No, not that kind of sword.
More this kind.
1. Welcome to the wonderful world of HEMA Drama. A quick primer for everyone who is not a terminal history/sword nerd.
HEMA stands for Historical European Martial Arts, basically think swords you would see in Medieval movies all the way up to 18th century Rapiers and Sabers. HEMA is the hobby of practicing from old historical manuals on using these swords, and doing fencing tournaments. It differs a lot from what you see at the Olympics, as an example here is Olympic Fencing
(I didn't watch this, I don't give a shit about Oly fencing)
Here is high level HEMA longsword fencing. Ignore the shitty music, there's something about Eastern Euros that they can't pick appropriate music for things, half the fricking Ukraine videos are over shitty slav electronic music while people die. This is legitimately a good video with some good exchanges and very good use of the Lichtenauer tradition.
You'll see that there are no strings, no electronic scoring, and it is much slower and in full circular movement and not just in a back and forth line. It can be a good bit slower, the swords are much larger and heavier and it requires more intense gear.
This is a second video showing the two different longsword styles.
Martin Fabian, the guy in both videos practices German Longsword (Lichtenauer tradition). Frederico Malagutti (second video) practices Fiore Dei Libieri (Italian Longsword). Fabian is probably one of the best Longsword fencers out there and owns one of the larger companies producing the best feders for sparring. (Feder stands for Federschwert or feather sword, it's the sparring implement.
Picture of a Feder made by Fabians company
You can see the tip is blunted, the blade is thin this is to make thrusts safe.
Overall HEMA is a pretty safe hobby when you use the gear, and are sparring someone who is using a Feder and not a blunted sword that hits like a fricking crowbar. But even with that you can get hurt as the weapons are steel, and if some gorilla gets pissed at you for being better than him he can cave in the front of your mask by going way too hard at it (had this happen to me before.)
Anyway, we are as deep in the weeds and off on a tangent as a @kaamrev post so let's bring it to what everyone is here for.
I've briefly sperged about Longsword, and HEMA in general but where today's drama comes in is a shitty part of HEMA that no one takes seriously, singlestick.
This is a singlestick
It's 4 oz of Rattan, with a leather cuff. This is not a dangerous part of HEMA, this is incredibly safe and gay. I don't do singlestick, I don't like singlestick, if I wanted to do gay shit I'd larp.
How you may ask can drama come from this dumbshit system? To understand that (and I promise we will get there) you have to understand revenge strikes.
Revenge Strikes
HEMA being a relatively new hobby, and not using electronics normally has judges at tournaments. They call hits, stops to fights etc. Afterblows are a big part of HEMA because when you are fighting you don't neccesarily register you are hit, and even if you do, or the judge calls a halt, it's not so easy to halt your actions in motion. So sometimes you get hit, the bout should stop but your play or action continues on and hits your opponent. That's called an "afterblow" or a "double". Often doubles are penalized in the score because if you are fencing correctly, following the manuals, you would adequately defend yourself after a strike preventing the afterblow. But it's a normal, well accepted part of HEMA fencing.
What is not accepted is a revenge strike. A revenge strike is like an afterblow, but very clearly not just your motion carrying on. It's done by some gorilla out of anger that you did something they didn't like. One of the most famous cases of Revenge Strikes in HEMA was Lee Smith of Blood and Iron. Just watch the video and you'll see exactly what a revenge strike is it takes place around 1:28. Start the video at 1:20. He does a second one at 3:16, start the video around 3:08. If it wasn't his school hosting this, and his students judging he would have been kicked out of the whole event.
Lee Smith was not a small name, he ran a big school in burgerland. After this (a tournament his school was hosting) he had to quit teaching and last I heard he was teaching somewhere in SEA. Revenge strikes are not accepted in HEMA. It's dangerous, it's r-slurred and no one likes it. But they do happen. But these are a really big deal, especially to the back. The back of the head is never a legitimate target due to inadequate safety gear. HEMA gear is just upjumped fencing gear, but I won't further sperg on the unneeded stuff.
Enter SOCAL Swordfight
SOCAL swordfight is the largest tournament in burgerland. They do Longsword, Messer, Open Steel, Rapier, Smallsword, Cutting tournaments (This is an even nerdier side of HEMA), Saber, and they did a Singlestick Boarding action event. Maybe it's something about burgers , or
has so deranged the average burger that they can no longer tell what is appropriate, versus what isn't. But another revenge strike incident hit at SOCAL Swordfight during the single stick boarding action event.
The Drama
Here is the set up, 3v3, only head hits count, you have to self call. What this means is you have to say "I was hit" and take yourself out of the event in your bout. Obviously this is rife for abuse among try hard nerds.
These images are from the HEMA Shitposting group.
Here is the best suggestion (This is a play from Leckuchner's messer treaty)
So what the frick happened?
There is no way to understand this without watching this video
This dumbshit event set up happened, dude on the right hits with his single stick, guy getting hit is not calling the hits (IMO) leading to guy on the right hitting harder and harder, this leads to his gay butt single stick breaking. Guy getting hit gets super pissy about it and revenge strikes the now unarmed fighter after the bout is clearly over. The school leader/coach of the guy who got hit by the revenge strike than tackles the striker, hits him in the side/back of the head with a SPES clamshell glove.
These frickers are heavy, far more dangerous to get beat by this shit than a rattan stick.
This lead to the guy being unconscious for multiple minutes, and taken away in an ambulance.
Something to know about HEMA coaches/instructors/school leaders. They are almost always very insecure, cute twinks. HEMA is not some masculine martial art, it's not Jiu Jitsu, or MMA. It's really just history nerds wanting to learn and practice a completely impractical martial art because they are history nerds/sword nerds. The average athleticism at a HEMA school is not good. You're gonna find more people in the morbidly obese BMI than you will in the healthy BMI. s will outnumber bio-women.
But the coaches think this is a very legitimate serious art, and that they are badasses that must defend their students and could kill you since they have studied the blade so long.
Tackler/School Instructors response:
Concussed boys response:
I can't find this anymore I think he deleted it.
tournament original post
There's a lot more floating around, it hasn't made it to the reddit HEMA subs yet but I'm sure it will. Normally they take awhile, and have the average reddit take on it (probably will just whine there weren't enough women involved in the event as if this hobby is just swimming with women who want to participate.)
I'll also answer any HEMA questions you have in this post, cause it's a fun hobby.
!Jannies I think this is legitimately an effort post, can I get a pin? I never actually write these. Can I also get a badge?
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!builtfor !BBC
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If swords are so great than why did people stop using them?
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I didn't.
teleports behind you
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Because they aren't even as good as a spear, let alone a gun
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And yet the landsknecht were employed to break pike formations with their swords
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He's a seething pikecel who probably can't even afford good metallurgy, don't bother with him
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The wagecuck pike yeoman fears the double-pay mercenary
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Pike and Shot ruined the bladed weapon meta.
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Holy shit that was egregious. That would get you instantly black carded in olympic fencing. In any serious martial art you'd at minimum lose a point.
"Sorry I sucker punched you and gave you brain damage bro"
I've practiced olympic fencing, muay thai, BJJ, normal jiu jitsu, and I also used to practice "historical rapier" (not HEMA, I don't give a shit about studying traditional manuals), and it was _by far_ the worst of those for insecure, overly aggressive man children.
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It really, really is. People that have been bullied and don't want to admit that they are just playing around with a nerd hobby tend to be really sensitive. That's how my mask got caved in.
The worst guy I ever encountered (though to his credit he fenced with appropriate force) was an instructor who wanted to run the class like it was a military style training thing. Including berating me overly for fricking something up when I was very new. He was at least in good shape but I think sensitive that he couldn't make it in a more legitimate Martial Art and couldn't get over that this is just a hobby for middle aged dads.
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Just be thankful you never encountered bardfinn playing hall monitor at the local thwap each other with foam swords in the park group
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Anyone playing with boffers in a park is something I won't associate with. Boffers are for even worse nerds and polyamory groups.
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Buddy I got bad news for you, all sword sports are LARPing.
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Is acting like a turbostrag LARPing if you actually are a turbostrag?
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There's no roleplaying so it's not larping.
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Rdrama mensur meetup when
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it was an underrated tradition imo
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One of my friends does fencing and it's the gayest (literally they are all lesbians) shit ever and this shit is somehow even worse.
Besides, what's the point of having to announce when you get hit? Are there no arbiters? That's just an invitation to open cheating!
This is another case of nerds taking things too seriously, this isn't a League Solo queue game or a mixed tennis match at a random low level tournament where your partner starts arguing with you while both your parents are watching in shock and the entire game devolves into a fling of insults across the entire court even though you are winning lmao.
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If dramatards knew how to read smdh.
Most events have judges who make these calls. Normally you have two judges, and a third person who oversees the whole match.
This dumb singlestick event was self call, but anything serious is never done by self call. It's always done by judges.
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How about you just put sensors in the armor like every other contact/semi-contact sport?
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I know nothing about the vendors but I doubt it would work. Hema kits can vary a lot, there's a mix of cloth and hard plastic plates plus the various helmets. Would they also survive a full hit by a five foot long steel sword?
Hema has come a long way from it's early days of very stiff Feders and broken hands, but it's still really underdeveloped as a sport/hobby. There's not even a country wide governing body, let alone international to enforce any specific rules/gear.
Maybe one day an event with the funds tries the sensors for scoring and it catches on, but I doubt it. Afaik even oly fencing uses a sensor on the tip which doesn't work with longsword/Messer using a lot of cuts and not just thrusts.
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As far as I know, full-contact sports put sensors under the armor that react to sudden force. I don't know if that's applicable to HEMA.
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Is it gayer than ultimate frisbee?
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Two bodybuilders having raw animal intercourse is less gay than ultimate frisbee
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I know, but that doesn't answer my question
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please do not take my beloved sport.
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My lesbian cousin plays ultimate frisbee specifically as a dating opportunity and is the one who told me everyone who plays it is gay. Sorry friendo
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!edgelords come laugh at the r-slurred edgeless stickcels
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They have helmets
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I thought you said they used fencing masks flimsy enough to be caved in by a neckbeard, and that they have little protection from blows to the back of the head.
Wear a football helmet, you dorks.
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A football helmet won't protect your face from a thin piece of metal being thrust at it. It would actually be a really good way to cause deaths. The helmets are up jumped fencing masks with some back of the head protection. The front of the helmet is steel mesh that's pretty hardy, the weapons are just big and some of the fat nerds have enough muscle to get force behind it. Here's a very common hema helmet
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Forgot to add in my post and I am done editing it.
Some of the coaches were threatening to beat the tackler up in the hot tub after. But not by surprise, this is an honorable combat sport. They would challenge them to combat before beating them.
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why do you think the fatherless low socioeconomics are always fighting in school
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I wish I had some place to learn swordfighting near me so I could challenge neighbors to a duel and defend myself against muggings late at night.
They're not gonna expect an octave lunge into their spleen
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Still on the fence about if I should call singlestick gayer than the kendo or not because at least in kendo being a cute twink will get you self-policed by your dojo and then taken out behind the building and slapped around by your senpai.
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It absolutely is. I was interested in Kendo before I found out about HEMA. Might still checkout Kendo some day.
But there is a recent movement to take Japanese sword arts in a HEMA direction. SIGI is making a Katana now.
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My first thought was duelling peckers, but you do you.
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This seems like both an incredibly gay and incredibly poorly conceived event.
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Making HEMA, but for 3v3 turns it into a shit show
Thanks for the story. I enjoy watching the sparring, but never got to watch the "serious stuff."
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for being about hitting each other in the head with sticks, this looks shockingly boring
at least with fencing you can imagine yourself as some refined aristocrat, some elegant fighter. what's the sales proposition here, larp as a caveman?
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Watch the first example video of good sparring. It's pretty exciting.
It doesn't look like movie sword fighting because movie sword fighting is incredibly impractical and dumb
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why would I want to do practical sword fighting if that is this lame and gay
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If you think it's lame and gay you probably wouldn't.
I don't care what you do I'm not your mother.
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People who care enough to be upset at this knockout/tackle are huge nerds who need to touch grass and/or vagine
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I'm a bit of a sperg when it comes to head injuries. I don't mind getting bruised up, or maybe even a broken bone. But knockouts/concussions freak me out and I do everything possible to avoid them.
There's a big range of safety in HEMA where some people don't care, and other people are a big neurodivergent about it
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What are your favorite weapons and what do you practice at your club?
What rulesets do you favor?
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I don't fence anymore, but I liked all of them. I like to compete so the historical thing was just a thing I did for fun. I was kind of into larping around like an rslur too I guess.
Anyway, IMO priority is kind of silly, so I rank them:
epee > sabre > foil
Sabre is really fun, but epee is the most tactical and "pure" IMO. I only ever medalled in sabre (actually foil once at a casual local tournament), and that's likely just because the talent pool is so small.
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Recently I've been really digging messer stuff. I find it flows a lot more naturally than some of the longsword plays. I'm terrible in the bind and the Lichtenauer tradition involves so much binding that I find it difficult. I'm going to play with some Fiore and may be that will reinvigorate my longsword love, but right now I'd have to say Messer is my favorite.
Haven't done enough tournaments to have a favorite ruleset. I find the continuous fencing style intriguing though.
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I think the guy who struck back was in the right because he got hit in the face twice as he was already swinging downward. That guy in the front left was being a little cute twink who needed a good hit to the face.
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Snapshots: (click to archive) (click to archive)
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BIPOC, I just made a whole effort post about my participation in studying and practicing 15th century swords. Do you think I have any idea what a masculine martial art is?
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Yes? Surely your tutelage would of informed you of jousting
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