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  • Salvadore_Ally : I hate my babies tantrums. Nooooo you cannot kill my baby. Contradictory much? :smugjak:

:marseystarbucks: /r/starbucksbaristas: "we're so tired of homeless people overdosing in our stores". Also /r/starbucksbaristas "noo you can't ban homeless people from our stores, they're people too :soycry:"




The new Starbucks CEO announced that Starbucks isn't a free hangout space anymore. That means you can only be in a Starbucks if you pay for something. This stops homeless people from living in a Starbucks and getting:

  • Free water

  • Free restrooms

  • Free all-day hangout space

A common complaint on /r/starbucksbaristas is that the staff are tired of having to deal with homeless people - they spend all day in the stores, lock themselves in the bathroom for hours at a time while shooting up, and they often have to call the police. For example:

we STILL get annoying incidents, because our DM told us we cannot deny the bathroom to anyone unless in extreme situations. so even when a homeless person wants the restroom, we have to let them in, and most of them take anywhere from 40 mins to an hour in the restroom and it's our only restroom. so partners AND other customers are stuck waiting. we've had to call the police multiple times because they refuse to come out or are doing hard drugs inside. someone has left needles in there before. it's a weird situation.

So you'd assume that there would be unanimous happiness at this news? You're wrong! The thread is 99% against this change.


:soycry: water is a human right and the private company that I work for must supply it for free!


The third place is a concept for paying customers, it's not a social club for the homeless.





Banning homeless people from keeping pets is the right option here.




I'm not going to sit in a Starbucks if there's a :marseystinky: in the corner.



I'm waiting for the lawsuits!


lol no it's about making Starbucks a decent place to be a customer again.

I'd give anything to not be shadowbanned on /r/starbucksbaristas anymore. These guys piss me off so much.

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>x is a human right

I hate this r-slur commie argument. Housings a human right, why don't you let the bum in your house? Presumably since food is a human right restaurant should just give food to anyone who asks for free? R-SLURS

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Women are human right :chudspin:

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Woe-men are a human WRONG !thotpatrollers !repealthe19th

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All of their arguments are very shallow, it's ridiculous that they're fighting this when the current situation actively makes their jobs harder.

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My life would be more easy if total transphobe death were enacted, but I sympathize with them

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total transphobe death


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:!marseytrain:s are mentally ill and executing them would be merciful

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Good observation wrong conclusion

Don't be a chinky bugman

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it's ridiculous that they're fighting this when the current situation actively makes their jobs harder

Not when your current plan is "ignore and hope someone else deals with it".

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They defund the cops when they try to deal with it lol

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They act as if theres no middle ground here either. You can in fact give a bum a free cup of water and tell him he has to gtfo the store as soon as he gets it. Good on corporate for the change tbh, I certainly wouldnt want to sit in a shithole like starbucks surrounded by bums

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You can also just not kick out the rare bums who behave like normal.

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>they behave like normal

But the smell... you haven't thought about the smell...

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The brown slaves that mine those coffee beans are a human right so are the baristas

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Starbucks tried to open in South Africa and it failed because, well I don't know why.

Formerly Chuck's.

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well I don't know why.


Its clearly explained in the video and in general, its fricking expensive

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The coffee is horrible better coffee is 60% cheaper

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In 2025 America I think this can be true but I also thinks it overlooks how bad American coffee was pre-Starbies.

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I love that they're deathly afraid of telling the "nice, wholesome homeless men" at their stores that their free water and bathrooms are cut off. I guess they won't be so nice and heckin' wholesome when they leap over the counter and stab your neck because you destroyed probably their last safe haven in life.

:#marseystinky: :#marseywagie:

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They're already being attacked! There is a constant supply of /r/starbucksbaristas threads about staff being attacked by the homeless/having to clean up blood/having to call the police on ODs in the bathrooms

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"Well, MY homeless regulars would NEVER do that."

:#marseyindignanttalking: :#!marseyhillarybackstab:

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They're unable to realise that the shitty homeless people who make their jobs miserable are the same homeless who they read about online and feel sympathy for.

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Behind every Jordan Neely is a Jordan Neely


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This. Lol at thinking minimum wage is gonna get you footsoldiers for this kind of anti-unincorporated peoples policy enforcement.

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Banning homeless people from keeping pets is the right option here.

That's a dumb opinion. A pet is the closest thing to a responsibility a homeless can have. Denying them that will just increase the "fit male with no stake in society or self preservation" share that causes problems.

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The Man Who Is Not Embraced by The Village Will R*pe a Monitor Lizard to Feel Its Warmth

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physically fit


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Fit enough the survive being a bum :marseyshrug:

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I personally cannot wait until the day where contempt for asocial parasitic r-slurs becomes a virtue again.

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1. Take all the beggars (the "homeless") to camps

2. Allow rich people to auction for permits to hunt them to death on live tv

3. Libs and softies will pay millions apiece to deny good-faith hunters permits

4. Solve the homeless problem

5. Solve the budget deficit

6. Solve the entertainment / tiktok issue

!chuds subscribe for more 140+ IQ takes




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COOMpete with this you strags


!chuds Reject the high IQ virgin. Embrace the low IQ chad.

The test also asked me about my mtbi preference. I wanted to say straight but it wanted some gay butt 4 letter (which wasn't COOM). So I took that test too.



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isn't this still smarter than the average sexy Indian dude !chuds

dude bussy lmao

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:#marseyclown2talking: :!#marseywave2:

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Better yet, make it more like that book/movie "The Running Man" but instead of people physically hunting the "contestants", livestream it on twitch and let bideo g*mers bid for playtime slots to hunt them with kamikazi drones and survivors can be donated to Ukraine for conscription. :marseyfatrick#:

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What's your r-slur IQ though? Mine is 174. !r-slurs

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Ew... Low spatial IQ is a hard pass.

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You're only 142 IQ? :marseysmug3:

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i hate smart people

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smart man


ew + wheelchair + glasses + weird voice + frown + atheist

down syndrome man


famous actor + rich + fricked jennifer aniston + happy + christian

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/u/everything4jimin please keep yourself safe PERIOD


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>climate emergency

Are they talking about a natural disaster?

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Probably the wildfires in LA, which is funny because if your store is not in the wild fire area or right adjacent to it then you're literally fine and should get over it.

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It also had little to do with climate change and everything to do with poor policies and planning.

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Probably some citycel hippie horse shit like "carbon is high please use the hobo urine soaked bus" that leftoids will use as an excuse too not work blue lives matter

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Holy :marseywords: :marseywords: :marseywords:

:#marseyeyelidpulling: AHHH!!

What is this shit??? God, I'd hate to be a Starbucks manager. You can't spend a minute saying, "alright, we're not letting the bums have any free shit. Back to work."

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Wonder if they'll still give out free water to non bums.

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They probably won't get fired unless they're too half and half selective. This is probably functionally giving them a less kitty directive to homeless profile away the ODs and truly indigent.

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If I had another account I'd ask how many of them had college degrees, and what their majors were.

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The subreddit is exclusively FTM English majors.

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With chatGPT that's the only ones dumb enough to still write words

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S*x with homeless girl in starbucks bathroom

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Only if you buy her a frappuccino beforehand.

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That's what customers want a junkie od'ing in the booth while they wait for their order.

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what's a climate emergency in america? are they complaining about having to go to work when it snows? :marseyxd:

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There was a big post a few days ago of people complaining because they still had to come into work during the wildfires (of course to Starbucks that weren't in affected areas). They look for any excuse to complain or not work.

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It's amazing how corporations are abandoning leftoid :marseytrain: politics en masse since Trump won again. They are desperate too now unite on common sense principles that Americans care about instead of catering too millenials nad worthless citycel youth blue lives matter

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I think the new CEO might have already had his eye on this one - he's been clear from the start that he wants to move Starbucks back to the time before it was a milkshake shop/homeless shelter.

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Who the frick uses Starbucks as a third place hangout option? Those frickers all close at 8.

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honestly stopped going :marseysal2: to starbucks :marseygirlboss: because the employees fricking :marseytom: suck. there's a clear difference :marseypamsame: in quality :marseycertified: when I grab a coffee :marseynullchonker: through the drive :marseysteerchingchong: thru (where they can see my car that I'm driving) vs when I send someone else to grab it in store. I've found :marseymimic: hair in my drinks, they frequently don't heat up my muffins, and they don't fully attach the lid so my drink :marseycheers2: spills all over the car (thankfully hasn't happened yet).

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Water should be free, but the ice should cost extra.

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