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EFFORTPOST Man Gets Executed For Flirting With Women :marseyextinction:

Hecko! :marseywave2:

It's time for your obligatory Minecraft drama update!!! NO YOU CAN'T LEAVE YOU ALREADY CLICKED THE THREAD! :marseymagdump:

And this time it doesn't involve your truly (for once)

Today's story starts a couple months back in November 2024

Let me introduce you to Iskall85

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738287129Uur49tUehovXBQ.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17382871309-l53wyc62MxXw.webp

Iskall85 is a popular Swedish Minecraft Youtuber, whos been making YouTube videos since 2006. In fact he was an original playtester for Minecraft, even having his MC account personally gifted to him by the games creator (and /r/drama mod) Notch!


Iskall is most known for Minecraft videos on the 'Hermitcraft' Server, which is a collaborative private survival server which several YouTubers are part of and make videos on. Some of the Popular YouTubers who play are MumboJumbo, Grian, Ethoslab ect.


In fact Iskall was one of the more popular members with his Hermitcraft episodes regularly clocking above 400k views each, and rightfully so as he had been making content on the server as a member since 'Season 4' (Feb 2016), That's nearly a decade of content being made with his fellow members.

And it's worth noting for those unaware, that Hermitcraft is extremely culturally prominent within Minecraft as a whole. They are friends with a lot of the development staff, probably have played a small hand in suggesting new features for the game. And generally very highly respected in the Minecraft space.

(especially in compared to their other Minecraft YouTuber contemporaries like that fricking butthole Gerg)

Hermitcraft also presents itself as everyone involved not just being collogues but genuine friends off camera as well. WHOLESOME CHUNGUS :marseywholesome:


So it came to everyone as a massive shock when the Official Hermitcraft X account posted this vague update that Iskall85 has resigned from Hermitcraft after some mysterious "allegations" (As well as another member called Stressmonster, but more on her later)

:marseygasp: NOW I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE ALL THINKING!!!! What would make his long term friends and colleagues drop him like a fricking BRICK so suddenly! It has to be really fricking bad.


Oh.... Well that's a change for once.

:marseyfoidretard: But have no fear, white ran through foids are here! :marseyfoidretard:

A few hours later, these private complains became public with the release of "Kass' Statement".

Who is Kass? Some 30 year old mod of Iskall's groomercord server. Here's a link


Now I know you dramatards, You hate reading :marseylongpost: EFFORTPOST? MORE LIKE BORING POST!

Basically Iskall85 flirted with this b-word in dm's (HOW DARE HE!)


Even after flirting with her, she never said stop, or im not into you.

In-fact Iskall asks her to get Skype so he can continue being flirty and she obliges (Clear manipulation from a position of power)


And despite this foid complaining that hes being heckin sexually active towards her, she then complains that he STOPPED messaging her :marseyschizowall:


Somehow she paints this as manipulative evil behavior that BREAKS HER.... and she's right #BelieveAllWomen #Gerg2025YearOfGerg

A couple other statements were made by anonymous accounts, but confirmed by the female making the first statement (NON SUS AT ALL)


https://x.com/starssoul0808/status/1860827397534159283 (DELETED TWEET LITTERALLY AS IM WRITING THIS!!!)

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17382871315-Kvzn7VI2zvDA.webp (from archive.is)

If your asking if that's it? Yep! that's it!

That evil fricker Iskall forgot his fricking place as a Minecraft Youtuber. YOU WILL NOT HAVE S*X, YOU ARE KEN DOLL

In response what did his long time 'friends' and fellow youtubers do in response to this silly claim of what he does in private?


they gave him 90 mins to respond upon receiving the messages to which Iskall didn't and then dropped him from all branding and the server.

  • -MumboJumbo recalled Merchandise featuring references to him

-An episode of a podcast he was on was deleted.

-And Grian (another member) Changed The title and thumbnail of the last 6 YEARS of videos to remove any reference or image of Iskall.

  • The final reveal when this all went down was that Stressmonster (That other youtuber that quit when he was removed) was most likely fricking Iskall behind the scenes, people found out that her name was also registered to the same residential property as Iskall in Sweden (Shes from the UK)

So many people assumed she left because she found out Iskall had been cheating on her with groomercord mods of all people.

And that's where it laid. UNTIL LIKE 6 HOURS AGO!

iskall uploaded this video "I was Cancelled"

Where he complains about he's cancellation, reveals the 90 min time limit they gave him, as well as some problems it caused for other projects he had going on.

The biggest question was in the comments though



Why did hermitcraft (which i will remind you he worked with for nearly a decade) DROP HIM SO FAST!

Minecraft is full of autism truly.

Time for the xitter seethe


I mean he does have a point :marseyhesright:

We shouldent do guilty until proven innocent

But you didnt prove your innocent though :marseygigaretard:



I agree !thin has my back

What do you think dramasisters?

This would have never happened to him if he wasn't fat and also gay. Straggots cant help themselves.

Minecraft Autism prevails above all else. :marseyminer:

:redlight: :redlight: :redlight: UPDATE: https://rdrama.net/post/338501/quick-update-for-iskall85-controversy-marseybooba

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The Minecraft fandom is so straggy it's unbelievable, I would say it's because they're all children but a concerning number of 20+ year olds still make playing Minecraft and watching Minecraft youtube videos their dominant hobby. I've never met someone over the age of 14 who regularly plays Minecraft that was mentally sound.

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Age keeps dropping I see, it was 15 when I commented yesterday


Lets get even lower so people get more insecure about playing it.

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I'm dropping it to 12. Game is low key not that great. Everything about it is kind of trash outside of the building aspect. People just get attached to it because they obsessed over it as a child and are nostalgic. I also think Pokemon is garbage for similar reasons.

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Fiiiinne. It also has an impressive modding scene + allows community hosted servers. And that allows for a lot of variety.

I still hold though that if you don't enjoy building it has very little of value to offer.

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Yeh I tried playing a few Pokemon games on emulator and was wondering how I found them so fascinating as a kid.

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I've still have my super Nintendo. 10 years ago I got it back out and the only games that are still fun to play are Mario kart and super Mario world. That's it. Nostalgia goggles are real

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If you don't like Super Metroid, you're fricking gay.

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microjang added way too much dumb stuff and removed things that didn't feel bland enough until it was slop

I think beta versions of minecraft are much better, and was suprised to learn it's not just nostalgia

Inventory balance actually made sense, the music was a dozen times better, colors were brighter, mapgen was more "gamey" and fun

still gonna play minetest tho

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This but for all video games. If you can legally swing peepee and still have an Xbox or a steam then your dopamine receptors are ill and your amygdala is underdeveloped.


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My family (30-something sister, boomer parents) watch hermitcraft.

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MC was fun when it came out. If you are still playing it as an adult you are :marseyautism: or :marseypedo:. It's a :marseywhirlyhat: game now.

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Wasn't there some like 22 year old zoomer streamer canceled like a year ago for rejecting a 19 year old girl at a party after he brought her to his appartment and found out she was 19? With everyone saying he's a groomer. The Minecraft community seems completely insane when it comes to letting dudes have any sort of romantic life.

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Like a much less sexy version of Asian idol culture


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This is why I would never apologie! Apart from the one time I did!

(p.s I would subscribe to you to help out my fellow dramatard, but I don't want to frick up my youtube recommended, your content is too r-slurred im sorry :marseycry: )

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That's okay bro, I don't watch Minecraft stuff and I'm only subbed to people that make meme meta content so I can try to keep up on trends. :marseythumbsup:

Also fyi I still view you as the only dramatard eceleb. In terms of actual notoriety I'm still a literal who in comparison. Shorts subs are so meaningless lol.

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You r*ped an entire school bus' worth of children though. I'm surprised they didn't sentence you to death (you're a monster!!!!)

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the problem is that he was trying to get with a 19 year old girl and not a 13 year old boy

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!jannies p-word joke


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Libertarian jokes on expense of non-dramatards should be okay. :marseyshrug:

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!jannies justifying p-word joke


!freespeech takes a back seat for some good ole fashion jannie smackdown!

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Libertarian jokes should ALWAYS be okay

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!jannies - sexualizing minors


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Go back to reddit and learn to read, you r-slurred cute twink

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if i can't read how could i even reddit?? you highly regarded straggot

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buy a ban award and do it yourself :marseyindignant:

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last time @Aevann did it and gave me a 250 coin award.

it was worth a shot.


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This one is actually making a jab at streamer culture so its not glorifying libertarianism which is what the rule is about, r-slur. :marseydisagree:

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I think the user was just saying that the average Minecraft fan would be less bothered by this dude going after a teenage boy rather than an adult woman

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There's a reason kpop managers forbid any kind of relationship. Parasocial tards cannot handle their imaginary friends having irl s*x.

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anti-natalism is a cult. Their very genetic instincts are telling them they are losers for not reproducing successfully but they are in full denial and they need to pull you in with them to genetic failure to keep that delusion alive.

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letting dudes have any sort of romantic life.

Anyone I'm not into isn't allowed to have those kind of thoughts. Having to deal with them as an entire human being gives me the ick, why do they have to make me uncomfortable like that

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Neurodivergent women are basically 12 until they're 40

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They don't go outside and absorb social norms from people of all ages, so they made up their own culture.

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I'm sorry your hobby is fricking captured by such spergery.

Having seen your face though I want you to know I'd r*pe you (respectfully) !male feminists

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Thanks grue

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Grue why you keep bringing up his face... does someone got a crush? :marseycutemad:


long live the ccp

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The fricking thought of traumatizing someone with that much outreach in the fricking world makes me feel like I could truly poison the fricking well and get back at society for making me this way

Helps that he's really cute

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Post face

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The fricking thought of traumatizing someone with that much outreach

I did not suspect you to be that ugly. But non-binaries are usually that way by the virtue of being fat, so it makes sense.

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That evil fricker Iskall forgot his fricking place as a Minecraft Youtuber. YOU WILL NOT HAVE S*X, YOU ARE KEN DOLL

I agree with this, Minecraft YouTubers should indeed not be allowed to have s*x

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Too many kids tried to become rock stars because of the promise of s*x, ruining their lives. If it's made clear that Minecraft Youtubers are NOT allowed to have s*x, there will be fewer kids attempting to go down that life-ruining path. Society has utilitarian reasons for keeping Minecraft Youtubers incels.

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Why did hermitcraft (which i will remind you he worked with for nearly a decade) DROP HIM SO FAST!

Minecraft Youtubers seem extremely scared of the slightest hint of controversy, partially it makes sense considering the crazy audience they cultivated, still a b-word move to drop someone like that though

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They were probably secretly waiting for a reason to drop him for personal petty reasons.

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'I was being harassed! And when he stopped, I missed him, which is super-harassment!'

For frick's sake.

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I like how you bullied me into reading the whole post, even though I've never played Minecraft in my life, and think it's lame.

Props. :#marseybrofist:

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Sweaty, you may not realize but you were literally gr*ped by /u/bussyboy.

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Can't grape me....


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No sweaty i psycjologically manipulated you into reading my post and abused my power (being cute and valid)

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Make Gregtech content :marseyregular: or HBM's if you're more deranged

You have so many eyes on you it's the perfect :marseychefkiss: time to start part one of that GTNH playthrough

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Wait, so he neurodivergentally flirted with a foid, who did like him at the time, but eventually got the ick and they stopped messaging.

This resulted in her airing the story, and him getting instantly cancelled?


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There's gotta be more to it!


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!sigmastacies !nonchuds !gaystapo NEW strag patrol just dropped! :#onfire: :#onfire::#onfire:


CHUDS KILLED: infinititty uuuuuuuhuhhh whowww whowwoanna pa.aa pla.ay mincrfff :#marseyretardchad: !r-slurs

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Why's Reddit there? :marseygasp:

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why're YOU ASKING? :#macrontimesup: !downmarseyrs redditmisia, troller les chudlets de droite STYLE Γ‰PIQUE :#macroncool: :#chadsnoo:

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Finally someone's talking some sense around here!

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!nooticers Shit like this is the greatest proof that !zoomers are all permavirgins. No sexually active person thinks there's anything noteworthy here, much less drama worthy

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Minecuck youtuber talks to a woman

She's NOT a minor

Genuinely this guy should be lauded as a hero in the MC community

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Only thing I care about is why did he get booted from server? What did these r-slurs think would happen if they told these twittertards to frick off?

!nooticers !thotpatrollers we have another hoe acting up,prepare the mechagodzilla pimp hand.

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Anyone who plays Minecraft above the age of 17 should be executed

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This would have never happened to him if he wasn't fat and also gay.

It wouldn't have happened if he was actually gay. They don't get cancelled for adult s*x since unlike women, men are fully developed at 18.

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Oh its THAT game... πŸ™„ if a woman gives you "THE SIGN" uo gotta back off... Problem is.... shy was flirty??

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You should invite him to your server and start a coalition with him. And take 20% of his revenue.

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Or could it be that she "quit" just like he "resigned": the team booted her?

If they weren't sure where they were legally speaking then they would've wanted all his allies out of their chats

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Minecraft :marseysteve: people are psychotic and horrible


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I've seen this play out enough times that he probably is a s*x pest. Was the girl with the Skype hot at least

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Couldn't find pictures, but I will assume no because he thought he had a chance


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Guilty of being straight while ugly/fat.

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He's probably a catch anywhere north of Stockholm… Swedes being attractive is a pervasive myth

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He looks finnish !scandicks

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Very true

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Minecraft streamers deserve all this and worse.

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I can agree with zoomers on this, fat people flirting should be considered a s*x crime

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Maybe not a crime, because then we would run out of jail space, litterally

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This is why I wear a voice :marseyhearnoevil: recorder 24/7.

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So you can playback all the fricking vicious sexist attacks and sexual harrassment you commit, for personal enjoyment, b-word?

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I actually :marseynerd3: learned that I talk in my sleep :marseytoasty3: about hating foids.

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There is something fricking hilarious about addressing allegations with your minecraft character standing in for you.

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Good post. Unfortunately I don't give a shit about Minecraft and Minecraft Youtubers.

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Heavenly drama, thanks for doing this write up on Hermitlore, it's a much better substitute than scrolling through /mcg/ on /vg/.


long live the ccp

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HELLO FELLOW /MCG/ BROWSER :marseywave2: :marseyembrace:

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@Frank_Williams peruse it too look at the cope when a new update launches, and then stay for a little too keep up with stuff.


long live the ccp

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I do find it interesting from a sociological perspective just how asexual public figures are expected to be. I'm reminded of that drama over the Arcade Fire singer whose crime was also no more than some awkward flirting, but remains cancelled to this day.

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I missed that mini-drama. Can you give the Readers Digest version?

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One night, Butler invited Sabina out for a drink. They flirted, and eventually kissed, an experience she recorded as "jarring" in a diary entry viewed by Pitchfork. "We were sitting and talking about probably Simone de Beauvoir or something, and I remember being alarmed that it had progressed to kissing," she said. She left abruptly.

Despite her alarm at the first kiss, Sabina was attracted to Butler, and felt that they were forming an emotional bond. In the fall of 2015, at Butler's Montreal studio and jam space, Sabina and Butler had s*x for the first of several times, she claims. They continued texting afterward, exchanges that Butler would frequently direct toward s*x and requests for photos. In spring 2016, Sabina and her boyfriend broke up.

Because she didn't overtly say no or otherwise try to stop him, Sabina believes Butler would characterize the s*x as consensual. For her, the dynamic is much more complicated, colored by his forceful physical and verbal presence, as well as the gap between their social standings: his as an older, powerful rock star, and hers as a younger, less powerful student. "Now, at [the university], they have consent courses," she said. "I think he genuinely wouldn't know if something was consensual or not."

So the usual case of getting into a relationship, later regretting it, and trying to spin it to seem like abuse rather than just a typical relationship that she consented to.

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Darn that's one of the weakest cases I've ever read for this sort of thing

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another member) Changed The title and thumbnail of the last 6 YEARS of videos to remove any reference or image of Iskall

Literally 1984, except without a hint of irony this time :marsey1984:. Stalin could only dream of an opportunity like this

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Being a content creator in that space just sounds like being in the middle of a massive mindfield of terminally online spergs

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Unironically kill all women.

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OP You are missing a major part of the story! real important!

These "people" are all s*x pests, they arn't canceling him for pestering that adult. They are canceling him because he didnt pester her enough! Imagine pulling up to the pervert convention with Mr Respect-a-Hoe over here. shit wouldn't fly.

And he totally half assed it, coulda thrown in some weird kinks to impress his friends. Minecrafters ain't going to respect you unless you frick something that aint human.

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I tend to believe all men are sexual predators and all but this is literally nothing. Beyond nothing. Nothing aspires to be this dude's behavior. It's not even aggressive flirting.

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Who hurt u bby?

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You should make a video bout it gerg I subbed to you recently don't disappoint me :marseywave2:

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kill yt neeyga

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Post too Long

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Man hits on adult :marseyfellowkids: women :marseyblops2chadcel2: in private; gets compared to Epstein.

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I print out all my rdrama posts on a4 paper, and if it's longer than my peepee, I don't post it.

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Instead of doing that you could just stop being a huge cute twink

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>Swedish Minecraft Youtuber

Deserved execution for that alone tbh

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This man is the patron saint of !male feminists. :malefeminist:

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Now she on tiktok doin story time :carpdisagree:

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is would have never happened to him if he wasn't fat and also gay. Straggots cant help themselves

So which is it? Is he gay or straight? You cant be both

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kill them all

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Who remembers MindCrack? BDoubleO100 was one of my favorite youtubers back in high school

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Minecrafters hate fat bald Swedish men

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i came for the execution


i was disappoint

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I am pretty woke and I really don't get that shit

Maybe I am aromantic or smh. Two people wanted to mingle story like millions, why does it matter that someone has someone, did she thought he would marry her on groomercord or some shit

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>minecraft drama

Aint reading all that

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