
EFFORTPOST :marseyflagromania: New electoral drama! The hornet nest has been kicked again :marseyrapscallion: Georgescu, main nazi danger to our democracy, got arrested :marseymugshot:

  • Can't remember when I last updated you guys on our deranged political show, but let's use Vance's speech at that EU meeting as a starting point :surewalz:

  • After elections were cancelled our politicians started to search for proof of russian manipulation/illegal shit/literally anything to justify randomly taking everyone's right to vote after the elections started. I know, I know, you'd expect them to have proof before basically accusing Georgescu of treason and cancelling elections, but this is the Balkans and logic was never our forte :lelolidk: So houses were raided (Georgescu and family, their friends and political allies, his supporters, r-slurs on the internet who took advantage of this to vent their frustration by threatening violence), people were interrogated, blockades around cities where people were stopped and searched have been set up, lots of activity from our generally hibernating police force :carplazy:

  • Not many things were unearthed, at least not about Georgescu directly - his bodyguards are mercenaries so they have ties with Russia because they worked with ziggers in Africa, and his grandpa or something has been part of the nazi party, but any direct ties with Georgescu are still missing :marseydetective: Apparently gramps being a member of the nazi party and Georgescu being a member of the communist party doesn't hold much water, since pretty much everyone in those respective time periods were party members due to the whole 'we'll kill you if you don't join us' aspect of every authoritarian regime :marseyteehee:

  • Anyway, after Vance directedly told our government that they are just some petty dictator wannabes panic settled in. Despite all the searches they still haven't found sufficient proof for annulling the elections. Well, they do say that this proof exists but it's super secret and it would be very dangerous to release publicly, so people are mostly :marseysurejan: about that. Which leads us to today's fiasco :marseydance:

  • Today is the first day where the candidates for the new presidential elections can sign up. Georgescu was in traffic on the way to do just that when he was stopped by the cops and dragged to the police station. He just had a knee surgery a few days ago and is using crutches to walk around, so the image with him limping in crutches while surrounded by cops will definitely be used as the main campaign material from now on. Hey, why say no to free propaganda material!? :marseyflagromania:

  • His supporters were angry at that because, aside from the general fact that their candidate has been arrested, you can only sign up for the presidential race until march 15, so they assumed the cops planed to detain Georgescu until then to stop him from signing up :marseycop: Protesters gathered in front of the police station, the riot police was called and they set up fences around the building, people on the internet were calling for violence (again), so things were a little tense :marseylibleft:

  • But his supporters' fear were misplaced :marseynothingburger: A couple of hours after being detained Georgescu was released under judiciary control. His charges are... not great for all this clusterfrick, especially since they don't justify the cancelled elections at all. Basically his speeches threatened the constitution, instigated violence, supported our nazis and general antisemitism. Apparently you need a house search to prove this :lelolidk: I never heard him say anything about jews or about any violent actions ever, so I guess those parts are in relation to his nazi ties. Which leave us with two main charges, the nazism and the constitution one.

  • Him praising our versions of the nazis, technically the most darning one since any type of support for nazism is illegal in Romania, is funnily enough the weakest charge he's facing because our politicians are a bunch of lazy and incompetent r-slurs :marseygigaretard: Georgescu's ties with nazis were known for decades, he has been arrested over them multiple times before but every time he was released with no explanation :marseyshrug: So, his nazi affiliation has never been a problem for years, haven't been a problem when he signed up to become president the first time, have been deemed not a threat when he won the first round of the elections and people complained that a literal nazi was allowed to candidate for the most important political position of Romania, but they suddenly became a real threat to our democracy (tm) now, in the first day of electoral sign up :marseysquint: So, while this charge is a problem for him, it's kinda hard to use it as a justification for everything that happened until today.

  • The 'threat to the constitution' accusation is probably the real weapon against him for now. It has been used to force another auth-right candidate out of the race the first time and it's based on a very muddy law. She was accused of antisemitism and spreading hate against NATO and EU, things that apply to Georgescu too. Georgescu's supporters are now expecting him to be pulled out of the race in the same way the other candidate was. Our rightoids' second favorite candidate, Simion, said that he won't candidate again as to not split their voting base, so if they cancel Georgescu's candidacy after the signups are done they can cockblock them both out of the race :marseyhmm: Although that will obviously anger their fans :naziseethe:

  • For now, Georgescu was allowed to go home, but can't have any media appearances and his social media activity has also been limited since he's not allowed to create any new accounts... it would be a shame if his current ones were deleted :marseywink: So the old debate of ''what is freedom of speech?' is currently going on all over our media, both mainstream and on the internet :marseynoyou:

  • Conspiracy theory time! :marseyfluffy:

  • Not many new conspiracies have appeared yet, but since Vance, Musk and a few of their chud friends showed their support for Georgescu, some people now believe that this arrest was ordered by Von der Lyne as a message for Trump that Europe now belongs to Soros and the globalist cabal :marseygodfather: Don't ask me why Von der Lyne specifically :marseyshrug:

Apparently this is why:

  • In contrast, another theory says that the politicians here want Georgescu to win, and all this clusterfrick is a way to martyr him in the population's eyes and make everyone vote for him, and that our elections were actually a honeypot operation to trap the evil globalists and force them to expose themselves and their plans :marseyfedora:

  • Some chuds here have been watching too many old school crime movies, I guess :marseygiggle:

  • That's all for now, the situation is still tense vut has mainly calmed down for now since Georgescu was allowed to go home. Will update again if anything spicy happens :marseyreportercnn:

Edit: !jannies can I get an efforst post tag for this? I forgot to tag it :marseybegging:

The charges might de dropped because the wrong political body filed them. We're a very competent country :marseywholesome:

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Euroshitters will do literally anything except control their immigration inflow.

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reading foreigners take on eu immigration is slurred

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>muslim arrives in romania

>sees the romani


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Fair enough, I didn't look too closely at Romania's migration. But they are 4-8% Gypsy, which probably explains most of the political situation.

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@FourthAlt do the romani vote?

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Generally no. But they have voted for the alt-right parties this election for some reason, everyone is confused about it :marseyconfused: But is seems that Georgescu is supported by gangsters with money and protection, and most of those made from gypsy clans, so they probably encouraged their communities to vote for Georgescu :marseyshrug:

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I was more pointing to the fact that everyone in Europe hates the Roma, including the hardcore liberals, so a country being 5+% Roma would be enough to drive far-right xenophobic sentiment, much higher than in UK and Germany.

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tbh im romanian and ive noticed all of the food delivery guys are arab

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There are all manners of slavoids with lower gdp/capita than turkey larping about the hordes of browns that're baying at their doors on the all the usual alt right spaces. There's more of them than west yuros which is really funny considering pop differentials.

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Having euros on the internet is rslurred.

What is the purpose of the internet? You stupid peasant

Trans lives matter

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Romania has the fastest internet after South Korea

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We don't even have that many immigrants here, who would willingly move into an eastern european shithole when they could cross a handful of countries and reach Germany? :marseygiggle: I still have no idea what started Georgescu's cult of personality, we were a very pro-West country before the elections, there hasn't been a too noticeable raise of the far right here unlike Germany or Italy for example, and there've been no anti-UE protest or nazi demonstrations or anything until now.

Just randomly this election everyone decided to be contrarian and vote for the russophile nazi :marseyshrug:

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What would even be the draw of a giga r*ghtoid party?

>the immigrants are DESTROYING our shithole of a country


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We literally have no mosques and there hasn't been a single muslim terror attack yet, still feels too extreme of a reaction for how 'dangerous' our shithole is :marseyshrug:

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I saw like 3 BIPOCs this year. This is like.. 20x the normal amount

Also half the people here now only speak russian/ukraianian whatever. I don't like it, i can only do yes/no and some common words with them

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You're romanian too? :marseyshook:

I never saw a BIPOC here, but the jeets are definitely starting to get annoying. The vietnamese are cute and tiny tho, they can stay :marseychingchonglove::marseychingchonglove::marseychingchonglove: And very few ukros where I live but my farmer's market has been taken over by turks, same language problems :marseyunamused: At least they seem less angry all the time unlike slavs :marseyhmm:

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seems like a good place for slavs tbh, the one time i was there all the old women looked like babushka grandmas, plus it seems like the kind of place where people put rugs on top of their tvs like slavs

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Реорļе аřе tíеrеd оf еstаbļíshmеnt аnd уоu саnt tеļļ реорļе fоř 3 уеаrs ukwаínе ís аbоut tо wín but nееd thе ļаst bíļļíоn buxx fоř 300+ tímеs. Аļsо Ι bеt а ļоt аřе nоt hарру hоw ЕU mоnеу gоеs tо Ukřаínе ínstеаd оf Dwасuļа ļаnd.


Аs уоu sее fwеíndshíр wíth Роļаnd еndеd fаst

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740599136YXjwJcBXXRQ66A.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740599137b9_sUNopVZ514g.webp

Аnd íf Роļjаks dоnt wаnt tо suрроrt Ukwаínе thаn mаjоrítу ín ЕU dоnt wаnt

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Yeah, Ukraine seems to be a problem, but pro-NATO to pro-Russia in less than two years is quite the slippery slope :marseyslipperyslope:

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Idk if it's similar on romania but here i don't like an influx of thousands of ukrainians either, they aren't too much of a problem, but if i could i'd deport them all

I don't want the russians here either

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I still have no idea what started Georgescu's cult of person

I know :russiarentfree: but unironically :marseyputin:

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Still he needed a hook right? How did he convinced so many people in such a shirt time? It took him decades for that in the West and only after society went to shit. Things are almost unchanged here from when we entered EU when it comes to woke shit. Although things have been changing ever since covid, with jeet migrants popping up and flamboyant gays being more visible, I guess we're just a lot more reactive to this shit as a nation :marseythinkorino:

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Gas price

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Robmanians are the ones doing the immigrating, nobody wants to live there, even :marseyairquotes: Syrian refugees :marseyairquotes:

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Jfc man. An authoritarian continent where the authority hates its people and wants to replace them. :marseyyikes:

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Please just nuke us and put us out of our misery :marseyoppenheimer:

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She was accused of antisemitism and spreading hate against NATO and EU

How the frick do you vote against the EU/NATO if your polticians are arrested for it :marseydepressed:

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Maybe EU was fifth reich all along

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You don't! You're part of the blob forever :marseymotherhugger:

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Oh boy more happenings in some bullshit country

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The absolute state. Couldn't even get him on Russia charges so had to resort to meme charges like this. At the very least Lasconi-sama I kneel.

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they could have just hired the mafia :marseyfedora: to assassinate :marseybackstab: him.

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even the mercenaries he's friends with never actually worked with Russians, they were only paid once by russia to train bodyguards and that's all they found

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@kaamrev deets are up :marseysalutearmy:

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@Asher_Smellytongue I haven't been visited by the cops yet... but calling multiple government members incompetent morons on their accounts might or might not get me arrested in the near future :marseysweating:

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Yоu ļuсkу уоu аínt ín UK

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:m#arseyagree: :m#arseyrelieved:

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no vpn?

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Right now it's still legal to call them r-slurs, but who knows when that might change :marseyshrug:

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:marseybeandrool: :marseybeanrelieved:

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You're going to hear "it's called liberal democracy not democracy chud" a lot in the coming years

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Alex Jones has better drama post title

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True :marseybeanpensive: I wrote this as fast as I could so there are probably a lot of potential jokes I missed :marseysad:

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Sorry bb we may be neighbors but this was too long to read can I get a tldr for a :chadmediterranean: bro

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>chud candidate won the first round of elections so the elections were cancelled

>technically because he was working with Russia to destroy democracy but no proof of that was given

>new elections happen in may and yesterday was the first day of signups

>he was arrested in traffic and frog marched to the police station

>the government will probably use this arrest to prevent him from running again

>still no proof of him working with the russians was given

TL;DR our democracy is :marseygunshotsuicide:

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Funny how the !nonchuds were so quick to gloat about this--without any evidence.

!chuds, it's chud smug time! :#chudsmug:

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But I thought I read here from :marseyclueless: dramatards that he got what he deserves for working with Putler which was obvious to everyone :soysnoo2:

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This would have been acceptable in the first or second week after the cancel elections, now it's just embarrassing. Why defend the country from Putin if you plan to act like him anyway? :marseyagree:

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That's true bb, ty for the explanation

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Unironically, the US should invade Romania and shoot their glowies in the streets

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Yes please :marseybegging:

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I only read about 10 words of your post, but this r-slur is going to be elected in a landslide won't he?

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Yep :marseycrucified:

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Slow burn drama are better than any TV show :marseypopcorn:

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Any tv show adaptation of these elections will be accused of being too unrealistic :marseyagree:

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I love treason rules, expect that to be used more often in the US too

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GOOD effortpost. I read all of it every time u post about ur shithole "democratic" processes :marseythumbsup:

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Thanks :marseyembrace: I want to be angry at how our r-slurred politicians are trampling whatever can be called a 'democracy' here, but at this point it's al just too funny to care :marseypopcorn:

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TBF If they truly did think he's Russian compromised while it's spitting in the face of democracy as a concept I can see why they'd jannie everything and kick him out. But now that we're 3 months on and they seem to only have vague meme charges to stick him with? It's an absolute joke and one that will damage a lot of the trust in democratic institutions both in your country and to a lesser extent continent wide.

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Yeah, even if they suddenly find proof that he's Putin's best buddy no one will believe them by now :marseyagree: EU is even dumber than us apparently and wants everyone to copy this r-slurred strategy :lelolidk: At least things will get really entertaining in one or two years when other countries will have elections :marseypopcorntime:

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Sorry :marseyqueencrown: you don't have a democracy

Got a good chiftele recipe I could have? Want to make more foreign dishes

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Those look good! :#marseylickinglips:

And I'm sorry that you have to live in Romania. :@fourthaltpat:

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Thanks :marseyembrace: I just assume this is punishment for something I did in a past life :marseyselfflagellation:

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Then you should feel bad! :marseymad:

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Do you believe Eastern Europe will someday be a good place to live? :marseyreportercnn:

What about in, like, 500 years? Would that be enough time?

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No never, this place was cursed by God Himself into being a perpetual shithole :marseyskeleton:

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Now where and who's that r-slur who's going to deboonk your thread by linking to some bullshit blog?

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I hope they do a suadi arabia and cut off his head in there

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Would be really dramatic :marseyagreefast:

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good, we should've done that here except for the letting him go home part

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It's all fun and games until you accidentally kick start a revolution :parrotrevolution:

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oh no, a romanian who had electricity installed 6 years ago is going to ride his goat in and take down based globalism

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I'm talking about your country :marseyfluffyannoyed:

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I laughed at u both tho

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Me, a rumanian police

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Democracy has won again by arresting political candidates!

:#elonsalute!::#elonsalute!::#elonsalute!: :#elonsalutegenocide:

Sorry, Hitler. You don't believe in the right kind of totalitarian ideology.

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