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[WHOLESOME] :marseywholesome: Redditors wish death on a grown woman because she was mean in the 5th grade :soysnooseethe:




Let's peer into the Freudian nightmare that is the 'empathetic' and 'kind' redditor's head.

So there was this mean girl in grade school. Her name is Tori.

One day, I was talking to a friend about a movie I saw, where she interjected and told me "we don't care." :marseydrama:


The problem was the fact that after that, anytime I tried to have a conversation with anyone, their response was "I don't care," "we don't care" "nobody cares."

:marseypearlclutch: surely something worth holding onto for TWENTY THREE FRICKING YEARS :marseyagree:

Fast forward 23 years later. Tori is a hardcore druggie. Like, she's really down bad. :marseyjunkie:

I fricking love it. :marseyevilgrin:


Realistically I'd say it's just a matter of time before her habits kill her. Can't wait, I'd take pride in pissing on her grave every day.

Jesus christ woman. :marseyyikes:

This one really epitomizes the redditor's psyche: cutaneously :marseyshy3: empathetic and kind on the surface, actually a mendacious, resentful ladygarden with a bloodlust due to years of being a social outcast :chudspin:

Which of these two personalities :marseytense: will the commenters choose?

Idk why everyone is like " she probably had a bad home life that's why she was such a peepee don't be mean" reap what ya frickin sow people. Newsflash folks, having a bad home life doesn't excuse you being an butthole to others.

Frick that fifth grader https://media.tenor.com/qEOBXVHe_0EAAAAx/skating-basketball.webp

OPs excuse now for wishing death on a grown woman 20+ years later, the frick?

Man who the frick cares? Honestly you can go to bat for a childhood bully all you want.

The memories of being shoved into a locker are touching nerves all over this comment section. :marseyoperasmug:

I'm so sorry I have empathy for people Jesus Christ dude,



As you should. No clue what these dweebs are pity partying her for at all. Guestimating about her childhood trauma makes no sense at all lmao. She was a b-word, and now she is dealing with the consequences of her own actions. Such is life.

But I would never ever ever ever ever ever blame a homeless person when they bludgeon someone to death in San Francisco


She was a "b-word" as a 5th grader so now she deserves to die as an adult? The fact that OP is still hung up on this is what's fricking weird.

Who said she deserves to die, bean bags for brains? Why are u reaching for stars? I SAID she's dealing w/ the consequences of her own actions, which is a fact.

Suddenly we like personal responsibility? :marseyhmm:

I understand this. The person who I went to school with from when I was 6 to 13 is a junkie and it's nice to see that bad people get what they earned.

Were you mean as a 9 year old? Enjoy dying of a heroin overdose :derpthumbsup: https://media.tenor.com/viz1dqmsBxkAAAAx/joker-arthur.webp

It's becoming an 'I was bullied' L-posting cry-in for resentful losers :vomit:

My childhood bully turned into a violent sexual predator, and I thank God every day that in middle school thru high school, it never escalated.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740737327a9o6eh9qMfDMwQ.webp you think about being r*ped by your childhood bully every day?

Can genuinely say that when you find out they have an obituary it's cathartic. My middle school bullies are either homeless and on dugs, in bad relationships or gone and I have a better day every time I think about them. It's great and they deserve it

:marseyjerkoffsmile: yeah and you're cryposting on reddit, I'd rather at least be high

In barges the fat girl who thinks she's the 'mom friend':

Oof, OP. Oof. Please seek therapy so you can work through this. :soyjakcobson:


jesus christ do these people have any other solution to anything

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Aggressive Redditors and powerjannies are never beating the "bullied in school" allegations.

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False, this further proof they weren't bullied enough

Some soccer playing mexicans beat me up in 3rd grade, I did what Americans should do. joined pre wee full contact football. Suddenly I was tough enough to handle myself in scrap

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!nonchuds new chud power fantasy just dropped: bragging about being physically overpowered as a child :#brookslaugh: also !downmarseyrs minor chuddout, kil :#platyking:

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Never understood the logic of bragging about being bullied. By the time I reached middle school I never lost a fight again.

A true man learns to deck another kid in the face on outdoor fun day and you both accept the strength of the other, thus becoming friends. Worked for me :marseyshrug:

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Literally the point of my story.

Bull in the ring thought me not to be a kitty. Liberal cucks banned it and now football is basically flag football.

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Hey man, can't win them all.

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i did pee wee full contact, shit was terrible. Neighbors got brain damage.

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We were the only interracial team it was the reverse remember the titans

Every other team was all black. Didn't win much but I was decent when I got to high school at least

We had a future NFL player and won 3 games in 3 years.

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state of the roeid

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You know reading this thread I initially assumed OP was a woman because holy shit holding a 20 year grudge against somebody for being rude to you as a literal fifth grader is insane. But I think OP is a guy. Wow.

I wonder if they have other gems in their post history.

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I found this really cute Marsey in their post history



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holy shit that is a fantastic marsey tbf

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The antithesis of >marsey

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Stupid slut should die tbh

Jewish lives matter

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Needs peepee right meow

Jewish lives matter

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So true king

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Omgggg a heckin caterino :#soyjakwow:

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This but unironically

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Slut ladygarden built for BBC

Jewish lives matter

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I just always assume :marseytrain: until further evidence

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There is almost no difference in testosterone levels of men and women these days anyway so it checks out.

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Some of you redditors are alright

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271948y52utXmckBNkwg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740487396BapOr-T9W_9t1g.webp

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Correct response. Frick childhood bullies, it's fine to hate someone who hurt you even if they were a kid, kids can be malicious and do seriously long-lasting damage.

But posting about your glee that this one kid, who didn't even do that much, is now a drug addict and wanting asspats for it on reddit is such insanely pathetic behaviour that telling them to shut up with exactly their triggering phrase is the perfect response. These terminally online smugtards really should have learned that it's good to keep some thoughts just inside your head by now, and that expecting praise for your every negative thought is psychotic behaviour.

The self-delusion of being a good person that so many of these redditards carry around with them is such a poison.

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Saying "I don't care" once is not even bullying lmao.

Some chick was like mildly rude to him once in 5th grade and he's been seething about it for his entire life. I actually think dying of a drug overdose is less pathetic than that.

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The problem was the fact that after that, anytime I tried to have a conversation with anyone, their response was "I don't care," "we don't care" "nobody cares."

He was probably annoying as heck lmao.

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right like did you try talking about things people care about?

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Probably :marseyautism:. Goes on about a subject that nobody cares about but can't pick up on social queues letting him know people aren't interested. Then finally they figured out the best way to deal with him was to be direct.

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she just didn't care, and she continues to not care

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Childhood bullying either makes you tougher or puts a permanent chip of insecurity that comes through whenever you feel intimidated by anyone of status.

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Bullies get the rope

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:marseylayin#g: got something you'd like to get off your chest, pal?

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Ikr imagine telling on yourself like this :marseysmug3:

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I was bullied as a kid

Turned me into the insufferable ladygarden youse all have to deal with now


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Are you actually Australian bb?

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nah it's a larp


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yeah feminine men don't exist in ozzieland

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just becuz i put on some foundation and eye shadow when i go out doesn't mean i'm feminine :marseyangel:


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Tori didn't even bully her, she just made a joke one time. It just happened to be so good that everyone else kept doing it, but there's no way Tori could have known how funny saying "I don't care" would be.

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I dunno the context here, but I'm getting pretty sick of Redditors 'insults'. They're so bad and cringe. I'm sure it's a slam dunk on groomercord or in India.

Oooof. Yikes.

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"Dork" :#marseyeyeroll2:

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We got kicked off there, what does that make us :marseyaware:

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The darkest coal vantablack BIPOCs the world has ever seen @BWC

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>constantly getting banned from subreddits

>make our own space

>get attacked even in our own space

We're Jews. Shalom! :marseysaluteisrael:

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acting white

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For many people, schadenfreude as an adult is a bigger sin than being a bully as a child.

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no it isn't you cute twink

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ive never heard anyone mention "schadenfreude" that wasn't a complete fricking loser

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Well now you have :marseywholesome:

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Forgiveness is mental cuckoldry

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yes, the alternative of repeatedly envisioning yourself being victimised :seethejak: and seething about it is much less cucklike :marseyrofl:

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That's why you should always murder your bullies while you're below the age of criminal responsibility :marseysmughips:

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the true alternative is to never really think about it and then whenever someone brings it up or you remember it you laugh and go "frick that b-word" and then move on

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Honestly, anything that happened in school is water under the bridge. With that being said, one kid in high school who was a grade above me made me do his homework. After he graduated, a tree fell on him and he had to have his leg amputated. I'm not going to lie and say I feel bad about it.


Formerly Chuck's.

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>tree fell on him

what kind of fricking looney tunes butt accident is this :marseyxd:

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It's South Africa, the tree was probably racist

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Redditors are literal r-slurs, in arrested development. That's why they care about the actions of children. They see them as peers.

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And frick them :#marseyserioushatfact:

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!truthnuke, I've said it before, and I'll say it again; most kids who were bullied deserved it. They were bullied because other children accurately identified something intrinsically wrong with them, and ostracized them as a result. A lot of Redditors are saying OP is worse than her old bully now, but the truth is, she probably always was. :marseydylan:

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True. But most of the time the bullied kids are just spergs. It's more of a social failing than a moral one.

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Spergs grow up to be Chris chan, Elon musk and Greta though. Definitely there's a moral failure dimension

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Reported by:
  • 0BS : False information (good)

Wrong. lol. If kids are so smart why don't you vote for one to be president.

With that one sentence I have destroyed your r-slurred logic. You were a bully as a kid because you were a wee ladygarden who liked being mean to others. Hitting the right person just means you got lucky and found the right target by accident, not that you weren't a wee ladygarden.

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  • 0BS : Correct information (bad)

Kids aren't smart, they're just honest. We can all recognize when someone needs to be bullied, but as adults, we're bound by social niceties that force us to compliment the emperor's clothes while we stare directly at his flaccid imperial peepee. :marseycock:

Whereas children are unconstrained, able to say and do what is right rather than what is polite. !bullies aren't "wee ladygardens", they're gay and innocent and heartless. :marseywholesome:

!marseyartists, 2,000 DC for the best Peter Pan Marsey. Closest we've got right now is whatever the frick this is: :marseyzeldatingle:

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Kids aren't smart, they're just honest

lol more trash logic. A dog is honest too. He is honestly fricking your leg and the vulture is honestly pecking your eyeballs because you are too weak to fight back. Honesty by itself is useless when it is not coordinated by a decent/ well developed inner morality and sense of right and wrong.

A kid could be dumb and because a kid is dumb do the wrong thing honestly.

You really need to get off the kids are fricking geniuses it is the adults who are r-slurred high horse. Sorry your dad or mom made enough r-slurred decisions for you that it makes you confident that 16 year old you was the peak of human intelligence.

Whereas children are unconstrained, able to say and do what is right

If right and honest were the exact same thing then two separate words wouldn't exist for them.

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Kids are smart but unsophisticated. There's a simple reason you can't see this

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Wrong. Kids are data sponges and unsophisticated.

You might as well call your excel sheet smart for being able to do math faster than you on a hundred equations.

Imagine being such an r-slured adult that you genuinely believe children are geniuses, no wonder the kids are fricked when the adult meant to guide them is giving them all the adult responsibilities because they are "smarter than adults".

Harry Potter was fiction not a biography love!

Kids are r-slurred.

Adults who cannot keep up with children are even more r-slurred.

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Are all jeets completely in the dark regarding what intelligence actually is?

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is your only counter tto everything hurr durr jeets jeets hurr durr ?

Has even the shadow of an original thought ever originated in that brain damaged mind of yours across an entire existence?

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Yes a jeet is talking and?

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More comments

Coinflip: :heads:

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Coinflip: :tails:

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:marseyhesright: :marseyagreefast: :marseyagreefast:

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that's a difficult one, who is worse: a junkie or a redditor? oh right, I know!

:marseytrol#ley: :marsey#trolleyproblemdrift:

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:#marseychoice1: :#marseychoice2:

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I just drunk a lot and now this post is making me think about the mean girl in middle/high school who made fun of almost everyone behind their back but was always nice to me. Apparently she dropped hints about wanting to go to prom with me but I ended up just kinda getting paired with a girl in my friend group. Maybe my life could have been different

:#marseydrunk: :#marseydepressed: :#marseygiveup:

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this is actually somehow worse than :seethejak: ing about bullies. Everyone, please laugh at this user. :marseyrofl:

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How the frick do you BIPOCs come up with this shit :#marseyxdorbit: :#taylaugh:

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I remember a girl who would be a b-word I think normally and I called her "not pretty" I think, not even fully ugly if I remember and she cried in class

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/u/kitterkatty your karma is being a fat loser redditor

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A guy who was a bully :marseylaughpoundfist: at my school :marseyyuihirasawa: ended up having a child :marseygiftboxmarsey: shortly after graduating high school :marseygrad: and turned his life around. He's now in HVAC and seems to be doing alright. I don't know about any other bullies because I was a tall kid so I didn't really :marseythinkorino2: see it


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contrary to Reddit Mythology which was amalgamated by nerd-written 90's and 00's high school disney movies, High School Bullies are usually more successful, attractive, athletic and generally considered nicer to be around after school than their 'victims'. :marseymanysuchcases:

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I agree. I was friends :marseytreefriend: with some nerds in school :marseyeric: because they also liked video :marseyzeldalinkpast2: games :marseyminecraftcat: and they came out alright :marseyokay: but their other nerd friends :marseyross: were awful. They exuded a miasma of negativity and just seemed to hate everyone. They can only blame themselves for getting bullied.


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I was in nerd / geekery circles (obviously) and didn't really find there was much social stratification.

The kids who were outcast were legitimately weird as heck :marseyshrug:

I knew multiple ones with actual restraining orders against women :pepewtf:

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Most of the weirdo kids I saw ended up worse in every way, usually because of annoying self deprecation and negativity

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You should want your bullies to be successful so they pay more in tax to the eternal foid which is the real cosmic punishment.

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want me to @ all these neighbors?

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lets make some newfriends :marseywholesome:

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The flip side is a :marseywords: about how the junkies grew up in broken homes and they were bullies because their dads beat them etc etc and that's why we need more compassion for the guy screaming at lampposts

Except someone did comment that, I just didn't read all the way through before saying it again :marseyposteditagain:

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OP is based :marseykingcrown: and revengepilled. there :marseycheerup: used to be this kid in high school :marseytsumugikotobuki: who'd just be on my case for no reason

driving your sister :marseykrayongrouns: home? dork

talking to someone? dork

trying to do your work? dork

this kid pissed :marseyindignantturn: me the frick off. haven't checked his facebook or anything :marseycoleporter: because i honestly want to believe :marseyparappa: that he hung himself.

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Some of you never bullied anyone in grade school and it shows.

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Someone who hasn't bullied and felt remorse and also risen up against a bully is incomplete.

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I revel in the misery of people that slightly inconvenienced me all the time

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there was douchebag in my 5th grade class, he killed himself. good riddance.

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you next hopefully :marseybegging:

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meanster alert

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Just do it like a normal person and slit some video game throats or punch some bags until you don't care anymore

I was bullied hard but honestly I would probably crack some jokes about it with those ppl nowadays and generally I moved on

Not really worth time to hold onto some childhood stuffs. I bullied someone, someone bullied me. Adolescence is just something that you gotta go through and survive. Ugly, stupid time.

All in all for every single person I bullied I was bullied by someone and vice versa. The power struggles of teenagers are quite stupid

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what if the 8 year old was only a bully because they were going through withdrawals????

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I want to rage-frick Tori for what she did to sweet OP.

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That redditor is way too obsessed with his bully. I mean I can understand being happy that people who hurt you are suffering, but why does he focus on her years later?

And especially why is he such a b-word and whines on reddit?

"Well guess what b-word? I don't care." sadly those things are not in quotes. I'd have some respect if he would have told her this after she asked for $$$.

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:marseythonk: dramneurodivergents hate women less than they hate redditors...

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Reddit brain/behavior is incredibly foid (female) coded :#marseyserioushatfact:

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yeah pretty much

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Idk why everyone is like " she probably had a bad home life that's why she was such a peepee don't be mean" reap what ya frickin sow people. Newsflash folks, having a bad home life doesn't excuse you being an butthole to others.:


OPs excuse now for wishing death on a grown woman 20+ years later, the frick?:

Man who the frick cares? Honestly you can go to bat for a childhood bully all you want. :

I'm so sorry I have empathy for people Jesus Christ dude,:


As you should. No clue what these dweebs are pity partying her for at all. Guestimating about her childhood trauma makes no sense at all lmao. She was a b-word, and now she is dealing with the consequences of her own actions. Such is life.:

She was a "b-word" as a 5th grader so now she deserves to die as an adult? The fact that OP is still hung up on this is what's fricking weird.:

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Redditors will get made fun of a few times as a kid and make it their entire personalities for the rest of their lives :marseycringe2:

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it's just funny that she's a druggy killing herself

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Ladygarden deserved it

Jewish lives matter

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Who said she deserves to die, bean bags for brains? Why are u reaching for stars? I SAID she's dealing w/ the consequences of her own actions, which is a fact.

I'm not saying she deserved to get r*ped, it's just completely natural that her bussy would get destroyed by hundreds of fat dongs and that's a fact. That's totally different, look, I'm using a different sentence to say the same thing. Oh and also I added "that's a fact" which makes it correct. What do you mean I'm on five year old level? :marseyclown2:

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