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'Teslas are Nazi vehicles now. Doesn't matter when you bought it or when you figured out Musk was an awful person. You're still driving a Nazi vehicle by the end of the day. You're still advertising for the Nazi. You're giving implicit support for a Nazi.' SRDines suggest clamping down on all Tesla owners




Adding more drama

This is why I physically assault any ford driver I encounter who's smaller than me


Then they should sell it and buy another car as quickly as they can. I'm sure busted windows and spray painted peepees and swastikas can drive the value down, if the rain hasn't already.


If you bought a Tesla in the past two years, you deserve it.


Yes. People sell cars all the time. It's totally normal. You can sell a car you still make payments on. It's not a hard thing to do.


Dude. They're Nazis trying to monopolize the market. We should absolutely not be supporting them as Americans regardless of your views on electric cars. We don't need Elon for that.


I'm very sus of people who still have their Teslas.



That virtue isn't going to signal itself


Ford was an actual nazi. Does that mean everyone driving a ford is one too?


Nobody who bought a Tesla is struggling lmao the base model is $42k.


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:gigachad2#talking: :asterisk:

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The key to appearing calm, cool, and collected in front of your enemies is to use swearing as punctuation.

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I don't care about looking calm, motherlover

I know I'm right and that's enough for me, cuck

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gang shit

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It's always "listen here you chud heckin peepeesucker (but not in a homophobic way)" and never "shut up strag" anymore

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Ooooooh srdines about to be big mad and report the shit out of that comment 😅

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He's breaking the rules.

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legally if u witness a crash u have to stop and wait for cops to arrive

i tell that to my boss whenever i am late to work at heavy metal factory

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Am I supposed to sit and watch while they burn to death too or...?

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You're supposed to record it,and post the video to WatchPeopleDie

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masturbating is optional

videotaping it and posting it on the popular marsey site is not

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Yes that's why I always keep hot coco and a jet boil in my car :marseysipping:

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You don't need a jetboil. Just hold the cup over their burning corpse for a little while

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thanks for the tip

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Watching leftoids becoming more and more unhinged by the minute is cathartic :marseypopcorn:

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Cathartic, disturbing, tomatoe, tomatoh.

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Tomato, tomato* 🍅

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:#marseypearlclutch: Weiss would never!

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Tomato, @Tomato

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Tuhmaytuh if you're lucky enough to be Midwestern

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It has only been two weeks and reddi:marseytrain2:s are already schizomaxxing to beyond QBoomers, imagine how utterly insane they are gonna be looking like in 2028, assuming that they won't rope or do a mass shooting by then. !accelerationists

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Hard to tell if it's the leftoid side of them or the SRDine side that caused this behavior.

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Zyclon ben tried to warn them


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It's been a while since I last caught up on Ben "One Man Klan" Garrison's comics. I bet he's gotten manic since the election.

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Lmao just imagine how invested in this you have to create that shit

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These people are the definition of bourgeoisie and make me want to support violent class revolution so I can see their smug Reddit faces die


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Modern left civilian officer commissars would never sign off on TFD

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They'd be sucking up to get some kitty from the higher up commie dominatrix girls

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These r-slurs know Teslas have a security system that's always on when the car's parked, right? If you're defacing a Tesla you're being recorded.


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No lol

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738699814YPCQ-JCtnetiyQ.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1738699815lmUMs7EBUKxO0A.webp

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God please let this be real 🙏

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Can this guy really say he's known the "touch of a woman" when he's the one doing all the touching of chicks he roofies after meeting at feminist marches?

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no way that dudes straight

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@Grue moment :#normielarp:

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what's up bb

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Lmao holy heck

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lmfao that's hilarious

I need to get a skin for my cybertruck. nobody has messed with mine yet. well, a homeless r-slur slashed my tire and that sucked.

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Wide angle lenses should require permits

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put blackface on before you do it

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I recall years ago people vandalized teslas but I think it was something closer to rightoids? Like this electric vehicle shit ain't rite gosh darnit or some such hick nonsense. Naturally they all got caught on camera because of the security system and there were/is youtube videos of it.

Fun that we're getting a season 2 I guess but now it's foaming at the mouth libtards.


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They could at least use BB guns or air rifles if they want to vandalize cars

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Awesome. It will be hilarious when they start getting arrested and charged with hate crimes for spray painting swaztikas everywhere. Trans lives matter

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>implying they're going to be charged for good faith political protests

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I can't wait till they use its self driver for something like this

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Bayer is a Nazi aspirin now. Doesn't matter when you bought it or when you figured out that Hitler was an awful person. You're still ingesting a Nazi aspirin by the end of the day. You're still advertising for the Nazi. You're giving implicit support for a Nazi.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Phenol_Plot !historychads

(yes I am aware that the Nazis were WW2 and the Bayer thing happened in WW1, I'm just doubling down on reddit logic of buying a car before Elon became African Hitler)

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During WW2 it was even worse. Bayer along BASF and other German chemical companies became part of IG Farben (at the time the largest chemical conglomerate in the world) and they owned a private concentration camp to provide labor for their operations (production of synthetic petrol among the main ones). IG Farben also produced Zyklon B and participated of human experimentation.

!historychads !chemistry

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they owned a private concentration camp to provide labor for their operations

Not even a concentration camp (many german factories had those), KL Auschwitz was where it was because IG Farben chose the place as optimal for synthetic fuel/rubber factory. The reasoning being:

1) Close to :marseycoal: (Silesia)

2) Good supply of water (structural basin)

3) East of Germany (safer from allied bombers)

At the time it was intended as part of resource/industry buildup for expected massive air war over Europe against US/UK, after quick victory over Russia to supply other needed resources.

The factory wasn't finished during the war, owning to shifting priorities after failure of Barbarossa, but still produced some important fuel components like fuel additives for airplane gasoline. After the war :marseyflagpoland: completed it, and now able to produce rubber its responsible for something like 5% of the worlds tires. if I remember right.

!historychads basing it off Tooze, though I google tire production myself when I read it to see if its still accurate.

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They operated their own sub-camp dependent on Auschwitz right?


This reminds me that I have "The Deluge" on my Kindle since last year and that I'm yet to read it :marseyreading:

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Eventually, yes. But point was Auchwitz KL evolved out of initial camp meant for IG Farben, then the SS too decided its a great spot for filtering camp.

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IG Farben also produced Zyklon B and participated of human experimentation.

I'm just glad they have provided extensive evidence that Zyklon B is not good for your health.


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You ever wonder what happened to Zyklon A? :marseyveryworriedfed:

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>Yes. People sell cars all the time. It's totally normal. You can sell a car you still make payments on. It's not a hard thing to do.

Yeah, and they're the kind of r-slurs who get in a "Tales From The Dealership" story


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Drive into any poor neighborhood and you'll see cars in the driveway with payments that are 2-3x their rent. It's wild

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My neighbors live in an $920k house but have 3 porches alternating in their 2 car driveway. It's not just limited to the poors.

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3 porches? In the driveway? https://i.rdrama.net/images/17387715083hF8_V0imTjwtg.webp

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Whos gonna buy a nazi vehicle? Socialists and economic illiteracy smh

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Isn't /r/wallstreetbets all about the tesla stocks or is that old news?

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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I miss the gamestop shit tbh

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>luxury vanity car

>MSRP 42k


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>luxury car

>Panel gaps that would not pass inspection at the Lada factory

>Interior comforts to rival a Chevy Malibu from Hertz

>Driving dynamics of a refrigerator

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At least they got on that iphone beat of needing to disassemble the entire thing at a licensed retailer who are the only ones able to purchase parts to swap a fricking battery.

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What do you think would make Elon throw a bigger Twitter tantrum? Shutting down H-1B visas permanently, or passing Right to Repair at the federal level?

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BUT they go 0-60 fast, are very heavy, and are objectively the best car for committing vehicular manslaughter

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i think one of thr teslas only costs like 30k or something new.

used probably lot cheaper, teslas were never luxury vehicles even the tesla truck is nkt that expensive

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Yeah I'm seeing 15-20k used

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Thank u for pin bb

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If you're a true patriot you will strictly buy non-American cars until 2028.

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yes and only new cars because used give money to dealers amd other americans who r prolly nazis or adjacent

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"Teslas are Nazi vehicles now" says Hasan with a smirk as he rolls up the window in his Porsche Taycan

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Driving an electric car is right wing coded now?

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Is that the EV charging symbol?


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Blitzcharge if you would.

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6 million watts in just 5 minutes!


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Actually the Nazis build the first diesel-electric tank :marseybigbrain:

Invented by Ferdinand Porsche himsel, it was called Ferdinand or Elefant tank. !historychads

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And like most :capyreich: tanks, it shat the bed quite often

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Diesel-electric drive was actually pioneered before Porsche tried to make that r-slurred piece of shit Tiger competitor.

The US navy spent decades in the interwar years trying to make their new battleships turbine-electric, and eventually gave up because it's a fricking stupid idea that doesn't work.

The experimental TOG tank the Brit's were trying to build was diesel-electric, and it started trials in 1939, to equally disastrous results.

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idk these things reverse all the time, I remember when antivax people were granola muncher shitlib hippies

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Still are


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