Why does stuff like this hit my youtube reccomended ?
DANGER: don't hit play there's anime voice acting
Posted 4 days ago, it's got 1.7 million views, wow
Probably a kid made this?
no, it's a disney animator
I thought this was surely aimed at kids from the aesthetic and thumbnail but it's not for kids, no it's SUBVERSIVE
because it has SWEARING
...wow that's crazy! Swearing in a cute show that looks like it's for 13 year olds?
Wait, 15 year olds do like it though
wait are they calling him an egg
they are
> she just like me
they literally won't stop calling him an egg
tone indicators is when I know im on the wrong side of the information superhighway /gen
After flipping around a bit more: higher quality than usual fandom slop, because the author is an animator. INSUFFERABLE wacky quirky quips. It's hehe dark and edgy magical girl shit with the obnoxiousness of a Disney show for tweens. I can't do all 11 minutes What it is with westernish(?) animators and the magical girl genre? It would be more interesting if it were played straight at this point.
This is the funniest line in the whole thing, the right after the part that is in color and is more than .5 fps --->
A lot of the comments are just: l-lesbian? Yuri?
HIGHSCHOOLERS? Don't let disney get this or they won't be gay :( and the world NEEDS this
twitter is full of a few hundred digital artists drawing the characters, and even a few cosplayers, and the author of the 11 minute "pilot" animatic is selling merch like crazy
@Dahl_Fook the fandom has landed
The satanic fandom process begins.
The creator of this thingy has only been working on the concept since September of 2024 (?), and is ready to capitalize , has no obvious scandals after a long history of pokemon fanart, so she might be capable of keeping this going in some form for longer than most
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"I'm gonna show this to all my homies"
this would mean something if he wasn't white
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honestly not a problem
i would be concerned if it was some more fundie paper education pomni ARG garbage.
This appears to fill a real niche. Black women fricking love sailor moon
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At least they made their own rather than co-opting an already existing character. Still looks like absolute shit and slop. The state of animation-cels.
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that fricking
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I hope this goes somewhere then
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I will release my pilot in 2029
13.7 minutes of hot bird action
They're not ready
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!remindme 4/7/2029
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I will be messaging you on 04.07.2029, 06:06 UTC to remind you of this comment
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I fricking hate western culture
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!anime animetopians... have we achieved cultural DOMINATION?
or have we been GOCKBANDONED by the masses 
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Im really glad I now have a dedicated lightning rod to point to every time I say that brown people are ruining anime.
Also obligatory gas all Zoomers

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But that's not anime. It wasn't grown in the anime region of Japan.
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I swear to God this is based on a random moderately popular Reddit comment from like 12 years ago
Like about someone with "protagonist" traits who has to keep dodging inciting incidents of anime shows
I remember thinking the idea was kinda funny but in a Reddit humor sorta way, like "oh that's kinda clever," not "ha ha" funny. And that's exactly what it's like when translated into a real pilot
Interesting how you don't need actual animation to make a hit with the "animation community" online. Just character designs, uncolored storyboards that move a little bit, and a couple people who can do stereotypical cartoon voices. And then the viewer just imagines the cartoon. This seems much more efficient, maybe they should release every show this way
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It's not even a good animatic
The frame per second that moves in some scenes is the mouth like -> ( _ ,O )
When 0 budget Japanese anime studios do that, they tend to also pan/zoom at the same time to show movement.
Or they make the character's body move just a bit, and not just the mouth
^ observe, south park does this, I've seen .5fps animatics by children that do this
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it's counterculture. Magical Girl Anime (i.e., sailor moon) is an extremely rigid, traditional representation of female gender roles. It's so girly that it's almost parodying the female gender (cute costumes, short skirts, pretty hair, heck Sailor Moon literally uses a makeup compact to transform). Shit like this is the result of the absolutely genius idea of "what if thing, but opposite???"
It's popular to parody magical girl anime because:
a) it's super easy (since everyone knows what magical girl anime is)
b) it appeals to calarts extra-specials because they get a kick out of subverting established gender norms
Is this a bad thing? I have no opinion on the matter. That's for the FBI agent performing a background check on me to decide.
We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!
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Some of the commenters are there to imagine magical girl transformations on teenage boys
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The only good magic girl work besides Sailor Moon is Madoka Magica.
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