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a journalist at The Independent got paid to write β€œheckin cute and valid” :marseyxd: Breaking: News org actually gets the r/TransParentTransKid story right


and I get another shoutout :marseylove:

Reuters responded to my request for correction but isn't keen on fixing the story, so I might write a whingepost about them later. But hey, The Independent got things right!

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Use the snappy link to get past the paywall you amateurs.

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Don't you believe the hard-working journ*lists who researched this story deserve to be compensated for their efforts? :marseyjourno:

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Tbh she did do a ton of surprisingly accurate research and this is the first bit of media exposure we’ve had where it isn’t some r-slurred failson screeching about how it’s :quote:alt-right trolls:quote:. She did her homework, verified everything she wrote, and gave a refreshingly fair account of events without drowning every word in the usual fourth estate propagandaspeak.

It’s a good writeup. This is the first journ*list I haven’t hated in years. rDrama stands with The Independent.


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Verified everything

Sure enough, a series of posts on the trolling forum RDrama.net from 5 August 2020

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A typo


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Exactly. She explained the sub's intent exactly as it was: outrage porn for gullible wingcucks.

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Alternatively, uMatrix circumcis- I mean, circumvents the paywall.

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This isn't related to anything here, but it's pretty fricking funny to read "They're trying to change history. Don't let them." like some rightoid LARP in the Wayback Machine when they just excluded Taylor Lorenz's twitter from their archive.

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This is my source. Entirely possible it's outrage bait, I didn't bother to check.

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Lol her profile legit is excluded from that service. Wonder if she paid somebody to scrub their existance online.

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