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  • collectijism : I jacked off to psaki jacking off yesterday but this troll is like a 2/10 can’t even get it up

New Board Game has a conquistador in it. Reviewer literally breaks down in tears upon seeing this. Redditors discuss.




editing as I go:

Creators of the game have already responded and removed the naughty bits from the game

The same reviewer's favorite game has pillaging as a central mechanic

I find their criticism to be... inconsistent. They have a pinned video to their Youtube channel about their favorite game, A Feast for Odin. In the video, the girl on the right says, while explaining the game, "you can go on expeditions, you can go pillaging for - which I'm not really a fan of the pillaging concept, but its sort of, kind of like, what happened... for amazing jewels..."

Insensitive chuds dont take her seriously

Crying?? Relay?? This is so embarrassing. It's a fricking board game. Play it or don't. No need to make an butt of yourself in a video.

Someone realizes that not mentioning the conquistadors who were literally instrumental to this time period would also cause backlash

We've recently had an uptick of people calling out problematic themes by not including all the dirty laundry--basically, whitewashing history, or committing erasure of traumatic events. Having a game set in the colonial period but pretending slavery didn't exist is being called out as bad.

G*mers don't deserve rights

This is the same problems video games have. I feel like us game players have made it too much a part of us, almost like an identity.

Youtube comments are all so supportive of her for being brave and courageous enough to cry about this


I can't even imagine having a life so devoid of obstacles and hardship that THIS is what makes you a blubbering mess. My main thought after watching what little of that I could stomach was, "how does she get through a normal day?" People throw around the word "privilege," but to me, this seems like the very definition.

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Oh cool. We're allowed to pissed about stuff that happened to our ancestors 500+ years ago? My hatred for the Turks is now a legitimate discussion point and I demand all Turks be removed from any media going forward. My ancestors demand it.

:marseybug: :marseyshooting:

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Yawn. R*pe babies are always crying about grand daddy fircing himself on grand mommy. Sweaty you wouldn't be sperging out on rdrama rn if Papa Roach didn't feel the need to coom...

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The next time I play CK3, I am going to start pissing, yelling and crying because the Turks are in the game. This is now acceptable behavior and I plan to follow current societal standards.

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I love map painting. Reviving dead empires and making r-slurred claims on half the planet is fun. Daily reminder ISIS claims Austria as their own and I need a campaign to conquer Germs with brave warriors of Allah ASAP!

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I like playing CK2 as an agent of chaos. I use my diplomat to change as many neighboring kingdoms to gavelkind succession as possible to maximize bordergore. :marseytroublemaker:

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I had a game where I played tall(very boring early game) Sinhala by raiding to improve my provinces. Then when I got bored of raiding I found random claimants and used them to break up countries, like I'd find some kingdom claimant for some kingdom with 2 kingdom titles and just sit him on one. Looked so chaotic after a few decades of doing that. :marseysmug2:

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CK is good for giving Serbia the history she should have had

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The interesting thing about this is how they somehow ignore the fact that the male feminists were their ancestors, by definition. Like you can somehow just identify as no longer bearing the sins of your forefathers? My grand-grand-daddy didn't r*pe anyone, theirs did, and somehow I should apologize and defer to them in discussions about racial guilt?

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My grand-grand-daddy didn't r*pe anyone

To be fair, they probably did, they just kept it at home

Go far enough back in time and everyone is the child of r*pe and conquest somewhere cough Tartars

Yeah, I’m sure there are English people that are still broken up about the Norman invasion - we call those crazy people. We’re not required to entertain everyone’s luxury sadbrains

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All r*pe babies are rapist babies.

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Actually pathetic if it’s not a cheap attempt at a grift.

Like, if stuff from half a millennium ago matters this much, can I get money from Japan for what happened to Korea? That was less than a century ago :marseymoney: :marseymerchant:

:marseytrain2:, :marseytrain:, train, troid, TIM, Ellen Page, Steve Akins

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They might have paid reparations for the 20th century but they still owe more for the 16th century.


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the only thing koreans should get from japan is even more r*pe

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Me —> :marseychad:

You —> :marseybuttface:

:marseytrain2:, :marseytrain:, train, troid, TIM, Ellen Page, Steve Akins

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Not house femboy


Show beardless soi cheek, cute twink.

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Always disappointed on how little Koreans are trafficking japanese women.

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little Koreans are trafficking japanese women

that's just downright impressive.

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They already paid + didn't happen + you probably deserved it + sneed :marseymeowth: :marseyjapanese:

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seethe cope dilate koreacel, comfort women were a psyop

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I am unironically still mad about the Revolutionary War.

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:#marseylaugh: :#marseyusa:

Lmao you got rekt over, like, a 5% tax hike.

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Sit there and be mad Brit, how's it feel to be under the thumb of a place you had as a colony

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which war?

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:#!marseymini: :#marseybong:

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Justice for the nameless Onondaga tribes stamped out by the Iroquois Confederacy

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Not to mention the tribes dominated, enslaved, and human sacrificed by the Aztecs. All of human history was inhabited by terrible people if you use today's standards, Europe was just better at enforcing their will. I would like an official apology from the Chickasaw nation for attacking my great great great great great grandmother's village.

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Are you Indian or did your mayo ancestors have the misfortune of being raided by the Spartiates of the Mississippi?

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Lets not forget the atrocities of the Japanese in history. Get rid of them from everything.

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:marseyinshallah: i'd be the most progressive sjw if it meant we can put an end too anime for good

trans lives matter

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This b-word ain't even latinx.

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I want to join in and make a joke about being ancestrally wronged, but I’m white :marseymayo: :marseycrusader: :marseyking:

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your ancestors were wronged by yakub when he created you're misbegotten kind and forced you into you're pale existence. trans lives matter.

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Thank you for informing me #metoo #yakubiscanceledparty #sunscreenreparationsNOW :marseykneel:

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God cursed you with sunburns. It’s over

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Then I must kill God!

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Based and Balkanpilled

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The picture of her literally made me less heterosexual. Holy shit.

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this traitor has the nerve to have a proud gay man flair :marseydisagree:

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I'll give him a pass on this one, he's a well known straggot and it looks like he's on the path to his true identity.

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He was fiven it gorcefully

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Ha ha ha ha ha, "gorcefully". Oh I make myself laugh.

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He was fiven it gorcefully

I'm adding this to my list of evidence that you had a minor stroke at Christmas and haven't realised it yet.

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure something about the way I use the internet changed back then

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Is that when your personalities first split and @schizocel and @Soren revealed themselves?

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I've had my account longer than he has had his.

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What is Soren backwards? The walls are closing in. I will find the truth.

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Neros, multiple roman emperors.

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I choose to see the good side of dramatards

Maybe he was super gay already and this just gave him a even stronger compulsion to seek out bussy?

:marseyhomosupremacist: :marseyhomosupremacist: :marseyhomosupremacist:

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One step at a time.

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Conquistador is a Marsey I think we should have at some point.


Pretend this is Columbus.

:marseytrain2:, :marseytrain:, train, troid, TIM, Ellen Page, Steve Akins

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Thats Doctor Martin Luther King Junior.

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Pretend this is Columbus.

Can't. I'm too protestant for this.

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they will be so cute together. trans lives matter.

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pretend this is Columbus.



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That foid is literally 20-50% Medshit the frick is she crying over? Grandpa touched some gussy (fricking eww) and now I am alive? God I fricking hate straggots so much.


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Yeah most Latinx are 75-90% white by default. Some are not even real mutts. I have a chart on it somewhere.

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story of my life. trans lives matter.


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You'd be surprised how much race based shit people will take. I've shown people table 43A before.

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Post it if you find it I’m curious

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My girlfriend is Brazilian but she’s more white than me and I’m of German/Irish/English descent

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Listen here, my Kraut-Mick-Muslim friend...

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Some are not even real mutts

You fool no one, Argentine

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Yeah the ones who say trans lives matter the most are usually the ones w/the most Mayo blood anyway. The goblina ones are just happy too not be starving in abject poverty

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All Latinx, unless they’re black, Asian or actually Indian, are officially considered White according to the US Census Bureau.

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Wasn’t that due to something with Texas becoming a state or something from the territory we took during the Spanish American war?

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I think it’s because almost all Latinx have about 50% Spanish ancestry at the very least so the census takers probably just said to frick it and round up the mayo count. Besides, even if they were treated as some mayo-Indian hybrids they probably wouldn’t have been treated too differently since Indians were some the first BIPOC’s to considered somewhat equal to mayos. The Red Man has always been the right hand of the White Man :marseydisagree:

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It was because of the clause in the treaty of guadalupe-hidalgo offering citizenship to mexicans when the border changed. At the time only whites were eligible for citizenship so they did some creative accounting.

Indians were some the first BIPOC’s to considered somewhat equal to mayos.

Read the declaration of independence sweatie :marseygigaretard:

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Some of the first BIPOC’s to and the DoI talks up riling up frontier Indians not those living in the colony :marseybrainlet:

The annexation of Texas happened before the treaty signing and the Texas Census treated Tejanos and Mexicans as mayos. The being a mayo to become a citizen was also never enforced from the beginning and basically dropped by the citizenship laws at the time since a lot of Indian treaties stipulated that Indians were able to be citizens if they wanted.

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most Latinx are 75-90% white


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She looks like a generic southern eyetalian or morisca to be quite honest, she may not have any native admixture, many South Americans don’t

I’ve got a decent amount of European and even my eyes still look native, she looks like a straight up Portuguese fish wife.

To be fair, there are some light skinned and blonde people that are like 50% native, genetics is funny like that.

Most people who actually live and grew up there, don’t give a frick. Everyone knows the natives weren’t perfect and people that aren’t native (like actually grew up as a native, speaking their language during the critical period, that shit is important) don’t identify with them, they recognize that they’re a Latinx/syncretic culture, and that they wouldn’t exist without the past, as fricked up as it was.

Heck, it’s like Bongs being mad about Hadrian pulling up years ago, you wouldn’t have modern bongs if the Britons(original Celt ones) still ran shit. They’d be speaking some shit like Breton Celtic jibberjabber instead of a fork of German developed by the French or whatever.

Or the Beakers, who the frick even knows what those people were like, they were probably buttholes anyway

This foid doesn’t even have a connection to this shit, she grew up in Best Value Bongland

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Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him.

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as fricked up as it was.

Fricked up? :marseystonetoss:

Also, aren’t a lot of Indians Hispanophone monoglots?

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She's not even a latinx.


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The board game industry is captured by very progressive people. I have a lot of experience with it and can even trace the point to one specific person who worked very hard to capture the trade association specifically for woke reasons.

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I have a lot of experience with it and can even trace the point to one specific person who worked very hard to capture the trade association specifically for woke reasons.

spill the tea sweaty


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Without giving away enough to doxx myself it's a lady who works with a guy that provides demo staff to board game companies. She also does woke consulting for games to make sure there's nothing problematic with it. I sat through one with her and it was fricking painful.

At a big convention she was going around strong arming trade members votes to be assigned to her as proxy. She wanted to purposefully recreate the orgs board because it was "too straight, too male and too white." This was years ago and I imagine she's only gained support since then.

A lot of manufacturers worked with their company for demo staff so they had ears of a lot of people.

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What happens if an indie designer tries to make a based board game? Do you need to be in the good graces of the trade association to do business with the print shops and manufacturers they all contract with?

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he goes broke because normal people dont buy special board games

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Yeah but I figure that's the case 90% of the time anyway so I want to know what special pull the trade association has.

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No, indie guys can do what they want. The trade association just runs the big cons and has a lot of connections to all the major players. If you made something too controversial you just wouldn't be allowed a booth at some really important conventions.

I'm sure there's more to the trade association behind that stuff but I didn't deal with that end of things too much. I worked more with distribution companies.

Edit: the important thing about the cons and the association is it's where tons of networking happens. Designers, publishers etc are all there talking and kicking stuff around. If the board is pushing progressive views and having panels on it then it begins to influence what people are doing and working with.

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anywhere good I can read more about her & this history? :marseynotes:

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Remind me today and I'll dm you the company name. Not sure how much info is our there on it but that would at least be a start. I have it on a con badge at home

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implying board game stores arent full of this


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Yeah, then they tr00n out or go woke to try and get nerd girldick

https://files.catbox.moe/ginbgb.jpg 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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idk what's more pathetic, these ""people"" or the other ""people"" that cater to them

Amer*can w*stoid victim crybaby culture is cancer

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They're part of the same ouroboros, so they are exactly as pathetic as each other.

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One hopes not being a bitching moaning r-slur will become counterculture and capture the zeitgeist in 20 years or so. It’s a lot to hope for though

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