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[EFFORTPOST] [LONGPOST] [INTERNET HISTORY] How one random comment on r/cringetopia managed to effectively kill r/okbuddyr-slurred and create entire 10k strong groomercord communities, on ACCIDENT! PART 1!

Before I start I recommend for you to appeal your reddit account ban and send as many appeals as possible to reddit admins. You can send as many as possible to reportmaxx to the MAXX. Reminder that reddit benefits from you leaving, and reddit admins reproduce by eating children so it is of UPMOST importance to get unbanned!

Also @X (formerly chiobu) please make :hesmarseyyouknow: Ill pay you

There is also this video I made like 8 months ago as well: https://old.reddit.com/r/IronyHub/comments/nv9tk7/oc_ironyn_hub_conspiracy_part_2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 (I suggest watching this after reading this entire essay as TL;DR and stopping at 1:44 unless you wanna spoil Part 2 of my essay)

I would post images to make this interesting but unfortunately I'm too r-slurred so lets get into it!

In order to fully understand this story, we must educate the uninitiated on what /r/okbuddyr-slur is :marseywhirlyhat: :marseygigaretard: . During the 2019-2020 era, OKBR was one of the biggest meme :marseychungus: :marseyfug: subreddits on plebbit :marseywholesome:, and at that time the most influential. The main gimmick was that people would act like huge r-slurs, whether 9 year olds who discovered the internet for the first time, bosnian nationalists, wahabbists from Saudi Arabia, and it was real funny and popular :marseypickle: You would see kids :marseyzoomer: :zoomersoy: from school posting OKBR memes, insta normies ( also check out /r/loveforredditors :marseywholesome:) posting their memes, everyone reposting their dank :marseycoin: memes. Most of the best memes originated from there, such as the :marseyracist: thanos car memes, POV meme :soyjakfront:, peepee music meme, and pretty much all the r-slurred LARP memes came from here. Now like a YT women past the age of the WALL :marseywall:, all subreddits became garbage when they reached a certain subscriber limit. But this wasn't the case for OKBR, due to one reason. JANNIES!!!!! :marseyglow: :marseyjanny: :marseyjanny2: :marseycatgirljanny: :marseycarpdead: :marseybongojanny: !!!! OKBR mods were notorious for having entire pages full of banned memes to prevent the subreddit from going stale :marseymayo:, and it actually worked. It worked so well in fact, that OKBR was still pumping its way through the meme economy :marseycapitalistmanlet: :platyrich: :marseyluckycat:, and was actually pumping good content even at 700K SUBS. Normally, meme subs went stale at 100k, but the fact that OKBR managed to survive and THRIVE well past that is sorta amazing :soyjackwow: :spit:. That is, until one unlucky day on /r/kkkringetopia :marseyhomosupremacist: :marseyhomosupremacist: :marseyhomosupremacist:

Our story begins 2-3 years ago when a genuine r slur :marseyautism: :marseydunce: :marseycarpautism:, /u/iMayBeABastard, posted an obvious satirical meme from /r/okbuddy :marseystroke: onto /r/cringetopia (https://old.reddit.com/r/Cringetopia/comments/emypt4/_/). The comments deride OP for being too gay :marseyretard2: :marseyhomofascist: :marseysjw: and r-slurred to read the room, and that said post was from a satire meme page known as /r/okbuddyr-slur. Our first protagonist, known by his groomercord username Turnaway, was curious :marseyhmm: and clicked on the linked subreddit. Said subreddit was very funny to Turnaway, so he decided to join its groomercord server :marseygroomer2:. Said groomercord server, AKA OKBR3, is fledgling server that while one month old :marseypaint:, had thousands of users and was very active with its own literal user hierarchy :marseyking: and events.

2 months later, Turnaway :marseycapitalistmanlet: moves his way up this hierarchy to the point where he and another user (Whos name was Waluigi :marseynintendo: I think, idk kinda irrelevant since Turnaway came up with it) decides to make the first and last ever OKBR user tournament! In this tournament, the top users (who had the highest user activity role which was literally called "r-slur" :marseyspecialpat:) were in a tourny bracket to see who could suck the most peepee and win a popularity contest. The contest goes very smoothly, until the 2nd top user, Jafi (who sadly beat yours, truly :marseytrans: in the first round), goes against the most popular user, Moe Lester (:marseyyeezus:). Moe was a very active and popular boy, and was the most active and popular user :platyrich: on the groomercord. He was also controversial :etika: amongst the OKBR jannies :marseyjanny2: :marseyban: due to his behavior. One of the top mods, Dr. Penez (OKBR head mod who has his own YT channel) who got his peepee sucked daily :marseychadthundercock: by Moe, and as a result Moe was given :marseyyeezus: a special discrod role which would allow him to ping 300 people at once. At the height of the tournaments/ brackets :marseywinner:, all the voters were tired of Moe's BS :marseybuttface: and decided to do a funny and vote Jafi as the #1 OKBR user. Moe, in one final act of desperation, decided to do a bigger funny and does the HEINOUS :marseyevilgrin: CRIME of PINGING THREE HUNDRED people not ONCE :marseypearlclutch: , not TWICE :marseyohno:, but THREE TIMES :contentiouscereal: :spit:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jannies get PISSED :marseycatgirljanny: and BAN :marseyban: Moe on the morning of 4/24, a day which will go down in Herstory :marseypipe:! The users :marsoyhype: :marseybane: :marseydunce: all decide to finally unite to FREE my boy moe (a good boy who dindu nuffin!) and the biggest riot to date happens on the server :marseylibleft:! They do this by unwholesomingly harassing our heckin beloved jannies :marseybongojanny: and spamming the server with 7 DAYS FREE (the rdrama jannies have not permittd me to show this particular gif, but it is a gif which depicts a caucasian and homosexual male well in his 30s, pull down the pants of a young BIPOC car mechanic's pants, with the intent of GAY BUTT S*X!!1 :marseytrans2: :marseysexy:. It is hard to not imagine why jannies were pissed). One beloved janny, a Russian :marseyputin: :marseyorthodoxpat: by the name of Govern (hazbin hotel fan but also one of the subreddit mods who actually kept the OKBR subreddit intact and funny), takes a mental health break and goes on leave as :marseyjanny: due to being harassed for banning Moe. The riot ends when Moe finally gets unbanned by the jannies, but his roles are circumcised as a result and riot control (slowmodes and channel locking) is implemented :marsey1984: :marseyobey: for the rest of the day.

Then, one r slurred janny, (((Mets))) (jewish :marseyisrael: :marseysaluteisrael:) :marseygodzilla: :marseycarpautism:, changed everything forever (on accident). After dealing with this riot, Mets (I still love him tho) decided to implement :marseycensored: riot control on the server. Since our dear j slurs are very r-slurred, this backfires and EVERYONE on the server is given :marseybruh: ADMIN perms. Before we get into the severity of this issue, we have to remember that over 8k potential chuds now infest OKBR :chudsey: :chudsey: :chudsey:. They also have FULL PERMS which means they can do ANYTHING on the server EXCEPT for ban other people, delete the server, and remove anyone's perms. The only one who can stop them, the owner of OKBR (GrantvsZombies), was also catching Zs during this time, which meant pretty much anything was going to happen on the server, including heckin unwholesome stuff :marseyevilgrin: :marseypearlclutch:. While the nuke :marseymcarthur: only lasted for 10 minutes due to Grant thankfully staying up late to jack off to PORN :marseycoomer:, many things happened including the following: hardcore pornography some reportedly depicting LOLI porn was posted and apparently was even the OKBR icon for 10 seconds, 2000 users leave the groomercord in 10 minutes, everyone who was banned for ANY reason (including loli porn, grooming, posting hardcore porn, reportmaxxing, CHUDS :marseyhitler2:, and gore posting) was UNBANNED, 200 users PERMABANNED, literally most of the channels including general get deleted leading to 75% of the content posted on that server going to herstory, and so many CHUDS getting away with server vandalisation and gore/porn posting do to the spam in the audit log and the channels getting deleted making it impossible to find all the :chudsey:s.

And thats not including stuff that happened AFTER as a result. Remember Govern? well he decided to leave permanently (lol!) :wholesomeseal: :marseywholesome: :wholesomeseal: :marseywholesome: and half of the subreddits mini-mod team (jannies that were given minimal perms) left as a result (leading to OKBRs further decline in quality) . Lets also not forgot that 25% of the server left as well, and most content was lost. Worst of all, it led to a fallout between the top users and jannies :chudsey: VS :marseyjanny: and the subsequent civil war that shall later be explored in PART 2 of this saga. It is, after all the beginning of the end :marseydisintegrate:. Well, only if you guys are interested cuz I aint aboutta WORDS WORDS WORDS :marseylongpost: :marseywords: :marseylongpost2: for no one to listen at all.


It should also be said contrary to popular thoughts, OKBR did not die due to the pewdiepie invasion in March, they actually managed it quite well by making it so that only OKBR mods could post for 2 weeks. The pewdiepie r*pefugees were quickly dispersed back to where they belonged. Although it did lead to huge boost in subs that led to tons of people joining the OKBR groomercord as well. Keep in mind thought, it was not pewdiepie that killed OKBR, it was the best OKBR content regulators AKA jannies leaving the team, leading it to become another generic and dead meme subs. I will further explore OKBR demise in PART 2 and probably do a section on its successor sometime in the future.

Also during this time, one man by the name of Dkaih35 makes his establishment on OKBR via solving an OKBR ARG that solidifies his status in OKBR3's hall of fame. Another man, g*mer, also makes his way to fame for sucking mod peepee and hijacking the OKBR award show. I am putting this here due to their very important roles in PART 2

Does anyone know how to embed more than one image into longposts? im kinda r-slurred

For those wondering why its called OKBR3, its because its the third OKBR server. The first OKBR server was nuked into oblivion by some hacker, and the second was abandoned due to subreddit moderators leaving the modding perms to random groomercorders, who in turn banned subreddit moderators and later turned into its own meme server called whenthe (related to /r/whenthe). There are canonically 4 main OKBR servers and OKBR4 is the current one. There are also seperate groomercords for backup and lore aswell.

Anyways waddiya guys think? Are you interested in part 2? And please give me upmarseys I spent like 2 hours making this and adding the marseys as well and PLEASE say yes to part 2 or I will rapp you!

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Here’s 10 pin awards for u


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Ok I read it now

Very very very good effortpost and I really loved all the marseys in the non-uncut version

Utterly pointless drama which is the best sort and well-narrated and illustrated

5 star


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I hate people who are bitchy about groomercord pinging.

I leave @everyone enabled and if you dont have it turned off on your account its your own darn fault. It's a groomercord server, there's no reason to be reachable at all times like a surgeon on call and you deserve to be inconvenienced for it.

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It really baffles me the way people get legitimately angry over it. It's groomercord, is it really that hard to just ignore a ping? Are these the same type of people that have to answer every phone call even when they know it's probably just spammers calling?

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More likely they're the type of person who gets so little attention that the slightest hint of someone maybe caring enough to mention them sends them to unspeakable highs.

Then when its just nothing they fall all the way down

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people just enjoy being angry lol, it's normal

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These are the type of people to be in 100 different groomercord servers (not exaggerating). I'm pretty normie and I was at like 40 at one point and it's annoying to turn it all off or go through pointless announcement pings every day, let alone some literal child thinking he's funny and pinging you 3 times for some stupid groomercord drama

Still my own r-slur fault, and I deleted all but like 5 now, but that's where they're coming from

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Spammer calls from marketplaces are worth picking up lol. Theyre a great trolling target, i get a lot of calls about solar panels so since few months everytime one calls me i answer and urge them to buy a solar panel from me instead. Results range frrom being hang up on, getting a "Did we call the wrong number??" or simple insults like "Are you insane???"

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Sorry @everyone, I didn't mean to but you brought this on yourself.

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It's a groomercord server, there's no reason to be reachable at all times like a surgeon on call and you deserve to be inconvenienced for it.

Pinging Dr. Groomer, Dr. Groomer to the cuddlepuddle.

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good post, downmarseyd

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wouldnt have read this without the emotes thanks cant wait for part 2

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reddit admins reproduce by eating raping children

And now i will go back and read your post. Did see a lot of emojiis in there: doesn't bode well.

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darn OKBR used to be funny, sad to see it go like that.

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How the frick do you accidentally give everyone full admin perms and don't even realise. Dramanaut or genuinely neurodivergent?

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it was the latter cause he publicly resigned lol

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You know how children are unable to differentiate from most important to least important in a story so they give equal weight to every detail? This is that.

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I had to do it becuz it was funny OK!!! :marseyraging: :marseyraging: :marseyraging:

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I am completely uninterested in any of this crap but you managed to make it interesting with your storytelling and enthusiasm.

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i feel like an r-slured child because the emojis made this more fun to read lol.

when is part 2 and how many total parts will there be?

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There will be 2-4 parts depending on whether I wanna do something on OKBR3's death and successor

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I was legit just wondering why OKBR had so little new content. That's some bullshit.

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Thanks for effortposting. Haven’t seen some quality, niche drama in a while.

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I've never used groomercord and don't know how it works. However, this story of internet r-sluration still touched me.

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Does anyone know how to embed more than one image into longposts?

Just like you'd normally embed an image. If you're having trouble with embedding check the URL. If it ends in .jpg or something then it usually should work but I think it has trouble detecting that it's an image sometimes if it ends with a random string of characters. I think there's probably a way to force it to understand that something is an image URL but I don't know how to.

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twitter does this fun thing where they add shit at the end of the url on images, you can just delete it up to the jpg or image type part and it usually works. assume you can do that with other r-slurred sites

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A URL consists of three main parts relevant here: https://example.com/path/to/somewhere, ?parameter=1&another=2&yetanother, #anchor. It's all mostly convention actually, but still: the first part (going until the ?) locates some resource, then you have a bunch of key-value pairs separated by &s that modify the behavior of the resource somehow, and then the stuff after the # isn't sent to the server at all and is used by the browser to scroll to some part of the content.

In case of twitter you can delete all gay stuff in the ? section that they add for user tracking purposes or something and it will only work better.

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very neat. I kinda pieced some of this together by messing with urls to get information I wanted but this is a good way to explain it

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Solid effortpost. I wish there was something like a throw rose marsey. Have a gold star instead.

:marseybreadcrumbing: :star:

I remember the rise of okbr, way back to the meme of lightning mcqueen wanting to r*pe Donald trump. I think the cracks started when kirbiza or whatever the mod’s exact name was got tricked out of their position, but it continued on momentum for some time. The sub is still occasionally funny at least.

:marseytrain2:, :marseytrain:, train, troid, TIM, Ellen Page, Steve Akins

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Please post part 2 soon! :marseyinshallah:

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I have decided I will

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I'm sorry Chief but I only made it halfway before falling asleep. :marseysleep:

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was actually pumping good content even at 700K SUBS

stopped reading there

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tdlr bruhfunny instabanned anyone who posted on okbr and thats a good thing

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bruhfunny was too similar to ifunny to be of any value

okbr was doomed from the start because of reddit repostan

now krautchan/s4s vintage meme's, that's the manna right there

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would have read it without the straggy emotes

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Getting your degree in neurodivergent reddit history was well worth it.

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PLEASE say yes

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But this wasn't the case for OKBR, due to one reason. JANNIES!!!!! :marseyglow: :marseyjanny: :marseyjanny2: :marseycatgirljanny: :marseycarpdead: :marseybongojanny: !!!! OKBR mods were notorious for having entire pages full of banned memes to prevent the subreddit from going stale :marseymayo:, and it actually worked. It worked so well in fact, that OKBR was still pumping its way through the meme economy :marseycapitalistmanlet: :platyrich: :marseyluckycat:, and was actually pumping good content even at 700K SUBS

:#marseynotes: fascinating

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This is so sad! Yet another healthy and vital community, destroyed by a small group of people who ruin it for everybody. I hope that one day they recover like rdrama did.

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wahabbists from Saudi Arabia

Implying they use The internet or speak English

(Am Saudi

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Im still in countless GCs with him lol. Great guy

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yea ik, loved the dinosaur spinny pfp

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Stopped reading when you didn't use :marseysneed: for the 7 days free gif

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Good post

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downmarseyd for saying okbr came up with memes when all they did was steal from ifunny all day

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bruhfunny- bruh memes and more!

yea I spoke with the bruhfunny admin cuz hes currenty /r/averageredditor head janny and he said that initially OKBR did steal tons of stuff from ifunny like the logo but later then it became original

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i havent followed averageredditor or any reddit colony for years now so im not versed in the state of affairs nowadays but i cannot stand for blatant ifunny erasure, otherwise good post though

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I enjoyed this wall of text for reasons I don't fully understand.

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Less interesting than it may sound

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:d: :i: :d:

:n: :o: :t:

:r: :e: :a: :d:

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it can still be funny but now i know this it does explain why theres less to it

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Every few months I sort OKBR by top posts of all time and it cracks me up every time. It is one of the few good things that Reddit has ever generated

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I think you just need to use i gur links to embed images into your post crakkka.

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