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>surprised it's just one, mass bad faith reporting is a common tactic of those types


>bad faith


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mass bad faith reporting

He literally called someone a cute twink so I reported it lmao

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What a cute marsey


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She knows how to take care of business :marseywave:

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anytime I ever commented "strag" on reddit my acct got perma jannied. I guess mods operate under different standards.

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I got someone permabanned for literally writing "Gay." as a comment on r/rainbow6. I mostly reported it out of curiosity.

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tfw we failed to get Bardy banned for that comment containing a quoted nbomb. Guess context gets taken into account when you're a powerjannie.

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I'm pretty sure bardy is just on a list of users exempt from the rules

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🚨Bard bot alert!🚨

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It's funny cuz you get banned from R6 if you say "gay" in chat

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He keeps writing comments across the thread, he can't get his own story straight and he's accusing me of being a bunch of different people from the original thread. He's desperate for me to be transphobic when he was the one throwing out slurs.

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At one point in time they permanently banned the word "gay" on the rainbow6 reddit groomercord server, to the point where some gay person got muted for saying he was gay lmao

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LOL they've got a gay and a trans op in the game but you can't talk about them?

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This was years ago, before those ops were even released. They instantly removed the rule but it still was good drama, the groomercord/subreddit is ran some guy called keren who is the most stereotypical rslurred power hungry jannie imaginable. Literally noone can work with this guy unless they get on their knees and suck fat gigajannie peepee. He removed the guy who ran both the ghost recon wildlands and the division servers (ones recognized by ubisoft) as admin because they had a disagreement. Removed the person who runs the rainbow 6 xbox groomercord as a mod for similar rslurred reasons, removed a trans admin because she was too homophobic and probably like a 100 more I don't even care to know about.

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I can't stand any of the Siege jannies, the subreddit is an absolute shithole and they do nothing about it while acting high and mighty.

Was Keren the one that Ubi wheeled out for an award a couple of SI's ago? I remember laughing because if I was Ubi then I'd be embarrassed by the subreddit. It must have the youngest average user age of any subreddit other than r/roblox and r/egg_irl.

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Ye that was him, when he got the award the entire twitch chat was filled with people saying frick keren lmao. He treats is like a full time job, puts in enough work for it to be a full time job and does it for free. Not that he deserves the money but running a groomercord with 300k members is a literal job. I guarentee you he takes it more serious than people who do things like customer support.

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Thanks for the story, it's nice to know that I'm not the only one.

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Reported by:

I once used the term "N*ggercute twink" and only got jannied for 3 days

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/uj Almost all circlejerk subs are just a way to mald, sneed and harvest asspats for janitors. /rj

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Circlejerk subreddits are just SRD but topic focused

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Circlejerk subs highlight the absolute brain drain of Reddit. Their original whole point was self-aware parody. Now it's just Redditors bitching about some other sub.

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Programmingcirclejerk is great because code monkeys produce some truly insane fart huffing takes.

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lmao go still doesn't have generics?

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only in the beta version for now. seems like they will be properly released this month.

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Wow I made some drama and I wasn't really even trying.

I'm not sure what irked me about this so much. I tried to use r/gym a bit but it was an almost completely unmoderated sub full of low-IQ content and people asking for medical advice.

So I was pretty amused when I finally saw a mod swinging his peepee around and generally being a self-righteous toxic twat in a thread that shouldn't have existed on r/gym anyway.

I noticed that the mod's toxicity extended to unhinged rants in which he'd quote comments he'd removed, only sometimes he forgot to add quotes around toxic comments. So I reported one in which for all intents and purposes it looked like he was calling someone a cute twink and almost immediately got a message saying he'd been warned.

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Good work :marseythumbsup:


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Thanks for the write-up and finding the extra drama, @Tardish.

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Oh. he's a tankie. Think he works out? I doubt it

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Curling soup cans is a hard workout, fascist

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I still cant believe that post is real.

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i put 10 seconds of effort in and couldn't find it, do you have a link?

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There are like a handful of regulars in r/fcj who are actually strong. The others are mostly gymrats with somewhat decent lifts, and weaklings who don't want to get dunked on. It's pretty pathetic how they feel entitled to shit on everyone on reddit like they're experts. The sub has taken a hard left turn the past couple years and it's literally all sjw shit now lol

Edit: also one of the former jannies quit reddit because jannying affected his real life mood too much and he started shouting at his kid and shit lmaooooo

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You can find old posts on fcj where they tell people to kill themselves or some variation. It used to be a lot more fun than the daily recycled outrage over someone saying "death by snu snu" whenever a strong foid hits r/all

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The sub has taken a hard left turn the past couple years and it's literally all sjw shit now lol

This is almost every Reddit sub that's not explicitly rightoid or so big it's completely overrun by normies, tbh.

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Update! They replied to me giving my side of the story in FCJ: https://old.reddit.com/r/fitnesscirclejerk/comments/sjiwvk/smh_who_knew_that_banning_a_transphobe_and/hvh673h. Sadly it's very long and so I didn't read it but they seem to be pretty angry and are alternating between denying ever calling me a transphobe and calling me a transphobe.

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Bad faith bad faith bad faith bad faith


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:marseyclapping: bravo, did they ban you from fcj too?

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No I think they're keeping me around as a lolcow but I have nothing else to say.

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The worst part of reddit will always be the janitor system. Allowing randoms to walk in and "volunteer" their extremely valuable time to moderating subreddits was never going to lead to quality content and discussion. Not to mention allowing janitor cabals to exist over multiple subs, sometimes with alts even. Even r/drama's worst users were the janitors, with rare exceptions like AnnArchist. He should have purged the janitors when he had the chance, now the place is ruined.

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This isn't threatening violence against transphobes but threatening violence against transphobes is good and fine.


The world needs more rapid onset dysphoria

imaging wishing for more mental illness to validate your mental illness


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He forgot to say in minecraft

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Gym bro’s are cute twinks now too? What is the world coming to?

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Lmao even fitness subreddits can't escape transition pics

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And suddenly a sub with 5 daily users has half of Reddit in it.

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This isn't threatening violence against transphobes but threatening violence against transphobes is good and fine.

I'm pretty sure that any statements endorsing violence violate ToS..

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We just keep winning lmao

Thanks for submitting a report to the Reddit admin team. After investigating, we’ve found that the account(s) _FinestJellyBeansRaw violated Reddit’s Content Policy and have taken the following actions:

• User _FinestJellyBeansRaw was temporarily banned

• The reported content was removed

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Let's go :marseyparty:


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I reported it (as well as a bunch of OP's other comments) so let's see what happens.

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anyone ever seen a fit tranner?


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Fun recipe for soup Ingredients: 2 parts gasoline 1 part motor oil Styorfoam packing. Preparation: Click here to read more

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MMA queen

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Of course he is Canad*an. These guys are like :marseytrain: where they have way too much of an online presence for how little they matter in real life


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looks like he's got yellow fever


Completely agree. Sadly I've lost some friends over pointing out that the leaders of their movement are White Supremacists. Sorry if I refuse to get behind people who have called my wife a disease and are espousing stupid ideas regarding a disease that has kille 3 people close to me.

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