe All Women" doesn't mean to just accept them at their word and punish the men they accuse without evidence- it means to investigate the allegation, no matter who they are or who they are accusing.

We didn't actually mean 'defund the police' when we said 'defund the police'. :marseyjerkoffsmile:

"Often"...no. This is a big story because of how rare it is. Accusations like this upend the life of the accuser too. A lot of women don't come forward with true allegations because of what they'll have to deal with.

Yes women famously hate attention :really:

"Believe all women" was just a political slogan. What it really meant was "Believe all women who accuse Republicans" and once it started getting applied to people on the left it stopped being used.

Show me some of these high profile democrats r*pe convicted felons, oh wait, you don't have any. Both sides is your best defense?


never heard of him!

Also, people use a single case to start a discussion is laughable. Millions of women are r*ped each year, but hey, what about those guys who got falsely accused once? Such an unfair and disingenuous world view.

Because if we publicised every single r*pe case people might start to :marseynoooticer: notice some things :marseywrongthonk:

I'm just glad normal people find your ideology laughable.

"I'm just glad the conservatives who like me aren't very good at critical thinking and mostly juts buy into propaganda agree with me that your reasonable ideology is laughable." Fixed that for you.

Fixed that for you :soyjakanimeglasses:

"Believe Women" means to take their claims seriously and investigate. It stems from claims being ignored.

No it doesn't. That's not what those words mean. A belief doesn't require investigation.

You're taking it too literally. You have to apply common sense.

You have to apply common sense to my r-slurred prog slogan :marseyindignant: I didn't actually mean it. Unless I said 'black lives matter', in which case this position is reversed. :marseydisconcerting:

If your slogan needs explaining, it's a poor slogan :marseyboomer:

I don't think you understand the point of a slogan. Try to think a little.

When I said 'gas the jewish chads, race war now' it was actually a very subtle and nuanced statement about in-group preference, it should be immediately obvious that I do not want a race war. :marseybrainlet:

No, if you believe the woman automatically you are passing judgment of guilty on the accused.

Nope. Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

OH SHIT THIS NEIGHBOR SAID THE LINE https://media.tenor.com/Yuk3X_AikGAAAAAx/simpsons-bart.webp FROM THAT SPACESHIT FILM

:#soysnoo4: :#soysnoo2: :#marseystarwars: :#soysnoo5:


I never understood the rationale behind "Believe All Women"

The rationale is that r*pe is one of the least likely crimes to be investigated, nevermind convicted.



  • "them crackas said 'this is lacrosse country now' and then r*ped me for real"
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Considering how Conservatives responded to Black Lives Matter, yes they are that literal. Their media has spent decades training them to never see nuance, so this isn't terribly surprising.

Agreed. Detractors will choose to highlight the extremes, which are easier to criticize. It's a straw man defense.

"they dont see le hecking nuance in our 20 million dollar mansions, saying the country is built on racism and that knife fights are part of being a black teen. All said by high up figures with doctorates

/u/6a6566663437 /u/Pac_Eddy so umm considering conservatives dont see nuance, and you people do, what was your opinion on Kyle Rittenhouse going to put out fires started by BLM protestors despite being a supporter of the movement? Is he a hero for seeing nuance?

Imagine that there are different kinds of meaning than simple literal meaning.

Boom. Well said.

epic quip friendo! take my updoot

/u/DoctorUnderhill97 /u/Pac_Eddy so does every other slogan have this same metaphorical haze you want to apply to it? Does good people on both sides mean something different? Make America Great Again? Secure the border? Surely, you would apply that same good faith to conservative slogans? At what point can we criticize slogans as bad? I know you love blue lives matter for some reason

No, because literally saying "blue lives matter" doesn't mean "only blue lives matter"

Ok. I didn't decide on what slogan would catch on. This is why you have to think about it just a bit and not take it literally. McDonalds says "I'm lovin' it". Do you think that means they're having s*x with the food they serve? Or is there another more sensible meaning to that slogan?

The sensible meaning of "believe all women" was "trust but verify" which people already believed in. The meaning of "believe all women" is to erode liberal democracy in favor of social justice. Just like how "blue lives matter" is to imply that we should suck off cops more. I dont get this redditor who has this charitable definition of every stupid phrase chuds and wokes have shat out

No, YOU'VE got it the other way around. You can't make a slogan that can't be easily misinterpreted by people acting in bad faith.

someone suggests "reform the police" and "Black lives matter, too"

Those are just terrible slogans, man. They are boring. They are barely even slogans.

/u/DoctorUnderhill97 those are literally the same slogans with a different word or an additional word

Right-wing agitators acting in bad faith will always misinterpret and lie. That's their whole thing. You can't prevent it.

Left wing agitators literally used BLM and Believe All Women to get kangaroo courts and 20 million dollar mansions. How is it a good slogan when Trump has now won despite r*pe accusations and Harris and Biden have went from BLM to sucking off cops?

Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

I think what you're missing is that I can handle two pieces of conflicting information at once. I can believe and respect a woman who claims you have been assaulted while still not assuming guilt of the accused. I think cognitive dissonance is an issue for you.

this guy is a fricking moron. "oh i believe she was r*ped by that guy, but i dont believe he was guilty of raping her". You cant function like that as a human being. It's moronic



The rationale is that r*pe is one of the least likely crimes to be investigated, nevermind convicted. There is no other crime where the victims face antagonistic police procedure. The number of claims determined to be false are a small percentage point of the number of claims that don't even get investigated. That's where the rationale came from.

That doesn't lead me to want to believe women anymore, it makes me want to endeavor to make police competent. Wherever we turn, police fail us.

True, but police fail this crime mostly because they don't believe women.

"if only the racist trigger happy nazis thought every r*pe case was real" -libs in 2024

i hate these people. theyre justifying a wide cultural movement of witch hunts purely off the back of women complaining about cops, instead of just putting more funding into cops (which apparently is what defund the police meant)

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you need to slow down on the stimulants, friend! :marseyagre#esuperspeedtyping:

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Their media has spent decades training them to never see nuance, so this isn't terribly surprising.

Honesty and sincerity are for fascists, chud!

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