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The Littlest Nazi tries to redpill his parents on Israel, his mom calls him a "woke liberal" :boomermonster::chudseethegenocide: :marseyka!ren:


:marseywhirlyhat: Ate dinner with my parents today and they started talking about politics. They're total Gen X MIGAtards, have absolutely no understanding of the world. I eventually interjected and told them I haven't been impressed with Trump since he's deported less illegals in his first month than Biden. They didn't believe me, lol. They then started talking about Ukraine and how it's good we aren't going to be sending them money anymore. So I then told them Trump sent 2 billion to Israel very recently and that short-circuited their brains. My mom then said the usual bullshit about Israel being important to Christianityβ€”which I immediately shot down by saying Jews hate Jesus and Christians.

I then had an argument with my dad where I was literally showing him passages straight out of the Bible and Talmud showing how the jewish chads killed Jesus, Jesus was boiling in shit in the Talmud, that Jesus wasn't a jew, etc. and he STILL insisted I was wrong. They had no argument for what I was saying and my mom even said I was "becoming a woke liberal". Like, what? :chudtantrum: :marseylaughpoundfist:

This is why I don't talk politics with family, it's pointless when they're that old and brainwashed. Nothing will convince them. :marseycrying:

anytime someone says that Christians should take care of their fellow Jews, just simply remind them that a Jew literally killed Jesus

Yet these people worship the guy who killed Hitler :soysnoo:

Well I'm Gen X. Actually many people within a generation have different viewpoints believe it or not. :marseyindignant:

My Dad is still super pro-Israel, but at least he has come around on Ukraine and now thinks maybe we should stop sending money there. All you can do is try to explain and hope they are open minded. :marseybrainlet:

Yep, the problem isn't specific generations, it's the close minded people. The young are generally more open minded as they haven't been programmed yet. Hence why the jew always target the young. Who hasn't gone through the holohoax brainwashing procedure in first grade of school at around age 7? :marseybrain: :marseycalvin:

So this is why CP users spend so much time talking to six year olds.

You're allowed to attempt once, after that you have to tap the sign. Because you're right, it's a pointless waste of time.

Aint that the truth. Best you can do is step aside and let them destroy themselves. It is heartbreaking to watch your own slowly destroy themselves but be thankful you are not. :marseyclueless:

Then everyone on the bus clapped

Things that didn't happen :marseyxdoubt:

2 edgy 4 me

Jew. :marseysoypoint:

:marseysoyswitch: Fricking jewish chad.

I'm sorry my comment made you throw a conniption fit. I hope I didn't ruin your life and you can recover soon. :marseysmug2:

Not at all jew. No matter how hard you try :marseyindignantturn:

Shhhh... sit down or I'll make you throw another fit. :marseytroublemaker:

Yeah ok glow BIPOC :marseyglow:

I've had conversations that are VERY similar to this before. Boomers are very stubborn people. :marseynouautism:

I don't buy the boomer division shilling. It's the sort of narrative that JIDF and Hasbara pay shills to push. :marseyboomertalking:

We should be working together will all of our White Christian brothers and sisters, not fighting each other based on age, gender, sports, Christian denomination, favorite foods, or any other trivial nonsense.

Somebody got bullied for ordering chicken tenders :marseyblackcock:

We have a duty to plant seeds in the minds of normies and NPCs to help them understand. It's duty, not an excuse to declare war against our Christian neighbors and surrender and doom.

Disagree. Boomers are a lost cause. Frick em. We need to focus on the young generation coming up. Im talking about children. :marseypedo:

I'd rather leave my children with :marseytrans:

@Aevann time to laugh at !chuds

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You're saying that as if establishment liberals haven't been unconditionally giving Israel support.

Jewish lives matter too libertarians

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have they though

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Source? Source source? Can you please provide a source? I can't possible believe anything in life without a peer revieved fact checked source!!!

jewish lives matter too redditors like you

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that's your response because you know they haven't actually been giving israel unconditional support

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The Biden Admin absolutely did lmao

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they did not give them unconditional support.

biden said he'd stop shipping them weapons if israel did something he didn't like. biden complained about how and who was being killed.

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Nah, that was just plausible deniability. Even the rather well laid out list of demanded criteria for the Israeli government to meet that was sent 30 days before the election was only just for show, for the election. Israel barely met 2/10 and directly went against at least 3+ of the others yet it was like that letter was never event sent post-election. The money and weapons never stopped flowing throughout any of this, the threats were just to save face for both the Dem party (from some of the further left in their general constituency) and the US (as they covered Israel from the rest of the world).

Between Biden and Blinken, there was never anything less than steadfast support even as Netanyahu was praising his political opponent and all but spitting on him with his clear open disdain. Meanwhile both of the have a mile long track record of zeal. Take this account from 1982.
In 1982, shortly before Reagan bluntly ordered Begin to cease his 'holocaust' in Lebanon, a young US senator who revered Elie Wiesel as his great teacher met the Israeli prime minister. In Begin's own stunned account of the meeting, the senator commended the Israeli war effort and boasted that he would have gone further, even if it meant killing women and children. Begin himself was taken aback by the words of the future US president, Joe Biden. 'No, sir,' he insisted. 'According to our values, it is forbidden to hurt women and children, even in war ... This is a yardstick of human civilization, not to hurt civilians.'
This is a dude who was so zealous for Israel, Begin, Prime Minister of Israel, founder of Likud and before that the leader of damn the Irgun, had to tell him to cool it and there's been nothing to indicate he's personally toned down since. If Israel had a different PM with the same policies, but also without the open disdain and only just appeared to throw him a bone once in a while, he'd have been on cloud nine.

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:marseyblowkiss: luv u, LPB

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You're just grasping at straws trying too find any way too get upset at liberals. you're extreme politicucking won't let admit that conservatives and liberals both support israel

jewish lives matter too triggered redditors like you

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liberals march in the street screaming for the death of israel.

conservatives don't.

they are exactly the same when it comes to israel and everyone knows it!

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There are Democrat politicians that don't, but no Republican politicians that don't. The old guard Democrats do, but whenever they denounce antisemitism they have to denounce Islamophobia at the same time, even if there's no matching acts of violence to point to, because they don't want to seem biased.

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