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[not drama] pizzafoid does tinder, an incel experiment

Because I have a compulsive need to prove that I'm right, I thought I would give you incels the foid dating app experience, and what better choice of picture than foidshill

As you can see, I put the least amount of effort into photoshopping out the faceapp text and the mustache, and I didn't feel like editing other pictures, though having 2 of basically the same pose would be pretty funny


For the purposes of this experiment, I spent 5 minutes swiping right on everyone, and immediately got 11 of matches, and over 70 likes


I literally just did this a few minutes ago, and idk if I'm feeling mean enough rn to lead these guys on to thinking they're going to frick pizzafoid tonight, but I think I've proved my point

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How does this prove you right? You don’t show how pathetic the matches are

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This guy could obviously do better than pizzafoid, and yet he matched, so why would any foid talk to this one instead?


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I didnt give you permission to post this. :marseyrage: :marseysneed:

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oh no no no :marseyxd:

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I asked him if he was a rightoid and he unmatched :marseyrain: poor pizzafoid

I cannot do this though, sorry to anyone hoping for updates, but men are just too nasty :marseysick: :marseypuke:


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Yeah girl let’s uh, watch fricking Disney movies wtf

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It's cause you have to pick at least 3 interests, and I chose blogging, politics, and disney. It's more likely that the other stuff didn't give him any opening lol

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I chose blogging, politics, and disney.



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What moid likes Disney holy shit

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I don't actually think he likes Disney dip, I think he's trying to get pizza blacked

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I mean leading with Disney? No. No, that would literally never work. Literally that’s how you’d tell her you were gay, right?

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Finna do an rDrama Users As Disney Characters effortpost later


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Very very excited for this one

Can't wait

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Put me as gaston plz.

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I know a chadlite that loves Disney. Not a key aspect of his personality, and maybe we've talked about it twice, but he says he sometimes rewatches Bambi or Fantasia.

Btw, dude must've fricked at least 40 different chicks and is a stemlord who's tried absolutely every existing drug.

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All moids?

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Its learning

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Here's the picture I used if anyone wants to keep going, for the second picture I recommend a peace sign with Disney in the background or something dumb like that


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Pizza makes a cute foid. I'd take her home if it was 2:30 and I stuck out on the girl I really wanted.

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Volcel if you wouldn't

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Rightoid detected

Opinion rejected


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Every black guy i know that says they own a business literally just opened up an LLC and complains about how they dont make enough money to afford disney tickets

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We hired some temp workers near Minneapolis. Of the four, three were black twenty-somethings who called themselves entrepreneurs who had clothing lines.

Congrats, I can sign up for Cafepress too. Just pull the darn wire.


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My black friend talked for years about starting a business then made the most generic clothing company ever. I still don't have the heart to tel him it sucks.

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Yeah, my Merch by Amazon store has over 20 sales, I'm kind of a big deal


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What are you looking for on here hun?

I would also like to know

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You should take this moment to educate them about transgender issues.

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He’s treating her like one of his fat prison cell white punks

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Isn’t tindr just entirely dudes who want to frick? I don’t know anyone who’s interested in an actual relationship on it, everyone who’s not a horny coomer uses hinge or bumble.

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Mostly, yeah, but there's a lot of people who (at least claim to) want relationships :marseyshrug:

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Disney people are so fricking weird

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lol thumbhead drives a crossover

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Maybe mr chubby is a better cuddler?

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This guy could obviously do better than pizzafoid

HE COULD? Holes b threatening scrots for the degen title

so why would any foid talk to this one instead?

Because he has low self worth and ca be easily lead?

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I can’t believe you actually did this lmao

Pizzafishing should be the hot new thing


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I ran out of likes and have to wait or I'd keep going, if you have ideas for funny messages I'll send them


pizzafoid looksmatch

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Lure them into political conversations and send them actual pizza quotes. Nothing too long, at least not in the beginning.


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this is a great idea, I have things I actually should be doing so I'll have to put some thought into it

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I have things I actually should be doing

No. No this is way more important.

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Here's one to use when you get bored.

You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.

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Do we have a downloadable zip file or anything like that that's just Pizza comments?

Would be perfect for some AI projects I have in mind.

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Then, you create an rdrama alt and copypaste some of their less-nasty comments too Pizzashill. If he responds too you're alt, see if you can use some of his (less r- slurred) responses in you're response too them.

Gradually move the conversation closer and closer too real time and see if you can get romance too blossom between them.

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Hint on them that you're trans


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:marseylaugh: :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh:

will really drive home the joys of transmaxxing for dramatards

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Wow horny dudes will swipe right on anything. Also, there is a fine line between pranking and actually flirting. Remember you're a dude pretending to be a dude who's pretending to be a girl in order to flirt with other dudes.

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Yeah but some of these scrotes don't understand this, and will whine about how foids only go for chads, when they don't realize any average or even ugly woman will have hundreds of options, while they're lucky to get a match a month

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That's evil Hodor hun. He's the shit stirring ignoring the obvious Hodor.

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If you're on Tinder every day and only get one match a month then maybe Tinder isn't for you.

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I'm a volcel, I don't use tinder :marseysipping:

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Why would any woman be a volcel? It's not like y'all actually do anything with your lives, no reason to go monk mode. Women's greatest accomplishment is turning a bum of a man into a productive citizen. Just go find some bum Chad that lives in his grandma's basement and nag him until he does something with his life.

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Sorry for the serious response, but I was in a couple of serious long term relationships from 17-a couple years ago, and it's too much of a headache. I tried a couple of fwb type things too but realized I'm only interested in true love, and that's not going to happen :marseyshrug:

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Unlovable sandy lmao

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Serious post will get a serious response. I totally get needing to take a break. I've done it several times. But you're also posting incel thoughts. There are plenty of great dudes out there. Literally all my buddies are fantastic guys with great lives, and they're all in stable and admirable relationships. I honestly think that the key to finding a satisfying relationship is asking what's wrong with me and then working to fix that. Don't just hide your crazy, actually fix it, and you'll start attracting people who do the same, both women and men, and that will put you in touch with people who will respect the work your doing.

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Move out west bb, I'll take care of you

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Moids aren’t fully human and thus can’t really understand real people.

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Deal with foids, always lose, volcel is only one step down from being bussy-pilled

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Those are all pretty low tier options. A Disney fan, a manlet, and you haven’t posted many others.

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I have to wait 9 hours for more likes, and I'll probably be over it by then

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Stop wasting your time Queen :marseynails:

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The frick? That guy actually seems pretty attractive. And yet he's swiping right on pizzafoid????

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not fricking anything that moves


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This tbh

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The dominant strategy for moids is to right swipe like literally every foid and sort out who is worth your time after the matches. Too many foids who create profiles just to left swipe every profile and boost their ego.


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I used to do this, but then the excitement of getting a match goes away because there’s a 95% chance it’s an absolute whale

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Back before I was coupled I did a hybrid approach where I spent roughly 1 second evaluating each picture before swiping. Anyone that might have been fat got left swiped.


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That’s pretty much what I do now. It’s rare I make it to the second photo

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Seems pretty attractive

Poor black man

don’t make me get the okcupid stats out

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Thats 100% a sandking

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@collectijism is an unironic rightoid. He can't even tell who's white.


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Sandkangs are even lower than dirtkangs according to okcupid stats. Why are you all denying science just because it goes against what teacher tv says? Yes the science is definitive thru decades of peer reviewed journals and studies the basis of social science itself is the iq tests used by the military for 100s of years. Even the genetics of dominant genes shows we need whites in the diaspora more than anyone else. Sorry the science here is firm

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So true king 🀠

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You're very close to reality. Just a few more steps.

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Feet don't reach the ground


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Tell the neighbor that Salvador6feet6 told he is shame to black community

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Lul you should see the absolute braphogs the kangs in murica marry just cause theyre mayo.

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I'll never understand that shit.


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Date a black woman and you will

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I do date black women (not exclusively, but often). A lot of them are great. Be careful of how hood they are though.

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The black woman that will be seen with a pastey like you are not the same black woman black dudes date. They will legit swallow your whole peepee and then steal your PlayStation when you fall asleep

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Those are hood black women. There are many black women that aren't like that.

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Easily explained by systemic racism.

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She even got 1 of the 7 black dudes who live in leafland..

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There's two black dudes so far lol

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5 more to go and you have the full collection.

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You mean 3 to go

:marseycapyblackface: :marseycapyblackface: :marseycapyblackface: :marseypizzashill: :!marseycapyblackface: :!marseycapyblackface:


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This but black dudes:


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now someone do this with elliot rodger :marseyelliotrodger2:

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ALL of tinder is localized to your gps right? We could gps spoof to india and try it.

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