So in the last 2 months or so I've become obsessed with East Africa (specifically Rwanda) and you guys will not believe the shit going down over there. It's real time warlord shit happening RIGHT FRICKING NOW.
This interest started after I saw a 4Chan green text about the Rwandan genocide.
I'm going give a quick overview of the Rwandan genocide for background and then explain what's happening now between Rwanda and the DR Congo.
The Rwandan Genocide
First, I highly recommend the book "We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed" if you want a more in depth explanation.
In 1856 the first white person (a German) entered what is now known as Rwanda. Germany made it a colony but didn't really do much with it and turned it over to Belgium after WWI. At that time, it was a small area occupied by two tribes: a small number of Tutsi (who had cattle, were wealthy) and Hutu (majority population who were farmers and less well off). Tutsi generally ruled over Hutu due to their wealth but there wasn't really any ethnic strife between them.
Belgium took over in the 1930s from German which when race science was all the rage. Tutsi were tall, slim and wealthy (how I'm tryna be 💅🏻) so were put in charge of the country and ruled over the short stout Hutu majority. The Tutsi (essentially at Belgian gunpoint) forced Hutu to work long hours on public works (roads etc) to the point it resulted in deaths from famine due to neglecting their farms. This led to bad blood between the two groups which escalated upon Belgium giving Rwanda its freedom.
(Twa were Pygmy, 1% of population)
From the 1970s to 90s, the majority (85%) Hutu took over and made Tutsi second class citizens (for example, they were unable to access higher education). Small genocides (a few thousand Tutsi massacred) happened in rural areas as well.
In the 1990s, an anti-Tutsi political party called Hutu Power came to power. There was a civil war and many Tutsi fled to neighboring countries (Uganda, the DRC, Tanzania and Burundi). A military force of Tutsi was hiding out Uganda called the RPF/Rwandan Patriotic Front—led by a man named Paul Kagame (what we would consider a warlord). Essentially they were watching and waiting. Tribal relations were BAD.
At that time, most of Rwanda's GDP actually came from foreign aid (not kidding, like 60% of their GDP was aid) and there was increasing pressure to normalize relations with the Tutsi. A Tutsi Genocide in neighboring Burundi in 1993 further forced the hand of the Hutu Power president Habyarimqra to sign a treaty and make nice. Note: his wife was from a very prominent family of Hutu power supporters who wanted to genocide the Tutsi.
On April 6, 1994 his plane was shot down triggering the Rwandan Genocide. No one knows who did it but it was likely Hutu Power. They blamed the RPF (the exiled Tutsi rebels) and ignited the genocide. This was a 100 day spree which killed (maybe) 800k people—10% of the population of Rwanda. It was mostly Tutsi, Twa (pygmies who made up 1% of their population) and moderate Hutu who wouldn't participate in the killing. The genocide killed at a rate of 3x the Holocaust and was done mostly with machetes imported by the millions before it began. It was largely coordinated by radio station RTLM which read out names of Tutsi to kill each day. The national ID cards showed who was Tutsi and who was Hutu so roadblocks were set up and fleeing Tutsi were all killed. It was absolutely harrowing and I do not have the time to do it justice. Please consider reading the wiki page to get a sense of the violence.
Western powers did not intervene. Clinton didn't want to get involved because this was only one year after Black Hawk Down in Somalia. (Btw did anyone here see the Netflix documentary about it? It was really good) Belgium and France actually supported the genocidaires because they were the "legitimate" government. The UN fled and didn't return until it was over.
The genocide ended when Paul Kagame (the Tutsi warlord) invaded and bit by bit took over the country. He has been the dictator ever since. He outlawed tribal discrimination, updated the ID cards to exclude ethnicity and over the last 30 years Rwanda has prospered to become one of the safest and cleanest countries in Africa.
What the heck is happening now
After the genocide, hundreds of thousands of Hutu genocidaires fled to the Congo which resulted in the Great Lakes Refugee Crisis. Kagame allegedly invaded and killed several hundred thousand in revenge in what is called the Second Rwandan Genocide but we don't talk about that okay. Since then, most genocidaires (the ones who didn't flee to France 👀) have been hiding out in the DRC.
In the last several months SHIT HAS BEEN GOING DOWN on the border between the DRC and Rwanda. That area of the Congo has very valuable rare earth mines as well as a population of Congolese Tutsi who have been treated as outsiders for generations.
There are two groups that are fighting: a rebel Tutsi group funded by Rwanda called M23 and the Congolese army FARDC which has integrated the Genocidaires according to Paul Kagame. Kagame himself is playing coy about Rwandan support of M23 .
Per the Rwandan subreddit, there is a lot of disagreement. Some say Kagame is trying to get the rare earth minerals by supporting the rebel group M23, some say the Congo goes through this every 10 years and some are really incensed at how the Congolese Tutsi are treated as Rwandan invaders and they just want their rights.
Now M23 are not innocent at all. They have r*ped, pillaged and taken over mines in the eastern Congo. The FARDC has been unable to tame them despite a February ceasefire. Things are not slowing down at all.
This conflict has brought in other African nations with Seth Afrikan president (who was materially supporting the DR Congo) and Kagame were having a very public lovers quarrel just a few weeks ago.
Sec of State Marco Rubio was clear that the US wanted a ceasefire I mean it for real you guys I'm not kidding. The problem is that with the defunding of USAID Rwanda isn't really at the US' mercy about this. Trump is actually super popular in Rwanda but Kagame seems to be chill with escaping US influence.
I am unsure what will happen because I don't know enough about this part of the world to have good insight. I think East Africa is just doing East African things and M23 will take over a good bit of land and some mines but nothing much will truly happen or escalate. Rwanda will continue to prosper, everything will remain corrupt and war lords will continue to do warlord shit in the unstable areas. Nothing ever happens but it's very unstable and dramatic and thought I'd make a post.
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I'm firmly on the side of M23 Rwandan Tutsi super soldiers felting the UN and Congo. The world needs a stable supply of coltan, and Congo is incompetent. I've been following this conflict since january
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Tutsi lebensraum is needed
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You missed the best bits.
"M23" suddenly had tanks, attack helicopters and troops dressed and armed the same way as the Rwandan army when it became clear Trump was going full isolationist. The switch was pretty hilarious, it's so rare geopolitics is so straightforward.
The DRC president offered Trump 100% control of DRC resources if he comes in and kicks out the Rwandans.
DRC is a barely functional state with the central government having pockets of control outside of the West but not very extensive. The Somali government control more territory of their country then DRC does of theirs. The only thing that might save them is that China are having a really hard time building route 1 so the East and West of the country are not connected by a paved road, they are simply not getting an army too the other side of the country other than via Air or getting Angola on board (other neighbors won't help).
Think of DRC as pockets of humans around the edges and a thousand miles of basically impassable jungle in the middle. Imagine Darien gap but 1000 miles instead of 60. It's on @fedposter's retirement list, spectacularly beautiful country and one of the few countries left where travel is actually hard.
The cobalt and copper mining areas in Katanga (South) are also effectively an administrative region of China at this point.
DRC also has even more dramatic history than Rwanda. It's the only colony that was the property of a single person not a country, it was the personal colony of King Leopold of Belgium not a colony of Belgium. Leopold was so brutal in his treatment that the rest of Europe actually got pissed and got him too stop. If you didn't meet quota in the rubber plantations or diamond mines they would cut parts off you're childrens bodies.
This photo caused outrage in Europe and eventually led too Belgium forcing Leopold too give up his personal colony. The brutality of CFS was what kicked off the social movements that eventually led too decolonization.
If DRC was not such a broken down shit hole it would be among the wealthiest countries in the world in terms of resource wealth. If someone can buckbreak them and fix the infrastructure they would be fantastically wealthy. They have resource wealth many times all the gulf states combined.
@fedposter suck Jewish peepee.
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Also the setting for this absolute kino:
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We should export all the war refugees there! @TheOverBeether want Chinese, Indians, and Arabs too join the fray!! Multicultural bloodbath!!!!
I stand with ukraine!
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I've always loved the: "There Was No Ethnic Strife In _________, Until The Europeans Brought It There" narrative.
So simple and elegant!!!
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Frozen is !builtfor !BBC
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black is too broad of a category now, it is big hutu peepee vs big tutsi peepee
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Oh hey
Fun effortpost bb.
I went to Google Maps bc tbh I didn't remember exactly what part of Africa Rwanda was in, and it turns out they have street view there.
I can certainly understand why, but I find it funny how random homes in 3rd world countries always look like fortified compounds.
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When I lived in Peru, we had high walls and an armed guard with a German shepherd on our street ❤️ 3rd world HOA basically
Edit: Joran Van der Sloot killed that girl like one block away ❤️
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Personal ownership is a western concept that was imposed on Africa. Some countries have gone full on capitalist but most have a weird blend of some capitalist and some traditionalist.
So many African countries flirted with socialism because it fits their traditionalist systems better. Property was generally community owned by you're village, the chief exercised authority over it (sometimes with a council) and the chief title was usually passed by family/clan.
Really good example if you buy property in coastal Mozambique you don't own the trees unless you also buy them from the owners. Trees were sources of family income so specific trees were held by specific families while chiefs exercised authority of the land around trees.
@fedposter suck Jewish peepee.
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Home invasions is just their culture
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This is what it looks like when they can't break in the door.
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You're back!!
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Frick you
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kill yt
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Funnily enough, we learn about the Rwandan genocide in Canadian schools, largely because of this guy:
Basically, he's the poor bastard left by the UN to stop the genocide after the Belgians (who are the best trained and equipped) fricked off. He gets tasked with using his tiny force to stop the genocide without shooting any Hutus. This goes about as well as you'd expect, but at least he saved around 30,000 people.
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They were so underfunded too, the UN peacekeepers had flashlights but no batteries, and no guns
I respect general Dallaire, since coming back with a heavy case of PTSD himself he has campaigned to help those that suffer PTSD
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Two things hon:
1. It's silly to pretend europeans were responsible for the origin of the ethnic conflict between the two, farmer/herder conflicts are ancient and near universal, it's literally part of the bible smh
2. tutsis are white
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Who keeps bringing Frozen's corpse back to life?
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I logged into the redscarepod website and it gave me my Rdrama notifs and I got nostalgic.
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So you're a redscarepod person now?
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Nah. I don't listen to pod or anything. I did post this meme and got to the front page tho
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idk but pls send me booty
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its square (like the chin
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I'm on team Kagame, he at least seems to be able to run a functional country
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Kagame is one of the most dangerously based leaders alive. I think we should give Rwanda weapons because they would something very funny with them
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Is there any places on that continent that arent awful?
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Mogadishu ❤️
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Zanzibar could be worse but it's an island. Namibia/Windhoek isn't totally shit but has recently been trending that way.
Parts of South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, and Ethiopia that don't have civil wars, terrorism or a billion poors are relatively functional.
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What about Capymaic Kingdom?
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is that near Wakanda?
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Wakanda is based on Rwanda actually lol
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Wakanda is based on Aevann's private server farm
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Orania I guess?
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That white-only town in Safrica sounds nice.
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Hiii welcome back this was a very interesting read hope all is well can we get an update on your puppy pleaseeeeeeee???
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If your interested in reading more about the congo wars, the context which your post unfortunately omits, I would recommend reading Dancing in the Glory of Monsters.
Very informative
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Unfortunately I'm really new to East African history so I am learning bit by bit. Thank you for adding to the discussion.
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I think you will enjoy learning about it
I wouldn't call this section wrong precisely, the Rwandans killed a lot of people, mostly indiscriminately, but the politics of the congo were so much fascinating and complicated then this. Its just a massive oversimplification.
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Appreciate any corrections tbh. That part of the world is so fascinating, it affects so many people but in the west we are so ignorant to what is going on bc it doesn't really matter to our day to day life. Are you African or just a curious person?
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Oh no, just curious. I've always found the Rwandans facinating so, my interest mostly stems from that.
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I mentioned this on the last Rwanda post though I don't remember if it was yours or not. Have you read Dancing in the glory of the monster? It's an in detailed book about everything post genocide and covers the first two wars. He tries to keep it neutral but I found myself rooting for Rwanda ESPECIALLY during the first Congo War. It's really fascinating and I was amazed at the competency comparison between the nations.
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Will download! Thank you!
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I found myself rooting for Rwanda too. Not really because Kagme or the Rwandans are all that great morally, but because they seem like the only people in the region capable of creating a functioning society and government
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I've remarked in here before that they're basically a Mexico tier country more or less. Which in regards to the West isn't great but if you slapped Mexico in the middle of Africa it would be seen as insanely developed. That's how Rwanda feels to me.
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I saw an interview about some guy from Rwanda saying that the dude next to him killed his father in the genocide and how they're totally chill now (for reals no cap). I thought at that point, maybe under some circumstances poisoning someone's tea is something I would do given I would be living in fricked up places like that.
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Frozen is back!

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Have you read genocide-denier-enthusiast Ron Unz's denial of the Rwandan genocide?
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Omg no but thank u for this
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Unz is a revisionist historian who 100% will hovel lies at you to support his racism FYI
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New hobby just dropped
Trans lives matter cis lives don't
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Here's some more for ya!
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This is why I consider whites to be, even at their most racist, the most humanitarian of all races on the planet today. For it is only the white man, who would consider Africans to count as people far enough, to put in the effort to study their history.
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never realized he threw the Uno Reverse card on the genocide.
For reference San Fransisco has 880k residents, Seattle has 750k, Boston and Denver are at 700k (metro areas are lies i don't use that info)
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What you been up to bb? You still injecting raw ketamine between your toes?
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Nah I'm almost all healed tbh, I've been off Spavato at least 6 months. I have new stuff going on in my life & things are good for once.
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I'm so glad
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You understate how much France supported the genocide. They trained up the "elite" genocidal militia while knowing it was training for genocide, scuppered all diplomatic efforts to stop the genocide and then military intervened (Zone Turquoise) to halt the RPF advance and give the Interahamwe time to continue the genocide and flee (they had actually stopped the genocide by this point in their desperation not to be brought to justice by the African Napoleon but France got them to reintensify it) almost entirely because the Tutsi leadership was anglophone and the hutu was francophone.
The weirdest thing about mentioning details of the Rwandan genocide online is you will get a stream of messages months later from people denying it happened and that actually it was all the Tutsis.
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I got some documentaries in French sent to me by a French friend but haven't watched them yet. He said it's still debated in France this day how much they should do to make up for it. (He seems to think those people are pathetique lol) I really didn't do the genocide justice…my mind is still blown how a people could hear on their radios to kill their neighbors and they just start doing it. One Hutu general brought his Tutsi mother to "Hotel Rwanda" and said "here is my cockroach! Look after her"!! The western response was so disgusting….but we do it again and again. In South Sudan, with the Rohingya. Really messed up. :(
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If you've not read Shake Hands with the Devil it's worth a read. Even putting aside arguments about it's neutrality it's a pretty good look at how the Rwandan genocide turned a lifelong French Canadian general who believed in the west was utterly disillusioned to the point that the books afterword is him saying he fully understands why things like 9/11 happen and are supported. It's harrowing and frustrating in a way that you can only really get from someone who was actively undermined in trying to stop the killing. I don't think the section where he describes sitting on the phone with Kigali moderates he had befriended as they are being slaughtered one by one in the opening night of the genocide unable to help them will ever leave my memory.
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Oh wow. Yes some of the stories I've read are so horrifying but also bewildering. Ive learned how naive I am to be shocked this happened in the modern era.
I actually have that book already on my kindle! I needed a break after the book I suggested in my post. I read basically that everyone agrees the 5k UN troops that he requested could've ended it.
Thank you so much for commenting. I really don't know much or understand much about this part of the world, it's just captured my interest recently.
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bad blood: (click to archive)
a civil war: (click to archive)
Hutu Power president Habyarimqra: (click to archive)
Rwandan Genocide: (click to archive)
RTLM: (click to archive)
Black Hawk Down: (click to archive)
Great Lakes Refugee Crisis: (click to archive)
flee to France 👀: (click to archive)
M23: (click to archive)
playing coy: (click to archive)
M23 are not innocent at all: (click to archive)
a February ceasefire: (click to archive)
not slowing down at all: (click to archive)
a very public lovers quarrel just a few weeks ago: (click to archive)
seems to be chill with escaping US influence: (click to archive)
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Is this the real frozen chosen?
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Yes :)
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I assumed that you moved greener pastures. I'm happy you're still around though.
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I did but I logged into the redscarepod website and it had my Rdrama notifications so I'm back for a minute :)
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What's zoomer slang for saccharine?
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Frick you
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Kagame is a real interesting character, the rare competent African dictator.
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On the Rwandan subreddit there seems to be the consensus that western style democracy wouldn't work in Africa. Is kind of a mindfrick as someone who was raised thinking freedom is part of the natural order.
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If you didn't learn about dumbasses growing up I have some bad news for you girlie
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If you were raised by a white woman you were probably raised by a dumbass.
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So true bestie
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Haha right, my mum is a white woman. My dad is black, but you get the idea.
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Botswana seem to be the only country capable of it
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I've been thinking that more and more as time goes on
. I don't think people like the Chinese or Russians can handle democracy, their history and culture is too fricked.
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