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Monthly weekly fitness post #9

I forgot a few I think maybe but here we go !fitness tell me WHY ARE YOU STILL FAT

@Aevann pin

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!commenters !fitness I forgot that I wanted to take stretching seriously this year but there are like a million different apps and programs and whatever and icba to educate myself on what makes the most sense so I'm gonna do the sensible thing and ask rdramatards to recommend something and I'm gonna uncritically take ur advice and do the routine with the most upmarseys.

Please go ahead.

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I just paid for www.gowod.app - it's half the price of the other leader (Pliability fka ROMWOD). It's built around getting people ready for Crossfit workouts, so it concentrates on the mobility that you'd need to do Olympic lifts.

It periodically tests you and then gives you a score for each joint and tailors future sessions around your weaker points.

I think this is a good "don't overcomplicate it by doing too much research" area. Try GOWOD, it's got a two week trial.

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I'm gonna check it out. I remember flexibility apps being outrageously expensive, but maybe that's a good thing to motivate me to keep at it :marseythinkorino:

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Β£65 a year for GOWOD, you could just pay for a few months and then keep doing the stretches you like from it.

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Have you ever done Bikram Yoga? Its very intense

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Is this a deez nuts joke? What's Bikram Yoga?

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Hot yoga - the room is steam heated while you do intense yoga

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There's a really good neck stretch that I recommend. You turn your head to the side, and you keep going until you hear something pop. Use your hands to provide more force if you need.

It's so effective that you'll never feel pain again.


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This sounds like it is going to kill me? Are you trying to kill me? Why?

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No? I've done it myself.

Sent from my ghostPhone.


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Stretching is literally useless and can get you injured if you do it before high impact activity. It also reduces performance for a few hours. Don't even waste you're time.

Communism will win! Glory too the ccp!

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I don't want to do it for my workouts I just want to be more flexible πŸ‘πŸΏ

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Stretching doesn't make you more flexible

Communism will win! Glory too the CCP!

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Stretching suppresses the reflexes that cause you too withdraw of you get too close too you're end ROM. It also decreases the pain signals near end ROM. But these are only temporary.

If you really want too increase flexibility you need too do real exercise near the end of you're range of motion. You're probably stopping short now because you're not used too it.

Communism will win

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Fake news confounded by exercise

Communism will win

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Females showed higher gains in range of motion compared to males after long-term stretching training.

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Who on earth chudded a nice young woman like you?

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See if you can find a torrent of the old P90X collection and do the "Yoga X" routine, it's like 90 minutes and it's great

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I'm pretty down about fitness this week. There's a minor tummy bug going around my house and I've just felt lethargic so I haven't worked out (or done much other than working, Rainbow 6 Siege, reading and sleeping).

Otherwise I'm having a hard time fitting all my fitness goals in. I joined a football club last year and it's great to get 2+ hours of cardio in a week and socialise, but my knees and ankles have started creaking. So I started doing https://www.gowod.app/ - the hipster crossfit warmup app. That helps and mobility is always worth doing but it's another 15 mins a day.

Then I've got my new years resolution - row 5k twice a week. I'm keeping up with it so far and it's nice to finally be using the rowing machine that's been gathering dust in my garage for four years, but it's even more time. Every morning I wake up thinking "shit I need to row today/play football and it's leg day and then I need to do my stretches, and I need to eat every few hours" and I just end up feeling stressed.

It doesn't help that even though I'm doing all of these things then I'm not investing enough time in any to really get great at them. I thought a 5k row was good cardio but most rowing enthusiasts don't even consider that a warmup (and some r-slurs even row 5k as warmup before lifting). Football gives my weightlifting a purpose but I'm not doing ball drills at home so I'm not really getting better at that. So weightlifting gets kicked to the curb which makes me feel sad because weightlifting is the thing I want to do the most.

I'm a lost boy.

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I used to run cross country and ran 50+ miles a week and played soccer an hour or two a day after that. Idk how I did it. I elliptical or row 30 minutes+ a day 6 days a week now and it's fine, but I go to run two miles on a track every three weeks to see what my v02max is on my watch on it makes me sore for half a week. Getting old sucks.

Rowing is good cardio. I doubt you are comparing your running to marathon runners, who care what skinny twink indoor rowers do

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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XC bros in the house.


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Good advice thanks. Comparing against anyone online is a bad idea. Rowing neurodivergents are fricking crazy and a 5k really does feel like good cardio.

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Rowing has really helped my upper body endurance for lifting. That's all I care about. I started seeing consistent rep gains after switching to mostly rowing for cardio for two weeks. I'm only doing 6-7.5k, my butt would fall off if I stayed on that thing long enough to do 10k

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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University rowers do 30k/day and lift on top. I'd be bored out of my mind.

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lol I'm pretty content with 30k a week. I haven't done it enough to have a solid technique. I could see myself doing maybe 40k a week as I get better. I don't mind actual rowing. I set my phone up with the telemetry and put some videos on on my iPad. It's the longest I get to sit and watch something all day. My butt just gets numb after 25 minutes. I'll get my million meter t shirt in a couple months, that seems like a lot of rowing doing just 6-7k a day.

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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What kind of weight lifting split are you running? I've found that bodybuilding splits like ppl, ul, and bro splits are only sustainable if building muscle is the only thing your devoted to. Full body splits and low volume/high frequency routines work better for people who have other fitness goals.

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Good point - I'm doing a 4 workout bro split. It's about 60-70 mins per workout. I'll look at some full body workouts... How do crossfitters get big? Are they just working out for hours a day?

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IDK, probably either steroids or running a mass building program every once in a while. I stay away from CrossFit.

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I recently discovered i cannot perform almost any form of bicep curl. Every time my forearms hurt like a b-word during exercise. Sharp pain, as if my muscles and tendons are ripped apart.

It's weird because i can perform every other exercise without pain, even with huge weights, can even do some chin-ups/pull-ups.

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You may have hyperextended muscles or something..? I hyperextended my left leg in an accident and it has never been the same. Have you had activity accidents?

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So I'm 9 weeks into my cut. Running a 1000 calorie deficit according to my fitness tracker but my body started fighting back hard under 15% body fat. My resting heart rate is like 50bpm. Blood pressure was 93/60 at the dentist the other day lol. Only losing about a pound a week now.

Me and chat gpt figure I will hit 10% body fat around the end of march. Going to get a dexa scan if it don't have to drive too far.

Pretty much all I think about is food. Grocery shopping for my chicken and protein powder is actual torture. They just have hot dogs ready to eat sitting at the front of Walmart. I want a hot dog so bad.

I've lost over 20 lbs. back to the weight I started bulking at in August and I'm about 4-5% less body fat now than then. Surprised I'm still going up in squat and deadlift. Bench has pretty much plateaued for now. My workouts have really been taking longer the last two weeks. Recovering between sets take longer and sometimes I just spend half an hour thinking about starting. Only 6 more weeks.

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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Dexa scans are useless and using chatgpt as an assistant is r-slurred.

Good luck


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How are dexa scans useless?

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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They aren't reliable enough to be more useful than just looking at your body

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Yeah but I'm more biased than a dexa scan when determining how fat I am. It's not accurate enough to go get one every month to determine if your training is more or less effective but it's accurate enough for what I'm going for. It's more reassurance than that I'm not lying to myself and something I can compare with in 15 months at the end of my next cut. It's accurate enough for that even if it is off 1-2% on my body fat

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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Just use your weight and take pictures neighbor they tell you a lot more about your body comp than a scan

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I read somewhere that you shouldn't cut for too long, maybe 12 weeks?

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Most people get pretty tired of it. I imagine progress is pretty slow by 12 weeks. I'm thinking of doing a 3-5 day refeed and eat maintenance calories or slightly above if I hit a wall and then finish dieting. I was originally planning on being done soon but didn't account for my metabolism slowing down so much. lol I though that was just some shit fatties said :marseyemojirofl:

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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I've been having fun running a variation of Dan John's kettlebell armor building formula program


Lat Pulldown 3x5

French Press 3x8-12

Inverted Rows 3xF

ABC EMOM 20-30 mins


Bicep Curl 3x8-12

DB Bench 3x6-10

Upright Rows 3-8-12

Alternate KB Snatch and Dbl KB Press EMOM 12-20 mins


Either 20 mins HIIT or 40 mins LISS on an exercise bike



2 Weeks in and I feel pretty good.


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I threw out my back and it hurts. Idk what to do, i dont trust chiropractors and last time I got a massage, the masseuse touched my gock. What do?

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>its da jooz

shut your mouth pigskin,even if the jews arent BLACK they did more to mankind that the cumskin,snow dwelling white monkeys,all wh*te dog should know their places in the bottom of the race pyramid

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