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!metashit look at how many lurkers we have


@HandsomeQuack @cockexpert911 @Leopold_leopoldovich @isuckurgrandpasdick @Bardfin @821spook @Durendal @BigGayR-slur @ReverendBizarre @peepeehole @Catscatfever @paper_luigi @NeilBreen @bussymademedoit @fella @bobb @Enward @Snood @Taint @thneed @Repartee @KlasKent @PepperSpiceIsNice @grimlock2022 @bunkfronds @birdsdontfart @sdfnmdnlas34 @Krzysztof2 @Mex @marseycel @TWA @YellowRed @Proudsexy Indian dude @Festiliard @bigguyforyou @wen @tomatocaco @getogeto @BasketCase @Garfield @Piefuey @warpvi @speedy @SigmaMale @tolianek @Infernal_Trogledyte @Larry101 @B @freemyneighbors @iforgotagain @metameanderer @JaxThePyro @art_vandelay @vegemite3876 @RandyBobandy @Pizzashill_feet @GuyIncognito @cringepill @CHONKLARD @GreatLoveImmortalVenerabl @friendlysoviet @Chadbrochill69 @Peep @NothingWitty @Boneitis @InZim @MenaceToSociety @jirk @ClothedMolerat @Dzialowy @Osek @PurpleAki @Vivec @ferongr @DisinformationLover @PinochetGuevara @MasterLawlzIsGod @Qnus @jimmycarter1976 @PositiveAffirmations @cinaed @Mandolin5001 @leukocyte @notnow @KiwiFarming @BAP @zerosuitshamus @1cumy2cumy3cumy4 @MarseyEnjoyer @Monkeylover @UncleTed @askusevsky @majordiscipline @Bubocephalusborealis @Kneebone @roomservice @Caygeon @BigChungus_2112 @Carpsshoeboy @fartbox @profuse-puncture @smough @cjorange @Pitbull_stan @Dramodrama @emmankant @left2 @Barin99 @grasses @frogs-deserve-guillotine @Drildobaggins @PlayNow @Ebfs @NoMoreWhiteWomen2020 @Frickno @bbscorpioxo @zerodankthirty @Hololivecaust @wakawaka @TonyP @imar-slur @bomie337 @Landlord_Disciple @ChudleyDo-Right @named_alt @BhigPhatBoi @yummycummy @offshoreaccount @MarseyTheCatXerself @cumking @Beetard @kuoppa55 @cobalt @soccergirl09 @Jdjemdn @DeargDoom @Yeeter @DracostarA @mist3rh @Dr_HRT @-4x- @LichessOfficial @idontcare69 @FlyLikeAKiteGuy @TheEternalBruh @Cr2357 @Jejrn3be @NeighboursTongueMyAnus @HillaryRodhamClinton @snakelizard @iHateTheAntichrist @chika @e4eb9 @TrainsArentReal @dudeamoguslmao @marsupial @Ferret667 @law-abiding-gypsy @Capi @Petrel @bruseuilis @merelyasetback @ripsquad @buttz @LordAndSaviorHaskell @kkaze88 @Sal45 @WhyTheyDoThat @merfyxy @GlowingSpook @bogdanov_re-resurrected @Eerrs1 @LilClitty @dojadog @Averystrongwoman @Mikedebussy @Inhaling_pekora_fumes @stonks @Insecthouse @Somedumbstrag @iloveinsertthinghere @takememommy @TenTonMuffin @Dhshah @Weevil @Trashman @Cellrocks2 @Bashkash @Paleairplane @WeeabooDegenerate @bob13 @ssxqwerty @VoxelVexillologist @Kibble @m4812 @JamesCharles @Hokoko @DoggityGoddity @Wideout @Kurr @glob @lovecrafts_catgirl @lemmein @inversel @Arbshrymxgmc @COCKMAN @Danny @shungitesteve @Mulumlum36554 @jeffy @RIPDeux @abes @Fiick @kraggler @bat @ModestMoses @Eustace @qsxdrgb2 @writingreader2030 @Julio_Freeman @NotAJourno @jaybelmont @Syrfyvk @frederick @str8 @Ginseik @peepeeman_2 @lkjdflaslkd @Jeremiah @arrdramapipeline @calzoneshill @drongo @Hihsggsishssv @1234567890 @Grave @Capo @Updownleftright @Hodsfsurf @Vagabond @Rumshpringa @sillywilly @lost @birt @Gleg @pinpinkin @Bancel @deepdick @ASSBLASTER420 @chungusfricker17 @ricoiphone @Randothrowaway @TheFlareon @Tungsten @seven @Abcde @bounce @cdchamber @BurritoBob @FractalCrow @agfhdgj @FellowKid @BoiledEg @pugachevscobra @gvprtskvni @Guhhhhhh @Subtitle @weelx @Kokotu @Tedk88 @Axe_Wound_9000 @Canardwece @SillyBilly123 @Nurgle-4933 @Mavmas @NoBot @Peanut-5369 @Sugam @salpslingingslasher @BigBear @MrBuckets @Bussyblaster @Eclipseanu @BigBadChungus @donkafiji @Hdsih @7thSymphonyAllegretto @yada @aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa @ForgotMyUsername @Her @Thelurker @RaggedCaster-6299 @Smetak @Ahokasu @Gtigftyuiytr @dud @Richh @chucks_feeduck_n_seeduck @menslibber @GeorgeFloyd @Dankmodi @drcorg-2459 @Kappapapaa @Shokkeli @letmein123 @Tigerlily55 @itsOkay @Apalol @Cumby @egbsgfaehbsrhgb @Atdrama-4826 @BlancSanglier @Kureko @Assclown @armchair @beyonce @marseymallow @manganese @f1341234324 @bloop @jugjug @hellzno @BrunoSardine @Maulo @SpookySwayze @mqq-4667 @MindFlayer @Notaparrot @bussybob555 @hans88 @Lost_account_again @Lurkmore @darkmetaknight @LurkingFisherman @Hunnie_Bunnie @heatproof @para @peepeefart304 @munger @DramaMama @yadda232 @johncena1900 @FrankDerulo @ButterscotchPudding @CharlesBukakeski @ytlord @lurk @KappaPog420

can u tell us why you dont participate, are u shy or smth :marseyqu#estion:

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I've been following rdrama antics without any significant participation since at least 2018. That probably makes me terminally lurkcel

It was hilarious watching the subreddit desperately trying to not get banned by doing shit like only allowing emojis for communication :marseyxd:

I also remember when Tay gifs were all the rage :taynod:

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desperately trying to not get banned by doing shit like only allowing emojis for communication

thats not why that happened btw

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whats in it for me

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Nothing, really. Sometimes friends do nice things for each other without expexcting reciprocation.

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okay :marsey: we changed the sub to emoji-only to force ppl to use the new offsite instead of staying in the sub, we understood u guys were lazy and wouldnt move to the offsite otherwise

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!metashit the truth revealed

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Didn't this site start well after the emojis?

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I feel so attacked

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That's how I remember it. I think you're lying.


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