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That's a fricking horror, but 100% chance the first man that ever set eyes on it, first thought was 'I wonder what that tastes like?' and his second thought was 'I HAVE TO stick my peepee in that'.

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But enough about you.

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>But enough about you.

No such thing.

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Why is that fish so ugly lmao

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Trump isn't man enough to actually reform the stupid system of water rights in California, which is the actual cause of scarcity. California water is like one of those Twitter household monthly budget memes but with agriculture being the "$20,000 in scented candles."

I'm not even anti-ag; I just want them to pay market rates for water rather than many farms getting all they want for free in an r-slurred 19th century priority of rights system. !neolibs

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Maybe having one of our largest populations live out in a desert isn't exactly great planning.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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Residential water usage in CA is under 10% of all usage in the state. We have plenty of water. It is poorly budgeted.

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Wack, but we need food. Go live somewhere else.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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Farmers in California irrigate inefficiently because many have no cost associated with usage. For example, they sometimes flood entire fields. We could farm the same amount of crops, have twice as many people, and supply it all comfortably if there was any cost incentive to efficiently use water when farming.

But not, Sacramento wants us to take shorter showers. :marseyeyeroll:

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I'm sure water is used inefficiently, but there is no way yield wouldn't fall and prices wouldn't rise as a result of trying to correct it. Over watering crops is a thing. They aren't just leaving the hose on for shits and giggles. They are aiming for optimum yield.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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They are aiming for optimum yield.

Yes, for those farms, but optimum yield when your water price is $0 leads to wacky practices.

A non-zero water price for all farms would likely increase overall yields, though, because only some particular (huge) farms have free water. The rest pay for it. (Yes, it's weird.) The usage by free water farms creates scarcity for the rest, driving up prices. Even a tiny cost to all farms would drive major efficiency gains in the industry, which would reduce scarcity for everyone else (the buyers of water in California), driving down water prices for everyone else (including many farms).

Today's situation is some farms flooding fields and others over-investing in efficiency due to prices driven up by the former.

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That is odd. Did not know it worked that way for only a portion.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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In California, water appropriations that were active before 1914 allow the holder to divert as much as they want from any bodies or natural conveyances that they have historically appropriated. Farms that hold those rights use it to flood their fields even when the state is in drought.

It needs reform. Australia had a similar system previously and reformed it to something sensible. California should probably do similar reforms, and it will likely require an amendment to the California constitution (not that it's hard for popular measures).

It's literally gold rush bullshit:


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92% exported btw

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I can pull numbers out of my butt too, but I wouldn't really care if it was 100%. They produce goods. What value does tens of millions of people living in a ticking time bomb provide?

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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It's not though, it's only a time bomb because we let Arab's r*pe our land

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Did we switch to talking about Israel and I missed it?

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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I think Arizona kicked them out :derpprocessing: but they use loopholes to pump all the groundwater to make hay in the desert, and ship it to UAE to feed their glorious Arabian steeds :marseypony:

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>he doesn't know

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No water? They have the ocean right there. Drink that.


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so... u want to tax water now?

why not just ration.

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The current system in California doesn't permit rationing, either, for the pre-1914 stakes. It is basically a priority system based on who's upstream (IIRC).

Market-responsive pricing is better than rationing, anyway, because different crops offer different approaches to efficiency, some easier than others. You don't want everyone making similar cuts but for the farmers with easy efficiency gains to realize them and let other farmers have the water. !neolibs

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austalia still has a ton of residential water restrictions, so it didn't really help out with conservation of water.

overall profit impact was maybe +10% so not really transformative like u seem to hope. i have no idea if that translates to a better QoL cause that kind of a marginal impact doesn't really mean the current goods inherently produce 10% more QoL than what was produced before.

literally :marseygunshotsuicide: u stupid neoliberal cuck

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austalia still has a ton of residential water restrictions, so it didn't really help out with conservation of water

I'm more familiar with California than Australia. I just know Australia formerly had a similar system, reformed it, and seems to be managing alright. You can't convince some lefties to let people have long, powerful showers and quick dishwashers; they revel in the virtue-signalling self-denial.

u stupid neoliberal cuck

You're right, I'll add the ping group to my previous comment.

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I just know Australia formerly had a similar system, reformed it, and seems to be managing alright

i'm sorry how has it actually benefited?

austrialia still has fairly strict water use restrictions when it comes to residential ... so it didn't exactly solve that aspect.

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A few possibilities:

(1) The government/politicians like being "green" and won't uncap residential usage even if water is more abundant now.

(2) The current reality is the good outcome, and the alternate reality is an Atlanta-style water crisis.

(3) The reforms only targeted commercial use of certain major (but scarce) supplies, having little effect on residential needs.

I genuinely don't know, but this seemed to be a good (if long) explanation of how the markets work and why they're considered a success: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/332764964_The_Australian_water_markets_story_Incremental_transformation

I'm not nearly as much an expert on Australian water reform as the situation in California. I just know it's often touted as a template for California by people who seem to have sensible judgment about other policies.

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that was mostly an explanation of what rather than why, but i can summarize the why with:

several neoliberals clap themselves on the back for vaguely correlating events with talking points

:marseyfuckyou:, and frick society, and frick this species

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Also, consider reading why the markets are considered successful. It just takes skimming the link I shared:


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You ration resources through prices.

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neoliberals love taxes now, eh?

who even has the right to charge others over water?

and why should i be taxed to use something i exert energy to pump out of the ground?

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You don't need to tax it. Just stop subsidizing it. :marseythumbsup:

The owners of the water. Duh. :marseyeyeroll:

Gas should be free. :marseyagree:

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The owners of the water. Duh. :marseyeyeroll:

so people who have free access to it? like what we already have?

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>I have access to gasoline.

>Therefore, I own the gas stations.


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i'm not really sure where u were going with that attempt at an analogy...

but right now people own rights to pump out as much water as as they are able to,

and you want to coercively take that from them,

so then sell it back from some other entity who doesn't pay for water ... ?

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That's not how it works. :marseycontemplate:

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I just want them to dig a canal through mexico to refill the salton sea with seawater.

Is that too much to ask? :marseydepressed:

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I am once again posting this cause he be so funny.

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It's been a good first day which is already a day longer than the good times were in 2016-2020

I am cautiously optimistic


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Project 2025 was real, and it was in our hearts all along. :carppatriot:

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@AIDS_IS_A_CHOICE love when Trump leans into his real estate experience, him talking concrete on Rogan was peak.

(And he thinks Black lives matter!)

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He literally can't stop thinking about tacky boomer real estate development. How is he so funny?

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It's called kino, son :#boomermonster:

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North Korea is beautiful land, mountainous and everything.

Bad place to have to fight your way out of a PRC/Korean encirclement in the winter though

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jfc why are we suddenly getting wpd-level lurker traffic what blew up?

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probably a ddos, turned on login required, we'll see if we get a huge influx of joiners (we won't)


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a ddos on inauguration night? bardfongdongalong is busy

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already down over a thousand fake loggedoutcels, we've had 1 new registration lol


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:#!marseybox: :!#letsfuckinggofast:

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2000 down

still only the 1 new registration

its over for rdrama viralitycels


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ngl I half expected it to be related to marseygen somehow but it's still functioning with the login wall enabled so :marseyshrug: guess it's :lizfongjones:

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Do we still have that "raid mode" (or w/e it was called) that stopped all the Sharty raids?

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I hope this website will be nationalized and the jannies fired :pray:

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Set on fire

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And groomercordBIPOCs :#rape:d in public squares by :#marseyfrozenchosenchokespal:

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you are like 1/3 of the r*pe posting I see

:marseynotes: im putting you on my watchlist


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>just posting


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if the us govt nationalized this website... would that be a !freespeech win or lose?

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Reminder Californians are r-slurred and drained a 100,000 acre lake to make room for farmland

In my opinion the drying up of Tulare Lake is a good thing. The land will be good for crops and there will be less sickness in the vicinity. The sloughs and marsh land in the old days used to be full of malaria that will now be a thing of the past

—Gustavus Eisen, lifetime member of the California Academy of Sciences


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If you've ever eaten an almond before it's because we enacted total lake death. We still get the water that formed the lake, we just use it for agriculture.

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calistrags OUT

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Good, I hate sloughs.

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!jannies chud alert supporting maga policies


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The jannies said it's year of the chud and he's good to go

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Hi car

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hi cyber defense india


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I ate tilapia at lunch today

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worst fish maybe ever

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Frickin slut

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Fish rights are human rights.

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:marseylaugh: Not clicking. Dot gov :ipgrabber: but I'm assuming this is about that California fish?



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The government knowing everything about you is good again now that daddy's back in charge

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Nothing to hide. My appetite is huge and your IP address is:

Mercy to your soul (snap)

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>Stopping Radical Environmentalism to Provide Water to Southern California

Why is Trump sending aid to a foreign country?

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Its over for fishcels

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I don't know where Americ'as tremendous bird population stands in all of this :marseyshrug:

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