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OFFICIAL DRAMA AWARDS 2021 (Now with dramacoin prizes!)

Trans ladies and gentlemen and spergs of all stripes, it's been quite the rollercoaster of a year for the r/drama community and I have to say I'm incredibly impressed that our humble little off-site venture has managed to hold itself together long enough to make it to the end of the year. Who would've thought? :marseyjam:

Anyways, to commemorate our fun and drama-filled community and all the fun and shenanigans that we've eagerly spectated (and sometimes stoked ourselves!) throughout the year, I'll be running the first official janny-endorsed Drama awards - where we can all look back fondly on all the happenings we've been through and vote on the drama that really touched our bussies and stuck with us. How fun! For each category, I'll post a comment below where y'all can nominate a relevant post/user/whatever as a reply, and the most highly upmarseyd nomination for each category after 3 days will be the winner! Downmarseys will be ignored, so no being naughty and trying to sabotage the contest :marseyunabomber:

The categories up for nomination are:

:marseypopcorn: BEST DRAMATIC HAPPENING :marseypopcorn: β€Œ

What was the drama that really defined 2021 for you? Was it the January 6th insurrection and its consequences, the rise of the superstraights, the Kylie Rittenhouse saga, the birth of the GME cult or even the exposing of libertarians on Reddit Inc's payroll? Perhaps even niche drama within your own hobby community that got 5 whole upmarseys when posted here? Whatever it was for you, we want to know! (as long as it happened this year, obviously.)

:marseylolcow: BEST LOLCOW :marseylolcow: β€Œ

Who really stuck out to you as a particularly exceptional r-slur that really broke the mold this year and rose above the other countless weirdos of the interwebs to grace us with their fascinating spectacle? Individuals from both rdrama.net and outwith our fabby site can be nominated!

:marseyking: BEST MARSEY (1000 Dramacoin Award) :marseyking: β€Œ

The tides of 2021 brought us a very special gift in the form of countless neurodivergent drawings of a very special orange and white cat, whom is now the face and mascot here at rdrama.net. Now's your chance to give back to the talented artists that painstakingly created your favorite Marsey emojis by nominating your favorite, and I'll award the winner's creator with 1000 dramacoin straight out of my own pocket!

:marseyoctopus2: BEST RDRAMA BAIT (1000 Dramacoin Award) :marseyoctopus2: β€Œ

It's no secret that breaking the shackles imposed on us by the Reddit giga-jannies has allowed us to get up to a whole bunch of online tomfoolery in the short few months we've been active, but what was your favorite act of virtual mischief that originated here and managed to hit it big, baiting leftoids, rightoids and journos alike? Examples include TX Bounty Hunters, TransParentTransKid, and any other similar capers that I'm forgetting right now. 1000 Dramacoin to the user who thought up the idea of the winning nomination!

:marseylongpost2: BEST DRAMA POST (1000 Dramacoin Award) :marseylongpost2: β€Œ

Pretty self explanatory: out of the thousands of posts and wordswordswords we've had the honor of hosting, which of them truly deserves to be commended for their effort (or lack of thereof)? 1000 dramacoin to the winning post's OP!

:marseygivecrown: DRAMATARD OF THE YEAR (1000 Dramacoin Award + Profile Badge) :marseygivecrown: β€Œ

A very special award granted to the community's overall most favorite, notable or just plain notorious user since the inception of our special little corner of the internet. This award also comes with a special unique profile badge to commemorate being the first ever winner of this prestigious title!

(profile badge not guaranteed, I haven't asked Aevann if it's okay yet lmao)

:marseyjanny2: JANITOR OF THE YEAR :marseyjanny2: β€Œ

Last but certainly not least, this award is dedicated to those brave souls who work tirelessly to keep communities all across the internet safe and clean for everyone to enjoy - despite the loss of dignity and lack of financial compensation that comes with the role. Here at rdrama we want to make a difference and finally give internet janitors the respect they deserve by awarding our community's most favorite moderator for their hard work. Just for fun, nominations are open to both rdrama and Reddit janitors!

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I’m gonna nominate @911roofer for being a super champ and riding out the 3000 agenda poster awards, marsey awards et al he’s constantly been hammered with. Any other r-slur would’ve given up or at least made an alt but @911roofer is a special kind of r-slur who never gave up.

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Nibba he's a has-been, r/drama holdover rightoid who's singular notable trait is that he gets bullied a lot.

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That’s not true. Has-been implies I was ever good.

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What's your point you bald midget?

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Despite the Uppercase lettering and the username coloring, I'm not @Landlord_Messiah.

Learn to read, r-slur.

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You haven't denied the part about being a bald midget though.

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Around here we celebrate our homosexuality.

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Im on your side on this one!

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Hi @WuzizsBanEvadeAcct,

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Ever since I discovered you hide texts in your replies/signature occasionally, I have to check almost every time. It drives me crazy.

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Are you a schizo, I have no idea what you're talking about?

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I'm not saying no to being a schizo but, because of the gif, I thought I replied to @X (formerly chiobu). Disregaurd.

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uwu yes daddy

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If I replied to one of his comments with my same comment, would that make me a schizo?

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only if you believe it

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Yes, so do it

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He’s going to win best Marsey. He doesn’t need two.

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No! Chiboi for best Marsey!

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This tbh

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Gunna nominate our shitposting Skeleton boy for bamboozling the rdrama jannies into thinking an actual journ*list cared about this site

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Let’s just give Aevann a clean sweep this year


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As much as I hate to say it, maybe Carp for being the most spotlight-hogging, public, and controversial rDrama jannie. Also his infiltration of the Reddit powerjanny groomercord about the janny strike, and the r-slurred drama that followed.

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But if Carp doesn’t win an award he’s gonna sperg out in anger and that will be very good for drama.

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The actual leaked screenshots were from me but it wouldn't have been nearly as well written or funny if I made the posts :marseydead:

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I nominate myself!

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In the beginning, his powerful misogyny is all that stood between the early adopters and LLMs unending train-/ agendaposting. He also taught me to appreciate foids on reddit, who are always busy displaying their r-sluration for a quick laugh and their sneeding is oftentimes much more funny than that of trains. They are less self-aware and very similar to a hive mind, making them exceptionally resistant to logic as long as it's cool.

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Easy: @Landlord_Messiah

His posts always got extremely high traffic, he was bullied, and most importantly he brought massive amounts of in house drama.

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But hes short tho

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But he banned @Borpa for petty reason, who was funny and was even an artcel who went above and beyond to satisfy their dramacoin addiction. If we are lucky they might come back, and having her deal with libertarian jokes is much more funny and dramatic than permabanning.

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and most importantly he brought massive amounts of in house drama.

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Nobody cared. But if you find my rare once-a-month sneeding funnier than constantly bullying borpa with libertarian jokes, I guess that's fair.

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Literally made posts that got 100+ comments and he is constantly talked about.

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I've never seen him mentioned but you are right, he's talked about sometimes.

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i miss prime llm before he became a jannie sockpuppet

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I'm honored Mr. Shill

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Of course Carp

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@KingCrab for having the most ridiculous account. Someone please save that poor dog.

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@pizzashill For high quality schizo rants

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