OF thwot Amwouranth gwot held up at gunpwoint *awwegedwy*. Caww 911? Nyope, tweet abwout it while it happens. Incels and miswogynyists think she's wying. What dwo what dwo?


OP link is the tweet cwying fwor help.

Alswo, her husband was fwound in bwoxers and a buwwet pwoof vest lmao Meth addict arc. Guess the husband didn't beat her enyough fwor her two actuawwy leave him.


eta: wooked up her addwess and dang her hwouse is nyice. She's gwot climbable wawws thwough. https://www.cbapex.com/for-lease/2316-bauer-drive-houston-tx-77080/237-977498

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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I've never shot a bullet through a door, but that sure is a clean perfect hole with what looks like sawdust all around it 😁 I'm no ballistics expert but kinda sus maybe?

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Swounds like meth psychwosis two mwe and they swatted themselves wowl

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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!firearms !ifrickinglovescience I googled doors with bullet holes, interior view


Maybe she will give us a crumb !fakecels

The hole looks kinda legit but I agree with the sawdust being a lil sussy baka !desu

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741036107qmk9lsxBsVVllQ.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741036107P5e6yl_D9toOxQ.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741036107JMN0KN5mFNd01Q.webp

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!firearms, why bother with pictures when you can watch this video of a guy shooting through a bunch of 2 Γ— 4s? :marseycool:


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why bother with pictures when you can watch this video of a guy shooting through a bunch of 2 Γ— 4s?

I love guns so fricking much.

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Oh I saw this just after rejecting your application, I'll unblacklist you

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Its a clean hole (lol unlike amouranth's) and too many dust particles and not enough chunks, the frame breaking looks more legit.

Also she lives in a mansion and they have shitty butt looking hollow pulverized wood doors? :marseyskull:

Proof wealth does not buy class.

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Most indoor residential doors are hollowed out these days. Its the main reason why women think they are stronger than they are. Because they can sorta carry a hollow door around.

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The doors we got when we moved had to be replaced because the seasonal humidity would warp them so fricking hard. Pulverized wood is just so trash to use tho.

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is that bullet hole countersunk?

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Nicely chamfered too

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Entry holes are usually pretty clean so maybe depending on which side of the door.

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u sprinkle sawdust for good luck

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I don't wanna say she's a liar but this is a really bizarre story with an incoherent timeline

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Pwowlice repworts are public, swo we wiww see. It's sus fw.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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It's actually incredible if true. Somehow she was robbed by a neighbor so incompetent she somehow managed to shoot him after getting pistol whipped.

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While tweeting lmao

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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:gigachadqueen: if true

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The incompetence is believable when you remember they're cryptotards trying to rob an ethot :marseyshrug:

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I do want to say she's a liar. Because she is a liar. An obvious one, at that. :marseypantsonfire:

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Donut operator confirmed it and I'm somewhat inclined to believe him.

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Was he the gun tuber who cheated on his wife

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That was Garand Thumb, who also posts weird culty shit at the end of some of his vids

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His videos always struck me as super larpy. Imagine putting on face paint and wearing full camo for your YouTube videos. He struck me as a parody of what people think guntubers are.

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GarandThumb is involved with some crypto-christofascist cult through T-rex Arms; thats funnily enough also linked the Gook Unification Church.

Truly the :marseyjewoftheorientglow: is eternal

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Different gun tuber unless multiple have done it

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unless multiple have done it


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Considering she made a big fuss about her husband forcing her to do porn, and is both still with said husband as well as still doing porn. I'm less inclined to believe this.

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Meth would explain a lot about Amouranth and her husband.

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If you live life thinking all redheads are meth addicts, a lot of redhead behaviors make more sense.

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She's not a natural redhead though.

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I'm surprised she doesn't have a 24/7 beta orbiter protection force outside the walls of her property whos job is to prevent this from happening to their idol

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>24/7 beta orbiter protection force

!burgers how much would 24/7 private security cost to high-profile celebrities? :marseyconfused2:

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Like....a good one? Or as cheap as possible?

As low was 300k for like a gated community to gatekeep and occassionally patrol the streets with like 2 to 4 people a shift and maybe 1 shared taser between all of them.

Like armed dudes who will take a bullet for you? 200k-250k per guy in 8-10 hour shifts usually on a contract from 6 months to a year, last time I saw anything about personal security details.

Its why Prince Harry and Whatsherface was chimping out about not having the British Royal security guys being bankrolled by daddy anymore. Shit gets expensive fast.

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So basically focus on physical barriers, top notch security systems with backup generators, satellite comms and panic buttons? They could have at least sprung for a real security monitoring company.

Oh and of course living within 10 mn of police deployment (I guess that's why so many rich towns in the US have redundant police departments) and donating to the FOP.

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If you make 7 figures and you don't have a panic room, then you're simply asking for it :marseyindignant:

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Too be fair the "I got shot, I got shot" sounds black so it would track that she's alive.

But whores are whores 🀷

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She has this big butt dog for protection but he aint do shit. Maybe the dog got old and is now useless as protection because of it. idk man but no mention of the dog or barking is sus https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741046634BIaCt1ipPguwHA.webp

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Respect this guy :marseykneel:

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What do the random letters and numbers mean

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Crypto scam shit but idk the specifics tbh, I can't even keep up with modern rugpull bullshit

I think it's a shitcoin address (https://gmgn.ai/sol/token/GEkkHBUCcrGHSwwFJrsU2r7LC2pPay2QgfZZcyYXpump) and he's hoping random jeets and bots will buy anything they think is being pumped. It's something that dumb

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@Aevann he reposted from my friend @fingernail_in_your_coffee


mr. feathers has stolen a wealth of coin and has made a mockery of us all.

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Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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ur not a serious person

and quit changing name friend i was confused by ur trick

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I'm a furry fwor a week.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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No r-slur its slowpoke

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For every mean/skeptical comment about her in this thread I will pay her $100 as a sign of how much I believe women.... what do you think about this, chuds?

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She's being way too robbed at gunpoint. Like, getting a little :marseylightsparkle: robbed at gunpoint :marseyrule4: is one thing - but like she said, she's being too robbed at gunpoint.


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This is the second time I've seen some r-slurred celeb post about owning a staccato. Are they r-slurred? Why would you own a race gun if you're not doing competitions.

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Race gun for race war


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Because if you're rich why not pay several times more for a gun that serves the exact same purpose

At least that was my reason for buying a Nighthawk :tayshrug:

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My confusion is why are people who are obviously not "gun people" buying the fanciest guns they can find. Makes me sick.

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If it keeps fancy gun companies in business then I'm for it

Staccatos are pretty mass market and middle of the road if we're really talking race guns… and she has a CS which is really nothing special, more of a personal defense gun than a "race gun"

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A racegun or race gun is a firearm that has been modified for accuracy, speed, and reliability.

so the question is why do people want guns that are faster, more accurate, and more reliable?

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Not if you never shoot it. They're just treating it like a status symbol like it's Gucci or some crap.

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what sort of gun should someone who's never going to shoot it buy then?

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A Special Edition Kimber 1911.

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Glock. Xd. Sig, fn, h&k, Taurus, Walther, etc. plenty of normal guns if you need a gun. I'm not a fan of designer guns in the first place. I don't judge other guncels. But I'll judge non guncels all day long thank you very much.

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Even if you're just standing :marseyoverallenthusiasm: there :marseycheerup: and target shooting :marseyceokiller: the experience is way nicer and they don't care about the cost

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seems like a weird thing to stage and make up.

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So true queen

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