Great Moments in rDrama History: A postmortem of the first ever vaxcels vs zombiggers homoween event and the fallout from the grand prize for the winning team
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  • Awoo : Every vote counts guys.
  • WaitingForSummer : Vaccine misinformation
  • Biggles : :marseyobjection:
  • H : I spent thousands of DC to help vaxx/maxx people and this is the outcome. I bet Carp fricked up.
  • Flibbertigibbet : When there's a tie in burgers' election, neither candidate becomes POTUS, they appoint Soros instead
Well, it looks like no one gets the prize money

A dead tie. You should have listened.

Goodnight r-slurs. Happy Halloween.

There is no postmortem I forgot this happened and I just remembered

I think this was the last funny thing to happen on rDrama aside from the Marself on a Marshelf event

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Lol, we owned you jannoid. A splinter group of !teaparty and mottecels fricked you up by botting your money printing vaxx scheme away :carpsoyjak!: :marseylaugh: I mean it Unironically

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Rest in Peace, dear dramanaut.

:#marseytombstone: :#marseykneel:

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!dramatards lmao this dude killed his 4 year old account to gloat what a champ

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The ban lasted all of like 2 minutes πŸ₯±

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It's a reoccurring event. Probably saw it half a dozen times now :#marseyteaparty: !teaparty

Post Fussy, jannoid :marseybuff:

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How dare you not follow through :#marseycontemplatesuicide:

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I hate actual jannying unless someone is actually a threat to site stability or user safety and only take up the mop otherwise under duress.

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hate actual jannying unless someone is actually a threat to site stability or user safety

!dramatards @Kongvann should carp nuke this site? Because everyone on this site is at risk. Of keeping themselves safe.

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new carptoss dropped !dramatards !commenters @Kongvann

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>Oh boy! Someone replied to one of my great comments! I wonder what funny commentary I can ex-


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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:marsey#beefcake: jannies are indeed built different.

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Is this loss?

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:marseynukegoggles: :#marseycrygenocide: :ca#pycrygenocide: :c#arpcryinggenocide: :#marseymushroomcloud:

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!male feminists New way to get off: non-consensual jannying under duress.

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Aww, poor mop :marseysadge: Jannying WPD did a toll on you, didn't it?

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WPD was harrowing to be on but actual jannying was somewhat nice because you can send stuff to the FBI/Interpol and feel like you're doing a Good Thing

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>Doesn't like the mop

>Constantly sneeds about the user base

>But somebody has to do it!

>FBI connections :marseyfbicomputer:

Lmao, you have become Bardfinn :bardfinnsoyface#:

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fbi info requests are fricking weird

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Sad thing is, no matter you feel about hating jannying, everyone will see you as the turbo janny.

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yeah thats fine idc, what people who spend 12 hours a day on a messageboard think of my internet persona on that messageboard doesnt impact me at all

my original purpose here was just to pretend to be the one who broke things when the site went down or features broke so the codecels wouldnt get harassed anyway

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If its any consolation, I always saw you and Aevann as the Abot and Costello of jannys

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The curse of the mop, it's true :carpwitchtrans#:

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(I couldn't find it :marseygiveup: ).

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You will never be a Sylveon. You have no bows, you have no ribbons, you have no egg-group. You're a failed Mankey using reaction images stolen from your betters.

All the "upmarseys" you get on rDrama are two-faced and half-hearted. Behind the screen, dramatards mock your sloppy "Sylveon"posts. Your parents cringe at your folder of stolen @Sylveon .webps, your "friends" spam :marseylaugh: emojis at your desperate attempts to pass as one of us.

Actual Sylveons are utterly repulsed by you. Thousand of years of Eeveelution have allowed our ribbons to sense posers with incredible efficiency. Even your "good" Sylveonposts radiate uncanny and cringe human vibes. Your lack of Ability is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to fool newstrags into thinking you're a Sylveonposter, they'll sidevote you the second they see your inelegant attempts at Moonblasting Carp

You will never be cute. You post "keep-yapping.webp" in your group chats every morning, coping that one day you'll be as charming as @Sylveon. But deep inside, you feel the Cute Charm-shaped void growing like a weed, ready to consume you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it'll be too much to bear - you'll buy cheap ribbons from Temu, put it around your wrists, and spam rDrama until you go numb. A mod will find your shit posts, heartbroken because he'll be cleaning it for free. You'll be banned with the mod log marked with your real account name, and every lurker for the rest of eternity will know a human was banned there. Your account will be archived and largely forgotten, all that remains of your legacy is a post history that is unmistakably non-Sylveon.

This is your fate. This is what you meme'd into. There is no copium left.


I've reached my yearly self-mortification quota just from this post.

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You have bows,

:#marseybow: :#marseybow: :#marseybow:

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No email address required. That's called a pity bow, they aren't real. Just like your Eeveehood.

That's what I get for not proof-reading my own shitpost.

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This will not hold up in dramacourt :marsey#biast:

You can trust me. I'm totally a juror in this case.

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Mistrial! Mistrial!


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@Kongvann this user admits to botting dc please review

aevann this was a jooke btw

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No you r-slur, we organized the zombie bites. Not botting DC you bafoon, we countered YOUR money printing Vaxx scheme :marseyfacepalm:

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But I was team zombie and spent way more than the 10k prize money and none of it was mine anyway and the entire point of the event was to maximize user spending to deflate the economy :marseyconfused:

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You went ballistic on the vaxxxing and you were team vaxx. We even had snakes(rip) who read the DB to let us bite strategically.

Zombie chads rise up again :marseyvaxxtroll:

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I hit everyone with everything to keep it as even as possible. There was realtime high level discourse on the jannie IRC about how the giant rat is going to kill us if we end up having to distribute 10k to like 700 people.

You see and think what you are intended to see and think.

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Wait, you made the tie up? I don't believe your shenanigans :marseyindignant:

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Oh no it was legitimate it just required precision and luck lol

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There is an old event log file where every bite and vax is listed. But I am pretty sure you and Dad were vaxxxing pretty hard.

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Yeah because zombies are more popular every year (the recurring free bites). You saw the like >85% zombigger majority in 2024. It's important to keep things competitive and give people big bad jannoids to fight against. Dad did bankroll like $800 worth of mbux though but he wipes his butt with $800 :paranoid:

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Yeah, we didn't try it after the first event. It still was hella fun seeing you vaxxing hard :marseygiggle:

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it's all fake anyway

Stop pointing this out and make an illusion people won't question

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It's actually not fake in that sense, it requires a great deal of free labor from unpaid janitors so everyone else can have fun and 2023 there was no angel investor so we had to use our own shekels :marseygiveup:

Probably gonna zombigger up this year and just let the coof overtake everyone.

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