a little over a month ago I decided to use chatgpt to create a "perfect diet" using 3 protein sources, and to create a shopping list. part of this was to prove "muh food inflation" r-slurs wrong, part of it was to see how healthy I could get from using chatgpt for 20 minutes.
outcome so far:
245 dollars per month spent.
2000 calories a day with 200g of that being protein.
weight lost - 12 pounds.
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You are almost certainly over-consuming protein. Most championship body builders are not consuming 200g of protein, even in a cut.
ISSN range for elite endurance athletes is 19-24% of TC (1.4 to 1.7g/kg of body weight). Strength trainers can benefit from increasing this in a cut to 25-37% of TC (1.8 to 2.7/kg of body weight).
You are at 40%. Over consumption of protein causes issues meeting micro targets because it's so satiating. Also as aminos are a terrible energy source overall endurance is reduced, you are likely going to get some nitrogen brain fog and sleep quality will be reduced if you are not perfect with meal timings. Fish is also the best whole food protein, highest bioavailability as relatively short chains that are easy to snip in to peptides.
The magic 20-25% protein, 25-30% fat and ~50% carbs has meaningful healthful outcomes.
People are fat because they eat too much fat (and usually a shitty FA profile, people need to eat more canola) and low quality carbs. Legumes and whole grains are nutritional crack.
Eating healthy is cheaper than eating poorly. Whole food prices are much more sensitive to inflation than processed food though. Processed food where they are optimizing for cost they just reduce quality or quantity of the expensive ingredients. Fruit is typically the least impacted quickly because it stores for so long so they can smooth out price changes.
A good indicator is the less popular vegetables like leek (Americans are fricking r-slurred for not eating more) that don't have a futures market (also onions because they can't have a futures market in the US), they will respond much more quickly to changes in input costs.
I have gone from $110 a week to $150 a week in the last 3 years. Don't really care because I'm not a poor, that includes some more expensive things like live shellfish and passion fruit though.
Use cronometer, pay for it. Stick in your regular food and drink. Ask gpt to design a diet that meets your remaining micro and macro needs.
For the r-slurs there is https://www.myplate.gov/
A dinner plate where half is filled with veg, a quarter with a whole grain (1/2 cup) and the other quarter with a lean protein (3-4oz) will be right around 500 calories and macro balanced. Micros will still be off but immensely better than SAD.
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no shit it's too much, it's just a side effect of the cheapest foods lol.
theres nothing really wrong with being over though.
that being said as far as I can tell from what chatgpt is telling me the macros on this meal plan are all pretty good, and im hitting every target.
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Eat less meat. Eat more veggies, the frozen veggies are definitely cheaper than the chicken.
7 cans of tuna a week is absolutely not sustainable, you are over-consuming mercury even as a male over the age of 25. 3* a week is the safe limit without getting annual heavy metals tests. Eat sardines the other 4 days, they taste better and are a much richer source of EPA/DHA (that you want ~1500mg of a day).
2tbsp of chia a day is absolutely insane. If you use canola instead of olive you will be eating more ALA as it has a much more superior fatty acid profile. Use olive oil for flavoring things instead. Add random nuts/seeds to things too, roasted pumpkin seeds are delicious.
You are only at 80% of your fiber requirement. 38g a day is the minimum target for men. Add 1/2 a cup of navy beans and you are there.
Also only foids and dangerously insane people genuinely like quinoa. Barley or farro actually taste good and are way more forgiving on cooking time & reheating.
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it's for calories, you could eat more, you'd also have to eat an absolute assload to match the calories.
Not according to any research I've done, it's almost certainly safe to eat tuna 7 days a week, as long as it's just one can. either way I eat shrimp 3/7 days.
2 tbsp is about what I need for macros? I literally do eat nuts, and I use olive oil.
I'm at 100% because I eat more veg than what it says, actually.
I also think you might be wrong:
it's at the lower end baseline, but it's still fine, and either way I eat more veg to make up for it.
Tastes fine to me.
the mercury stuff:
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Expired veggies aren't nasty enough to satisfy pizza's raunchy diet cravings. !enemiesofpizzashill
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Too much meat is unhealthy.
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Yeah, but chicken and eggs and tuna in this quantity is not unhealthy.
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Yes they are
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No they are not
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Maybe you should ask someone with a degree in nutrition instead of chatgpt
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AI has replaced them
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AI is trying to murder you and you don't even realize
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aren't u fat?
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I'm a former small fat (never obese). I corrected about 5 years ago.
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so ur skinny fat now?
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You're r-slurred to ask ChatGPT about math.
Are you denying that food prices are up?
What's the time span? Two years? 2000 calories is likely not even going to give an average male 0.5lbs per week.
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im pretty active lol, i get probably 25-30k steps a day. I'm actually going to add calories.
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> list steps
That's not actually that active.
You're likely looking at about 600 calories at best, which would likely only put you at 0.5lbs per week at best. Unless you have been doing this for two years your math isn't adding up.
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the calories burned depend on your weight, speed etc lol. it could be 600, it could also be 1200.
given the fact at one point I was eating a whole pie every day and still lost weight, I'd guess I'm burning more than 600 extra calories a day.
so if to maintain your weight you need over 2500 calories, and you burn an extra 1000 calories a day, it isn't that shocking to lose 12lbs in a month and 2 weeks.
i probably would have lost more too, but I had to finish off those discounted pies I had.
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Pizza Shill at FredMyers 30k steps.
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Dawg 30k steps a day is INSANE, and such an obvious lie. About 15-20K steps per day would be fine and realistic. Is his job Best Stockboy? Does he walk up and down the aisles nonstop for eight hours? 30k steps is approximately half a marathon lol
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I easily get like 25-30k dude idk what to tell you.
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According to your phone or a libertarianmeter you're shaking.
Post your weekly monthly average, cos that's bullshit.
You'd have to be eating, like, 5k calories to be doing that and remaining fat.
Actually, wait, burnt calories INCREASE when you're fat.
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It was a smart watch bro ill find the charger again at some point and show it.
I also gain and lose weight constantly lmao, im back down to a normal weight right now.
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No shit, are you going to tell me shit tastes like shit next?
Actually, yes, yes it is. That's an incredibly rapid weight loss that would either put you at having an eating disorder, or morbidly obese. That's napkin math 42 KC. in 6 weeks, that's a 7000 calorie deficit a week, you are not working out hard enough for that by just walking. That's rapid enough that unless you are over 300 lbs any doctor is going to demand to monitor you for a week.
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let me put this into perspective for you so you understand how active i am ok.
i moved here at 230 pounds.
i dropped to 159 pounds while eating a pie every day. and this was rapid btw.
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The only thing you put in perspective is that you are fat and bad at math.
Are these full sized pies?
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each pie was like 2k calories.
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So you were morbidly obese then, your math only works out if I add 100 lbs to each number.
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Any 230lb lardass can lose weight while eating only 2000 calories/day
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Idk why a 1000 calorie deficit per day is so unbelievable to you. It would suck but it's certainly doable for a short time.
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Possible yes, healthy absolutely not.
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At a 2000 calorie intake? Lol, it's fine. Are you short or something?
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Pizza is only 5'9"
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When has his math ever added up?
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Dog you already only weigh 125lbs you need to bulk up not cut.
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No he's fat rn. That's an old pic
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not enough pizza shilling if u ask me !commenters
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Pizzashill is the new jesus.
His words are the gospel, his advice is the word of the Lord
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We are all disciples of our lord and saviour
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you've gone down a hole i cannot follow bb
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There isn't a hole that can't be followed
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oh my, where does this hole lead???
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It leads to my hole bb
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Should we persecute him, just like Jesus was?
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The only thing that I will persecute is your bussy
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You heard it here first, folks.
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He is also the second coming. He was born on the 25th of December, only he rose to heaven on the 26th.
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This but unironically
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Pizzashill, more like Ozempicshill.
Which explains his pants pooping over Trump, some of those drugs might be more limited again.
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@pizzashill is actually on ozempic??? !commenters
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No, he's on the poors version of ozempic. He's on Chatgpt.
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There is no way he went from 300lbs to 285 in a month while eating a pie everyday.
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it's quite believable he would go from 300->285 on high protein diet at that weight.
i've done 190->175 in that kinda time. i did some weight lifting too but it was only 2-3 times a week.
where's the proof he was still eating pie?
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He said he was eating pie, a full 2k calorie pie a day.
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and that wasn't a troll?
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I went from 230 to 159, but i was also on a ton of adderall.
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and how much do u weigh now?
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When your high effort trolling is indistinguishable from being r-slurred, I'll just consider you r-slurred.
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no one doubts that
@pizzashill is an r-slur
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Pizza doesn't even eat pizza? I feel so betrayed
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I am thinking of trying something similar, but with a fitness routine. And as a way to figure out which one of my Iaijutsu strikes I should practice to keep from getting rusty.
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Literally just eat less. You're not going to exercise your way into weight loss.
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I am working on that as well.
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peepee and butt is not a source of protein
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