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Elon Musk gets ratioed to frick on the platform he owns because straight, white males can't get engineering jobs

This guy isn't wrong, however there are a lot of r-slurs I have to deal with applying and interviewing for these jobs. I'm eternally grateful that I graduated before COVID-19.

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"My son pretended to be a bisexual by sucking the interviewer's peepee. "

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Same as most male bisexuals

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You'll have to excuse me; I'm a little hoarse :marseypony: from sucking lots of peepees last night.

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I was only pretending to be bi (NOT GAY) when I sucked that peepee.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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It's called gay for pay


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Lol cute twink

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"No no, you misunderstood me during my interview. I WAS bisexual!"

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I'll take the L. Didn't expect him to rail about infinite indian migration before even a single illegal was deported..

Who knew the "meritocracy" argument was juat about cheap indian labor :sadpepe:

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Everyone that isn't sucking a rotted, incestuous oligarch peepee knew they were being lied to. Enjoy being r*ped by :marseyairquotes: populism :marseyairquotes:

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I mean, the alternative was the party who'd send me to jail over tweets :idontknow:

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Preface your content with "I'm a schizo" so that I can avoid engaging with you next time. Thanks!

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You first.

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Meritocracy is just dei for rightoid tech bros.

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Same, very disappointing.

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Those illegals cannot work

Those legals cannot take the best jobs

Those legals cannot take the mid jobs

Those legals cannot take jobs

Nooooooooo why are we getting poorer noooooooooo

Jewish lives matter.

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always interesting when indians come in and start lecturing people on economic theory lol

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Every economy could use some jeets. The US was doing it correctly until they let jeets hire other jeets too work under them.

Jewish lives matter.

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we have far too many overeducated white white collaroids in this country about to be replaced by browns and Ai

and that's a GOOD thing

us !bluecollar !tradies who actually keep this shitshow running are still 80% yt maybe

hmm economic migrants don't care about the source of prosperity and just want to join the leech class who would've guessed :marseyeyeroll:

who helps out after a hurricane and who loots?

who builds civilization and who grabs what they can from its rotting corpse?

wait this isn't churdrama :marseyshy:

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wait this isn't churdrama

Jannies! Deport this chud :soyjakanimeglasses: :marseysmug2:

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>who helps out after a hurricane and who loots?

IT geeks loot the fricking Fry's and then help out by having a fricking LAN party to bring hope to the fricking community

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Effective altruism in action :marseywholesome:

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Lan parties are lame because nobody want to play quake anymore.

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who's gunna pay tradies if the leech class get mostly replaced by ai?

stop tryin to rationalize systemic consequences, u ain't paid to do that ever

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neighbor big tech wants nuclear for their datacenters, not oil

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Nuclear data centres.

You can only make shitposting so many times before the fricking radioactive emissions fry you.

I dont know what the fricking long term plan is fricking for rdrama.

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last i heard rdrama runs off 100% memes, so i think we're safe here

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We are so fricking safe here, I can't say the fricking same for Reddit or Twitter.

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The owner class same as ever?

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Typical r-slurred tradie who doesn't realize these unemployed white guys will start looking for work in other fields, including yours. Tradie thinking two steps ahead challenge: impossible. !tradies why are so many of you r-slurred?

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>a bunch of codecel bugmen showing up to site on their electric unicycles with their ergonomic shoulder satchels full of adult coloring books.

Excuse me for not being worried about this.

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Good? People going back to work that builds.

I'm not a part of your rat race. They're not going to be competing with me anyway

They're too comfy in their cities and suburbs

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Banned account

!nonchuds LOL this is what the free speech xitter guru does if you ratio/criticize him

Jewish lives matter only too jewish chads

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There are plenty of jeet babysitting jobs where one white man gets to ask 40 jeets every day "did you test your code" sar! Plenty of jobs sars

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I'd do this for 200k if it was remote

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Modern job recruitment is basically dating (something like 75% of recruiters are white women) and nothing screams !ick louder than a broke unemployed yt boi. I do not see this situation improving without some kind of market restructure.

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Returned to this thread to laugh at more mayos posting Ls and was met with

Formerly Chuck's.

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I bet his jeets did it. Exploded the whole situation now a bunch of popular twitter are bringing it up

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As someone who spent most of 2024 unemployed, I'll say that the job market :marseystocksupdown: as a whole is pretty :marseyroan: fricked and it's exceptionally hard to get a job. This is true for many different :marseyvenn3: fields. My sister :marseymar: is an accountant and many of her friends :marseytherachel: who are qualified Charted Accountants are also struggling to get jobs From watching :marseyopera: videos on the topic, it's also clear that STEM jobs that once required a bachelors are now requiring a Masters due to how competitive the market :marseystocksupdown: is.

With that said, I think :marseyhyperthonk: a lot of young :marseyzoomerimplosion: people don't know how to apply for a job. Going :marseysal3: on LinkedIn and taking the shotgun :marseygoodmap: approach and sending 100s of applications does NOT work, and it's an incredible :marseygassy: waste :marseyradioactive: of time if you're sending out a shitty :marseybadlydrawn: CV each time. I'd guess :marseyshrug: A LOT of those people complaining that they can't get jobs would :marseymight: get a job in 3 months or less if they got help with their CV and were taught how to ace an interview. I was only able to get a job once I had tons of help with those things.

Formerly Chuck's.

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I've read just the first sentence so I might be off with my comment. Have a friend who has a decade of python experience who doesn't 9 months out of work, 2024 was rough in some branches of it

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Yep, my company has laid off over 90% of the tech workers this year. This isn't a company in financial distress. The tech career bubble has burst.

It's only confirmed what everyone already suspected. A team of 4 seniors can produce better results than a team of 4 seniors, 3 juniors, a scrum master, a product owner, 2 managers, 2 UX, 2 QA and 3 office dogs.

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I'm happy I never took the devpill and stuck to operations. I'm a computer janitor, nobody will fire me cause I know how to fix the actual business critical shit when it comes down. Every couple of years the job title will change to Sysop, DevOps, systems engineer, computer BIPOC etc. as new methodologies come out - don't care. Keep me paid and I'll keep using shell scripts and shell scripts disguised as revolutionary new inventions so Linda can make payroll.

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DevOps is when a special non-developer role handles all operations

:mars#eyrage: I hate agilecucks I hate big tech :marseyr#age:

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As opposed to the non-agile way of dumping projects with no documentation onto unsuspecting teams

Tbh the one advantage of the DevOps hubbub is the push for version control outside of traditional dev work, I'm willing to praise it for that alone

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DON'T FIRE THE DOG :marseyrage:

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I've read just the first sentence so I might be off with my comment


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Going :marseysal3: on LinkedIn and taking the shotgun :marseygoodmap: approach and sending 100s of applications does NOT work

idk i literally just got a job doing that

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Sure but you're not an :marseyairquotes: English major :marseyairquotes:

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As someone who spent most of 2024 unemployed, I'll say that the job market as a whole is pretty fricked and it's exceptionally hard to get a job

But that's in :marseyflagsouthafrica: your economy is shit and is getting worse most of the time

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It's not shotgun :marseygoodmap: until your applications are at least a 1000 imo

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>deport Mexicans! Anyways we need to mass import sexy Indian dudes because no American engineers want to make 70k a year

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If you are still not willing too work at 70k a year that's on you at that point.

Replace it with White engineers and software developers in the US and it is the exact same thing.

Jewish lives matter.

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Sar with 70k American dollors sar I could marry outside of my family and have my own designated pooping area sar that is a great deal of munney in street shitistan sar

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nooooooo the unemployed white boi who lost his job is cursing @Fresh_Start again nooooooooooo this has ruined @Fresh_Start worse than being an unemployed white failure who couldn't compete against @Fresh_Start even with all of his advantages nooooooooooooooo

Jewish lives matter


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You learned react for no reason jeet. Your staying in the street

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Rocket daddy undoing 44 billion dollars and 2 years worth of chud PR in a single evening :chuditsover: :marseyelonmuskgenocide:

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This is like when Daddy (R) talked about how great his vaccines were and then got booed for it at his rallies :marseygiggle:

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My son graduated with honors with electrical and computer engineering degrees in 2023. He can not get an interview, let alone a job. Any white male he knew in college can't get jobs either. Many are currently working in data center jobs that don't require their education.

The continued myth that US college teaches useful SWE skills. Most big companies have schools they feed from where they can shape curriculum because it's so fricking bad.

In reality SWE employment has never been out of labor shortage since BLS created a category for it. People who can't find jobs are not very good.

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100% just going to school and getting good grades doesn't immediately make you hireable, even in a market that needs people. It's still a competition, not desperation. Software is all about what shit you've built in your spare time, networking, and or playing the interview hoop jumping quiz game the r-slurred big cos use. Got to do one or three of those well and you'll be fine.

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alternatively, be indian and be interviewed by someone of the same caste

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Chuds trying to make one step in the cell and being tripped by the fusionist ball and chain. :marseymanysuchcases:

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i mean, there are certainly some dramatic solutions they could be thinking 'bout

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>Somethig went wrong

I don't get it. Twitter constantly says this on Firef*x and on Chromium.


>disable ublock origin and scriptsafe / no script

>same problem :marseyrain:

It's probably a third party cookie thing. Frick em.

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It means you're not logged in

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Christ, so it's official. I have to make a twitter account.

I'll get right on it! :marseydetermined:


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>me learning about all these fascinating features of the marseyverse


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>2022, companies are bloated with useless employees, thats why elon fired most of x and kept it working


>2024, why cant i get a job this is the jews and jeets fault


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Pretty much this

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Rightoid: we believe in a meritocracy, which is why we need to expand our recruitment to the entire world.

Non r-slur: only white people think that way. Non whites choose ethnic solidarity over meritocracy. You're just asking to be replaced if you do that.

Rightoid: well they shouldn't do that. That's not the American way.

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It was the same in 2008/2009.

Welcome to the new "crash".

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