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Much to my horror it has become apparent that Redditors aren't the only ones who thought Ukraine was going to win the war, and my "I just want them to kill a lot of Russians before rolling over" position was an incredibly niche one

Slavshitters, what path to VICTORY did you see for Ukraine? Were there any that didn't involve NATO boots on the ground and airmen in the sky? If so, how did you foresee this playing out? Where did the infinite Ukrainian soldiers come from?


This was never winnable without real people dying and I thought most of you were with me in that it was just beneficial because it isn't costing us any human blood and it's eradicating Russians


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It has been costing us a shit load of money though.

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How much money have we given Ukraine

Note that outdated milsurp is not money

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according to the state department circa Jan 10. 2025:

"To date, we have provided $65.9 billion in military assistance since Russia launched its premeditated, unprovoked, and brutal full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, and approximately $69.2 billion in military assistance since Russia's initial invasion of Ukraine in 2014."

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That is a vanishingly small sum, especially over three years. And if I recall correctly it wasn't extra money taxpayers paid to foot the Ukraine bill, it was just taken from the defense budget. Like 2% of it. To kill hundreds of thousands of the second closest thing we have to a military peer.

How, exactly, is this a bad thing

NOTE: Trump has increased military spending by $100bn

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I just can't really fathom billions of dollars ever being a small sum. Like I know that's how politics and stuff works but still my mind just looks at that and can't really process it. Big number hysteria. Still it could be argued we could've put that money to better use for ourselves. I don't really care though, just advocating for the devil.

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We we're going to spend the resources anyway. You can argue all you want that it could have gone to something else, but it wasn't going to.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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>We we're going to spend the resources anyway

>But we weren't


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If it was from the defense budget couldn't it have gone to more defense for us? I'm not pretending like that money was ever gonna come back to the people or be used on anything other than defense, but couldn't it still have gone to the defense of us rather than the defense of another nation?

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We spend a lot more money to frick with Russia than we give to Ukraine with a much less return on investment.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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Then we shouldn't be spending that money either.

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It went to more defense for us, r-slur. We paid ourselves to replace old shit with new shit.

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One would argue that this is defense of us - it's money spent to aid another military to blunt a near peer opponent, to test the effectiveness and tactics of their military (and to test the effectiveness of our weapons on them), and to provide data for the next generation of weapons. And as a bonus, it's largely been a convenient way to offload older weapon systems we'd either need to mothball and store, or scrap.

Also the reporting of the numbers is not exactly straight forward: When 100 million dollars worth of Bradleys get sent there, that isn't to say that the defense department had 100 million dollars worth of Brads built to send there, it means that a bunch of used Brads which collectively cost 100 million factory fresh were sent. These were vehicles that have seen service for decades and are now depreciated by newer systems, and accordingly, were warehoused as spare parts, until there would be a budget to scrap them at considerable cost. So while the number is accurate, the reality is that the money was spent a generation ago, and the asset is now depreciated to a liability since we've spent more money since then on new assets that replace these old ones.

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And that's kind of the problem. The U.S. is worse than a bored housewife when it comes to needlessly spending money they don't have.

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Keeping rivals at bay is not a waste of money.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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I just can't really fathom billions of dollars ever being a small sum. Like I know that's how politics and stuff works but still my mind just looks at that and can't really process it. Big number hysteria.

!nonchuds literally the average rightoid thought pattern

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Libtards be spending like it's the first of the month.

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~20% of food stamps ($112 billion per year) goes towards soda, candy, and dessert, so the US has spent less on Ukraine than on fattening up poor people

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But SNAP and defense spending come from entirely different buckets.

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It's just a funny comparison to make, especially since most anti-Ukraine rightoids try and make it seem like the money otherwise would have gone to more apparently desirable programs and made a huge impact. During Hurricane Helene you had people bringing up Ukraine as if FEMA had abandoned America to go help kill Russians

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Hi yes, I'm a peace loving pacifist. I need more dead ziggers. I don't care about men needlessly dying in a proxy war. I need more dead ziggers!

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I'm not a pacifist and I like it when enemies of America die

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It's funny how asking people to be morally consistent is impossible. Ironically enough, you've been consistent and yet everyone thinks you're hypocritical.

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imagine being a rightoid and this not being your core belief

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Ok but peopwal nyeed snyacks

Trans lives matter

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67.2 billion is less than 119 billion :marseyconfused:


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I only counted the number since 2022

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That's what I did :marseyquestion:

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I'm using the numbers from upthread

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Tbf we've killed off state of the art military programs over cost that were much less than what we've given even if they hit significant overruns. I want more raptors and crazy mega bombers and subs and shit.

I've been pro ukraine from the jump and its given us a ton of great intel/exposed russia but its become a slog and it doesn't feel like there's anything left to gain here. And not for nothing but its not free to ship billions in military equipment overseas and we have been shredding our munitions reserve which isn't ideal on the off chance china decides to be spicy

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and subs and shit

Elon seems to have the Columbia on his shit list or is having trouble remembering what he wants to lie about.

On Rogan he was mentioning the navy getting $12b for submarines and not knowing where it went. I'm guessing he actually meant $12m because he mentioned Collins, that was a single contract to upgrade Portsmouth to handle Columbia class subs that was part of the 2022 budget that Collins was making a big deal about because that's lots of money for Maine.

The budget for the Navy in 2022 did increase by $12b too, that was to order two additional Virginia class subs and increase the construction speed of the class. The first of those ordered in 2022 is the next in line to start construction.

Naturally chuds eat bullshit up.

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its not free to ship billions in military equipment overseas

I remember a President saying that we had to leave Humvees and tanks for the Taliban because it's cheaper to replace them than ship them home. :marseyagree:

Not to mention all of the non-military aid we sent them. We've been funding their government. The government doesn't pay workers or feed people with old bombs.

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It isn't a bad thing. We lose basically nothing by comparison and russia is permanently crippled because all their gear is destroyed. Every political big shot knows this which is why giving them money isn't a big deal. Apparently ukraine is also paying us with mineral profits so we might actually get some of it back too.

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Aren't you supposed to be catholic? Killing :marseypedoshoot: people is bad.


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I still bet a large chunk of that money is transferring old gear to the ukrainians and buying new stuff for the US to replace it.

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It's mostly not buying new stuff.

As an example the tanks we gave them are several blocks old from the reserves. We have more than 4000 Abrams sitting in storage that will never be used, we keep building them so the single tank factory doesn't close so they roll off production line in to storage. We are not replacing those.

Storing them for decades and then scrapping them is cheaper then removing their classified systems and scrapping them now so they just sit. We sold a bunch of shit we would have to pay to store and eventually scrap.

Biden admin wasn't even very aggressive. We have 3000 block III tomahawks sitting in storage that will never be used.

It's only really HIMARS on the high ticket we will end up replacing.

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we keep building them so the single tank factory doesn't close so they roll off production line in to storage. We are not replacing those.

Wrong, we keep sending the old reserve tanks back to Lima to be rebuilt to either current US standards or export standards.

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Military aid is the smallest part of aid

Wikipedia didn't updated it since March 2024 and in April U.S. Congress agreed to give Ukraine another 60 billions and U.S. gave 60 billion at start of this conflict then in December 2022 when Zelenskyy visited US Congress so we can already count more than 180 billions without counting smaller aid package

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How does the eternal ESL manage to plurarise billion differently four words apart?

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I have talent

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Nah Russia was 100% in the wrong by modern standards of geopolitical decency. 100 years ago it would have been fine, just basic take over your neighbor things, but that hasn't been the norm in a minute and their behavior is very 80 IQ slav horde.

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Oh yeh? Then why dont you let 500 mexicans live IN YOUR HOUSE

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I would if they're hot

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Dude Rawanda and Israel now taking land of its neighbours

Is Israel 80iq ?

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Israel doesn't have neighbors, it has hostile wildlife surrounding it

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Ukraine is basically now hostile wildlife when you can sometimes spot mobilisation aged men hiding in Chernobyl.

But Rwanda Congo war is hilarious, Congo got billions and support from a lot of African countries and it's losing to Rwanda a country that is 10 times smaller than Congo with 10 times less people and money

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so the decent thing to do is have US statecraft apparatus slowly turn your allies against you over decades, and just do nothing as a US planted regime threatens people of your ethnicity living in previously shared regions of said ally, regions which also contain interests of dire national importance that up until 2014 were not threatened because you and your ally were allies


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I'd rather just roll into Moscow from Poland, depopulate and turn the tundra red and enact lebensrUSAum

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If you can't keep your direct neighbor who mostly speaks your language within your sphere of influence using soft power you don't deserve to keep them. Russia should simply stop being so unlikable and inept.

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Greenland abandoned then?


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lol ziggers are so pathetic

"Noooooo stop threatening us by doing you military exercises close to the border we're allowed to do it but you aren't !!!"

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maybe if russia spent the last 20 years turning mexico into their vassal I could see it :marseyindignant:

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Why would they need to ? They put Drumpf in the White House


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in military assistance

you mean you've fed the amerimutt military–industrial complex to build weapons

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Imagine I bought a car in 1995 for $50,000. I have driven it the entire time I owned it, putting several hundred thousand miles on it. If I give it to you 30 years later, did I give you a $50,000 car?

That is the kind of math a lot of allies are doing when they quantify how much aid they are sending Ukraine. They are quantifying the value based on how much they paid for it, not how much it is actually worth today.

We're sending another country's men into the meatgrinder against our enemy with our worn-out hand-me-downs. Instead of sending our own men with our best shit.

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It's hard to know since biggest part of aid to Ukraine is financial one and nobody want to report it. Military aid is very small compared to financial

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Unlike your shit hole all non-classified spending in the US is public record. Congress have appropriated $37.8b in economic support since to the region specific fund via USAid, $30.6b has been disbursed mainly via World Bank.

Of that $24.9b was spent on Ukraine. World Bank assumed responsibility for things like salaries, pensions and some contracts (eg rebuilding the energy infrastructure your guys can't seem to destroy) rather than transferring funds directly to Ukraine.

Military aid has been $65.9b. Of that $27.7b was transferring articles from reserves to Ukraine.

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Dude you can't be this stupid and believe Biden administration was crystal clear and never stolen anything especially when they pulled out multiple times shit like this:

You better tell my why didn't Russian increased interest rate to 30 like your stupid homosexual butt predicted ?

Or you want that I pardon you ?

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Dude you can't be this stupid and believe Biden administration was crystal clear

You don't understand the difference between a block transfer and complex military support programs do you?

You better tell my why didn't Russian increased interest rate to 30 like your stupid homosexual butt predicted ?

You don't understand the difference between CB interest rate, prime rate and average mortgage rate do you?

How's your 30% mortgage, you still don't want to tell me? How does it feel paying 9 times the cost of a house in interest?

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I understand you told me 4 months ago interest rate will destroy Russian economy. I also understood you are stupid man to suggest it. Time looks like is on my side, stupid frick :marseyxd:

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You don't understand the difference between prescription and prediction do you?

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So you now want to paint your frick up like something actually smart and fancy ? You know when you are doing some prediction you have to have something to hold on and there was nothing to hold on to believe Ukraine is going to win. Yet you believed in it or still believe

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Hundweds of biwwions

Trans lives matter

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The fricking money that went to american industries, b-word? Are fricking you r-slurred, b-word?

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Money isnt real, fort knox wax raided, bitcoin will hit 1 million

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Not much compared to 80% of russian tanks being destroyed lmao. Honestly I'm surprised how well they did.

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Yeah we couldve given that money to Israel instead

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