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Chud :chudspin: Boomerbook pages showing up in my feed are getting out of control! :marseyglassesshock: Wojak of single white Mothers with ugly Amerimutt babies :goblina: causes a Chudstorm :marseyhurricane2: of unprecidented proportions!





1. :chudglassesglow: "race mixing should be considered a crime"


2. :soyjakfat: "no race mixing!" :blacksoyjak: "lol look at you"

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17407105108M98jX1NwGu3Ew.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17407105109EG6dkA56i-9ug.webp

3. :marseysmug2: "lol bet she only wants men who are over 6' feet and makes 6 figures" :soyjakanimeglasses: "Okay incel"


4. :handsomechud: "if the kid is black, automatic no" :marseyblops2cel: "yeah I'm not raising a baboon baby"

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740710510WhImYkir2S62sg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740710510mUrIxcrnzqccSw.webp

5. :marseywomanmoment2: "what's the point of making the babies brown?" :marseysmughips: "because racism is funny"

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740710510ewcixloNgUitnQ.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740710510rhx8h0CErq_EDA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740710510PFUVEW31VfjG2w.webp

6. :blacksoyjak: "missing the point here..." :chudspin: "F you shitskin Niqqer"


7. :bardfinn: "lol you all got small peepee" :marseywtf2: "you're a dude..." :bardfinn: "talk to me dirty, Daddy"

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17407105114onCS0Gzrs7x2w.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740710511VkWZi0S3opZFtg.webp

8. :10inbongland: "this is horrible, we have real problems, what a shame" :chudjakcry: :chudmutt: :chudindian: :chudbrasileiro: "DARN ZIONIST!"

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740710511lCQcn8tnQdfdkQ.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740710511pNz9bs3IqrRB9Q.webp

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what kind of evil negromancy is this :marseyscared:

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I'd be find with racing a mixed race child if I could use his demonic power to enslave humanity. My favourite presidential candidate announced he'd impale drug addicts on the white house lawn and send his demonic hordes to destroy the middle east so we could steal their oil.

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740710809kLgxZJFsEPvKbw.webp my dad looks like this.

!followers !metashit !macacos

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This just makes that childhood story of you harassing that interracial couple even more insane.

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>that childhood story of you harassing that interracial couple even more insane.

https://i.rdrama.net/asset_submissions/emojis/margechad.webp !metashit !BWC BIPOC wtf are you talking about

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You harassed a fricking black couple for the fricking sake of your own race. I can only wish I had the fricking same dedication.

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BIPOC where did I ever write this?, riemann said that it was an interracial couple and now you say it is a black couple, can you schizo r-slurs be at least consistent?

:!#stoningpills: :#@bussy-boypat: :#@_riemann1413pat: :#stoningpills: !metashit

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It was a fricking black couple. He was fricking harassing them. A FRICKING black man. The fricking story checks out.

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It was revealed to me in a dream.

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He lives the consequences of a crime against nature every day

Trans lives matter

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nah he's cool

shame his mom is wh*te

let's not talk about the ugly wh*te cumspawns

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i'm laughing at the beaten up woman

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there was a website a while back...paid the toll . com or some shit like that...and he had all the stories of white women that ended up in some very unfortunate situations because they burnt the coal...was hosted in russia...

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I think it was called "CoalFax" (like Carfax) but it was r-slurred since it included women who were happily dating black guys out in the open. Might have been different to what you are talking about though.

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yeah much different...these ones were badly beaten or dead...

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He punched his mom?

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Holy heck that BIPOClet is ugly as frick :#shyyt:

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that BIPOClet is ugly as frick

:#marseyme: !r-slurs !BIPOCs !followers

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This is why @collectijism come here

Trans lives matter

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>mfw I'm born to a white woman

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>I'm born to a white woman

:#mewhen: !BIPOCs !bipocs

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5. :marseywomanmoment2: "what's the point of making the babies brown?"

uh because if they weren't then the foids would easily be able to find a dad to step up? they're not even remotely comparable situations for a woman to be in.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740728676stx6d5GAOiUTnw.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740728676Z1QLMYl3Y3EP3Q.webp

I theorycrafted a bit about it here

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Women being racist against black friends :(

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could be mixed

This b-word fricked so many dudez she doesn't even know what race the kid is gonna be hahahaha.

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I wonder what she's going to do with all the time she saved by shortening "black" to "blk" over the course of her reddit career

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There's a strong possibility that the 2nd comment is from a black woman, which makes it all the more hilarious.

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I'm sure they can find someone who is into racial cucking humiliation fetish to really raise those kids, no problem :marseythumbsup:

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This meme isnt even inaccurate. Unironically if you want a based racist waifu you gotta date asians or latinx.

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:#marseyitsallsotiresome: :#chudnazi::heartbeat::#asiangirl:

If wigna:marseytrain2:s are so much terminally buck broken by the existence of East Asians and Asian kitty, then why do they still call themselves White Nationalists?, just either start classifying Asians as a subgroup of Whites, or call yourselves something like "Eurasian Nationalists". !nonchuds !chudmoment !yellowfever !whites !asians !builtfor !BWC

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Also lmao @ pizza calling latinx being "based racist waifus". Yeah Latinx are racist, but that doesn't stop them from fricking or intermingling with other races. They're literal mutts who were spawned by miscegenation (in some cases enforced miscegenation). They just adopt whatever values are optimal, which means acting like hoodrat blacks if they're poor or snobby whites if they're rich.

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The asian wife is more likely to start the 4th reich with you than a yt woman :marseytunaktunak:

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no. u date black woman u r-slur. asians have nasty smelly brocolli and beef kitty, latinx r just no.

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No you just drunkenly vomited on her kitty after you had Chinese food.

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maybe :marseyindignant:

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Where tf are these neighbors living where foids on dating apps openly include pictures of their kids?

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I got a homie that sends me screenshots of his tinder/fb dating shit all the time, it's over for men.

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Where your homie live?

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America. Sends me results in my state (where he used to live and still visits) and his (neighboring) state.

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Yeah I'm asking what state does he live in?

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hey i live there too maybe we can meet up :marseydeadinside2:

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sure, let's visit the bottomless pit some time!

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Trump Country.

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I figured Baltimore or Detroit or Atlanta or something but makes sense.

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Maybe Atlanta though.

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Not Batimore? Strong doubt.

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My understanding of Baltimore is it is mostly sprawled out suburban country-esque trash which is pretty much the boiler plate for Trump Country.

Cities attract the baddest b-words, schemiest schemers and liberals.

Chuds dream of a liberal city's dating pool. Neighbors be :marseyjelly:

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Neighbors be strawberry?

Trans lives matter

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It's somewhat surprising how many indicate they have kids. Helps me filter them out though.

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That's just announcing to libertarians "I make bad decisions and am stupid." Bardfinn has never been convicted of molesting children:

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F you shitskin Niqqer



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>public chudposting with your full name


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oh hey look, it's 9gag's mudshark memes :marseyexcited:

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you haven't posted them in a while :marseysheep2pat:

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Lmfao the drive-by seethe about "zionism".

Also, Im probably far to naive, but theres no way these people use their actual real-life name, right? They just use real sounding names like jeet scammers and such, right?? :marseyaware:

Btw those are some ugly butt mulatto kids, darn.

:#marseywould: pump & dump that redheat chick tho, even though a BIPOC's been in that. And so probably has the family dog :whitewomenfuckdogscoomer:

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They forgot to include a :marseypass: or sometimes even just a straight up dude setting his gender to woman to try to seduce straight guys.

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She wants a guy who makes 6 figures.

But she had unprotected sex with 6 niggers.

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They should also the question why those same men dont have any issues if the kid's dad was Asian, Latinx, or even Arab.

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Somebody get nikki weaver over here and sick SPAL on xer

Trans lives matter

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@LovelyandCute , Agreed this is why Chuds deserve their coming genocide.

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@LovelyandCute Agreed YWNBAW

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