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  • Hansolf_Grettler : Anti-Dramanautism
  • Ick : Bardfinn
  • atakeonhooper : This place probably actually is too racist for me to keep coming here, now that i think about it
  • ILoveChapose : Misinformation
  • Ruq : But Bardfinn sucks, why wouldn't we affix his unholy name to degeneracy?
  • FanOfYtPpl : streisand effect
  • FearOfBees : Anti-drama drama anti-drama too much fricking causation loop from based to not based
  • PewDiePie : former reddit janitors, are still pathetic at the offshore website. more at 11
  • BasedGod : I’m going to die laughing.. bardie wins again, J slurs no match for Penelope’s 9 incher🤣🤣🤣
  • blazedraper : Russian misinformation
  • jesus : sneed
  • hunglol : misinformation, paid for by Bardfinn

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Bardfinn is not responsible for the Etika NFTs

Ffs how are you all so incapable of NOT shoehorning your fixation on a Reddit moderator into every single thing? Starting now we will be removing any and all posts associating Bardfinn with those NFTs because you people are so exhaustingly singleminded in your obsession.

To any visitors from Twitter: the surly mugshot man you think made the NFTs about the video game guy or whatever has nothing to do with any of it. And you’re literally r-slurred for thinking he did. That dude is some moderator from Reddit who has no idea what any of this is. A vile person, to be sure, but wholly unrelated. Why did you believe that random tweet? What evidence was offered for it? Some idiot just said “this is the guy” as a misguided joke and offered absolutely zero backing for it, and you morons lapped it up and started looking for ways to harass him.

Shame on you. Not for the harassment - bullying is healthy - but for your sub-80 IQ. You shouldn’t be allowed to operate a computer or a smartphone without PPE and a pair of minders for your own safety.

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The tweet was literally just a mugshot with zero context or evidence provided and zoomers instantly took the bait and pounced on it like the little twerps they are. It never even began for twittercels.

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I hope it's snowballed enough that the fish won't be able to stop the fun.

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Fish strag also deleted your thread about it:

Fake LLM is also deleting his comments to hide his crimes:


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Why the frick is he sperging out so hard?

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I'd guess that trying to frame someone for something isn't exactly legal.

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I believe that ______. It appears that ______.

Journ*lists get around this all the time, so it's legal.

>framed for the crime of making an NFT on some dead vtuber


Oh bardyboy!

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While true, I think :bardfinn: has shown numerous times that he's insane enough to press charges, and I don't think there's many people who would want to be in line for a lawsuit.

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Bardy can't afford child support. You think he has the cash for a lawyer?

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Lawyers do it for no down payment if it means they get a larger % of the cash prize.

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Reasonable & Gay.

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I think :bardfinn: has shown numerous times that he's insane enough to press charges

Has he really? Trans lives matter

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Within the smooth brain of every janny is a paedophile trying to get out.

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The account went private so the fun is over

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Looks deleted/suspended rather than private

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I own the twitter account

I was requested to delete it and people were dming me doxx attempts of me and personal info of my family.

As this is my personal twitter account with a lot of identifying info I chose to remove it

(thats why normies rt it on the first place cuz mostly normies follow me so it spread quickly)

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having a peronsal twitter account with a lot of identifying info


posting bardfinn to personal twitter account

sigma male + ngmi(?)

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Im never gonna make it

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Why were people trying to dox you?

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Because Twitter users are mentally ill durrrr

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He posted a wifebeater's dox claiming he is behind Etika NFTs lmao

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Yeah I know, I just don't understand how it got turned around on slav. Seems like the Twittards swallowed the bait whole without a second thought.

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I think we found us a new farm :troll:

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I posted a lot of anti trans things and someone found my employer and my sister insta

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Ah. Well thanks for doing your part to signal boost the bait. I hope your life doesn't get fricked up by a bunch of terminally online strags over this.

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Ill be fine dw

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As this is my personal twitter account with a lot of identifying info

lmao BIPOC u are r-slurred

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I was requested to delete it

The account or the tweet? And by who?

And how accurate were the doxx attempts?

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Requested to delete it by giga jannies

Doxx attempts found my family member's social media and my employer

Seethed about my old anti trans posts

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never troll on your main account that has your personnal info or IRL friends you follow

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Why are you retweeting dramatard shit on your personal Twitter?

Only a zoomer is this r-slurred with internet privacy. You should have like 4 online personas between your real one and anything like this site

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Shouldnt have a real online persona at all lol

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