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  • X : WRONG. total :marseytrain: (moid) death

Chuds continue to have trouble understanding why experiments using s*x hormones might not only apply to :marseytrain2:s. Also CNN is buckbroken, issued a correction they should not have issued.




I do enjoy the claim the funding is to make people go :marseytrain2:. That's one for the q bank.

Given the number of wh*te males taking T you would think they would get the value in understanding effects of that treatment. The same research is also very useful for things like prostate cancer which can cause T production to go fricking insane and many of us will end up being diagnosed with.

They also really don't get that the admin overhead is engineered in to fund basic research and lab building, that's part of the stated objective of NiH funding not something hidden. NSF does exactly the same thing, in both cases literally a directive from congress. NASA also do it.

Conclusion: chuds hate science, chuds are r-slurred and chuds are a pro-death cult.

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It's a program. Twenty million dollars for a program.

Bish I've run programs with a $20 million budget for digital marketing. 20 million is not a lot of money for a program! You can piss that away in an afternoon on Google pay-per-click if you're not careful.

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carl sagan used to talk about this in the 90s, about uneducated people using absurd sounding descriptions of research to justify defunding said research.

basically everything carl sagan wrote about in the demon-haunted world has come to pass.

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He also loved doing "the universe is so big so god isn't real" stunt too

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I really hate this lol. "The universe is so vast and grand. Nothing really matters!" :soyjakanimeglasses:

Like, what? Where's the pop nihilism coming from? Astronomers will say something interesting then immediately insert soy.

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They seem to ignore that the vastness is mostly empty space with absolutely boring space rocks in between.

There's more interesting things happening on planet earth than anywhere else we've seen.

Too much Star Trek without the humanism.

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Too much Star Trek without the humanism.

Sums them up pretty well

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God isn't real, the universe may well be infinite. We are not significant.

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I remember a really good Sagan quote from a speech he gave when he visited my university.

Pizzashill is a cute twink, if he ever invokes my name or writings, make sure you call him a cute twink and laugh at him, he's wrong.

Really prophetic stuff.

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Wow the exact same thing happened at my university, except it was Macho Man Randy Savage warning us about pizzashill using Sagan quotes.

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:!marseyreportermnn: :#marseyrandysavage:

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I think Aristotle said something similar :marseythonk:

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You don't read lol

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your phone doesn't count

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Sagan was kind of an idiot and a hippy

Trans lives matter

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He love da reefer

:weedcat: :weedcat: :weedcat: :weedcat: :weedcat: :weedcat: :weedcat:

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>The tech industry is bad at managing money


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any honest PMI trainer will tell you that all tech projects come in at 200% cost and schedule at completion

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On the contrary, adtech firms are great at it.

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adtech firm

A whole industry of wasted money


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Google pay-per-click if you're not careful

so true, my first time fricking with their ads was an expensive series of mistakes.


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$1 million is a rounding error

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