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!metashit look at how many lurkers we have


@HandsomeQuack @cockexpert911 @Leopold_leopoldovich @isuckurgrandpasdick @Bardfin @821spook @Durendal @BigGayR-slur @ReverendBizarre @peepeehole @Catscatfever @paper_luigi @NeilBreen @bussymademedoit @fella @bobb @Enward @Snood @Taint @thneed @Repartee @KlasKent @PepperSpiceIsNice @grimlock2022 @bunkfronds @birdsdontfart @sdfnmdnlas34 @Krzysztof2 @Mex @marseycel @TWA @YellowRed @Proudsexy Indian dude @Festiliard @bigguyforyou @wen @tomatocaco @getogeto @BasketCase @Garfield @Piefuey @warpvi @speedy @SigmaMale @tolianek @Infernal_Trogledyte @Larry101 @B @freemyneighbors @iforgotagain @metameanderer @JaxThePyro @art_vandelay @vegemite3876 @RandyBobandy @Pizzashill_feet @GuyIncognito @cringepill @CHONKLARD @GreatLoveImmortalVenerabl @friendlysoviet @Chadbrochill69 @Peep @NothingWitty @Boneitis @InZim @MenaceToSociety @jirk @ClothedMolerat @Dzialowy @Osek @PurpleAki @Vivec @ferongr @DisinformationLover @PinochetGuevara @MasterLawlzIsGod @Qnus @jimmycarter1976 @PositiveAffirmations @cinaed @Mandolin5001 @leukocyte @notnow @KiwiFarming @BAP @zerosuitshamus @1cumy2cumy3cumy4 @MarseyEnjoyer @Monkeylover @UncleTed @askusevsky @majordiscipline @Bubocephalusborealis @Kneebone @roomservice @Caygeon @BigChungus_2112 @Carpsshoeboy @fartbox @profuse-puncture @smough @cjorange @Pitbull_stan @Dramodrama @emmankant @left2 @Barin99 @grasses @frogs-deserve-guillotine @Drildobaggins @PlayNow @Ebfs @NoMoreWhiteWomen2020 @Frickno @bbscorpioxo @zerodankthirty @Hololivecaust @wakawaka @TonyP @imar-slur @bomie337 @Landlord_Disciple @ChudleyDo-Right @named_alt @BhigPhatBoi @yummycummy @offshoreaccount @MarseyTheCatXerself @cumking @Beetard @kuoppa55 @cobalt @soccergirl09 @Jdjemdn @DeargDoom @Yeeter @DracostarA @mist3rh @Dr_HRT @-4x- @LichessOfficial @idontcare69 @FlyLikeAKiteGuy @TheEternalBruh @Cr2357 @Jejrn3be @NeighboursTongueMyAnus @HillaryRodhamClinton @snakelizard @iHateTheAntichrist @chika @e4eb9 @TrainsArentReal @dudeamoguslmao @marsupial @Ferret667 @law-abiding-gypsy @Capi @Petrel @bruseuilis @merelyasetback @ripsquad @buttz @LordAndSaviorHaskell @kkaze88 @Sal45 @WhyTheyDoThat @merfyxy @GlowingSpook @bogdanov_re-resurrected @Eerrs1 @LilClitty @dojadog @Averystrongwoman @Mikedebussy @Inhaling_pekora_fumes @stonks @Insecthouse @Somedumbstrag @iloveinsertthinghere @takememommy @TenTonMuffin @Dhshah @Weevil @Trashman @Cellrocks2 @Bashkash @Paleairplane @WeeabooDegenerate @bob13 @ssxqwerty @VoxelVexillologist @Kibble @m4812 @JamesCharles @Hokoko @DoggityGoddity @Wideout @Kurr @glob @lovecrafts_catgirl @lemmein @inversel @Arbshrymxgmc @COCKMAN @Danny @shungitesteve @Mulumlum36554 @jeffy @RIPDeux @abes @Fiick @kraggler @bat @ModestMoses @Eustace @qsxdrgb2 @writingreader2030 @Julio_Freeman @NotAJourno @jaybelmont @Syrfyvk @frederick @str8 @Ginseik @peepeeman_2 @lkjdflaslkd @Jeremiah @arrdramapipeline @calzoneshill @drongo @Hihsggsishssv @1234567890 @Grave @Capo @Updownleftright @Hodsfsurf @Vagabond @Rumshpringa @sillywilly @lost @birt @Gleg @pinpinkin @Bancel @deepdick @ASSBLASTER420 @chungusfricker17 @ricoiphone @Randothrowaway @TheFlareon @Tungsten @seven @Abcde @bounce @cdchamber @BurritoBob @FractalCrow @agfhdgj @FellowKid @BoiledEg @pugachevscobra @gvprtskvni @Guhhhhhh @Subtitle @weelx @Kokotu @Tedk88 @Axe_Wound_9000 @Canardwece @SillyBilly123 @Nurgle-4933 @Mavmas @NoBot @Peanut-5369 @Sugam @salpslingingslasher @BigBear @MrBuckets @Bussyblaster @Eclipseanu @BigBadChungus @donkafiji @Hdsih @7thSymphonyAllegretto @yada @aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa @ForgotMyUsername @Her @Thelurker @RaggedCaster-6299 @Smetak @Ahokasu @Gtigftyuiytr @dud @Richh @chucks_feeduck_n_seeduck @menslibber @GeorgeFloyd @Dankmodi @drcorg-2459 @Kappapapaa @Shokkeli @letmein123 @Tigerlily55 @itsOkay @Apalol @Cumby @egbsgfaehbsrhgb @Atdrama-4826 @BlancSanglier @Kureko @Assclown @armchair @beyonce @marseymallow @manganese @f1341234324 @bloop @jugjug @hellzno @BrunoSardine @Maulo @SpookySwayze @mqq-4667 @MindFlayer @Notaparrot @bussybob555 @hans88 @Lost_account_again @Lurkmore @darkmetaknight @LurkingFisherman @Hunnie_Bunnie @heatproof @para @peepeefart304 @munger @DramaMama @yadda232 @johncena1900 @FrankDerulo @ButterscotchPudding @CharlesBukakeski @ytlord @lurk @KappaPog420

can u tell us why you dont participate, are u shy or smth :marseyqu#estion:

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Engaging with angry ESL and unironic Jew haring 4f rejects is only fun sometimes, and not forever

It's ok as a new aggregator, not much else anymore. Why bother too much?

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Redscarepeeps say this site is an unironic zionist haven tho :marseyquestion:

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Those b-words are r-slurred even for girls and gays.

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Well. It is. Most hate i have had is when i post foreskin thats intact

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It's ok as a new aggregator

Trying to parse news with rdrama style headlines :marseydarkxd:

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My brain is so rotted that I can only process news presented in BWC format

Everything else just slides right off

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I thought I was the only one. :marseyretardchad:

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not much else anymore

Chudpocalypse 2.0 inbound

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the real Chudpocalypse is the friends we made along the way

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Can't wait to have our accounts nuked just so @PanasonicViera can continue to lurk.


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If you aren't logged in, your sidevotes don't carry as much weight.

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We need view counter like twitter so people who might feel good about their 6 upmarseys :marseyhappytears: will know that it was 6 upmarseys out of 17000 views :marseydejected:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271948y52utXmckBNkwg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740487396BapOr-T9W_9t1g.webp

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This. I've said it before but this website is a zoo of disgusting animals. In many ways it's more fun as a lurker. (Until you get addicted to that sweet sweet dramacoin high).

That, and there's an impenetrably r-slurred ideological circlejerk pervading swaths of the site that won't break until Aevann starts chudding with the same impartiality with which he bans people for exploits.

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Jew haring 4f rejects

Not hitting the right key and not noticing it. Somebody's been at it too long tonight. :#marseydrunk:

Maybe you should learn something from the muzzies and lay off it for a while. :marseysmug2:

Remind me again, what war was I supposed to be drafted into? Why would it be a moral failure for me to have gotten hurt in a freak accident?

If you're who I think you are, I get it. I was gonna sign up when I got out of high school. But suddenly that wasn't possible. Derailed the course of my entire life. How in the frick does that make me a bad person? How in the frick do you think that I didn't suffer in those years? There's a heck of a lot of veterans out there who went through really bad shit and they don't waste their lives being pissed off at some worthless cripple on rDrama.

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It will always be amusing the entire cohort of mind rotted haters are literally all so physically broken that literally no army would ever, ever want them.

Hence all the hilarious cope.

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Well you're a sour grunch today. :marseysmughipskorean:

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That's awfully brief, where's the wall of funny cope? Carn, kitty

No one with half a brain here is here for your thoughts, we are here to mock and boot, lol

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Who is here for you then? :marseyhmm:

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It doesn't fricken matter, r-slur, I'm here to kick you, r-slur.

Lol, you're so dumb

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