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College is not a scam : Teachers | :soysmug: "umm actually college isn't about being able to get a job and if you didn't go you're a loser!"




I know it's likely not a belief in this group but… To those that believe this lie, I ask how?

My father and 3 of my siblings when to college/uni, 1 works in a related field.

If you went into the situation with the wrong idea about what college is for, then yes, I can see how you'd think it was a scam.

"Oh you thought this was about improving your life? No it's about securing your membership in the elite you peasant"

Or if you're someone who didn't attend and are one if the few who are "doing fine" and only have the lies of grifters, then yes, I can see how you'd think it's a scam.

Keep yourself safe cute twink. People like you give education, not even higher education but the very concept of it a bad name.

But college or higher education is not about getting a job, its about acquiring skills, learning how to learn, and how to process it all when you no longer have a teacher.

!r-slurs come get your boy!

What possible point is there to acquiring skills if it doesn't improve my life? What is college a fricking hobby (tbh it is at this point and that's why it's a scam)?

And "learning how to learn"? Oh shut the frick up I've heard that same sorry excuse for why schooling is a waste of time since I was little boy. I learned how to learn in grade school, then again in high school, there's no point in taking a 3rd swing at it.

If you went and only focused on grades in order to get a degree in order to get a job, then you screwed up!

!nooticers these people treat higher ed like a ritual, a passage into adulthood.

You the individual focused on the wrong thing and now want to play the blame game. Its like playing basketball but only focusing on dribbling, of course you won't get the outcome you want your focus was on the wrong thing.

The out come I want is access to jobs I've already done, been trained to do by professionals but have been locked away from me by some insurance adjuster or bitter HR ladygarden.

To those that did not attend but are doing well, congratulations!! You are a prime example of survivor bias. Good for you in pulling 6- figues but the vast majority of people don't or would even get close without some level of higher education.

God they hate the poor. The only people in my family who make 100,000 a year or more are oil field workers. Literally it. And none of them have what an American would consider a college or uni education.

And in what world is 100k "doing alright"? It's fricking rich! I was raised on less than 2k a month in household income.

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And in what world is 100k "doing alright"? It's fricking rich

Lol guess im rich! !verifiedrich


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You make nearly 4 times what I do. 6 if you count in yankee dollars

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!burgers come laugh at this poor :marseypoor: :marseylaugh:

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I priced it out once and living in America would basically double my salary, but at the end of the day I wouldn't actually be any richer because of the costs of everything else.

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Same but mine was cope math because I doubt I could get a visa

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Theres always the green card lottery king


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I believe in you.

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I wanna see the copemathematical proof for this

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I threw the napkin away when I was done :tayshrug:

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The tears smudged the writing anyway

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What region though because if you're European like 40 states are cheaper

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They're cheap because they suck to live in unless you're physically excited (knawmsayn?) by hundreds of miles of identical fields

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Corn! :marseythumbsup2:

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Yeah, and also we're full. Remember that

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A) you're thinking of straya

B) I'm not a jeet

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No I mean the U.S. and we're full so it doesn't matter what you are.

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Packed to the brim. If anyone else shows up at Ellis island, a Californian will be pushed into the sea.

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God I wish...

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On second thought...

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Do you unironically make $8/hr?

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No I just don't get as many hours as I'd like and it's high paying enough I don't want to commit to a job that pays notably less but that gives me more consistent hours

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You're still getting paid less than a McDonald's night shift worker

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darn bro ur just poor. i have extended family in the philippines making more than u

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>And in what world is 100k "doing alright"? It's fricking rich


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This is where the flaw of their logic comes in

Obviously it's not a scam to get educated and get a (good) degree in higher learning. But people people like these teachers feed kids that they need to go to a good college that is expensive.

If you can get most of it paid for obviously go to a top college, if you can't go somewhere cheap.

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Seriously, knock out two years at a free community college then go to an in state school for the rest. Not quite free, but it's pretty close.

Or just do what I did and join the military. Helped Uncle Sam kill some sand BIPOCs and they paid me to go to college.

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Entry-mid level STEM professionals WHERE ARE YOU AT???

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Unemployment line?

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And more importantly uneducated :marseythumbsup:

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uneducated? bro, you're out here parroting "russia will grind ukraine" like it's a mantra while ignoring the fact that russia's grinding itself into the stone age. your whole argument sounds like it came from a bad telegram channel run by someone who failed high school history.

you wanna talk about education? maybe crack open a book—or at least google something before throwing around nonsense like "volunteer system" and pretending russia's totally in control. spoiler: they're not. but hey, keep projecting your lack of knowledge onto everyone else. it's all you've got.


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Am I the r-slur that wrote that Russian are struggling to hold ground and that west is helping Ukraine, in 2025 ? Yet Russia didn't lose any ground in Ukraine since November 2022. Ukrainian in Kursk ? Holding only 30% of max territory they had.

I asked you to give me the aid package sum for 2025 that US is going to give Ukraine. We knew the aid package sum for 2024 since October 2023 yet we know nothing about 2025 and you were so confidently saying west is helping Ukraine.

It's not me who needs to use google before dropping some propaganda shit out of May 2022.

You can't even prove a single of your arguments that's how clownish you are

So homo give an example that Russian are not in control show your peak IQ


Saving this comment since it has dunking potential like imagine homo thinks Ukraine is going to win in 2025, really clown

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>3 days too Kyiv

white extinction is long overdue and Russia :marseyluka: is :marseydoingmypart:

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3 days to Kiev is still on but Ukraine winning with giga super nato weapons is out


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lmao, imagine writing an essay about "saving this comment" like you've dunked on anyone. bro, you're out here doing mental gymnastics to convince yourself russia's not struggling when they're begging iran and north korea for help, burning through equipment they can't replace, and sending untrained cannon fodder to the front. but yeah, totally in control, right?

and "give me the aid package sum for 2025"? oh, so now you're an accountant? here's the thing: aid doesn't have to be pre-announced for it to keep flowing. the west's been pumping billions into ukraine since day one, and they're not stopping just because you've decided otherwise.

"russia didn't lose any ground"—congrats, they've managed to not get pushed back even more after losing half the territory they captured in 2022. truly a masterclass in military strategy. meanwhile, ukraine's still hitting russian logistics, taking out command centers, and grinding down what's left of russia's offensive capabilities.

saving this comment? bro, save yourself from embarrassing arguments first.


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not struggling when they're begging iran and north korea

This argument is beyond homo, since you are suggesting that US was struggling in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yugoslavia and etc because they had summoned an coalition

If NK want to gain combat experience and die gaining it, its only beneficial to Russia. You better ask where are western countries when khohols running out of manpower and U.S. gov tells them to lower mobilisation age


now you're an accountant

I was always accountant since I study economics and accounting is big part of economy

the west's been pumping billions

Key word BEEN, Ukrainian bitching now that west started giving less money to Ukraine and with all the past money Ukraine didn't liberated anything


Even almost a years ago Biden didn't believed Ukraine is going to win even with new 60 billions

"russia didn't lose any ground"—congrats, they've managed to not get pushed back

So you were wrong by writing that Russian struggling to hold ground ? How can your other claims be true ?

bro, save yourself from embarrassing arguments first.


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Lmao, the "US coalition" cope is priceless. Bro, the US built coalitions with actual allies, not two-bit regimes trading scrap metal for food. If you think begging North Korea for rusty shells is the same as NATO, you're more lost than Russia's logistics team. And "combat experience"? Yeah, NK soldiers definitely need that to defend their country from…who, exactly? It's desperation, not strategy, but keep coping.

oh, an "accountant"? congrats, bro. really flexing that economics degree while ignoring how sanctions are gutting russia's economy. you're studying numbers but missing the big picture: russia's burning cash and resources while ukraine gets funding from nations with actual money to spend.

and yeah, biden's skepticism was a year ago. meanwhile, russia's "grinding" itself into a stalemate while ukraine chips away at their logistics and supply chains. you wanna talk about embarrassing arguments? yours aged about as well as russia's military gear.

but hey, enjoy your little mic drop gif—it's the closest you'll get to an actual W in this argument.


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Lmao, the "US coalition" cope is priceless. Bro, the US built coalitions with actual allies, not two-bit regimes trading scrap metal for food. If you think begging North Korea for rusty shells is the same as NATO, you're more lost than Russia's logistics team. And "combat experience"? Yeah, NK soldiers definitely need that to defend their country from…who, exactly? It's desperation, not strategy, but keep coping.

None of this is an factual argument and just personal opinion

while ignoring how sanctions are gutting russia's economy.

I had a lecture by someone from ECB in March or April 2022 he was telling that there wouldn't be inflation and in November I was writing paper how to fight inflation


Listen pal the way sanction work they do all their damage at the day they are announced, they won't work magically tomorrow since in long run economy there ain't fixed points.

while ukraine gets funding from nations with actual money to spend.


When your economy is shrinking then you clearly have no buxx to spend on your hobbies. You also missed a point be able and doing is 2 different things. Support for Ukraine is at its lowest since 2022, nobody is going to suddenly giving Ukraine 1,4 times more and that is the minimum they need after losing of their factories and power plants

russia's burning cash and resources

Ukraine is to Russia a much bigger priority than it is to you or any pro Ukrainian here so Russia is ready to rise the stacks.

biden's skepticism was a year ago

Today it's mainstream view that Ukraine ain't going to win and that's why it's normalised to speak about peace deal.

itself into a stalemate

Russia captured 300km^2 in 2023 in 2024 it captured 4500km^2 and 80% of it was since August 2024.

This January Ukraine lost 3 cities and over 300km^2

Ukrainian now putting them self into an butt citation just to slow their ground losing. Those 2000 or so soldiers won't be able to retreat from this city since is to cloud to swim through this river.

ukraine chips away at their logistics and supply chains

Ukraine been coping with this for years now Russian advancement is faster every month than its 2023 years advancement and it will be faster


Because now Russian penetrated all Ukrainian fortifications lines including the far left in this map (map from late December), Ukrainian literally can't keep building fortification lines and you coping about 2 blown up tankers that Russia can't fix in a week.

Honestly even Redditors are better at argumenting than you so I still thinking you are an troll


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You really bent your back to that wall of cope, didn't you?

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How did you knew @duck wrote more cope characters than I ?

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Lol, you are so fricking stupid. You think anyone reads that wank from a half wit?

Endless cope from a mindless r-slur

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At this point you seriously think Ukraine is winning? Holy cope

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What kind of job do you have? Furry rights are human rights

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Land lording :gigachad2:

And going to university

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IMO "rich" starts at around 7 figures. The 6 figure salaries people talked about in the 70s is like 800k today.

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I just liked college because it was prime social atmosphere plus close to the gym plus I got to mess around with stuff like NMR machines, primary historical materials, rare books... I also got to regularly interact with people smarter than me. Now I just do the same job every day working with r-slurs and shitpost.

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I get why people say college is the best years of your life. On average, it's when you're going to have the highest rate of individuality to responsibility. And everyone around you has the same freedom more or less so there's nothing to do except party, frick, and study.

But when you get later in life, the partying dies down but you (ideally) have more money so you can do even cooler shit.

But people who didn't plan right or otherwise got financially fricked are just stuck in this limbo where they can't do cool shit and no one's free to do nothing with them anymore. Can see how that'd be a bummer

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The adult world is pretty lonely tbh

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By default yeah, but a lot of the times i think it's because people aren't joining social clubs. Go play a sport, join a charity organization, or get involved in local government.

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I had to work full time and take out loans to foot my college/life bill. This is what happens when you're raised by trailer trash. College sucked.

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I don't even know what to spend the money on at this point. :marseydepressed:

It could come in handy to pay for the kids' college educations, but if they don't get good enough test scores to get full rides, then I'm forcing them to work in the oil fields.

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Darn @PeepeeButtKiss kinda miss college now, @PeepeeButtKiss's lifes been boring as shit lately

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If you aren't in a STEM or healthcare major, why are you even going?

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To any young zoomers reading this, stay away from sciences. If you want a future go into Math, physics, engineering, or business, nothing else will get you anything. Chemistry is a dead end, any bioscience is worth less than dirt, med science will make you sound cool, but have you earning less than you did waiting tables. There are only about 4 real degrees remaining, everything else is useless without a Ph.D these days.

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business :marseysuit2: degree :marseygrad: for undergrad is so :marseyyikes:

do anything :marseycoleporter: that interests you and get an MBA later.

white extinction is long overdue and business :marseysuit2: majors will genocide :marseyhitler2: anyone if it raises quarterly profits by 2%.

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What are these 4 degrees?

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  • Math (if you go to a top tier college, can go into anything, but in general needs a Ph.D from another top tier college)

  • Physics (if you go to a top tier college, get Ph.D at another top tier college, then quant firms will beg you to work for them)

  • Engineering - ChemE is okay, need to have high GPA to get into oil, pharma or semiconductors. MechE is good all around, definitely the safest bet. Electrical is only good if you go to a top tier college, but if you do you can go into semiconductors for tons of cash. Comp sci is good if you can survive the rat race, and, as I said before, the best way to do this is go to a top tier college. Biomedical - scam, civil - doesn't pay well, environmental - scam, industrial - half scam.

  • Business (ONLY DO THIS ONE if you go to a top tier college)

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>top tier

:#marseysquint: sensing a pattern

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When everyone goes to college, the only way to differentiate is by which college people go to, unfortunately.

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The funny thing is I remember the quant finance recruiting events from years ago and it was the math and physics students that the companies were clamoring for, way more than the actual finance students.

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Wouldn't math be more applicable too quant firms than physics? Idk shit about it but that sounds like it would make more sense

And as far as engineering how would you rate aerospace?

Trans lives matter

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Math is more applicable, but in general quant firms operate by hiring whoever is the smartest and then teaching them quant. Statistically speaking, physics majors are the smartest people, especially in their eyes quantum physics people, so they are more likely to hire them over a generic math Ph.D. You can also get in as a comp sci person into some of the larger firms, like Jane Street and Citadel (although this is extremely difficult), but the boutique elite tier quant firms will not hire anyone without a really good Ph.D and tons of publications proving their intelligence. As for aerospace, its not a bad major, the issue is that it is very specific. In my opinion, it is better to go into MechE because a MechE can basically do anything an aerospace engineer can do, and more. With aerospace you are pigeon-holed into companies like Boeing, so in this age, you don't want to limit your options.

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The main benefit of aerospace is that you can have s*x with the airplanes when your coworkers aren't looking.

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Add law to that and i agree


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If you go to a top tier college. Tbh you can do anything if you go to a top tier college.

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On the undergrad level, it's way more because the student is already likely to succeed than it is the college making them more likely to succeed (relative to other colleges)

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Math and physics (but only if you're lucky and land something in banking), engineering, business, nursing/any direct to work degree in healthcare, and geology (you'll have to work in the middle of nowhere and be away for weeks at a time). Go into liberal arts if you're from a wealthy family, go into bio or chem if you come from a poor family and want to be even poorer.

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>shits on bio and chem

>shills direct-to-work healthcare degrees


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only if you're lucky

:#marseyunamused: isn't that literally everywhere?

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Is geology profitable because of oil or what? @PeepeeButtKiss figured that would be a worthless degree. And why is bio and chem so worthless?

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Work in pharma, can confirm everything you say. You need a Ph.D to do anything nowadays and even it is not worth the effort. There is one route for non-Ph.Ds though, but it is really hard to get into. If you can get into manufacturing process engineering, you can make as much money as a new Ph.D, with just a bachelors, starting. However, you need to get a really good gpa, go to a well-known college, do internships at the big names, or know someone. The good thing is once you get in you're set because it is not popular and you won't face much competition in the higher levels. Controls is also a booming field, but it will probably get hit really hard by AI.

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My wife was a science major. She now makes about $250k plus stock at a biotech company. (She has a PhD tho)

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I got a degree in physics and it's high key worthless as undergrad, if you don't plan on teaching or going for a phd heed my advice and go an engineering route

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Guaranteed non-American here. Physicians and midlevels rent-seek like mad in the states.

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Why is chemistry a dead end? And what can you do with a math degree besides actuary?

Trans lives matter

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Math has a very good trajectory if you're intelligent enough and sell your soul to investment banking. chemistry is dead because everything has been discovered, you don't need somebody creating novel methods because it's all been done 100 years ago.

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or business


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735584487Pd3ql1pai5_mfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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My friends in business graduated and have well paying jobs; my friends in bio/chem are tutoring and cleaning dishes. Plus, my business friends enjoyed their time in university, STEMcels usually think about killing themselves at least once.

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I chose liberal arts because I want to learn. And the great books are in my opinion one of the best ways to do that. But campy as it sounds, follow your passion. It leads to excellence and no matter what field youre in, with excellence you will find success. !zoomers

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Please tell us your parents at least paid for it and you aren't betting on "excellence" paying equivalent dividends to $100k in debt compounded over 20 years :marseyeyeroll:

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I got scholarship and 20k in debt. I might just chop wood after the degree but I can say my mind has changed drastically since enrollling. I say its worth it, your mileage may very

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I'd say if mummy and daddy can bankroll it a liberal arts education could be ideal (assuming you don't have a proclivity towards something economically viable like STEM or law), but a liberal arts education plus a five-digit weight on your shoulder is far inferior to project gutenberg and google.

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My passion is sitting at home doing the arts for free.99

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Then follow that and develop it the way you best see fit!

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It is a 4 year all-inclusive resort where you can put off adulthood.

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TEM or a healthcare major is just vocational school. It's fine to be a working class blue collar bozo but that's not really college. Humanities, Social Science, and Natural Science are actual academic degrees.

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College is about meeting other potentially successful people to have fun with and then succeed in life through a robust network of "connections" (People in positions of power that owe you a favor)

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Truest statement

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