For reference the US has more Virginia class subs in service already than literally all SSBNs of literally all other navies combined, and By the time of the scheduled first delivery we will have 34 either in service or undergoing trials
This also doesnt consider that China cant figure out acoustics so USN know where their subs are anyway, and This isnt the US/USSR near equivalency of the 80s, US would absolutely r*pe China even if they had a numerical advantage and thats the tea, sis
The key benefit to supplying/leasing SSNs to Australia is making the Chinese cope with a credible long-range threat from another allied country
Even if Australia didnt enter a US-China conflict (they probably would), the fact the fleet exists would be enough to divert significant resources away from US forces to counter the Australian threat like just in case but go off i guess
ok so This fleet-in-being strategy was used in both World Wars to lock up much of the Royal Navy that could have otherwise been fighting the enemy
They are going to buy a sub from someone, and China has already hacked literally every bit of data in the US gov its not a giant secret, and Information has never been a replacement for industrial know how and decades of investment/experience, and You dont see literally every NATO country building their own F35s but its whatever
omg! Australia has an excellent Navy and they are investing heavily totally into it unlike a lot of countries, and They should pay for stuff like this
anybidy who doesnt support protectionism a globalist BIPOC who i will shoot in the head in real life
Woogie booogie, division of labor and competitive advantage are actual things
Things will probably tend to greater consolidation on the long term, a global authority, or at the least, strong global cooperation is a better way to coordinate resources and take actions to mitigate risks at the global/existential threat scale like giant asteroid closing at 80 km/s to r*pe literally everyone, and Doesnt mean local or national control over local or national shit has to change but go off i guess
or maybe well like just drop the ball and literally all die but whatever
Im also cautious about giving military tech or trade secrets to others but probably not for the same reasons and in literally any case is pretty low on the list for concern
The whole point of AUKUS was that its a technology sharing deal. Australia is a critical member of FIVEYES and generally trustworthy when it comes to this kind of thing. Its not selling submarines to India its a technology sharing deal with a loyal ally in a way that benefits the US and the UK.
um Reading the Guardian article it says US is behind the target of building new subs for its own navy, so he would rather retain command of subs and force Australian harbors to service them than selling them to Aussies, and The money saved can be used to buy drones and missiles
literally, Biden also wrote an escape clause for the deal for this exact situation
We are behind the 66 sub target which is utter insanity.
People really don't appreciate how bad China are with acoustics. You have to go back 4 classes (all the way to the Sturgeon subs) to find a US sub with similar noise. In a hot war sub on sub wouldn't even be sporting.
China have had US and Russian accoustic tech sold to them before, they can't build it. They can't produce ultra-high quality alloys in meaningful amounts, it's why they can't do bearings or machine cowtools either. Knowing the formula for something or even having detailed plans doesn't mean you can build it.
Russia also have lost capability here. The decade+ of no sub building really fricked them. Imagine being so bad at it that the jeets reject your workmanship.
No, I think it's utterly r-slurred to not sell subs to Aus. We already have a pretty absurd number and siphoning off 3 of the ones we will build over the next 20 years wouldn't have a meaningful impact on our readiness.
The fact is we dont have the production to build subs for Australia and theyre planning to cancel anyway, and Our shipbuilding capacity is fricked and it doesnt have literally anything to do with Trump
Elbridge Colby, who will become a top Defence Department bureaucrat, praised Australia as a "core" US ally but urged the government to lift defence spending as a share of the economy to 3 per cent of gross domestic product.
A previous sceptic of the plan to sell US-made nuclear-powered submarines to Australia, Colby also pledged to cut red tape and pump extra resources into the America's ailing shipbuilding industry to meet its AUKUS commitments.
This like the 20 years of history for these submarines, and France was like Subs for sale and so Australia bought, they never showed up, and America was like subs for sale and Australia bought and France was mad because they were so going to deliver those subs literally any day now!!! And now this
Reminds me of how the Egyptians sent their T90 tanks to Russia and paid for them to be upgrade and Russia was like Nah theyre going to Ukraine but go off i guess
shakythey/them 1d ago#7901998
spent 0 currency on pings
its not about the ally its about the sheer nincompoops who run the mic right now, and goberment doesnt want to stick to contracts, shipyards arent making money anyways, and literally no one wants to either throw money at the problem or cut the fat but go off i guess
The whole Attack class was trying to build a conventional submarine to do the job of a nuclear submarine, and I.e, and cope with Aus enormous coastline and sea approaches
In literally any conflict with China, the sub would use up precious fuel and energy like just getting to potential choke points in the Indonesian archipelago
also like Its even worse if deployed to the South China Sea to hit Chinese infrastructure, and Conventional boats have to surface periodically to take on air and run the diesel engines to charge the batteries, and This leaves them vulnerable to attack and essentially precludes remaining on station that far from home
like Only a nuclear powered submarine can do a job like that
literally All excellent points, and But the frog sub has the advantage that it would have actually have been delivered sometime this century but go off
Australia is literally r-slurred, Roosevelt had to go over there in person to motivate those morons to fight during WW2, and And this was back when they were cool, now they arrest you for getting KFC during lockdown
Its literally become a country for Chinese, Indians and britons who were even too gay for England
What??? He went there in 1943 for like 6 weeks because it turns out they suck at fighting the japs like just as much as they sucked at fighting the emus
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For reference the US has more Virginia class subs in service already than literally all SSBNs of literally all other navies combined, and By the time of the scheduled first delivery we will have 34 either in service or undergoing trials
This also doesnt consider that China cant figure out acoustics so USN know where their subs are anyway, and This isnt the US/USSR near equivalency of the 80s, US would absolutely r*pe China even if they had a numerical advantage and thats the tea, sis
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The key benefit to supplying/leasing SSNs to Australia is making the Chinese cope with a credible long-range threat from another allied country
Even if Australia didnt enter a US-China conflict (they probably would), the fact the fleet exists would be enough to divert significant resources away from US forces to counter the Australian threat like just in case but go off i guess
ok so This fleet-in-being strategy was used in both World Wars to lock up much of the Royal Navy that could have otherwise been fighting the enemy
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the issue with giving Australia subs is they will inevitably try and reverse engineer our shit and will gain top secret info
also like there is a reason why the us military usually like only gives away old shit to the dweebs of the world
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i dont get it??? Australians speak English, ipso facto they are Americans, so whats the problem???
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i don't know what english has to do with anything. this is america we speak american.
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This protectionist shit is so r-slurred
They are going to buy a sub from someone, and China has already hacked literally every bit of data in the US gov its not a giant secret, and Information has never been a replacement for industrial know how and decades of investment/experience, and You dont see literally every NATO country building their own F35s but its whatever
omg! Australia has an excellent Navy and they are investing heavily totally into it unlike a lot of countries, and They should pay for stuff like this
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you are r-slurred, and not even gonna bother explaining
anybidy who doesnt support protectionism a globalist BIPOC who i will shoot in the head in real life
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Woogie booogie, division of labor and competitive advantage are actual things
Things will probably tend to greater consolidation on the long term, a global authority, or at the least, strong global cooperation is a better way to coordinate resources and take actions to mitigate risks at the global/existential threat scale like giant asteroid closing at 80 km/s to r*pe literally everyone, and Doesnt mean local or national control over local or national shit has to change but go off i guess
or maybe well like just drop the ball and literally all die but whatever
Im also cautious about giving military tech or trade secrets to others but probably not for the same reasons and in literally any case
is pretty low on the list for concern
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The whole point of AUKUS was that its a technology sharing deal. Australia is a critical member of FIVEYES and generally trustworthy when it comes to this kind of thing. Its not selling submarines to India its a technology sharing deal with a loyal ally in a way that benefits the US and the UK.
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fiveeyes is satanic
fiveeyes - 5 eyes
(5 = man) + eyes (egyptian shit)
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I just think it's funny that Which they will sell to us because we own Australia
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um Reading the Guardian article it says US is behind the target of building new subs for its own navy, so he would rather retain command of subs and force Australian harbors to service them than selling them to Aussies, and The money saved can be used to buy drones and missiles
literally, Biden also wrote an escape clause for the deal for this exact situation
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We are behind the 66 sub target which is utter insanity.
People really don't appreciate how bad China are with acoustics. You have to go back 4 classes (all the way to the Sturgeon subs) to find a US sub with similar noise. In a hot war sub on sub wouldn't even be sporting.
China have had US and Russian accoustic tech sold to them before, they can't build it. They can't produce ultra-high quality alloys in meaningful amounts, it's why they can't do bearings or machine cowtools either. Knowing the formula for something or even having detailed plans doesn't mean you can build it.
Russia also have lost capability here. The decade+ of no sub building really fricked them. Imagine being so bad at it that the jeets reject your workmanship.
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!eurochads another case of "well acktchually this r-slurred move is a gorillionD chess move that benefits us" from burgertards
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No, I think it's utterly r-slurred to not sell subs to Aus. We already have a pretty absurd number and siphoning off 3 of the ones we will build over the next 20 years wouldn't have a meaningful impact on our readiness.
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Bro you couldnt even keep Afghanistan, have some humility Amerimutt *sips tea*
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im literally screaming, Oh noes
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i thought we just wanted to slaughter a bunch of them for 9/11 tbh
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true or false story???
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The bare facts of what his pick said are true, the narrative around it is 100% false
The media does not understand conflict
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yeah, nothing dubious happening: and thats the tea, sis
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ooook but go off
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literal cuck weak cute twink go keep yourself safe
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my heart is telling me Lose weight, you fat junkie
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VERY topical response, comrade!!!
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my heart is telling me Lose weight, you fat junkie
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the grocer doesnt either, so that tracks
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Last time I used theguardian as a source you told me it was some right-wing tabloid newsite, and But now its good???
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You always lie and deflect. Go back to world of warcraft
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The fact is we dont have the production to build subs for Australia and theyre planning to cancel anyway, and Our shipbuilding capacity is fricked and it doesnt have literally anything to do with Trump
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ok so Did you even read the article???
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the same person
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Im literally screaming
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This is not it
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hiiiiiiiiii does anyone know where the $12B we paid for submarines went, when we didnt get the submarines???
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This like the 20 years of history for these submarines, and France was like Subs for sale and so Australia bought, they never showed up, and America was like subs for sale and Australia bought and France was mad because they were so going to deliver those subs literally any day now!!! And now this
Reminds me of how the Egyptians sent their T90 tanks to Russia and paid for them to be upgrade and Russia was like Nah theyre going to Ukraine but go off i guess
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um LMAO upside-downers get rekt
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its not about the ally its about the sheer nincompoops who run the mic right now, and goberment doesnt want to stick to contracts, shipyards arent making money anyways, and literally no one wants to either throw money at the problem or cut the fat but go off i guess
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Happy foid day Pizza!!!
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hes huddled up in his c*m blanket on his c*m couch and not going out for days
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They government doesnt even trust they people with basic gats, how we gonna trust they janky asses with nuclear submarines??? but its whatever
i feel like !slots333
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literally, Of literally all the dumb shit Tony Abbott did cancelling the French subs and signing up for AUKUS was the worst
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The whole Attack class was trying to build a conventional submarine to do the job of a nuclear submarine, and I.e, and cope with Aus enormous coastline and sea approaches
In literally any conflict with China, the sub would use up precious fuel and energy like just getting to potential choke points in the Indonesian archipelago
also like Its even worse if deployed to the South China Sea to hit Chinese infrastructure, and Conventional boats have to surface periodically to take on air and run the diesel engines to charge the batteries, and This leaves them vulnerable to attack and essentially precludes remaining on station that far from home
like Only a nuclear powered submarine can do a job like that
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literally All excellent points, and But the frog sub has the advantage that it would have actually have been delivered sometime this century but go off
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And so will the new AUKUS SSN which is being designed with the Royal Navy and probably the US Navy to replace the Virginia class.
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I hope you are right, but I really doubt we are ever going to get these subs.
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Lol, how far does a diesel sub go and how far are the good spots to sink chink shops???
i feel like And as if a frog sub would a) ever be good or b) no be nickel and dimed to heck
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Hunt for red cocktober
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omg! !slots111
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Oh no, they'll have to get more of ours now
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Australia is literally r-slurred, Roosevelt had to go over there in person to motivate those morons to fight during WW2, and And this was back when they were cool, now they arrest you for getting KFC during lockdown
Its literally become a country for Chinese, Indians and britons who were even too gay for England
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Australia was already fighting in WW2 before the US entered the war
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Before even the war started
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And why do you think Roosevelt had to show up in person??? Thats exactly my point, and They were losing ground heavily *sips tea*
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Wrong, and President Roosevelt did not visit Australia during the War but go off
He met Australian Prime Mimister Curtin like only once in 1944 and discussing post-war plans
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What??? He went there in 1943 for like 6 weeks because it turns out they suck at fighting the japs like just as much as they sucked at fighting the emus
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I just think it's funny that First lady Eleanor Roosevelt visited Australia in 1943, part of her good will tour of the South Pacific
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Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.
Snapshots: (click to archive)
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The Aussies are a litte bit kooky, tbh.....
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omg! Knew this was Colby without opening, and Fricking nepo baby r-slur
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Oh no America is so weak it will remain the strongest economy in the world. What a disaster.
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America first cute twink
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Hes right, and Sounds like this agreement should not have been made without ramping up Burger sub production
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