Americans are too stupid to realize they could own a gas station
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neighbors are heads down asleep until high school graduation then suddenly think they have a meaningful opinion on the school system lmao

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Truantcels be like "why didn't they teach taxes in school?"

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unironically they now teach taxes in high school

source: conversation this week with my zoomer offspring

(don't worry, he's white)

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Schools have been teaching taxes for years, r-slurs on the internet just didn't pay attention.

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We didn't have a class with it, even the optional personal finance class as far as I knew, but we had 10,000 other things redditors constantly claim they never encountered.

K-12 still needs a massive overhaul though, including teaching lots of things I heard rightoids sneer that kids should have learned at home.

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We filled out a fake 1040 in an optional microecon class that I took in HS but we spent 15 minutes on it total and it wasn't part of the curriculum, the teacher was just neurodivergent (she was really good for a high school teacher but also kinda weird)

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red seperoth de dubai told me they don't

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of course they do idiot, they have a personal finance class in most highschools.

this isn't 1732 get a grip u old strag

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:marseyconfused2: but the Offspring are a Gen X band?

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Aite grandpa

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God, that shit pisses me off. Leaving aside the fact that most schools have some sort of "personal finance" course at some point, a class in taxes specifically would be completely pointless, even if every single student paid attention like their lives depended on it. :marseyblankstare:

!fincels, for 95% of the population, basic recordkeeping and arithmetic are sufficient to do their taxes. 95% of the 5% this doesn't apply to make enough money that they can and should hire an accountant. The remaining 0.25% of people that aren't well-off, but have complicated taxes anyway, are both the only people who actually need help and the only people who can't possibly be served by some generalized high school course in filling out paperwork. :marseybang:

The insistence that schools should "teach kids about taxes" is just another example of !peakpoors trying to abdicate responsibility for the problems in their lives. They'd rather blame the system than crunch some numbers for a couple hours once a year. :marseyretardnotes:

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We had those classes too. The problem is that a 14 year old doesn't give a fuuuuck about taxes.

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I don't remember doing anything more complicated than what TurboTax already does for you

I do remember spending a week learning how to "balance a checkbook" though lmao

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2005 Republican

>I want to spread freedom and democracy to the darkest corners of humanity using the strongest military in human history

2025 Republican

>I want obese Whites to own the local Chevron

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No no no they just like the idea of potentially owning the Chevron. They are far too good for that and deserve high paying desk jobs

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I would kill for a gas station. Especially if it's in the middle of nowhere, like in No Country For Old Men. But alas I cannot inherit one.

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But you would make shit money and have no days off.

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Exactly, small physical businesses make shit for money, although it can turn out ok in the long run. A popular music venue/bar in my college town was owned by two guys who were literally in there working 7 days a week for 20 or 30 years. I doubt they made much money off the bar but they kept investing their profits into the local area and eventually owned the entire building the bar was in. It's not there anymore, but those guys probably made several million dollars off selling that thing based on the part of town it was in and who bought it from them.

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Yes but I could have my butt plug fall out at an inconvenient time and not get fired.

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You can get a work from home minimum wage call center job and do the same.

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It's invigorating, like trying to do field repairs on your beater car and make it home.

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You married into it?

Trans lives matter

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just watched that movie for the first time last week. I couldnt help but laugh at they scene.

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I feel like nobody really understood that movie, but lie and say they did to not appear stupid

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This ~15 years is going too be taught in history as the most r-slurred time in US history.

Schools tech skills that are not manual labor because the benefit of being rich is having poor people (immigrants) too do it. Working in dangerous jobs for survival wages is for literal r-slurs.

@fedposter know the Donny mind virus has infected so many people but who the frick thinks "I want @fedposter's child too do backbreaking work for 20 years earning very little so they are forced too subsist on opiates and DI for most of their adult life".

Burgers need too be deprogrammed from this r-slurred cult.

@fedposter suck Jewish peepee.

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i can't wait for !project2025 to put you in a labor camp

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I'll be a whore for the commandant, @fedposter don't mind giving up @fedposter's bussy too avoid real work.

Or I'll just move too another country. Only loser cute twinks only have a single passport and no money.

I suck Jewish peepee, but not as much as @Aevann who does the bingo circuit nightly for that old saggy Jew peepee.

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Fedpost is euro trash.

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maybe project 2026, then :marseyevilgrin:

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Nodoby wants that, they want somebody elses kid to do the low status, back breaking labour so that their plumber will be cheaper.

>B-but plumbers make good money :soycry:

Okay great your kid should do it then lmao

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Skilled trades like plumbers are fine, it's factory work and ag work the Chad fetishize.

Plumbing is hard work but you can also be a fatty fatty out of shape boom boom and still do it.

@fedposter is a codecel, pretty senior (distinguished), and @fedposter have been working with the same technical VP across 4 companies over the last decade. He is a weird but nice guy but semi chudded. Among his kids one enlisted in too the navy and one became a firefighter. @fedposter would feel like a total failure as a parent if 2/3rds of @fedposter's kids elected too be r-slurred like that but he is super proud.

@fedposter suck Jewish peepee.

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Not weighing in on your overall point, but firefighters are union and only have to work 3 or 4 days a week. It's a pretty good job if you can get it.

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I heard if you own a gas station sometimes you gotta drive in and unclog those drains yourself, at 11pm

plunger, snake, whatever it takes

save a bill

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I make $50+ an hour straight time with full employer paid benefits and I'm not even finished with my apprenticeship. Why do you r-slurs think all !bluecollar -Chads are some !peakpoors in 1880s West Virginia, living in a one room dirt floor shack?

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Real skilled trades don't count, you are not poors. You're job requires education, its just not the same kind of education as white collar.

@fedposter is talking about the shit like factory work the chuds have been fetishizing the last few years. Also the AG work they seem too think any American is going too do. Jobs that don't need any real skills. Like being a jannie on a gay cat site.

@fedposter suck Jewish peepee.

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The best toyota engine of all time was manufactured in Alabama. America's heritage is craftsmanship, we just need to propagandize the world to value it so we can pay factory workers 10x more

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This is the fundamental misunderstanding of consumer intent Burger's just can't seem too understand.

Most people don't give a shit about craftsmanship, they want a car that will work for a few years and is relatively cheap too maintain & operate. Having a block where there is no cylinder scoring or scratching after 100k miles does not help with that goal given the cost involved.

@fedposter find craftsmanship sexy, as do you, but we are cute twinks who care about stupid shit most people don't. It doesn't matter too the average consumer and never will again.

@fedposter suck Jewish peepee.

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That's what the propaganda is for - people who can't calculate the premium worth paying for 2-5 times the longevity

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On the job training is on the job training.

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Because coastal elites still believe that they are 1880s French Aristocracy and liberal arts degrees are the mark of intellect

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"I want @fedposter's child too do backbreaking work for 20 years earning very little so they are forced too subsist on opiates and DI for most of their adult life".

I want this

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We jumped the gun 50 years too early on getting everyone ready for the robot servant revolution.

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The robots are chinks, gooks and panjeets. We buy our goyslop from them and sell them machine cowtools, bearings and software.

@fedposter don't understand why the chuds don't want too live like kings. @fedposter can't believe anyone is r-slurred enough too want too be poor.

We are so fricking rich that people can actually entertain the idea of :marseytrain2:ing out. They never have too worry about actually surviving so they can cut their peepees off. Only rich countries can have :marseytrain2:s, everypony else has too worry about eating.

@fedposter suck Jewish peepee.

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Probably shouldn't say this but I actually personally know and once had some business dealings with some of the O.G. immigrants who started the mass takeover of convenience stores in Notheast by Indian and Lebanese immigrants, respectively.

Both of them had essentially the same business model: they cam over as young men with a small amount of money by American standards, but enough to make a down-payment on either a house or a business. This was way back in like the 1980s or 1990s smth.

This was an era when supermarkets and bog-box stores were devouring tons of market-share of small local groceries and corner stores. The mom-and-pops in dense urban neighborhoods were getting snapped up and rebranded by national and regional C-store chains, but the more suburban/rural locations were available for a song, because the owners getting ready to retire had kids who were in film school or law school or something, with no interest in spending their life behind a cash-register.

So these immigrant guys would put a down payment on the local corner store in some random town, sleep on a cot in the back room, and sit in front of the cash register for 16 hours a day selling cigarettes and scratch-tickets until they could pay off the mortgage, then bring over some cousin or nephew as a sort of replacement, while they rolled the money over into buying another store. It's like a franchise/indentured-servitude system for extended family, where you spend 10 years living on a cot in the back room, and then you can pay it off and afford to bring over your family and buy a house or another store. Each of these guys now 100s of locations run by extended family or friends of friends, and is a sort of Godfather figure, in their communities.

And it's correct that Americans don't generally want to fill these roles. Finding a sober, intelligent, competent American 20-something who wants to commit to spending the next 5-10 years working 16-hour days, 7 days a week, with no vacation, and living off of food they can microwave in the store, with essentially no other wage than eating food from the walk-in and a place to put an air-mattress in back...there are places in the world where that sounds like a dream opportunity, if the end result is that your store is yours, and the income can buy a house or another store like it. But those places are not generally in America.

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I would quit writing software if I could pay my bills by owner operating a convenience store

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Xitter got big mad at Vivek because he told them the bitter truth: that the average American is lazy and dumb and can't compete with hard-working immigrants who actually believe in the American Dream.

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I've never seen someone miss the mark so frickin hard like Vivek did in this anti-American rant. Go back too India

Trans lives matter

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he means you goy :marseyivorytower:

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He's right, but not on purpose.

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Ok but Steve Urkel and Screech have nothing to do with it

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So basically this loser is saying he didn't understand he could have a better job, and projecting his ignorance onto the general population

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when I graduated high school my daddy gave me too choices, either go out and buy a 10-bay Buckees in the south east, or take out immense student loans and go to college. I always wanted to do the later bc I wanted to be an artists, butt now that I hear about how much more Buckees owners are respected than artists I regret my decision and am mad that Drumpf isnt gonna forgive my loans now. :marseycry:

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You dodged a bullet. The owner of the Buckees has to wear a fursuit.

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this is a insane fumble

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It's never too late to become a Buckees cashier

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I got fired from my last cashier job bc i was doing art at work (writing a "b" and an "r" in the front/back of the "one" on one dollar billd).

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You could've had your own Buckees? And you chose not to? :marseyshook:

Holy moly if I had my own Buckees I would just laze around my own store all day eating sloppy joes and ice cream :marseylickinglips:

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Your tinder profile would just be "i own bucees" that's all you'd even need to put on there. I'd make my friends compete with each other to see which one got hired as the beef jerky flavor tester.

You could wander around schmoozing with all the customers all day like the dipshit cousin on The Bear.

100% dream job

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Its because most Americans try to get jobs where they interact with the coloreds poors lower classes the least. :tayshrug:

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Gas stations are only profitable when you have your entire family working there and live in the supply area in the back. Minorities are far more tolerant of shitty living conditions than whites

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Every Casey's appears to be profitable and are generally Jeet and minority free.

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I've been thinking about buying a gas station. It would have to have no public restroom though.

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Just make it coin operated, add a huge drain, and clean it with your pressure washer

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Only homeless people have coins. That's the worst system for deciding who gets in.

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Those coins could be yours. Rig it up like a parking meter and have the pressure washer hose em down when it runs out

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Plenty of Americans have gas, have you seen what we eat?

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How much does it cost to buy a gas station?

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