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!metashit look at how many lurkers we have


@HandsomeQuack @cockexpert911 @Leopold_leopoldovich @isuckurgrandpasdick @Bardfin @821spook @Durendal @BigGayR-slur @ReverendBizarre @peepeehole @Catscatfever @paper_luigi @NeilBreen @bussymademedoit @fella @bobb @Enward @Snood @Taint @thneed @Repartee @KlasKent @PepperSpiceIsNice @grimlock2022 @bunkfronds @birdsdontfart @sdfnmdnlas34 @Krzysztof2 @Mex @marseycel @TWA @YellowRed @Proudsexy Indian dude @Festiliard @bigguyforyou @wen @tomatocaco @getogeto @BasketCase @Garfield @Piefuey @warpvi @speedy @SigmaMale @tolianek @Infernal_Trogledyte @Larry101 @B @freemyneighbors @iforgotagain @metameanderer @JaxThePyro @art_vandelay @vegemite3876 @RandyBobandy @Pizzashill_feet @GuyIncognito @cringepill @CHONKLARD @GreatLoveImmortalVenerabl @friendlysoviet @Chadbrochill69 @Peep @NothingWitty @Boneitis @InZim @MenaceToSociety @jirk @ClothedMolerat @Dzialowy @Osek @PurpleAki @Vivec @ferongr @DisinformationLover @PinochetGuevara @MasterLawlzIsGod @Qnus @jimmycarter1976 @PositiveAffirmations @cinaed @Mandolin5001 @leukocyte @notnow @KiwiFarming @BAP @zerosuitshamus @1cumy2cumy3cumy4 @MarseyEnjoyer @Monkeylover @UncleTed @askusevsky @majordiscipline @Bubocephalusborealis @Kneebone @roomservice @Caygeon @BigChungus_2112 @Carpsshoeboy @fartbox @profuse-puncture @smough @cjorange @Pitbull_stan @Dramodrama @emmankant @left2 @Barin99 @grasses @frogs-deserve-guillotine @Drildobaggins @PlayNow @Ebfs @NoMoreWhiteWomen2020 @Frickno @bbscorpioxo @zerodankthirty @Hololivecaust @wakawaka @TonyP @imar-slur @bomie337 @Landlord_Disciple @ChudleyDo-Right @named_alt @BhigPhatBoi @yummycummy @offshoreaccount @MarseyTheCatXerself @cumking @Beetard @kuoppa55 @cobalt @soccergirl09 @Jdjemdn @DeargDoom @Yeeter @DracostarA @mist3rh @Dr_HRT @-4x- @LichessOfficial @idontcare69 @FlyLikeAKiteGuy @TheEternalBruh @Cr2357 @Jejrn3be @NeighboursTongueMyAnus @HillaryRodhamClinton @snakelizard @iHateTheAntichrist @chika @e4eb9 @TrainsArentReal @dudeamoguslmao @marsupial @Ferret667 @law-abiding-gypsy @Capi @Petrel @bruseuilis @merelyasetback @ripsquad @buttz @LordAndSaviorHaskell @kkaze88 @Sal45 @WhyTheyDoThat @merfyxy @GlowingSpook @bogdanov_re-resurrected @Eerrs1 @LilClitty @dojadog @Averystrongwoman @Mikedebussy @Inhaling_pekora_fumes @stonks @Insecthouse @Somedumbstrag @iloveinsertthinghere @takememommy @TenTonMuffin @Dhshah @Weevil @Trashman @Cellrocks2 @Bashkash @Paleairplane @WeeabooDegenerate @bob13 @ssxqwerty @VoxelVexillologist @Kibble @m4812 @JamesCharles @Hokoko @DoggityGoddity @Wideout @Kurr @glob @lovecrafts_catgirl @lemmein @inversel @Arbshrymxgmc @COCKMAN @Danny @shungitesteve @Mulumlum36554 @jeffy @RIPDeux @abes @Fiick @kraggler @bat @ModestMoses @Eustace @qsxdrgb2 @writingreader2030 @Julio_Freeman @NotAJourno @jaybelmont @Syrfyvk @frederick @str8 @Ginseik @peepeeman_2 @lkjdflaslkd @Jeremiah @arrdramapipeline @calzoneshill @drongo @Hihsggsishssv @1234567890 @Grave @Capo @Updownleftright @Hodsfsurf @Vagabond @Rumshpringa @sillywilly @lost @birt @Gleg @pinpinkin @Bancel @deepdick @ASSBLASTER420 @chungusfricker17 @ricoiphone @Randothrowaway @TheFlareon @Tungsten @seven @Abcde @bounce @cdchamber @BurritoBob @FractalCrow @agfhdgj @FellowKid @BoiledEg @pugachevscobra @gvprtskvni @Guhhhhhh @Subtitle @weelx @Kokotu @Tedk88 @Axe_Wound_9000 @Canardwece @SillyBilly123 @Nurgle-4933 @Mavmas @NoBot @Peanut-5369 @Sugam @salpslingingslasher @BigBear @MrBuckets @Bussyblaster @Eclipseanu @BigBadChungus @donkafiji @Hdsih @7thSymphonyAllegretto @yada @aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa @ForgotMyUsername @Her @Thelurker @RaggedCaster-6299 @Smetak @Ahokasu @Gtigftyuiytr @dud @Richh @chucks_feeduck_n_seeduck @menslibber @GeorgeFloyd @Dankmodi @drcorg-2459 @Kappapapaa @Shokkeli @letmein123 @Tigerlily55 @itsOkay @Apalol @Cumby @egbsgfaehbsrhgb @Atdrama-4826 @BlancSanglier @Kureko @Assclown @armchair @beyonce @marseymallow @manganese @f1341234324 @bloop @jugjug @hellzno @BrunoSardine @Maulo @SpookySwayze @mqq-4667 @MindFlayer @Notaparrot @bussybob555 @hans88 @Lost_account_again @Lurkmore @darkmetaknight @LurkingFisherman @Hunnie_Bunnie @heatproof @para @peepeefart304 @munger @DramaMama @yadda232 @johncena1900 @FrankDerulo @ButterscotchPudding @CharlesBukakeski @ytlord @lurk @KappaPog420

can u tell us why you dont participate, are u shy or smth :marseyqu#estion:

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I used to talk to no one, not even on the intrnet

I lurked for 4 months, posted a marsey, and th erest was herstory :marseyembrace:

now I at least sperge out online :marseyfluffy:

I think it's helping me become human :marseyhmm:

affirming my sexuality n all that :marseylgbtflag2:

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heartwarming story :marseyhappytears:

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>Living a life such that rdrama improves you

This is the biggest L ever posted on rdrama

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in a few decades they're gonna talk about the internet like we talk about the holocaust

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