Trump may have jumped the gun last night bragging about his military meeting recruiting numbers, unlike Biden's kitty enbie military that lowered requirements for chicks and s. Looks like the recruiters have still been putting their finger on the scale.
According to the report, trainees have been allowed to join at up to 19% above the standard -- meaning some male recruits may have had body fat percentages as high as 45% and female recruits reaching 55%, levels that would likely be considered morbidly obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
r/army discusses and is unsurprised
I had 8 applicants arrive to MEPS yesterday for a physical/enlist combination and 6 of them were both DQ'd for medical reasons and administratively for BF composition. One younger male was 12% over the standard and the RRNCO was positive "he was good."
If you actually say it out loud, in what world is a 17yo, non-athletic build who is 5' 9" and 257lbs able to make it through BCT.
This is after last year's reports that 70% of active duty is overweight and 20% is obese. (I'm curious though how much of this could actually be muscle mass overweight. That's probably being to generous though.)
I keep seeing other stuff about letting in more people failing the ASVAB, which I was under the impression in high school wasn't even a pass/fail and had a tier for "functionally r-slurred, would be a parking lot attendant as a civilian".
So both Biden and Trump just want the military full of fat, r-slurred people for some reason. Hope our drones are getting better for the war with China or there are going to be a lot more deaths from heart attacks than bullets on the beaches of Taiwan. In a fight, I would probably place bets on a bull and a roided up pooner over some thousand pound TLC show rejects, but who knows if either could beat a swarm of chinks with whatever dinnerware their catatonic families have cobbled into weapons on the Great Assembly Line of China.
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i don't see the problem. put the fatties in their own basic that lasts longer than others but goes a bit slower. they'll lose the weight.
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They already did that though. These went through it and got cleared for basic training.
It's 6 months mix of personal time and actually being on a base.
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the personal time is where the whole thing falls apart. they can't have personal time.
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It's to start out. They do 90 days in some program, not sure how in depth it is, but I assume more like ROTC than half butt nutrition diary meetings, then if they can't get their body fat down, they go to a base for another 90 days.I'm under the impression basic training is 10 weeks, so they are at onsite fat camp for longer than average basic training.And their 3 month obesity program before that is probably more in depth than what people's insurance still makes them pay out the butt for to just recommend bariatric surgery at the end.I lied, I reread it and it looks like they're on bases the whole time, they just move. The first 120 days are some kind of academic thing that they're supposed to lose weight during, then they get 90 more days on pure fitness if they're still fat.Jump in the discussion.
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