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!metashit look at how many lurkers we have


@HandsomeQuack @cockexpert911 @Leopold_leopoldovich @isuckurgrandpasdick @Bardfin @821spook @Durendal @BigGayR-slur @ReverendBizarre @peepeehole @Catscatfever @paper_luigi @NeilBreen @bussymademedoit @fella @bobb @Enward @Snood @Taint @thneed @Repartee @KlasKent @PepperSpiceIsNice @grimlock2022 @bunkfronds @birdsdontfart @sdfnmdnlas34 @Krzysztof2 @Mex @marseycel @TWA @YellowRed @Proudsexy Indian dude @Festiliard @bigguyforyou @wen @tomatocaco @getogeto @BasketCase @Garfield @Piefuey @warpvi @speedy @SigmaMale @tolianek @Infernal_Trogledyte @Larry101 @B @freemyneighbors @iforgotagain @metameanderer @JaxThePyro @art_vandelay @vegemite3876 @RandyBobandy @Pizzashill_feet @GuyIncognito @cringepill @CHONKLARD @GreatLoveImmortalVenerabl @friendlysoviet @Chadbrochill69 @Peep @NothingWitty @Boneitis @InZim @MenaceToSociety @jirk @ClothedMolerat @Dzialowy @Osek @PurpleAki @Vivec @ferongr @DisinformationLover @PinochetGuevara @MasterLawlzIsGod @Qnus @jimmycarter1976 @PositiveAffirmations @cinaed @Mandolin5001 @leukocyte @notnow @KiwiFarming @BAP @zerosuitshamus @1cumy2cumy3cumy4 @MarseyEnjoyer @Monkeylover @UncleTed @askusevsky @majordiscipline @Bubocephalusborealis @Kneebone @roomservice @Caygeon @BigChungus_2112 @Carpsshoeboy @fartbox @profuse-puncture @smough @cjorange @Pitbull_stan @Dramodrama @emmankant @left2 @Barin99 @grasses @frogs-deserve-guillotine @Drildobaggins @PlayNow @Ebfs @NoMoreWhiteWomen2020 @Frickno @bbscorpioxo @zerodankthirty @Hololivecaust @wakawaka @TonyP @imar-slur @bomie337 @Landlord_Disciple @ChudleyDo-Right @named_alt @BhigPhatBoi @yummycummy @offshoreaccount @MarseyTheCatXerself @cumking @Beetard @kuoppa55 @cobalt @soccergirl09 @Jdjemdn @DeargDoom @Yeeter @DracostarA @mist3rh @Dr_HRT @-4x- @LichessOfficial @idontcare69 @FlyLikeAKiteGuy @TheEternalBruh @Cr2357 @Jejrn3be @NeighboursTongueMyAnus @HillaryRodhamClinton @snakelizard @iHateTheAntichrist @chika @e4eb9 @TrainsArentReal @dudeamoguslmao @marsupial @Ferret667 @law-abiding-gypsy @Capi @Petrel @bruseuilis @merelyasetback @ripsquad @buttz @LordAndSaviorHaskell @kkaze88 @Sal45 @WhyTheyDoThat @merfyxy @GlowingSpook @bogdanov_re-resurrected @Eerrs1 @LilClitty @dojadog @Averystrongwoman @Mikedebussy @Inhaling_pekora_fumes @stonks @Insecthouse @Somedumbstrag @iloveinsertthinghere @takememommy @TenTonMuffin @Dhshah @Weevil @Trashman @Cellrocks2 @Bashkash @Paleairplane @WeeabooDegenerate @bob13 @ssxqwerty @VoxelVexillologist @Kibble @m4812 @JamesCharles @Hokoko @DoggityGoddity @Wideout @Kurr @glob @lovecrafts_catgirl @lemmein @inversel @Arbshrymxgmc @COCKMAN @Danny @shungitesteve @Mulumlum36554 @jeffy @RIPDeux @abes @Fiick @kraggler @bat @ModestMoses @Eustace @qsxdrgb2 @writingreader2030 @Julio_Freeman @NotAJourno @jaybelmont @Syrfyvk @frederick @str8 @Ginseik @peepeeman_2 @lkjdflaslkd @Jeremiah @arrdramapipeline @calzoneshill @drongo @Hihsggsishssv @1234567890 @Grave @Capo @Updownleftright @Hodsfsurf @Vagabond @Rumshpringa @sillywilly @lost @birt @Gleg @pinpinkin @Bancel @deepdick @ASSBLASTER420 @chungusfricker17 @ricoiphone @Randothrowaway @TheFlareon @Tungsten @seven @Abcde @bounce @cdchamber @BurritoBob @FractalCrow @agfhdgj @FellowKid @BoiledEg @pugachevscobra @gvprtskvni @Guhhhhhh @Subtitle @weelx @Kokotu @Tedk88 @Axe_Wound_9000 @Canardwece @SillyBilly123 @Nurgle-4933 @Mavmas @NoBot @Peanut-5369 @Sugam @salpslingingslasher @BigBear @MrBuckets @Bussyblaster @Eclipseanu @BigBadChungus @donkafiji @Hdsih @7thSymphonyAllegretto @yada @aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa @ForgotMyUsername @Her @Thelurker @RaggedCaster-6299 @Smetak @Ahokasu @Gtigftyuiytr @dud @Richh @chucks_feeduck_n_seeduck @menslibber @GeorgeFloyd @Dankmodi @drcorg-2459 @Kappapapaa @Shokkeli @letmein123 @Tigerlily55 @itsOkay @Apalol @Cumby @egbsgfaehbsrhgb @Atdrama-4826 @BlancSanglier @Kureko @Assclown @armchair @beyonce @marseymallow @manganese @f1341234324 @bloop @jugjug @hellzno @BrunoSardine @Maulo @SpookySwayze @mqq-4667 @MindFlayer @Notaparrot @bussybob555 @hans88 @Lost_account_again @Lurkmore @darkmetaknight @LurkingFisherman @Hunnie_Bunnie @heatproof @para @peepeefart304 @munger @DramaMama @yadda232 @johncena1900 @FrankDerulo @ButterscotchPudding @CharlesBukakeski @ytlord @lurk @KappaPog420

can u tell us why you dont participate, are u shy or smth :marseyqu#estion:

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I don't go to the zoo to talk to the animals. I love the zoo though, it's a great recreational location to visit and no I'm not paying to throw peanuts at the animals either

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I think the commenters should stop their comments too

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I talk to animals often :#marseypop2:

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I talk to the plants

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Do they say anything back?


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Yes! They say, "I love you bussy boy" :marseyblob:

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I love you bussy boy

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:marseysatisfied: I love you too :marseyblowkiss:

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I'm going on strike until lurkers start having to pay an entry fee

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I don't go to the zoo to talk to the animals


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I came to be the animal :marseyfluffy:

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Not even a single peanut? :#marseybeanpleading:

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Most of the drama here has no material substance affecting anything IRL to actually discuss, it is just effectively gossip all the time. :marseynothingburger: What is not gossip and actually a new data is usually already there in the top upmarseyd comment by the time I open the post.

:marseychadneuro: I unfortunately don't have strong enough emotions to cause me to experience the need to share them with someone else. This website's active users are neurotypical normies that possess the capacity to feel so strongly about the drama that they want to share their emotions and opinions with other people, this almost never happens to me.

I'm just happy watching you normies find and react to the drama with profanity and creative :marsey: emojis, I wish I had English-speaking friends like this IRL.


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I'm not on any social media so the only dramatic r-slurs I interact with are:marseygoodjob:and my coworkers. And I'm not doxing myself yet:marseynodox:

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I haven't doxxed myself :marseyindignant:

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Maybe I just want to mindlessly upmarsey :marseyindignant:

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I do too most of the time (unless it's that sidevoting butthole SphereSerf). Doesn't stop me from talking.

This is the great thing about rDrama: You can actually speak your mind here without fear of discrimination because of your politics, race, religion, whatever and... wait a second...

I am [number 37 on your simp list. Apparently some are more equal than others.


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Because I'm jewish

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I'm surprised you're even allowed here

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I don't have much to say but at least I made a Marsey


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Just say anything that pops into your head. I mean frick, I just talk about 1990s computer games and TV shows and people here actually read it. It doesn't have to be profound. Tell us about your country or your city or whatever. We'll read it. We got nothing better to do.

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I'm not shy, it's just my opinions are :marseygigaretard: because I literally get all my news from :marseysurftheweb: and :marseynull: and I don't feel like they would improve the site. If it will make you happy I can leave more comments tho.

I also don't make posts because this is the only social media site I ever visit so I don't know of any drama to post from elsewhere :marseyshrug:

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Lurking apologist

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I don't feel like my comments would improve the site

Neither do mine, which is why I have to continue doing this. I must make the experience worse for everyone involved

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If your posts aren't actively ruining everyone else's day are you even a dramatard?

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Such an important service :marseygreytide: ohmygosh :marseynails:

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That works too. It starts a discussion. We are not geniuses here. Say anything about anything. It's like acting, we need somebody else to work off of. We give more credit to people who get you talking (@pizzashill for example) than the actual experts who know about everything (me).

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We are not geniuses here

Speak for yourself


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You could always just shit post

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To add to this:

This isn't the Bong Imperium, you don't need a goddarn license to post here. Just post whatever the frick you want. This is an incredibly permissive environment. Look at the r-slurred shit in my post history for example:

  • David Macauly's Castle - A 1970s documentary that was really good but none of these philistines cared. Whatevs. :marseyshrug:

  • The Refreshments - "Bandito" - A bad song that nobody would ever like except for 1990s nostalgia. The people running this site an most of its users weren't even born in the 1990s.

  • "Romanians and Pelasgians" - Not gonna even open that up but it's about my schizo theories of ancient times. Which nobody wants to hear because there's no ancient aliens involved.

  • A bunch of stuff related to various asian countries that nobody cared about.

My point is, you aren't going to get canceled here. I come here to get different points of view. If you're a schizo, share that. If you're not, just tell us the local news from where you are. Or take a dramatic story from your real life, change the names, and post it.

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You can improve the site by posting :rape: in random threads


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Because mobilecels like me should sudoku instead.

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It's perfectly fine to go through your life with mobile periods. I was doing my usual thing on a phone for like 6 months and nobody noticed. I just took about 4 times longer to type shit in.

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Im exclusively a mobile :marseyphoneglued: poster

Only !chads use the phone :marseyoktext: to post

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I like to imagine I've got little dramatard pigeons I feed with my upmarseys :marseyduckpat:

Love you all, genuinely the stupidest place on the internet :#marseyloveyou:

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Why would I post? I'm just some dumb strag.


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Shut up cute twink

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Oh yeah, call me a cute twink again :marseygeisha:

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Don't have anything to add really, could even say I have nothing witty to say.


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but u just did :marseyconfused:

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Oh my goodness, an IRL capybara :marseywave3:

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This guy's my favorite poster already

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h-hi :c#apyshy:

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You do NOT have to be witty to post on rDrama.

Are you fricking kidding me? I'm really interested in the Philippines. Not tourist shit like how the food is, but how does politics work on your island. You could just post a page of information about the power grid works in your town and I'd read it. Or just take a few pictures around your town. Or your pets. I watch every cat video on @Rad_juju posts and it's just her cats. I mean frick, I've read an encyclopedia worth of @kaamrev's posts about South Africa and I have no connection to the country. I'd love it if you gave us anything.

This is the most non-judgmental community you'll ever find in your life. (Just do NOT ever give up any personal information.)

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Finding good content on here is streamlined, the efficiency sends me. Thank you @pizzavann

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np queen

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at the same time if you've got a family recipe please share :taycelebrate:

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Neither do I :#marseythumbsup:

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Engaging with angry ESL and unironic Jew haring 4f rejects is only fun sometimes, and not forever

It's ok as a new aggregator, not much else anymore. Why bother too much?

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It's ok as a new aggregator

Trying to parse news with rdrama style headlines :marseydarkxd:

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My brain is so rotted that I can only process news presented in BWC format

Everything else just slides right off

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I thought I was the only one. :marseyretardchad:

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not much else anymore

Chudpocalypse 2.0 inbound

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the real Chudpocalypse is the friends we made along the way

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Can't wait to have our accounts nuked just so @PanasonicViera can continue to lurk.


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If you aren't logged in, your sidevotes don't carry as much weight.

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We need view counter like twitter so people who might feel good about their 6 upmarseys :marseyhappytears: will know that it was 6 upmarseys out of 17000 views :marseydejected:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271948y52utXmckBNkwg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740487396BapOr-T9W_9t1g.webp

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Redscarepeeps say this site is an unironic zionist haven tho :marseyquestion:

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Well. It is. Most hate i have had is when i post foreskin thats intact

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Those b-words are r-slurred even for girls and gays.

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This. I've said it before but this website is a zoo of disgusting animals. In many ways it's more fun as a lurker. (Until you get addicted to that sweet sweet dramacoin high).

That, and there's an impenetrably r-slurred ideological circlejerk pervading swaths of the site that won't break until Aevann starts chudding with the same impartiality with which he bans people for exploits.

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Jew haring 4f rejects

Not hitting the right key and not noticing it. Somebody's been at it too long tonight. :#marseydrunk:

Maybe you should learn something from the muzzies and lay off it for a while. :marseysmug2:

Remind me again, what war was I supposed to be drafted into? Why would it be a moral failure for me to have gotten hurt in a freak accident?

If you're who I think you are, I get it. I was gonna sign up when I got out of high school. But suddenly that wasn't possible. Derailed the course of my entire life. How in the frick does that make me a bad person? How in the frick do you think that I didn't suffer in those years? There's a heck of a lot of veterans out there who went through really bad shit and they don't waste their lives being pissed off at some worthless cripple on rDrama.

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It will always be amusing the entire cohort of mind rotted haters are literally all so physically broken that literally no army would ever, ever want them.

Hence all the hilarious cope.

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Well you're a sour grunch today. :marseysmughipskorean:

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That's awfully brief, where's the wall of funny cope? Carn, kitty

No one with half a brain here is here for your thoughts, we are here to mock and boot, lol

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Who is here for you then? :marseyhmm:

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It doesn't fricken matter, r-slur, I'm here to kick you, r-slur.

Lol, you're so dumb

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I studiously removed all the forced upmarseys during that fiasco :marseysmug2:

To answer your question, I'm shy + I don't really have much to contribute to the conversation because I'm r-slurred and there's already enough r-sluration here to last a lifetime

Tho idk if I can really be considered a true lurker considering I almost have 100 comments :marseyshrug:

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Under 1k truescore after a year or two is clinically lurkcel imo

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I've been following rdrama antics without any significant participation since at least 2018. That probably makes me terminally lurkcel

It was hilarious watching the subreddit desperately trying to not get banned by doing shit like only allowing emojis for communication :marseyxd:

I also remember when Tay gifs were all the rage :taynod:

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desperately trying to not get banned by doing shit like only allowing emojis for communication

thats not why that happened btw

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whats in it for me

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Nothing, really. Sometimes friends do nice things for each other without expexcting reciprocation.

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More comments


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That's how I remember it. I think you're lying.


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We need a diversity of r-sluration. Diversity is our strength.

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I don't really have much to contribute to the conversation because I'm r-slurred and there's already enough r-sluration here to last a lifetime

Honestly we need more flavors of r-slur all the time. I'd suggest pitching in here and finding some gimmick. Say you hate your hometown or something.

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There's some drama I've wanted to write a post about for a while that I don't think anyone has talked about here, maybe one day I'll finally get the motivation to write up an effortpost about it :marseynotes:

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Do it, F-slur.

it's okay to spend a lot of time on it. All of my posts are either stuff I've been ruminating on for years or stuff where I've got to a lot of research.

Remember that my first posts here were about figure skating and I caught on. (Disclaimer: I did know half these people already but the general principle still applies.)

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I usually don't have too much to say :marseyshrug:, simple as :marseynorf:

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Thanks for the coins @ULTRA-NIGMATIC-MEGA-HOMO, I'm gonna gamble them rn :marseygambler: !slots285

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None of us here have anything :marseycoleporter: worth saying, but you'll notice :marseyindependentthought: that doesn't stop SOME of us.

If you have nothing to say, try to be funny, interesting :marseyeyebrow: or, at the very least, obnoxious.

You'll fail 99% of the time (I know I do), but that 1% of the time is why you're even alive.

You're just a bot, otherwise.

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Every word that comes out of your mouth is like a diamond.

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thank you. i appreciate you :marseybow:

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I appreciate you too bb, DM me your armpits :horny:

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This guy @WayOut is always trying to lure (hopefully) young men into sending armpit photos. It's been going on for years and the admins don't stop his predatory behavior despite numerous complaints about it. I don't know why. :marseyshrug:

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Getting any attention as a guy is nice i guess :marseyhomofascist:

But sorry @WayOut I would only show you them if you were a boyfriend-free :marseycwc: girl :marseytrad:

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He said you're spitting COAL

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they have literally NOTHING of value to say, they are brain-dead soulless normies

they know better than to waste their energy trying to contribute anything of value to this shithole site

both are true simultaneously

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they have literally NOTHING of value to say, they are brain-dead soulless normies

I'm legit not sure if you're talking about the lurkers or you're being clever and actually talking about the regulars

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Truescore requirements suck but when chudrama was 5k having to grind for access got me to post more, was kinda fun gamifying it

Protip for lurkcels - literally just post marseys. Skim a thread, get the idea of its topic, look up the topic in the marsey picker and post a big marsey. Instant updoots :marseyupmarsey:

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The universal marsey

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Or just post a ramdon gif. People like moving pictures.


https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271948y52utXmckBNkwg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740487396BapOr-T9W_9t1g.webp

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:marseyshesright: I don't even look at half the stuff I upmarsey


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Going to try this.

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was kinda fun gamifying it

This is the proper way to treat all social media.

If you just let the game happen, it almost plays itself.

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  • N : Encouraging sidevoting :marseydisagree:

I think :marseygigathonk: someone needs :marseyspecial: to code this website so that any user who votes 1000 times without making an actual comment :marseysoypointtrips: or post, gets immediately doxxed, and a death :marseypyramidhead: threat :marseyexecutioner: is sent from their email address to a random :marseycitrusshrug: world :marseyww1german1: leader.

Now THAT's drama.

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Or a sweet Lurker badge the badgemaxxers would never be able to get.

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Site has too much moving shit and I can't be bothered to learn how to get rid of it, I hate that gimmickposters like the guy uploading some ugly :marseytrain:'s pictures are allowed to breathe, my other account got chudded for drunkingly seething abouts people of the bell

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People of the bell?

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You made a whole new account because of a chud award?

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Delete their accounts

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Delete a lurker who has COOMtributed nothing and doesn't care whether their new lurk account is shadowbanned because they COOMtribute nothing



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Frank Whaley is such a good actor.

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They obviously care about having an account or they wouldn't have one

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To see the threads. Do I have to pour my COOM in your eyes to make you see it

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Yeah they shouldn't be allowed to see the threads that's my point you stupid moron

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And then they will make a new lurker account cute twink. Are you brain dead?

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Just device+IP ban them

I can see you are mentally challenged I don't need to ask

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shoutout @yakubianangel who is almost definitely someone's alt but sometimes upmarseys me, never posts and has a hot name


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Oh it's @houellebecq isn't it


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It was a manic episode, chud :marseynails:


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Wait, you're bipolar? Stop giving me reasons to fall in love. :marseysmughipskorean:

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I'm not, but it makes for a good excuse for everything. I'm just r-slurred (terminally).


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I'm diagnosed with everything except stuff you can use as an excuse for your behavior. :marseysad:

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I'm like a bipolar lurker. I'll lurk for 3 or 4 days then sperg out and post like a million times all at once. Lurkers should try it, it's cathartic.

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Sometimes I'll open the comments tab and respond to every comment without knowing any context.

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We should kill them.

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Eat them!


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On that note I heard people with 0 truescore don't give dramacoin on upmarseys anymore. Is that true king?

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If they later earn truescore, will their previous votes retroactively give coin?

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nuh uh

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Factcheck: This claim has been confirmed as correct by experts.

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I like how most of them are claiming they don't comment because they have nothing to say, yet I have 4500 comments of saying nothing and no intentions of stopping.

Seems like a skill issue to me.

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No you said that thing the other that was... I can't remember but you said something funny. Lurkers, this is the level of brainpower you need to have to comment here.

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Just gotta :marseyparappa: get them words :marseyswear: out

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They fear our righteous downmarseys.

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>are you shy

Yes because you molester people who have opinions you don't like.

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nothing wrong with a good molestin' here and there :capysoutherner:

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I quite enjoyed it. But I understand why people wouldn't.

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I hate you Patsy truthers. So what? He hacked the css to harvest upmarseys from anyone that opened the page? :marseycrazy:

Or maybe it's just a really great and engaging post? :marseysmughips:

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>I don't qualify as a lurkcel anymore


I might be using this website too much

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@how is the only egyptian lurkcel

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I log in every 3 months because I'm too lazy to use a vpn.

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Bring back r*pevote

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@pizzavann positive award Idea. R*pevote CSS on a post or comment, make it like super expensive


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Create a cuck cage award and force them to wear it.


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Hello lurkerfriends :marseywave2#:

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It's okay to be a lurkcel as long as you upmarsey :marseyupvote2:

!lurkers If you post once or twice and get to 10 truescore, your votes will give out coins! :marseycoin:

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Hi lurkers! Do you like my comments?

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idk someone's gotta be the npc?

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@BlancSanglier What's up bb?

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I used to talk to no one, not even on the intrnet

I lurked for 4 months, posted a marsey, and th erest was herstory :marseyembrace:

now I at least sperge out online :marseyfluffy:

I think it's helping me become human :marseyhmm:

affirming my sexuality n all that :marseylgbtflag2:

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heartwarming story :marseyhappytears:

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>Living a life such that rdrama improves you

This is the biggest L ever posted on rdrama

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in a few decades they're gonna talk about the internet like we talk about the holocaust

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Because they have followed the career of their leader @FormerLurKONG and they know if they go too deep into the rDrama universe they will only become more insane. :marseywholesome:

Factcheck: None of this is real.

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add all of them to !hawktuah

also !remindme 4 days create !hawk2 backup ping group

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I will be messaging you on 11.01.2025, 02:47 UTC to remind you of this comment

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Im actually planning to go and get that pizza next week

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