Trump may have jumped the gun last night bragging about his military meeting recruiting numbers, unlike Biden's kitty enbie military that lowered requirements for chicks and s. Looks like the recruiters have still been putting their finger on the scale.
According to the report, trainees have been allowed to join at up to 19% above the standard -- meaning some male recruits may have had body fat percentages as high as 45% and female recruits reaching 55%, levels that would likely be considered morbidly obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
r/army discusses and is unsurprised
I had 8 applicants arrive to MEPS yesterday for a physical/enlist combination and 6 of them were both DQ'd for medical reasons and administratively for BF composition. One younger male was 12% over the standard and the RRNCO was positive "he was good."
If you actually say it out loud, in what world is a 17yo, non-athletic build who is 5' 9" and 257lbs able to make it through BCT.
This is after last year's reports that 70% of active duty is overweight and 20% is obese. (I'm curious though how much of this could actually be muscle mass overweight. That's probably being to generous though.)
I keep seeing other stuff about letting in more people failing the ASVAB, which I was under the impression in high school wasn't even a pass/fail and had a tier for "functionally r-slurred, would be a parking lot attendant as a civilian".
So both Biden and Trump just want the military full of fat, r-slurred people for some reason. Hope our drones are getting better for the war with China or there are going to be a lot more deaths from heart attacks than bullets on the beaches of Taiwan. In a fight, I would probably place bets on a bull and a roided up pooner over some thousand pound TLC show rejects, but who knows if either could beat a swarm of chinks with whatever dinnerware their catatonic families have cobbled into weapons on the Great Assembly Line of China.
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Military would
do that right
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Military actually cannot. Pretty sure US military cannot make you run a mile without food for two days at this point in time. The veterans thing is more like "frick this guy got injured for life but we don't wanna pay those bills".
A little different scenario. One is not damaging the goods you got the other is trying to avoid paying for the damages incurred to goods during deployment.
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for POG and in a peace
If we start prepping for or are in war many many rules
get bent or ignored lol
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of course but the US is not in war time right now. Unless the invasion of Greenland or Canada happens.
I am betting on an invasion of Canada.
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Tbh I think
the likeliness of an involvement in Gaza is way more likely sadly
But we are definitely prepping for something
Especially seem to be gearing up to fight
near peer adversaries
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Not at all. Israeli's promise to empty the place out. US in turn doesn't say bad things about Israel for emptying out Gaza for the US. Win win scenario for the imperialist west.
There are no near peer adversaries. Nato isn't going to activate to protect Greenland. US isn't going to directly invade Denmark. An invasion of Canada is a US victory as Canada has no nukes.
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Near peer means Russia, China, or EU essentially. No reason for the move towards trying to penetrate body armor
and a few other things we've been working
We've been prepping
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Has been a meme for 40 years at this point. Defeating body armor with individual weapons is relatively low priority in every situation except room-clearing, the whole Boogeyman of VDV landing behind the lines and being able to shrug off 9mm like it's airsoft was invented by H&K to sell the MP7 (which, btw, couldn't penetrate the body armor a Soviet paratrooper would likely wear, and definitely can't penetrate modern ceramic plate that can take a few .308s), and most casualties are caused by explosive anyways, where body armor saves lives but generally doesn't prevent incapacitation so it's a moot point. Worrying about individual rifle cartridges is very silly.
We should be worrying about the fact that the Chinese can crank out cruise missiles and ships very quickly while we can't
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The point
was there's already little
because Russia, China, and the EU are the only ones who utilize it on their grunts
So any push to penetrate it means we're prepping to fight
one of those 3
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Pentagon needs to justify the budget. Sometimes things get upgraded just because there is money for it.
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I would be okay destroying my body if it meant I kill canadians
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How much does this actually occur? Ever time I'm surprised to hear about a VA coverage decision, it's in the direction of "ridiculous that it's considered service-related."
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Yeah, I get the idea that modern VA has really spun around from even 90s VA. I heard so many horror stories when I was young about guys getting iced out of treatment for this or that that was determined to be pre-existing by the military, even if it was aggravated by military stuff. Or waiting forever and ever for a VA appointment like Canadian healthcare. Now as an adult, most of the military guys I know are cheesing their way to the bank getting a new disability percent every year for some r-slurred sniffle they get every once in a while, "Oh, it must have been that desert air 15 years ago where I spent all that time in base." Dudes skipping health insurance at work because they can just stop by the VA.
Or veterans have always been completely full of shit, which is a possibility, but we have them recorded as getting fricked since before the revolutionary war, so who knows when the propaganda would have begun.
Let's see DOGE hit the VA. See how many fell for it awards can get printed in a single day.
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I have no idea how frequently it occurs. All I know is that it keeps getting mentioned on reddit so somewhere between never and very often.
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