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Chud :chudspin: Boomerbook pages showing up in my feed are getting out of control! :marseyglassesshock: Wojak of single white Mothers with ugly Amerimutt babies :goblina: causes a Chudstorm :marseyhurricane2: of unprecidented proportions!





1. :chudglassesglow: "race mixing should be considered a crime"


2. :soyjakfat: "no race mixing!" :blacksoyjak: "lol look at you"

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17407105108M98jX1NwGu3Ew.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17407105109EG6dkA56i-9ug.webp

3. :marseysmug2: "lol bet she only wants men who are over 6' feet and makes 6 figures" :soyjakanimeglasses: "Okay incel"


4. :handsomechud: "if the kid is black, automatic no" :marseyblops2cel: "yeah I'm not raising a baboon baby"

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740710510WhImYkir2S62sg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740710510mUrIxcrnzqccSw.webp

5. :marseywomanmoment2: "what's the point of making the babies brown?" :marseysmughips: "because racism is funny"

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740710510ewcixloNgUitnQ.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740710510rhx8h0CErq_EDA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740710510PFUVEW31VfjG2w.webp

6. :blacksoyjak: "missing the point here..." :chudspin: "F you shitskin Niqqer"


7. :bardfinn: "lol you all got small peepee" :marseywtf2: "you're a dude..." :bardfinn: "talk to me dirty, Daddy"

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17407105114onCS0Gzrs7x2w.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740710511VkWZi0S3opZFtg.webp

8. :10inbongland: "this is horrible, we have real problems, what a shame" :chudjakcry: :chudmutt: :chudindian: :chudbrasileiro: "DARN ZIONIST!"

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740710511lCQcn8tnQdfdkQ.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740710511pNz9bs3IqrRB9Q.webp

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740710809kLgxZJFsEPvKbw.webp my dad looks like this.

!followers !metashit !macacos

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This just makes that childhood story of you harassing that interracial couple even more insane.

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He lives the consequences of a crime against nature every day

Trans lives matter

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>that childhood story of you harassing that interracial couple even more insane.

https://i.rdrama.net/asset_submissions/emojis/margechad.webp !metashit !BWC BIPOC wtf are you talking about

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You harassed a fricking black couple for the fricking sake of your own race. I can only wish I had the fricking same dedication.

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BIPOC where did I ever write this?, riemann said that it was an interracial couple and now you say it is a black couple, can you schizo r-slurs be at least consistent?

:!#stoningpills: :#@bussy-boypat: :#@_riemann1413pat: :#stoningpills: !metashit

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It was a fricking black couple. He was fricking harassing them. A FRICKING black man. The fricking story checks out.

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It was revealed to me in a dream.

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what kind of evil negromancy is this :marseyscared:

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I'd be find with racing a mixed race child if I could use his demonic power to enslave humanity. My favourite presidential candidate announced he'd impale drug addicts on the white house lawn and send his demonic hordes to destroy the middle east so we could steal their oil.

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nah he's cool

shame his mom is wh*te

let's not talk about the ugly wh*te cumspawns

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i'm laughing at the beaten up woman

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there was a website a while back...paid the toll . com or some shit like that...and he had all the stories of white women that ended up in some very unfortunate situations because they burnt the coal...was hosted in russia...

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I think it was called "CoalFax" (like Carfax) but it was r-slurred since it included women who were happily dating black guys out in the open. Might have been different to what you are talking about though.

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yeah much different...these ones were badly beaten or dead...

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He punched his mom?

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Holy heck that BIPOClet is ugly as frick :#shyyt:

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that BIPOClet is ugly as frick

:#marseyme: !r-slurs !BIPOCs !followers

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This is why @collectijism come here

Trans lives matter

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>mfw I'm born to a white woman

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>I'm born to a white woman

:#mewhen: !BIPOCs !bipocs

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