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[WHOLESOME] :marseywholesome: Redditors wish death on a grown woman because she was mean in the 5th grade :soysnooseethe:




Let's peer into the Freudian nightmare that is the 'empathetic' and 'kind' redditor's head.

So there was this mean girl in grade school. Her name is Tori.

One day, I was talking to a friend about a movie I saw, where she interjected and told me "we don't care." :marseydrama:


The problem was the fact that after that, anytime I tried to have a conversation with anyone, their response was "I don't care," "we don't care" "nobody cares."

:marseypearlclutch: surely something worth holding onto for TWENTY THREE FRICKING YEARS :marseyagree:

Fast forward 23 years later. Tori is a hardcore druggie. Like, she's really down bad. :marseyjunkie:

I fricking love it. :marseyevilgrin:


Realistically I'd say it's just a matter of time before her habits kill her. Can't wait, I'd take pride in pissing on her grave every day.

Jesus christ woman. :marseyyikes:

This one really epitomizes the redditor's psyche: cutaneously :marseyshy3: empathetic and kind on the surface, actually a mendacious, resentful ladygarden with a bloodlust due to years of being a social outcast :chudspin:

Which of these two personalities :marseytense: will the commenters choose?

Idk why everyone is like " she probably had a bad home life that's why she was such a peepee don't be mean" reap what ya frickin sow people. Newsflash folks, having a bad home life doesn't excuse you being an butthole to others.

Frick that fifth grader https://media.tenor.com/qEOBXVHe_0EAAAAx/skating-basketball.webp

OPs excuse now for wishing death on a grown woman 20+ years later, the frick?

Man who the frick cares? Honestly you can go to bat for a childhood bully all you want.

The memories of being shoved into a locker are touching nerves all over this comment section. :marseyoperasmug:

I'm so sorry I have empathy for people Jesus Christ dude,



As you should. No clue what these dweebs are pity partying her for at all. Guestimating about her childhood trauma makes no sense at all lmao. She was a b-word, and now she is dealing with the consequences of her own actions. Such is life.

But I would never ever ever ever ever ever blame a homeless person when they bludgeon someone to death in San Francisco


She was a "b-word" as a 5th grader so now she deserves to die as an adult? The fact that OP is still hung up on this is what's fricking weird.

Who said she deserves to die, bean bags for brains? Why are u reaching for stars? I SAID she's dealing w/ the consequences of her own actions, which is a fact.

Suddenly we like personal responsibility? :marseyhmm:

I understand this. The person who I went to school with from when I was 6 to 13 is a junkie and it's nice to see that bad people get what they earned.

Were you mean as a 9 year old? Enjoy dying of a heroin overdose :derpthumbsup: https://media.tenor.com/viz1dqmsBxkAAAAx/joker-arthur.webp

It's becoming an 'I was bullied' L-posting cry-in for resentful losers :vomit:

My childhood bully turned into a violent sexual predator, and I thank God every day that in middle school thru high school, it never escalated.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740737327a9o6eh9qMfDMwQ.webp you think about being r*ped by your childhood bully every day?

Can genuinely say that when you find out they have an obituary it's cathartic. My middle school bullies are either homeless and on dugs, in bad relationships or gone and I have a better day every time I think about them. It's great and they deserve it

:marseyjerkoffsmile: yeah and you're cryposting on reddit, I'd rather at least be high

In barges the fat girl who thinks she's the 'mom friend':

Oof, OP. Oof. Please seek therapy so you can work through this. :soyjakcobson:


jesus christ do these people have any other solution to anything

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Aggressive Redditors and powerjannies are never beating the "bullied in school" allegations.

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state of the roeid

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False, this further proof they weren't bullied enough

Some soccer playing mexicans beat me up in 3rd grade, I did what Americans should do. joined pre wee full contact football. Suddenly I was tough enough to handle myself in scrap

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!nonchuds new chud power fantasy just dropped: bragging about being physically overpowered as a child :#brookslaugh: also !downmarseyrs minor chuddout, kil :#platyking:

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Never understood the logic of bragging about being bullied. By the time I reached middle school I never lost a fight again.

A true man learns to deck another kid in the face on outdoor fun day and you both accept the strength of the other, thus becoming friends. Worked for me :marseyshrug:

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Literally the point of my story.

Bull in the ring thought me not to be a kitty. Liberal cucks banned it and now football is basically flag football.

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Hey man, can't win them all.

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i did pee wee full contact, shit was terrible. Neighbors got brain damage.

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We were the only interracial team it was the reverse remember the titans

Every other team was all black. Didn't win much but I was decent when I got to high school at least

We had a future NFL player and won 3 games in 3 years.

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