Reporting a homophobic, psychopathic manager as an outsider
I do not work for Starbucks... But I know a woman, Stephanie Thompson, who is a manager there. She works with many young LGBTQ employees. My therapist recently told me that phscopaths do not stop, they only get better at appearing to fit into society. To keep it short, she sexually abused me when I was young, gaslit me into thinking I was a lesbian and would be disowned and ostricized if people found out, and then blackmailed me about my made up sexuality for years. She also spent several years misgendering her cis male husband after having cheated on him. And unrelated she used to steal opiates from a cancer patient. She is a psychotic homophobe and it terrifies me that she's working for a company that tries to be inclusive. Will I be taken seriously if I report this to Starbucks?
The only reasonable advice is buried at the bottom:
Absolutely nothing will come from this 'report' if you choose to send it in to Starbucks as someone who does not work for the company. I am saying this as a former partner, who has had plenty of traumatizing experiences and literally reported several partners for inappropriate behavior. The most you will get is [maybe] peace of mind, and a thank you message from a bot to an email that will never be read.
/u/emotionally-stable probably needs a better username:
There's the expected comment:
OP, I'm appalled at some of this advice here. REPORT THIS MFER. We have no idea if they will do anything with the report or not. But what we do know is that NOTHING can happen if NOTHING is reported. For god sakes people. Yeah corporate or ethics may look at the report and be like "wow this should've been reported years ago" or "wow this sounds made up" or whatever BS but wouldn't it feel so good to know that somewhere there is a paper trail so that if this disgusting human being does something like this again, someone can look and be like "oh shit, OP put a report in about something similar happening x years ago…lets take this more seriously than we were planning to"
And finally
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What does this even mean?
Noooooooo nooooooo it's not true. Nooooooo I'm not
Nooooooooo. Take it back! I'm not a girllllll. Take it back!! I'm a man. I'm your husband!
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How would the foid in question even know? Lol
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That dude was 100% pegged nightly.
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If you ever get into contact with your high school crush make sure to mention that she's all you have dreamt about for the past 8 years
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/u/emotionally-stable: (click to archive)
/r/starbucksbaristas: (click to archive)
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