Most Based Comments
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Dude. Most people don't even have the money for the basics. Rent for an apartment that's big enough for kids. You can't have kids in a one bedroom apartment. Childcare because almost nobody can afford to have one parent be a stay at home parent and not work. Food and clothing for an extra person. These are not easy and cheap expenses for people barely getting by already.ย (62)
Basedness: ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐๐
this doesn't take into consideration childcare, groceries, rent, gasโฆ (49)
Basedness: ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐๐
Did your mother work?The most expensive part of having a child isn't the car or the food or the clothes or even the housing (the average American spends $23k or something like that on these types of expenses, which definitely can be brought lower). The most expensive part is the opportunity cost of a woman staying home. The average salary for an American between ages 25-34 is $57k. If she has kids instead of working, they immediately cost her significantly more than $23k. (51)
If the majority of women didn't work again salaries for men would double (-17)
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Not only is children's clothing expensive to people who are already poor, but in the early stages of a child's life they will be constantly outgrowing their clothes and need new ones, meaning it's a continuing expense. (30)
Biggest Lolcow: /u/bruiserbrighton
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Greatest psyop ever was convincing mayos that children are too expensive. I've seen at least 20 black families in the last few weeks each with 4+ kids, yet somehow whitey can't afford it though?
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fr, crackers are so dumb. The more kods you have the mlre money the government sends you and thanks to Obamacare health insurance is only like $5 a month. Having a big family now and historically has always been a pathway out of poverty and an avenue toward great wealth/success. Stupid yts
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I'm glad they're neutering themselves out of existence. Mayocide is inevitable.
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Now show us how many of those children make it out of the ghetto.
Jewish lives matter.
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If you dig a mine in your backyard your children basically pay for themselves tbh
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Arrested and dispossessed of all gathered resources for not owning your property's mineral rights
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as they should be
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Alternatively you can bury toy mines.
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Childcare is insanely expensive though. Where I live, your options are:
1. Your wife leaves her job to be a full-time mom. My wife makes $250k so this is an expensive ask.
2. You pay a nanny $75k per year to sit on her cell phone while your toddler injures himself on the playground.
3. You pay a daycare $35k to make sure you kid doesn't get hurt during wall-staring time and a part-time nanny $40k to pick him up and text while she drives.
Option (1) would be fine if housing were cheaper, but the old people vote en masse against any new construction so we're fricked.
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everybody here lies about how much they make but if ur fam income is over a half mil and ur bitching about childcare just lmaooo
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lmao, $75,000 for a nanny? Just buy a good security dog like a pit and give the kid an ipad when ur gone. Smh
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Our HOA is $1400 per month lmao :.(
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help me pls i cant afford it
income 600k
hoa 18k
pls somebody good at money help!!
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Bruh I cannot take people complaining about child costs seriously at all. It looks like this and then the people groups having the most kids are some of the poorest. I unironically think if you just made everyone poorer birthrates would improve.
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They get substantial welfare money to subsidize childcare.
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more importantly they accept living around other poors and investing time and energy into navigating the realities of that. middle-class people are highly averse to that and prefer their lives and their children's lives to revolve around other things.
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Work at the HoA for discounted dues
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jfc do they suck your peepee at HOA meetings? wtf do they spend it on?
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yes and he gets anal too
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gives anal
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same difference
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Ok and? You can get daycare for 1-2k/kid
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holy moly when I heard Americans made 2x what we do in my country for some professions like some types of doctors, computers etc, but when I forget you guys have to pay so fricking much otu of pockets!
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You don't tho lmao. Most people raise their own children and only hire babysitters on an as-needed basis, and even then lots of people will just leave their child with a family member instead.
Only exceptions are single-parent homes and r-slurs (there's some overlap ofc). And actually rich people but they can afford full-time nannies without bitching about it.
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yea, but then you are on a single income
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so you do not earn 2x as a family
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It's all about perspective though, it might seem expensive but it's easily affordable when you are taking home 15k+ a month
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180k$ is very rare though, and not twice of what people make here (a software guy probably makes 130k$ here
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Or you could just let your parents watch the kids while you are working.
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imagine finally getting to retire and your lazy adult children foist their crotchgobblins on you so they can go to the silent disco and do molly. They already gave you 18 years of their life!
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That's what grandparents are for r-slur
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if my kids try this shit with me im changing my will
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I wish but both sets of grandparents live on the wrong coast :(
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You should just pressure them. Shit my Uncles Thai wife forced her relatives to travel 5k miles just to watch her kids.
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We force my wife's mom to come a lot actually lol
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That is the spirit. Just keep whipping that slave to work for the greater good.
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Redditors: I cut my parents out of my life because they voted for drumph
Also redditors: I can't afford someone to help raise my children
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You can afford child care on $250k a year. Cry me a fricking river.
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Yeah this is less about me but more about people who live where I do and are in a more normal financial situation. Unless one parent makes < $70k there's a significant tradeoff to be made.
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Fair enough.
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4. You leave your job to be a full-time dad.
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I'd unironically like that but sadly I make way too much money
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Where do you live where daycare costs 35k/yr?
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Expensive Suburb, CA
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My wife is unironically thinking about leaving her job to start a korean daycare lol
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It's a common daycare origin story.
...and half of all daycare workers are moms with kids in the daycare who get a discount.
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Oh, lol. Sometimes I'm glad to be a Midwestcel.
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I'd do anything to move back to Chicago.
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Your wife shouldn't be working anyway that is an afront to God.
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So true
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So be a stay at home dad.
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My wife makes less than me
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Then it sounds like this should be a non issue for you
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Making 500k a year and can't figure out how to budget children? I'm thinking he may be a financial consultant for the Democratic Party
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I mean we're fine but a family in our location that doesn't make $650k is gonna struggle frfr
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Poorest Dramachad
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I make $20k a year lmao imagine being wealthy and sharing a niche website with me lol it never even began your descendants will never become old money
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It's hard out here :-/
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Just move away from Cali?
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Does your wife have bf?
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4. Have grandparents or other family watch them.
If 4 isn't an option, you're fricking up.
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Honestly depends on your own situation. For me it saves us money since i have less time for drinking and just taking care of the children. Me and my gf could blow 100 bucks a week on partying , now we are blowing 10 bucks on diapers.
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I sneak out and party so it's a net loss for me
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Childcare is insanely expensive. My coworker in 2015 was spending $1500/month for two kids. That's a lot and it's more expensive now I'm sure. People also forget that you don't just throw your kid into some cheap shitty place, so it's not a place to skimp on costs.
Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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My parents always seemed to stick me with a new random woman each year. No clue how they found them. That was until I was 7 and then the dad next door babysat. Poor bastard had four kids of his own, then me and my sister. Plus there were 20 other kids on the street and his house was the place where a lot of us hung out. He had 10+ kids in his house regularly.
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Yeah we're spending $1400 per week for one kid. That's the market rate here.
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god darn! I knew it was more expensive but wasn't expecting that number. Shit.
My old coworker messaged me to chit chat and said he wants out of South Florida. Shit is getting too expensive.
Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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We need more illegal immigrants to push down prices
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Gypsy pro tip, pump 5 kids and you'll get free from taxes get some bonuses and you'll need to pay only for 1 nanny for all 5 kids
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Adopt a teenager, put the fear of God in them, make them babysit
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Adopting ain't that easy nowadays or Mormon and Witness guys would had stolen them all
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So either you make < 250k and can become a stay at home dad, or you can just pay for childcare? If you're jointly making 500k+, 35k a year on daycare isn't that bad. Having a kid is still a lot of work though if you're both working full time. I'm glad we took option 1.
Worst case is probably both parents making ~100k per year. Can't really afford child care, still getting r*ped by taxes, almost not worth it to both work, but QoL would suck on 100k a year compared to 200k.
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What nanny makes 75k?
And what dumbasses cant make do on one salary when one of the salaries is 250k?
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All my parents needed to raise me was a gaming PC and internet connection
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And now you're here with us!
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The basics being an iPhone 16 Pro, financed luxury SUV, $40,000 wedding, and a 70" flatscreen.
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He has a good point but ruins it with really shitty details.
I know a family who has a nintendo wii their kids play they got it 20 years ago its doable.
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Also older games are way more fun for non
if you haven't been exposed to newer games.
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children should be working in the mines anyway
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True. You're getting it
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This is an extremely extremely r-slurred article because it misses out on even attempting too track the trajectories of the children who had time and effort invested into them vs those who did not.
If you look at the developmental milestones that tracked children are taken through, you would realize that they are trained from the beginning too be more competent than 99% of people that end up on the internet today.
That gap is wide enough as too be the gap between the left alone child growing up too be a NEET vs the invested in child growing up too be a high end university alumni.
The hardest part unlike what many people (poors) believe isn't the nanny. It is getting the child into a school/ neighborhood of other rich kids too make connections from day 1.
Jewish lives matter.
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Honestly. Trump should be TERRIFIED.
I was over at my dads house today helping with some household chores. He lives in a very rural area of a very red state. At the end of the work we went to one of the nearby country bars. It's the kind of place that farmers, truckers, legit cowboy boot wearers and the working class go to unwind with a cold one.
Vice President Harris was on the TV and the local gun store owner said to his auto mechanic (friends since high school),
"You know what? She ain't so bad. The economy is recovering, nobody's rioting, and we're standing up on the world stage again. Can't believe I'm saying this but Ol' Oakland Kam's got my vote this year."
I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I heard a few calls of "Yes sir" and "Darn Straight" from the men around me. Even saw the lonely ball cap wearing farmer in the corner raise his drink with a nod.
Snapshots: (click to archive)
Can you cite where people are having trouble affording one bed apartments ? Need more specifics. You can have one kid in a one bedroom apartment btw. Clothes? where do you shop? Zara? Gap?: (click to archive)
groceries can be bought from Walmart for, there's cheap places not in fancy new apartments with gyms.: (click to archive)
If the majority of women didn't work again salaries for men would double: (click to archive)
Your solution for medical care is Medicaid? Putting aside the fact that public healthcare resources are hugely underfunded and the incoming administration only intends to make them more so - You're assuming you won't have anything bad happen in pregnancy or at any point after. Childbirth is dangerous and complications are expensive. Which is the main reason the maternal death is higher in low income women. Are you a man? Perhaps you didn't consider just how common it is for pregnancy to go badly for women. Or for babies, btw. Cerebral palsy from birth injuries. Congenital birth defects. Your kid has a genetic predisposition and gets childhood diabetes? Your child just got VERY expensive in a way you couldn't prevent. Hit by a car? Seizure disorder? Don't buy into the myth that the only people struggling did something wrong or deserve it. Prosperity gospel bullshit through and through.And that's if they can get pregnant at all! Fertility treatments and the standards for adoption are ...: (click to archive)
You "grew up in the projects" but seemingly aren't aware of the fact that some people can't even afford food for just themselves, let alone another person? Boldfaced lie. And I've never in my life met a person who says they "can't afford kids" and then cites being unable to buy them the hottest toys or a car at 16 as an example. They usually cite the fact that they themselves are barely getting by, if that. Quality of life is not a luxury. You're right, kids will not keel over and die if they don't go to prom. They just might feel mental anguish from being excluded both socially and socioeconomically, and from not getting the chance to form irreplaceable memories. That's a big frickin deal if you view kids as more than just something to keep alive until they're old enough to contribute to the economy.: (click to archive)
This bot wants poor people to document and file a claim everytime they are struggling like someone is going to help them out. Like most guys, when a family struggles, it hits your pride, and we bottle it up because of fear that were vulnerable and one crazy cps call from loosing their kids, the only thing probably worth fighting for.ย You could look up how many families added to the homeless problem if you think noone is struggling.ย As someone who grew up in a poor family of 9, who's mom was 14 when she got knocked up by a 27 year old man, taken to bfe to raise his kids and the next 5 he would give her. You haven't seen shit.ย : (click to archive)
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Wasnt this literally the norm 50 years ago
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