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:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED Disney Introduces Openly Christian Character After Ditching Transgender Story :marseycrucified:


This is the first openly !Christians character to feature in a Disney film since 2007's Bridge to Terabithia. The film features young adolescent children Jesse Aarons (played by Josh Hutcherson) and Leslie Burke (played by Anna Sophia Robb), who in one scene attend church together, and discuss religion on the way home.

Only interesting tidbit from the article. To be fair other than Moana who is whatever indigenous pagan and it's a central feature in the story they just sidestep it altogether. I guess Coco and Up have physical churches in them? But no characters who talk about it. :marseythinkorino:

The article title is clickbait for sure, the original plan was to have a Christian character and a separate trans character. It wasn't a 1:1 replacement.

Anyway this angers the redditor :soysnootypefast: :



Darn everyone would really rather tell their kids about a guy who was nailed to a fricking cross before accepting that trans people (and kids) exist

:marseyandjesus: :marseyagree:

As a Catholic, we do not worship Jesus Christ in the same way. In our beliefs Jesus is not god, he is the son of god. Which I think is different than what Christians believe (I'm Catholic, not "Christian" so I can't speak for sure on what other religions believe). That being said, we consider god to be made up of the holy Trinity (the father, the son and the holy spirit), so in a sense Jesus is not god but he is a part of god. But us Catholics do consider ourselves to be Christian even if other "Christians" don't.

/u/a205204 this is not what Catholics believe go talk to your priest please :marseyfacepalm:

That's certainly why Catholics see themselves as Christians.

Let's say you came back from work and someone moved into your house and legally changed their last name to match yours. Do you suddenly consider them to be your family? They believe they're your family, so why don't you?

/u/pikpikcarrotmon Your analogy works better in the opposite direction. When do you think the Reformation began? :marseysmughips:

I think it can be assumed some characters are but the only recent ones I can think of that have an identified religion are Mei in Turning Red and Anne in Amphibia who are both Buddhist.

There is a church and priest in Encanto so they are likely Christian but it never directly says they are.

If Marvel Animated studios counts then we also have @Nightcrawler who is Catholic.

/u/jesuspoopmonster I am Catholic, yes. :marseywave2: Come hang out with me on rdrama.net!

Community Note by @Raditz

We're running with the shadows of the night :marseysing:

So baby, take my hand, you'll be alright :marseyjam:

Surrender all your dreams to me tonight :marseyheavymetal:

They'll come true in the endโ€ฆ :beavisandbuttheadrocking:

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As a Catholic, we do not worship Jesus Christ in the same way. In our beliefs Jesus is not god, he is the son of god. Which I think is different than what Christians believe (I'm Catholic, not "Christian" so I can't speak for sure on what other religions believe). That being said, we consider god to be made up of the holy Trinity (the father, the son and the holy spirit), so in a sense Jesus is not god but he is a part of god. But us Catholics do consider ourselves to be Christian even if other "Christians" don't.


b r u h

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I mean he says it himself.

Jesus said to his disciples, "Compare me to something and tell me what I am like."

Simon Peter said to him, "You are like a just messenger."

Matthew said to him, "You are like a wise philosopher."

Thomas said to him, "Teacher, my mouth is utterly unable to say what you are like."

Jesus said, "I am not your teacher. Because you have drunk, you have become intoxicated from the bubbling spring that I have tended."


Jesus said, "Whoever drinks from my mouth will become like me; I myself shall become that person, and the hidden things will be revealed to him."


Jesus said, "When you see one who was not born of woman, fall on your faces and worship. That one is your Father."

Note: Jesus was born of woman

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Whenever someone starts off with "as a Catholic," or "as someone who went to Catholic school," they're about to utter heresy 100% of the time. :marseysigh:

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As a Catholic, I only worship Mary, because she is the one true Goddess. Jesus is only the son of the Goddess.

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Titus 3:

9 Avoid foolish arguments, genealogies, rivalries, and quarrels about the law, for they are useless and futile. 10 After a first and second warning, break off contact with a heretic, 11 realizing that such a person is perverted and sinful and stands self-condemned.

You could at least wait for the threads where I'm being annoyingly spergy to try to bait me. :marseysad:

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You should know I was just joking, you know me. :marseyembrace:

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that reflects really poorly on Catholic schools.

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A solid half (if not more) of people at Catholic schools are problem children sent there by their parents in the hopes it will "fix" them.

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Which is also why Catholic school girls have the reputation they do

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Yes. My parents let me select where to enroll because they did not trust the K-12 catechesis at the nearby Catholic school. :marseyitisfinished: Homeschooling programs have rapidly become the norm for younger religious American parents and a disproportionate number of religious vocations (both for Protestants and Catholics) are coming out of them.

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the worst part is that it's always something :marseysmugface: that was settled thousands of years ago. Come up with something :marseysmugface: new for once, like that guy who said that Jesus :marseycrucified: was in a polycule :marseypolyamory: with John and Mary Magdalene

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The worst part is that our culture has secularized to such an extent that this person was receiving earnest responses operating on the assumption that their words were true. :marseydoomer:

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"heresy" neighbor it is 2025, stop larping

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Heresy refers to a belief or opinion that does not agree with the official belief of a particular religion

That's what it is though? :marseyconfused2:

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C'mon Soren vouching for Arianism in 2025 is pretty heretical.

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Tell me literally one thing Issac Newton got wrong, Jesus was obviously a creation of God made from a distinct material.

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Shit like this is why Mormonism is constantly mislabeled as a "cult" when it is by every definition of the word a heresy.

But everyone has to be ecumenical cute twinks these days so here we are.

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The line between cult and religion is usually age. But Mormonism has always seemed particularly insane for an offshoot of Christianity to me.

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!catholics (who are indisputably and unambiguously a variety of !christians), that comment is incredible. It starts by advocating for fricking Arianism and ends by wildly misunderstanding the concept of the Trinity, all while interweaving a nonsensical and contradictory "explanation" of where Catholicism fits into Christianity as a whole. It's a Goddarn masterpiece. :marseyclapping:

!atheists, /u/a205204 deserves your respect as Reddit's most devout Catholic. Perhaps one day, if you study hard, you too can be as learned in the ways of his faith as he is. :marseyretardnotes:

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Arianism? More like aryanism amirite chuds

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all christians are based except for protties

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so that's what acab means

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This has less to do with Catholic belief than the Jewish belief that Jesus was an annoying mentally ill hick preacher who got caught up in Roman-Temple politics and whose pagan followers radically misunderstood basic Jewish theology.

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Lmao this reads like one our bait sub's material if we were any good at it.

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The best bait comes from asserting something completely wrong with total confidence

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It succeeded in making me upset. People here sneed much more than they troll and none of @Aevann's bait sub promotion is likely to change that in the future. :capypat:

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One of the best ones was the roevwade celebration sub simply because heymoon made redditors so irrationally upset with his non-stop kindness and positivity :#marseypeace:

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This is below Christeaster this is like Mayans worshipping Mary as a rain goddess in rural Mexico shit

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As a Catholic, we believe in a transcendent and unknowable God who exists beyond all creation. From this divine source emanated a series of spiritual beings known as Aeons. Among them, Sophia acted independently, leading to the emergence of the Demiurgeโ€”a lesser deity often associated with the Old Testament God. The Demiurge, something like a "Cosmic Redditor," is responsible for creating the flawed material world. As a result, it is correct to equate the Demiurge with Satan or view xim as a malevolent force. We hold that within each human resides a divine spark, a fragment of true divinity trapped within the physical body. Salvation is achieved through gnosisโ€”esoteric knowledge that awakens this divine spark, enabling it to return to the Pleroma, the fullness of the divine realm. This path emphasizes personal spiritual knowledge over orthodox teachings and rituals. We also believe in the Ogdoad, a group of eight Aeons, and the existence of multiple heavens or realms that the soul must traverse to achieve ultimate reunion with the divine source.

This is all in the Nicene Creed

(This is all wrong, and I'll feel bad if I don't make it extremely clear)

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Lmao what percentage of Catholics believe this? I explained to a Catholic Mexican friend that the belief in Jesus as God defines us as Christians and he replied it was actually our belief in God. It seems like you have hundreds of millions of Catholics going to mass and not even understanding the parts of their religion that save them from heck.

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No Catholic wrote that lmao

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I thought it was just they worshipped gold equally as anything else

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