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Soy-filled tech site is S E E T H I N G about Rocket Daddy trying to buy Twitter


Ars Technica is having A Moment over this, with 600(!) comments on this one article alone and multiple other articles in the last few days, all of which also have hundreds of comments.

Some of my favorites with their scores:

Time for a highly targeted 99.9999999999% wealth tax.

+111 (+228 / -117)

Christ what an butthole.

+154 (+266 / -112)

Seriously, all I want, all I ask for, is to go one day, one day, without having to hear about this butthole.

Is that really that much to ask for? He's the richest man on earth, is he really so starved for attention, is his life so empty, is he so unhappy, he needs the constant validation of a 24 hour news cycle revolving around him?

+134 (+219 / -85)

Elon is a douche. I hope his bid fails.

+17 (+50 / -33)

and those are just from the first page.

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Honestly I hope Elon gets twitter. I just think it would be funny

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It really would feel like Nov 8, 2016 all over again :marseyxd:

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It will be hilarious. I hope he takes away everyone's blue checks just for shits and giggles - can you imagine how pissed they'll be without their special badges?

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It would be like titles of nobility getting revoked

someone might actually shoot themselves over it

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:marseyjam: :marseyjam: :marseyjam:

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Ars Techinca, I haven't thought of that website in years, lmao


I used to find some of their articles entertaining in high school

Musk is an interesting medical phenomenon: a humanoid creature that can expel excrement from both ends of the body.

Or, well, if he buys Twitter, he'll have three means of doing that.

Oh shit it goes on and on and on....

He really is replacing Orange Man in some people's minds isn't he? :marseytrump:

LOL... they're posting bland boomer political cartoons unironically and getting tons of upvotes or whatever.


I'm a big Elon cheerleader because of what he's done for electric cars and spaceflight, but making Twitter unmoderated or lightly moderated would be an unmitigated disaster. It would inevitably turn into a right wing cesspool. Advertisers would flee and Twitter would die a slow death.

not... necessarily? The way twitter is set up, you can echo chamber to avoid rightoids. Arguably, when they aren't having to make a new account every month due to commiting sciencephobia or whatever, they will focus on each other and infighting more and troll random people less. Possibly. Or maybe not. But it's funny people are so scared of rightoids and don't know how to deal with them.

that's a lot of pages of seethe


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Isn't it great? We're approaching election night 2016 levels of assmad here. It might actually break them if Elon succeeds.

I think Ars is taking it so hard because they're all about The Science and fricking love exploring space and fancy new electric cars, so the fact Elon is responsible for both of those really gets the cognitive dissonance going.

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While watching Canadian Parliamentary and local government streams during the Honkening, I learned that there are terminally online twittercels make public policy based on the leftoid sentiment they observed on twitter that day

The phrase "Well I saw on twitter just yesterday..." was said too many times.

I also learned that the Canadian Parliament has the same shade of green carpet as my grandma's old bathroom, which was a bit unnerving.

Threatening twitter really does threaten so many people's internal concept of their social standing and rank in society. I know someone blue checkmark adjacent and "mico-famous" that has a twitter account with his full name, and bruh... he egomaxxes every ounce of his twitter clout and always supports current thing. His groomercord username has a Ukraine flag and sunflowers rn, and for a while before that he was telling everyone to get vaccinated.

I'm not sure this guy would know what to do with himself without twitter. He would never know what current-thing is.

This stuff is kind of obvious, that's just my personal ancedote.

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Impressive. Normally people with such severe developmental disabilities struggle to write much more than a sentence or two. He really has exceded our expectations for the writing portion. Sadly the coherency of his writing, along with his abilities in the social skills and reading portions, are far behind his peers with similar disabilities.

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This is like the only thing I think I remember hearing about that site

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I clicked on a random page, and got this comment


It's like discussing Musk trying to take over Twitter and suggesting that Musk could just hire a bunch of people to storm their offices and datacenters to take it by force.

Seizing media is a typical step in an armed coup. It typically happens after the shooting starts. Rwanda is a clear example of radio stations being forcibly seized to broadcast racist propaganda.


Ars Technica community is clearly hilarious and needs to be on regular drama watch

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hire a bunch of people to storm their offices and datacenters to take it by force

This is unironically what Trump should've done.

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Back from the drama mine with more comments :#marseyminer:

In addition I think he realizes that he has a very strong support base in the far-right libertarian crowd and is dog-whistling to the ignorant hateful bigots that characterize that demographic.

With fascists, it was never about the freedom to speak they never lost; it's forcing their trolling to be seen by other peoples' audiences.

Just more wisdom from Elon the centrist. /s

It looks like Netfix market cap is too big for Elon to "fix" it...

Did Elon snap, or was he always like this, and FU money has him showing his true colors?

It’s a real shame that Twitter thinks that racists, transphobes, homophobes, misogynists, and those who are promoting disinformation or violence don’t deserve a spot on their platform. They’re really excluding people who disagree.

  • a sarcastic reply to someone

In a nation were we still don't have any basic, bare-bones, preventative universal healthcare (forget electives, just annual physicals), we have oligarchs who can willy-nilly purchase companies for tens of billions of dollars because they simple don't like them.

If there is any point in the future where historians look back and analyze points where the US went off the rails and what led to its decline, this example is sure to stand out.

:marseyrage: 🐦 :marseyreading:

Yes. And Twitter. And it'll be an experiment nobody will ever want to replicate again. So, I am personally OK with it. Only issue I can see is he might un-ban Dear Leader and that's genuinely dangerous.

:marseypearlclutch2: 🎀:!marseytrump: 🐦

:marseytinfoil2: On an early-ish page there's some someone trying to redpill these people on hunter biden's laptop and they are smugly telling him he's wrong about literally everything without elaborating. I didn't feel like processing any of that :marseylongpost:

There's some comments expressing indiference, or that they don't care what Elon does with twitter or about not paying attention to Elon at all if he upsets you. These comments have many downvotes.

Edit: Even more drama in the comments of a different article :marseyminer:

What really worries me is that Musk will give Trump back his megaphone and every news story will include the latest tirade. Ugh. (upvoted)

The news could choose to not cover him. Just saying. (downvoted)

I take perverse pleasure in setting on ignore this fellow who insists he has a right to shove his dumbshit ideas in my face because FREEEEEEEEDOM


Won't miss you.


What do you want to say so badly that you can't do so on Twitter right now?

Try as I might, I can't figure what kind of value Twitter has that would justify that priceβ€”or anything even approaching it.

Hey, it's extremely valuabe to other countries and foreign owned Republican assets as a vector for spreading harmful propaganda.

I completely agree. I stopped using Twitter about a year ago after feeling like it was a constant battle against Twitter Trolls. Have not regretted it at all. If Musk takes it over and relaxes content moderation even further it will end up a cesspool of toxic content that will drive a lot of people away.


So far every political Ars Technica comment section I read feels like there's one Ben Shapiro, and a few schizos, trying to engage in debate with the entire Bardfinn Ethnostate

...very drama!


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What the frick did you just fricking say about me, you little b-word? I'll have you know that I graduated in the top half of my class in highschool and I've watched over 300 episodes of judge judy. I am trained in wikipedia search tactics and I am the top lawyer in the entire US Pol armchair forces. You are nothing to me, but just another mistrial.


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