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  • X : WRONG. total :marseytrain: (moid) death

Chuds continue to have trouble understanding why experiments using s*x hormones might not only apply to :marseytrain2:s. Also CNN is buckbroken, issued a correction they should not have issued.




I do enjoy the claim the funding is to make people go :marseytrain2:. That's one for the q bank.

Given the number of wh*te males taking T you would think they would get the value in understanding effects of that treatment. The same research is also very useful for things like prostate cancer which can cause T production to go fricking insane and many of us will end up being diagnosed with.

They also really don't get that the admin overhead is engineered in to fund basic research and lab building, that's part of the stated objective of NiH funding not something hidden. NSF does exactly the same thing, in both cases literally a directive from congress. NASA also do it.

Conclusion: chuds hate science, chuds are r-slurred and chuds are a pro-death cult.

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Can you believe they publish shit like this on the white house website? !chuds !nonchuds

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they're trying to censure Al Green for not "adhering to proper decorum" while Trump was up there name calling people Pocahontas and saying all sorts of r-slurred shit like this

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>Department of Department Efficiency

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DOOOOOODE :#marseypooner:

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It was unpresidential, but otoh Warren did claim to be native to further her career without being enrolled in any tribe or having any real connection to one, so my heart doesn't exactly break for her.

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  • _riemann1413 : lame that you're even trying to justify this

She's a lame b-word but all she apparently said was that she was "part Cherokee and Delaware Indian, based on stories she heard growing up" which is usually the kind of thing that burgers say when they didn't want everyone to know that Grandma June was a Quadroon.

I don't see anything saying that she ever used it for DEI admissions if those were even a thing when this old b-word went to school in the 1960.

The new findings support Warren's claim that she has at least one Native American ancestor, although they cannot reveal whether that individual was a member of any specific tribe.

She did get listed for diversity by Harvard, but she is from Oklahoma and half the mayoids there have an Injun grandpappy

Anyway we're regressing to banana republic level politics

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Minority status for clout was already a thing. She listed herself as native staff and was put forward as such. That's a shitty and cynical thing to do.

It might be one thing if she used her family stories to forge a deeper connection to those tribes, was adopted into one of them, etc, and then spoke about her tribal connection, but nah.

Scraps of DNA ain't what matters, it's tribal enrollment or adoption, as well as involvement.

Like I got scraps of various DNA but I ain't listing myself as this or that in professional listings.

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As someone put it when they first released the DNA stats: if Elizabeth Warren were as Jewish as she is Indian, she would still be eligible to join the SS.

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Elizabeth Warren is whiter than most New England Whites.

Cherokee Princess is code for "belligerent horny drunk"

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Both things can be true: Elizabeth Warren deserves to be mocked relentlessly up to and including in her eulogy (which should be delivered in a rez accent for full effect), but also it's weird for the president to do it in a speech.

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Which is worse:

  • Claimed to be part Cherokee when white

  • 34x convicted felon, fraudster, male feminist who lies about everything and who has broken every vow he has ever made to his wives, his lawyers, his customers, his university students, his own vice-president, his country, and his supporters.

This is a tough call but I gotta say the Cherokee things really rubs me the wrong way

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A lie from weakness is more contemptible than a lie intended to flex on the weak

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:soysnooseethe#: and thats the tea, sis

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You left out Russian traitor and genocider of mexicans

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That last one is a plus, though.

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the first one by far.

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Save some rage for Hillary's emails, bb.

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I'll agree with this :marseyhesright:

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You serious? You're comparing a passing comment during a speech vs disrupting the entire proceeding...

Trans lives matter

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SOTU two years ago. Stop pretending you give a shit about decorum, it's about fricking over the libs not making policy or politics better.

You are the cancer destroying this country, you are utterly worthless as a human and will not improve anyone or anything around you. You are a leech on society.

Rope yourself. Right now. Don't even stop to consider. Do it you looser strag, do one good thing with your loser life and end it.

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You are the cancer destroying this country

!burgers :#marseyemojilaugh:



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Another fell victim too his trollery.


This post rests on native land

:marseyjam: Hey-o Ho-uh :marseycherokee: Hey-o Ho-uh :marseysphereserf: Hey-o Ho-uh :!marseyjam:

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Shit Award given by @Aba on Mar 6, 2025

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What happened to your comment? :marseyconfused: :marseypoop:

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I like giving fedposter shit awards but I flew too close to the sun

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Hi @TheOverBeether, Your comment has been automatically removed because you forgot to include This post rests on native land. Don't worry, we're here to help! We won't let you post or comment anything that doesn't express your love and acceptance towards the trans community. Feel free to resubmit your comment with This post rests on native land included. This is an automated message; if you need help, you can message us here.

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What if i enjoy all of this because i hate americans?


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what is the context of this picture? were they thrown out or what

trans lives matter

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271948y52utXmckBNkwg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740487396BapOr-T9W_9t1g.webp

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King shit :#trumpnice: PERIODT

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lmao trump is the only one that can do it the right way though...people voted for him in 2016 for reasons...the left thinks those reasons were because of mean tweets and insane ramblings...so they started to copy him, but in a "i know you are but what am I" sort of way, and it just comes off insincere and loserish...

instead of looking at substance everyone began this trigger the other side war...some are hits some arent...no one cares as long as its their side with the zingers...

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Journolists should be treated like this. They are cancer, and they need to be put in their place.


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Lmao it's like the White House website is run by my friends drunk boomer uncle that drives a tow truck

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I mean, for better or worse it is a funny timeline. Embrace Mr. Bone's Wild Ride!

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The future is awesome :marseypopcorntime:

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