Not required reading but this is a follow-up to the Iskall85 Drama
Iskall85 is a famous Minecraft YouTuber who has been in controversy recently for daring to e-flirt with adult women in private (yes really)
For more info check the two attached threads above.
In addition to LITTERALLY raping women online, Iskall also has been developing his own Minecraft Modpack called Vault Hunters, which is apparently quite the unique and expansive modpack, which Iskall has claimed to have spent 'Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars in development'. Which is obviously funded by his and other collaborators YouTube series on the pack.
However in light of the recent controversy involving Iskall, The Lead Artist of the Vault Hunters Project "Kumara" has written a hit piece document on Iskall on the horrid working conditions they face.
Let @BussyBoy here take you through the highlights of this hilarious novella of a mental schism
So as you will soon find out, this person is a fricking nut-case and as a result has been fired from their position as "Lead Art B-word", Vault Hunters has come out and stated that she's left the project and she doesn't represent them anymore... However Kumara seems to be a bit confused here on the rights of the art assets they have made already.
Somehow this b-word thinks it's illegal to publicly say they fired her, because some art of hers is still in the game. And therefore she still "represents Vault Hunters".
Listen b-word you got commissioned to make some textures, you do not suddenly own the store.
Now I want to ask you rdrama, how would you start your hit piece on someone? Lay out the simple facts you intent to prove? A brief overview?
You need to list out your mental illnesses.
Also this one is funny, I AM LITTERALLY SHAKINGG
Imagine for a second your enjoying your holiday when the ArtHoe you hired to make minecraft textures such as these:
Suddenly DM's you asking for 3000 dollars
Now rightfully I'd want to question how the art you've made has taken 300 500 hours, but whatever.
Iskall doesn't fight it or challenge the figure, instead he agrees to pay her the 3k but rightfully says that "its my fault for not agreeing a price beforehand" and that he would like to instead pay per asset in the future instead of the crystal ball of whatever the frick pricing. (obviously)
HOW DARE HE! This is manipulation !!!
Immediately after this she quotes the definition of a "micro aggression" (no im not kidding lmao)
Now Iskall and the dev team is small, after all it is a MC Modpack, and Iskall is aware of this and states it clearly.
This lady then goes on to complain that Iskall uses the word "deadline" and "return on investment" which are evil business words, what a contradiction am I right! ARE YOU A BIG BUSSINESS OR NOT ISKALL!?!!?!?!?!?!?
She thinks this is a form of gaslamping
Iskall asks the ArtHoe to just whip together a simple pack logo as the one the currently have looks bad, For those unfamiliar with Minecraft, this is an example of what his asking for
What does art how want?
3,000 USD
I WONDER WHY!!! hahahahahahaha
Trigger Warning/ Sexual Harrsement /srs
Iskall is Swedish, English is a second language to him.
it's so abundantly clear he means kitty as in kittycat.
This is genuine insanity!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now on to the lack of getting any work done at all.
given reason... You guessed it.
She decided to trauma dump about her abuse to her boss.
Ironically Iskall reminders her that if she feels mistreated by him to let him know.
How kind and courteous of the man... I hope you dont end up writing a 123 schizo doc on him. instead of just speaking to him.
oh wait.
I didn't realize he was... le manipulating.
I would like you to pay attention to the dates here, because currently we are at Decmember 2022
Suddenly we are jumping to AUGUST 2023, 8 MONTHS LATER!
Why?? what happened in those 8 months?
(This message is from the start of the haitus)
And during those 8 months they did no work for Iskall, only occasionally updating him on her mental situation, with Iskall kindly asking... when are you able to do work again.... (FRICKING BUTTHOLE WHAT A FRICKING B-WORD DOESNT HE CARTE WTFTYEDWBDWD AGGHHH )
Eventually Iskall stop responding to this lady, because all she would do is fricking trauma dump to this youtuber who makes Minecraft videos, and unironically has better shit to do.
I'm not going to fill your screens with screencaps of the messages, but there are pages of them. Its fricking embarrassing.
But this one is pretty funny.
Eventually Iskall 5 months into her trauma sabbatical he asks her how things are going
She responds with a photo of her, says more about thearpy,
iskall responds "aww that sucks"
and then ghosts her again.
I need to really make this clear that there are so many fricking pages of this b-word complaining about her mental problems, and how iskall tried to comfort her at first but after months of this shit gave up and started ignoring her.
In between pages of pseudointellectual psychoanalysis of Iskall's mental state on how this is abuse. I really mean it. Check this out!
I'm starting to think Iskall does have a problem with women,
he doesn't know when to tell them to frick off.
Also quick notice that while I've been writing this document, the hit piece I'm reading from has gone from 123 pages down to 59. IN REAL TIME.
Is this a case of schizophrenia George Lucas editing, or legal threats. Who knows.
I have left a lot of stuff out because it either isn't funny it is purely just deranged ramblings.
But as you can imagine Iskall eventually had enough of them not doing work within deadlines, asking exorbitant prices, and spending 8 months doing nothing so eventually was removed from the project
And despite them hit peicing Iskall specifically as the lead of the project, it seems there was a mass agreement with the rest of the devs were sick of their shit.
Literally keep yourself safe foid.
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I like how half the things they list aren't even real symptoms. "Rejection sensitive dysphoria" is something invented by one guy called William Dodson with absolutely no evidence behind it. "Justice Sensitivity" is just something entirely made up by "neurodivergent" people online as a way of feeling superior to neurotypicals. Both are basically just the Forer effect (in fact, "rejection sensitive dysphoria" is literally the first example Forer uses of a statement that applies to everyone)
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I burst out laughing reading this list for the first time.
Especially with the added justification and impact listed before and after, which alas I did not include in my post for brevity.
It's like branding yourself "DO NOT HIRE ME".
They keep saying how they are a super pro artist with over 10 years experience, yet they are working on a fricking youtubers MC mod.
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Upmarsey my comment, b-word
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done queen
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I don't think Biden can use that word. That's your word, not his.
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I think I got all of these!
β’Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD)
-- Hot chicks break up with me when they realize how worthless I am.
β’Anecdotal Communication Styles
-- Sentences that begin with "In the mirror universe..." often aren't taken seriously. !trekkies you know what I mean.
β’Justice Sensitivity
-- We just can't go out in public right now. Look, it's just a bench warrant. Everything will be fine soon. Why are you making a big deal out of this?
β’Perpetual Anxiety and Depression
-- If you had a better attitude about Katie this wouldn't have even been a problem in the first place.
β’Hyperactive Brain Activity
-- The reason why I leave you alone at night is because I gotta program my guys to fight on the next turn in Dominions.
@Losercel has a bunch of mermen attacking from the sea and my usual fire-based Marignon attacks are useless. Look bb, you know I love you tho. I mean after the cat, the other cat, game night with the spergs... somewhere in all of that you come up.
Is this "If you ever leave me I'll kill myself?" I
β’Perpetual Nervousness
Couldn't be me.
β’Executive Dysfunction
I also don't get anything done.
β’I also suffer from intense panic attacks
Neighbor pls, I saw somebody get killed right in front of me and I'm okay with that. (Well, heard is the worst part, hearing his skull break when it hit the pavement. I didn't even know for sure if they'd clipped him in the actual impact, but that, yeah.)
I get more panic attacks from my 12th-grade English teacher telling me that I posted on rDrama that somebody was a cockgobbler in the wrong way. (Not even joking, that's how my brain works. And she was a really really good teacher.)
BB pls come here immediately. Our team was called "The Ativanians" for a reason.
β’Struggles with Social Cues
I think "social cues" means indictments? But you wouldn't be in Coffee Creek you would be in ...
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I've heard rather mixed things about 6. I've played around 50-60 hours of D5, is there any reason for me and my fellas to buy 6?
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I've been playing since, I dunno maybe 2? Each one is only an incremental improvement over the last. The only reason you really need to get the latest one is to keep up with everyone doing multiplayer. I haven't played 6 but I'd say if you and the bros all own 5 there's probably no reason to buy 6. You're not about to run out of new strategies to try.
We ought to get an rDrama Dominions game going. I keep telling everyone we're neurodivergent enough.
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If there's a crew dedicated enough to keep up with it I would absolutely be down to do one of the play-by-email or w/e games where everyone just plays a turn a day.
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the people who have to deal with her are suffering even more for sure
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This is why Trump won.
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Glad I'm high enough T that b-words don't trifle around me
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Rejection sensitive dysphoria is just a fancy way of saying rejection anxiety. What do you mean no evidence behind it? It's like saying there's no evidence of separation anxiety or mourning. Some people can deal with it and others get broken by it.
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I mean that the claim that it's a major part of ADHD was first put forward before any research was done, and then when people did do research on whether people with ADHD are more rejection sensitive than others they found no difference between people with ADHD and controls
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Fair point, but that's for moids.
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Exactly what I was going to say. If she's going to list all this shit at least have stuff to list. Either way pulling that card is such an insufferable move, absolutely nobody is going to collapse at her feet and, well, I'm not even entirely sure what she hopes to achieve apart from wanting to be validated as some sort of victim.
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Oh twitter randos in video game communities would 100% validate her complaints in this doc. Don't you remember #changethechannel #NotSoAwesomeDoc? That thing was 200 pages of histrionic bitching about how their voluntary group movie projects weren't fun to make.
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She absolutely wants that. That and money (they all want money).
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Rejection sensitivity on the other hand is real and measurable and it's not higher in adhdoids
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Listing all your mental deficiencies at the start of a manifesto is such a good idea, I think it should be mandatory going forward.
Instantly helps the readers get into the headspace of the author and allows them to hinge the unhinged drivel. Very effective.
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I think this should be required on every rdrama profile to list their mental disorders
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This has to be ONLY in Marsey tho!
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!metashit would never recover
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my profile css already makes my mental disorders very clear
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Jokes on you, I have never been diagnosed.
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I prefer to be kept guessing as to whether I'm listening to an unreliable narrator. Although I guess that's usually implied if you're reading a manifesto
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It really should be high school required reading that everyone go through an unreliable narrator module. It's so easy to just believe at face value someone else's words with your voice, especially because they have an agenda and are trying to convince you and themselves of that agenda.
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What do you mean by module? Is this some
education thing
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Now I'm curious whether foids put this shit on their dating app profiles. Too bad there are no str*ghts on rdrama i could ask....
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She also could have just said she was neurodivergent and that would have covered all of those and made the whole 123 page of
sort of understandable.
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If you are getting paid by the hour for an artistic work, it's standard to expect you don't own full legal rights to it. Art commissions aren't payed with wages lol
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Apparently some sort of TOA was signed where Iskall has an unlimited usage, but they retain the rights for commercial use such as reprinting (of fricking minecraft srites fr)
Their issue is that despite this, she thinks its illegal to fire her butt
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Signing a TOA for a video game mod
I would just remove her sprites from the game and put placeholders until they gst another artist if I were the head
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!coomers what monster breeding game was it that got sunk because the dev let the artist retain full copyright over all assets and they had a falling out?
Cloud something? I remember finding it funny as frick b ecause they had raised a ton of money only for it to flop the moment a "creative" had a hissy fit
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You're thinking of Cloud Meadow, but is was actually the previous game, Breeding Season
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its not default if you never sign a work for hire contract or your employer cant properly produce it. An artist owns the copyright automatically for anything they make that isn't explicitly contracted to be otherwise (see Marvel putting for hire contracts on the back of checks so to sign and validate the check the artist would have to inherently sign the contract
This can also be seen in the Ken Penders legal case. Its the reason he can reprint the older archie comics he wrote without Sega's Permission in full, while he doesnt own Sonic he does own all the work he produced for Sega and can sell it as long as he doesn't directly imply Sega condones the work (well theoretically this is very uncertain Legal doctrine in the US since Ken Penders is like the only scenario where work for hire broke down and the rights fully reverted to the OG creator for this kind of licensed work based on preexisting IPS)
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Chad Penders lives
rent free in every sonictards head hes one of the best trolls of all time even if by mistake 
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Did someone say knuckles' dad!?!?!?!?
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Also knuckles dad dies from pancreatic cancer.
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I know strictly legally that it's not how it works but functional it is because the artist will almost always have less legal resources/money to back them up compared to who hired them so functionally I still believe it is the case.
Good writeup though
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Huh, you are correct and wow that is r-slurred.
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A BPD art hoe can make your relationship (personal or professional) miserable, waste hours of your time rambling about irrelevant bullshit, and then randomly decide to ruin your life because of a narrative she built up in her head. And that's pretty bad.
But you know what the worst part is?
The sweet siren song
of that BPD kitty that every moid instinctively knows can't be matched by some normalstrag cold fish foid
. Like a space ship caught in the event horizon of a black hole, the moid's peepee draws him inexorably towards his own destruction. 
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No actually many moids prefer art hoes not for the kitty but because they innately enjoy suffering.
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they subconsciously know they deserve worse
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I hate myself and I hate life, which is why so many art hoes are attracted to me. They are vampires who only feed on the suffering of others
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I read all of your posts and still have no idea what this guy even did. Seems like his only mistake was interacting with a mentally ill foid.
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If you find out what he did wrong, let me know too
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was straight
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He was flirty with an adult human female online.
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UPDATE! shes poly too
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Her face is also super blurry. Is that another chronic illness?
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add that to the mental
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Ploy cannot work it's incomparable with human
psychology. I have serious
doubts if people can even love 1 person
let alone
It's both neive and degenerate.
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If love is a social construct (isn't real), surely it can be spread around
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this is the root cause of lib brainrot. the idea that social
constructs are the same thing as something
being fake. moneys a social
construct give me all of yours
Im fully aware
of what love is meant to be I just dont think
anyone is capable of it maaaaaybe 30 years ago but now frick naw
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Hey now I'm just applying logic I projected onto you. I'm very much of the opinion that the reality we create is the only thing that matters now- we don't have environment anymore we have people and relationships.
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As well as the septum piercing.
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This is what happens when you hire lib white women. No sympathy here.
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This is the most white woman disease of all white women diseases I've ever heard. Holy shit lol.
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Imagine being such a simp that some ho asks you for $3000 for a 10x10 sprite that should take any sane person 20 seconds to make, and you actually fricking give it to her then listen to her ranting for months before cutting contact
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This isn't a joke. I am genuinely asking you to kill this dude. Literally stop reading at this point and go kill him.
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It will be done.
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Literally don't do it. I am asking you to not murder this dude.
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!fedposters the capy put his foot down behind the scenes and our boy got
molestedrewrittenJump in the discussion.
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Literally go murder this dude. I am asking you to murder this guy. Do not stop reading now.
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I only make good posts.
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Thanks for continuing to make this run down. Do you know how Reddit has been reacting to this revelation.
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Every time you post I confuse you with the bot
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this is why the like only women ive hired since covid are both postmenopausal immigrants who barely speak english
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Im very dissapointed in Iskal for even entertaining this shit past the first two sentences.
Go to fricking fiver or something and make a faceless southern hemisphere person do this shit to feed his family. Dont give money to shitty ethot grifters.
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Is Iskall85 married?
If not, he did nothing wrong.
But if he is married, then flirting with an e-girl is adultery and the cancelling is just and we should probably cut off his toes. Thanks
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hes not, but speculation is hes in an open relationship
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Deserved then
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Shut up cute twink
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Keep yourself safe
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What part of Shut up cute twink don't you understand !male feminists
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!metashit Grue is a cuck in an open relationship, news at 11
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!metashit I'm the bull

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Depends what you mean by cuck
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You suck peepee for peepee and your partner sucks peepee for peepee
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kiss and make out already
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kiss and make out already
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In that case, I think we should cut off just a couple of his toes, just to be safe.
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Well this bombshell surely incriminates Iskall, because after being fleeced and grifted so hard he should've seen the red flags and bailed at the first occasion
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because mc youtubers are all khv, they haven't built immunity to crazy foids yet so they're a particularly at risk group
something like this would never happen to, lets say, the sports trickshot community on youtube bc they get massive amounts of kitty
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Holy shit this was hilarious
Bruh this foid is collecting mental
disorders like they are pokemon
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Poor Margot. She got a lot better before she died.
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man: "i wish i had some breasts to play with.."
god: "hold my beer"
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Someone please find her LinkedIn. Seems like we have another PirateSoftware in the making.
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Darn I was playing this pack with some guys and saw something about drama on the sub while looking up shit about elixir rates in vaults.
People on Reddit comments seemed to be on the side of the other devs saying they should make their own version / fork it (likely illegally reusing assets) since the owner was "a peepee"
He's an r-slur for not having established contracts
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PRetty sure I did worse things in Everquest when i was like 12
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Any links to reddit/twitter discussing this? I'd imagine this is too unhinged even for the terminally online autism apologetics
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stopped reading here. keep yourself safe
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Hourly work is the purest form of work. These people are lemmings who think the only jobs are $90k salaries and $15/hour at the grocery store.
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The reason you pay piecework rates for this stuff is so that:
1. The "professional" sees that it's unwise to spend ten hours on a sprite
2. You don't have to listen to them explain why it's reasonable to deliver 50 sprites over 300 billed hours
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I would like to see to see people's reactions to it and if it's as much of a nothingburger as you're describing it but I'm not reading 123 pages of mental illness.
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If it's down to 59, maybe it will be a manageable 27 or something later?
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