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FAKE drammies, do NOT engage :marseyking: The Drammy Awards 2024 - Nominations Thread ($150,000 Marseybux and 9 badges up for grabs!) :!marseyking:

Nominations will stay up until January 12th, upon which the finalists for each category will be decided.


Happy New Year, strags and hags! Against all odds, we've survived another year, despite an absolutely shameful showing from our jannies this past year! You might be wondering, "why isn't @Marco making this post?" Well, when I DM'd @Aevann asking the same, he told me Marco was AWOL and to "make the darn post urself." (This includes the badges.) So I am!

2024 was a truly insane year for IRL drama, so it makes sense things on-site would be tame in comparison. In fact, it would be an insult to the utter mayhem of 2024 to pretend anything we did compares, so our on-site awards will be a little different than usual. Also I was told to not just directly rip off @Marco's thing.

Now, the structure will be as usual, but for those who are not familiar: this thread will stay up for a week. Beneath this thread proper, there will be sticked comments for each category of nomination. Reply to those comments with your nominations. In one week, on the 12th, nominations will close, and the top three most upmarseyed replies, plus a jannie's pick and a host's (my) pick, will move on to the finalist voting thread. If you don't nominate your favorite things, NO ONE ELSE WILL, so nominate them!

Without further ado, the categories!


:marseypopcorn: Best Real-Life Dramatic Happening :!marseypopcorn:

The real shit. 2024 was an American election year and also some irrelevant countries did some things I think. :marseysaluteusa: I can't be bothered to keep up with the Third World.

Which dramatic happenings from meatspace did you find most compelling?

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:marseylaptopangry2: Best Off-Site Online Dramatic Happening :marseytypinglaugh:

The fake shit. Politicians and celebrities have embraced the Internet to the point where they're having interviews with livestreamers. Kill me. What was the funniest farce to come off the World Wide Web this year? What event makes you regret the Industrial Revolution the most?

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:marseykingretard: WORST Dramneurodivergent of the Year :marseykingretard!:

Research indicates that the last good user to sign up for this website was in June of 2021. Our on-site performance in 2024 reflects that.

Which user did you hate the most this year? Which user do you think ruined the site experience more than anyone else? And which user do you want to see rewarded for that?

Nominations Comment

$50,000 mbux + Profile Badge



:marseyeyemixer3: Shittiest Shitpost :!marseyeyemixer3:

Research indicates that the last good post made on this website was in... March 2015? Oh dear. Well, since there's nothing good worth writing home about, why don't we celebrate the biggest turd in this open-air sewage system?

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$20,000 mbux + Profile Badge



:marseycarpfisherman: Best rDrama Bait :!marseycarpfisherman:

This has already been decided, it's going to /r/fuckluigimangione and it's top contributors. :marseyclapping:

$20,000 mbux + Profile Badge



:marseysupersorensoarin: In Memsorial :marseysupersorensoarin!:

Soren was a beloved user, famed for being the best meta-troll to ever exist. No one has ever lived up to the example he set for proving dramneurodivergents are just as troll-able as the Redditors we hate. Soren stopped posting on the site to focus on his studies at the Georgetown University Law Center, and we wish him the best of luck. In Soren's memory, and to make up for the fact that there's no vote for the best off-site bait, we'll be having a vote for the best meta-troll of 2024. Which user was best at baiting other dramneurodivergents? Who trolled the most fellow trolls?

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$20,000 mbux + Profile Badge



:marseyletsgo: Best rDrama Activist :!marseyletsgo:

This is going to @Sphereserf3232 because he was grass awarded eight times this year. We know for a fact that there are users on this site ( @Spiderman ) who didn't even go outside eight times this year.

$20,000 mbux + Profile Badge



:landlordpride: Eviction Notice :!landlordpride:

This one is new, and a little special. Our dear friend @BILLYBIGBOLLOCKS has long been complaining about the existence of House Edgy and saying that it should be removed. Aevann agrees that there should only be four. This award is for an entire rDrama House- whichever one showed the LEAST House spirit, the LEAST House activity, and the LEAST reason to exist. Whichever House wins this award will be removed from both rDrama and WatchPeopleDie, and all of its former members will receive this badge.

Nominations Comment

House Deletion + Profile Badge



:pikachu!: Ugliest Marseymon :pikachu:

Did you know that our Pokemon event is still on-going? Neither did I, because our jannies can't be bothered to keep site spirit events alive! See: the fact I'm doing this. Anyway, a lot of people made some really, really ugly excuses of emojis in order to get the badges from that event. Let's find and shame the ugliest of them all! All emojis tagged "pkmn" are eligible, whether they be a Marsey, Platy, Wolf, Carp, Capy, Donkey Kong, Taylor, or anything else, really. So long as the creator got one of the Marseydex badges from it.

Nominations Comment

$10,000 mbux + Profile Badge

The badge will be made from said emoji once it's voted on.


:marseylolcow: Lolcow of the Year (rDrama) :!marseylolcow:

The opposite of In Memsorial, this user was the most hopelessly prey to other's bait attempts, the most mockable r-slur, the funniest freak, the hardest seriousposter. Who gave our community the most laughs at their own expense?

Nominations Comment

$10,000 mbux + 2 Profile Badges




:marseycow: Lolcow of the Year (off-site) :!marseycow:

People have been making real fools of themselves online for all of history, but this year was especially densely packed. Who was the most laughable internet citizen with NO rDrama affiliation?

Nominations Comment


:marseyjanny2: Worst rDrama Janny :marseycatgirljanny:

Last and least, which of our useless, lazy moderators do you think is the worst among the bunch? Who do you think is the biggest detriment to the site and its community? Former jannies who were demopped in 2024 are eligible for the election. If a sitting janny other than Aevann or Carp wins this category, they will be demopped!

Nominations Comment

Demopping + 2 Profile Badges




Thank you for reading this far, now let's get nominating!

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:landlordpride: Eviction Notice :!landlordpride:

House Deletion + Profile Badge

1 nomination per comment.

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Racist, and it's not even close

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Racist is by the far the worst conceptually but it certainly has activity and spirit.

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It has no identity, nobody celebrates being part of house racist :/

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Speak for yourself. We are the most inclusive community on the site and proud of it.


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Which is because everyone here is racist.

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wrong :marseyindignant:

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Wrong :marseyannoyed:

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Frick you buddy. We're the best house ever.


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>a vampire talks

>but nothing is said…

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They forcibly recruited me because I was unstoppable in House Racist.


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>t. vamp

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House Vampire

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!vampires :rape: him

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Btw I hate @Sneedman a lot


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If only to get rid of the bite award.

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I will be mean to you on the internet if you do that :marseyraging:

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I'm of the opinion that all the houses serve their purpose well, and instead we should destroy the British House of Parliament, like in the trans-core film V-for Vandetta. That would be funny and satisfy everyone here, I think. I'm just a big proponent of wholesome fun where no people get their feelings hurt. :marseywholesome:

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But then nobody gets the badge!!! :marseyrage:

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the badge is fricking ugly by design so that nobody wants to get it

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Don't downtalk Quandarius Gooch like that

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he's beautiful but all the crusty random pixels aren't

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whichever house showed the LEAST House spirit

House racist made users mad to the point where aevann had to reprogram the site because they made CDO's name too long. We took the lamest award and had to be nerfed because we were so fricking awesome. Delete the furry house.


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How about removing an equal portion of each house?

:marseysmoothbrain: :commiebrainlet:

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House Vampire for doing nothing for centuries

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You haven't had one good take since you stopped being overseether


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literally, :#marseycryinglaptop:

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House Furry. Worst award.

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house racist needs to be evicted

because it encourages rightoid shenanigans. also they have the worse awards out of all the houses, and i think everyone agrees with me. adding parenthesis is really dumb but nothing else will make sense as a racist award

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Vampire because they are cute twinks and shit up the site and @Fresh_Start have never enjoyed them and zombies is better.

How do you check all the houses on the site?

Jewish lives matter.

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im not sure where to find all the houses, i was looking for it too but i'll just tell you cuz i remember.

house racist, furry, edgy and femboy. all of them were created at the same time except for edgy which came some time later.

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Cool. If @Fresh_Start can't find it on the site @Fresh_Start is not interested. May they all die.

Jewish lives matter.

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i forgot to mention there is also house vampire

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@Fresh_Start hate Viggers.

Jewish lives matter.

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