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:!marseylaugh: :!marseylaugh: :!marseylaugh: Ego Obsessed Wingcucks :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh:

Two facts about me:

  • I was once an extremely devout Christian :marseysaint:
  • I am no longer an extremely devout Christian :marseydevil:

My falling out from the faith is not a topic that I think most people would be interested in. :marseyneckbeard: I think there are a decent amount of people on here who can at least relate to the experience of losing faith. They might not, however, relate to what might be called "faith nostalgia". That is, a longing to be back in the bosom of the faith, despite the fact that you aren't sure how to get back to it.

The problem is that, despite being objectively wrong, being a Christian was an experience that was extremely positive for me. The feeling that everything was going to be alright, the idea that everything, everything in the universe was set in motion for the glorious finale that we were all set to participate in. We were a force for good. Our faith may have been placed in something that was objectively false, but we were becoming objectively better people, and our communities were becoming objectively better places.

This isn't about Christianity. This is about how being a wingcuck, while an obvious replacement for Christianity, is worse in literally every way. (I won't bother explaining how wingcuckery is a replacement for Christianity - we both know that it is. rdrama.net may be full of r-slurs, but we are subversively insightful in our r-sluration) By my count:

  • Christians can propagate Christianity through love. Wingcucks cannot propagate their viewpoints with love :marseylove:
  • Christians are generally better people than Wingcucks :marseyangel:
  • Christians have a greater positive impact on their communities than Wingcucks :marseyclippy:
  • Christians actually form communities of other Christians, Wingcucks form """communities""" that fall apart at the slightest push :marseymyspacetom:
  • Christians don't have to be ego obsessed :marseysmug:

They are also worse in every way that Christianity is bad:

  • They believe it is a moral duty to drag their beliefs into everything :marseypearlclutch2:
  • "Us or them" mentality :!marseylaugh: :marseylaugh:
  • Possibility of causing violence :marseybattered:
  • And, objectively, WRONG. :marseygigaretard:

Maybe someday I'll go through all of these points, but today, I want to talk about ego-obsession. Have you ever noticed how wingcucks tend to be -er- mentally unstable? Like a little off? Look at any of the usual suspects around here - you know who I'm speaking of - and tell me that they aren't on some kind of medication.

That's the thing with wingcucks. They are obsessed with their own ego. The wingcuck's universe look roughly like this

  1. Me (The smart one) :marseybigbrain:
  2. People who I mostly agree with (who are still kind of wrong) :marseymagahat: :marseyridin: :marseymagahat: :marseyridin: :marseymagahat: :marseyridin:
  3. Idiots :marseygigaretard: :marseygigaretard: :marseygigaretard: :marseygigaretard: :marseygigaretard: :marseygigaretard: :marseygigaretard: :marseygigaretard: :marseygigaretard: :marseygigaretard: :marseygigaretard: :marseygigaretard:

Notice that it's the "me" at the center. It's always plugged in, always thinking, always indignant, always jumping through hoops, always stewing over the idiots (goddarn them to heck), never thinking about the bad thoughts, never questioning (except superficially), never tuned out, never resting, never paying attention for once, here angry, there gloating, here mocking the idiots, there sulking about the idiots mocking it, please, jesus christ, shut the FRICK up.

*sigh* let me put it this way. Politics is, at best, about communities. Sometimes it is about individuals making selfish decisions, I get that. But if you are going to call yourself "politically active" you better believe most people aren't going to care about what makes you better off. But even if you were, you are leagues, lightyears from the wingcuck. The wingcuck isn't motivated by community. The wingcuck isn't even really motivated by self-interest. The wingcuck is motivated by being right.

Shit's not healthy, man. Day after day, week after week, month after month stewing over how right you are isn't the key to success - it's the key to developing schizophrenia. Which, no matter what they say, is definitely not based and redpilled.

Now, listen, I'm not saying that there are no ego-obsessed Christians. Heck, I know a few. You know, the annoying ones that are like :marseynerd: well actually if you look at the fossil record we can conclude that the Earth must be at most 6000 years old therefore the timeline set forth in the book of Genesis is correct therefore God is real :marseynerd: (ok but seriously look up evidence for young earth the evidence is all there bro). My point is that you don't have to be ego obsessed to be a Christian, and, honestly, if you follow the Bible, you won't be. (Hey if you have read this far leave a comment with the word "lizard" somewhere in it and I will certify you as officially literate.)

Every year, there is this massive Christian conference that takes place in Atlanta. (If you are an OG, you'll know what it is) Thousands of college age students will swarm the city. (It's fricking insane, man. Everything is booked and the only place that can fit us all is a stadium. Great place to meet QT Christian Girls to """encourage in the lord""") As we met in the stadium, as the music played, as the lights dimmed, as various epiphanies and truths were revealed to us, we - the collective - were ripped from our bodies and were shown the real shape of things.

We saw God.

He was there, he felt like a warm blanket, like a girl saying she loved you, like a baby laughing, like a waterfall, like the feeling of being a swaddled up baby, like the feeling that everything was going to be alright, that it wasn't about me, that the line between me and the people around me were so very thin, and that there was so much that I'm not doing but I ought to be doing because imagine the things I could do.

And sure, it was all fake. It was caused by dehydration, or a lack of sleep, or the lights, or the music, or maybe it is mass hypnosis, heck, maybe somebody slipped us all a tab of acid. Who knows? What I do know is that it worked. We left that place motivated. We returned to our quiet little towns and we carried the motivation to do good, to seek the kingdom of God. College students were giving way more money than college students normally would. We would pack lunches for people halfway around the globe. We'd generally be nice to people.

Meanwhile, what does the wingcuck do? The wingcuck has conferences too. (CPAC, RNC, DNC, etc) In the wingcuck's conference, they inflate his ego. :marseyshapiro: "Liberals are fricking america. They are fricking it. Raw. And if we assume they are fricking America, then we must assume that they are not using a condom, and are, therefore, spreading STDs. Socially Terrible Decisions." :marseysanders: "Da rich are literally homosexuals. Fuh too long have dey have fricked the asses of the working class. Dat's why we need to tax those fahgots. Frick their asses for once." :marseyrick: "Hot darn" the wingcuck says to himself "What a smart son of a gun I am". He then goes home and argues with people online, aka, doing literally nothing, and becoming more and more miserable and pushing himself closer to the brink of total meltdown.

Main takeaways from this essay are:

  • If you want to meet a qt christian girl go to atlanta during the new year :marseyhearts:
  • Wingcucks are driving themselves insane :marseyakshually:
  • Young Christians literally are getting high :marseybowl:
  • The earth is approximately 6000 years old :marseyreading:
  • Schizophrenia is a social contagion :marseyschizo:

Follow @HeyMoon for the next installment of " :marseydab: HeyMoon dabs on the wingcucks :!marseydab:"

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What the heck is a wing cuck

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Someone ties their identity too much into politics, defending their party, and close-minded. Especially those who are not monetarily compensated for doing so.

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I think it’s a dress shoe

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Right/Left wingers

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what might be called "faith nostalgia".

I read because I think I might be going through something similar right now, I stayed for the wingcuck bashing and lizard talk :marseythumbsup:

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Now validate me, internet stranger I have never seen before.

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Lizards deserve it

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I read the first bit of that, but it appears you are an atheist so tldr keep yourself safe atheoid subhuman

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true :(

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Convert to islam

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I can't read. Give me the tl/dr in pictures

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:marseyridin: :marseymagahat: πŸ”œ :marseybigbrain: πŸ”œ :marseyakshually: πŸ”œ :marseyschizo:

:marseysaint: :marseysalat: πŸ”œ :marseygigachad:

:marseysaint: :marseysalat: >>>> :marseyridin: :marseymagahat:

:!marseylaugh: :!marseylaugh: :!marseylaugh: :marseyridin: :marseymagahat: :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh:

:marseywave: :mooning: :marseydab: :marseyhorseshoe:

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:!marseylaugh: :!marseylaugh: :!marseylaugh: :!marseyridin: :marseymagahat: :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh:

:marseyshook: :marseyshook: :marseyshook: :marseylibleft: :marseyauthright: :!marseyshook: :!marseyshook: :!marseyshook:

:marseycry: :marseycry: :marseyrobber: :marseytankushanka: :marseykyle: :marseypinochet: :!marseycry: :!marseycry:

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This was a pretty good longpost up until that last big wall of text. Literally just need to sprinkle some more marseys in there and I’ll actually read stuff like this.

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:marseycry: yeah understandable i was trying for an impassionata style poetic stream of consciousness mixed with rational point-making near the end. That being said you missed out on my parody of Shapiro and Sanders

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I don't like lizards. They are cold and creepy and they get everywhere.

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You can still be a Christian you know. Prayer isn't about what is real, it is about what still lives in memory. The spirit of Christ, the story of His death, still lives with us. To worship your God is to study His mindset and the decisions He made. The myth is divine if you worship it, and worshiping it reaps rewards.

Schizophrenia is a social contagion

I'm not sure I endorse that, there are some things which can be transmitted but none of the nasty shit I found could jump minds, I guess ymmv

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Every group of nice utopian people in an ideologically-driven community (and really, what other types of community are there) needs some sort of defense mechanism against the people who are not so nice. This frequently takes the form of a very aggressive and heavily armed group of passionate believers in the ideology. These people will behave differently than the standard "default" model of believers. It's sort of like the difference between "worker ants" and "soldier ants."

The nice Christians who believe in faith and love and compassion are the worker ants. Their noble efforts make this huge anthill that we call "society" function. But what happens when the nice worker ants meet a threat or problem that can't be solved by niceness and love and community? That's when the soldier ants step in, to terminate anything that threatens the nice loving community in an extremely brutal, efficient, and terrifying manner. Soldier ants are good at doing this because they enjoy conflict - they were literally designed for it and it's something that gives them great joy. Sound familiar?

I think of "wingcucks" as the soldier ants of the "Christianity" ideological paradigm. In an well-run society, you won't really need them on a day-to-day basis, because any successful community will have long since exterminated anything that might pose a threat to them. But you'll still need your soldier ants around even if they're not actively fighting anything, because new threats can always arise at any time, and you need somebody who can proactively evaluate and/or terminate anything that might potentially endanger the safety of the community before it becomes a much bigger problem. Worker ants just aren't qualified for that role because they're too darn nice - they don't have that whole "paranoid hyper-vigilant killing machine" vibe that the soldier ants have. So that's the role that soldier ants should have in peacetime. Just because your soldier ants are sitting around getting bored doesn't mean that they're useless - they're an insurance policy in case niceness fails to solve your problem. Soldier ants in peacetime simply monitor situations, and when they detect the slightest sign that things are not evolving according to your grand design, they get actively involved and frick shit up until things start moving in the direction you want.

Should wingcucks be involved in diplomacy? Probably not, for much the same reasons that you wouldn't want an pyromaniac joining the fire department. But you definitely want them around just in case diplomacy fails. Once the machinery of conflict starts, wingcucks are the best thing since sliced bread.

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Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

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Which heroine, Longpostbot? Some like Wonder Woman, but personally, I prefer Captain Marvel.

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I hope wingcucks all die in a blizard. Hehe see what I le did there?


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Christianity died with Protestantism, we are witnessing it bleeding out in real time. Imagine claiming to know the will of the Sky Father and having it in a book, and STILL cucking to contemporary political interests that hate you, just so you can be "hip with the kids".

Gay priests, woman priests and so on, are blatant examples of Christian hypocrisy. I don't blame protestants for starting so many doomsday cults, I would probably want to die too if I were one.


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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So true tbh. As much as I sucked thier peepee they are getting cucked too.

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I read through this whole post even though it had nothing to do with gay s*x and that is amazing! Thank you unironically for this centrist text and for making me think about something other than hot peepee for a moment!

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In my next longpost I will include hot gay s*x scenes and large juicy peepees

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Unfortunately I was raised in the wacky heretical Arian-pilled block-obsessed branch of Christianity that still believes in print media, so when I left that I soured on the whole thing personally. I don't hold any faith nostalgia at all, really. Maybe if I had been in a non-r-slurred variety I could have sleepily accepted it and been happy, gone to college, get a decent paying job in STEM or medicine, and lived that trad life. Instead I'm posting here, so you know I'mma loser. :marseypepe2:

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Fair enough chief. I dont expect everyone to understand. I had a pretty good upbringing so I am le priveleged

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You keep saying objectively wrong.

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And Im objectively right

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objectively wrong

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Eggos are cool like crunchy pancakes

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Transform your Marseys! :marseywave:

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Lizard Marsey wheb

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It’s been said many times, liberalism is religion without god. The issue is that the religion that fuels liberalism in the West isn’t just any religion, it’s that it’s Christianity. Christianity has never really addressed the issue of the ego or the self head on. Only circuitously, by way of humility. Until the nature of ego and the self gets addressed, all roads lead to


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opinion on lizards?

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Christians can propagate Christianity through love. Wingcucks cannot propagate their viewpoints with love :marseylove:

Leftists certainly try though. Also 100% of all falls from faith can be attributed to people comparing their religious organization to politics, and the line between them disappearing.


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They think they try, but thier "love" is ultimately self-serving at best, and fake at worst. They sympathize with the plight of thier fellow liberals, but not with thier fellow man.

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I am almost always correct. And though I can come off as arrogant - I do it with finesse and style. You, though, appear kinda wet behind the ears, are pretty much an empty suit, and are scarcely fit to address me as you are so clearly my inferior. If we ever have a real debate about anything of substance (which seems unlikely as you are heavily on the trolling and shit stirring side of things) you will lose and lose badly. And I'll do it with half my brain tied behind my back. Yes, I'm that good. But more than that - I've never seen anything out of you that substantiates your inflated opinion of yourself. I'd like to buy you for what you are worth and sell you for what you think you are worth. But alas, that seems about as likely as any kind of worthwhile discussion. Because unless you stick around here a lot I'm soon going to go back to being uninterested in you.



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