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Suicidal kitty wants to sue ambulance because they laughed at xer when xey called 911 after being nipped by a cat. ACCOUNT DELETED




Pronouns guessed but assuming that someone who calls 911 over a cat scratch isn't normal.

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Gosh, why didn't her husband offer to dri-haHAHAHAHAhohoho.

Sorry couldn't get it all out with a straight face

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I fricked it up, I ruined it... I live in a house infested with insects that I can't stand, I have no running water, no job, no money, no hope.. nothing, I have nothing. I've been suffering from severe depression for the last two / three years... I have terrible dental health and I'm probably going to die from that if I don't kill myself soon.... People told me it gets better, but then my dad died, they told me to be strong and my mom died.

I was in the hospital earlier today for pain, pain that's probably going to kill me because i can't afford medical care. I'm tired of living.

This is just sad, she's a train wreck

I only started thinking recently about asexuality as something that could describe me, when I was younger I did have thoughts about having s*x, I never have and am still a virgin. In the last few years I have lost interest in s*x or the idea of having it at all, sometimes I am greatly at a loss for why people would put so much stock in it, and have no interest in sexual flirtations.

I don't really know a lot of asexuals in my circle, so I don't have a lot of people to ask, I thought I'd come here and try to start a conversation.

Further proof that asexuality is just a cope for incels in denial

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>Further proof that asexuality is just a cope for incels in denial

Not all of them are incels, some of them are just Autismo Stage 11

>Nikola Tesla was voluntarily chaste, despite numerous women "vying for his affections... some even madly in love with him", because he believed s*x inhibited his abilities to think in a scientific manner.

>Nikola Tesla shunned physical contact with other people, with a special aversion to touching hair. To avoid shaking hands with people he met, he lied that he had injured his hands in a laboratory accident.

>Nikola Tesla openly expressed disgust for overweight people. Once, he fired his secretary solely because of her weight.



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Based and Tesla-coiled.

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Is that a pic of a random Auschwitz survivor

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Tesla was a vegetarian, but eventually limited himself to a peculiar diet of only milk, honey, bread and vegetable juices, according to Marc Seifer

Nope! Just an extremely dedicated neurodivergent person. If only the modern sperg was as able to sustain themselves on the diet of an insect rather than the diet of a hulking sow.

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Bill Gates is that you?

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Yeah it's him, we're friends on groomercord

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imagine the smell

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He was half right. He just needed some bussy in his life.

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Just like in my Nihhonese cartoons.


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Pretty fricking creepy when you are so emaciated that your face is pretty much only a skull. If you look like this you should forcibly be put to rest so you dont scare little children.

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That's what happens when you get older. Cope.

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>m-maybe changing my gender will fix my train wreck life

LMAO the absolute state of foids


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It sounds like she developed low testosterone induced asexuality disorder due to depression. She could fix it through seeing a men's clinic and hitting a gym. But because people ascribe disorders to being 'oriented' to them, she wont

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Actually it sounds as if she is a hardcore r-slur

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I honestly checked posting history thinking I'd laugh but I think I'll probably die of cringe.


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lol jfc no wonder the EMTs laughed at xer.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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People, be gentle to the OP, lots of posts on suicide watch subs.

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Challenge accepted

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Well yeah, she's a female redditor crying about suing meanies. Didn't need to look up post history to know that.

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I got sucked into her post history and HOLY SHIT. That was a wild ride. And she’s 29?!?!?!

She definitely should NOT be putting a cat in that living situation either..how the heck is she gonna afford vet bills?

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'Trip to a vet' with these kind of young cat ladies involves driving to four different vets, screaming at each one for not treating the cat on a pity-discount for 'someone just having a really, really hard time right now', then a trip to the freezer.

Cat hoarding is a slow, inevitable process, but it involves many, many dead cats who never saw a vet.

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I just feel really bad for this cat. Living in squalor, and the owner throws a gigatantrum when she steps on it freaking out over someone coughing? I can’t imagine. Plus, OP seems to not be able to comprehend that the cat attacked her because she stepped on it?? The victim playing on her part was INTENSE

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Cats are buttholes and deserve to die tbh. Dont feel bad.

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I think what you describe isn't almost, it literally IS poverty. Is there any sort of facility around you (food bank etc) that would lend help where they can? I'm in the UK and had to rely on Churches a lot even though I'm an atheist.

Someone should find out who this leech is and send this comment to all churches in their area. Why feed her if her soul is gonna burn in heck anyway?

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I'm so happy I've never felt a compulsion to ask Reddit for advice.

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Image the absolute state you life has to be in to ask these """"people"""" for advise


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Tanks, I hate it.

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Image the absolute state your life has to be in to ask these """"people"""" for advise


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She posts in BPD and threatens suicide constantly. The hospital is probably sick of her shit.

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We are

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Based emts not subjecting themselves to a future sexual assault charge when she claims she was r*ped in ambulance on the way to the hospital.

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This woman was in terrible agony and had to get an Uber to bring her to a team of doctors and nurses to assist with her boo-boo. 😭

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How do these people even function? I’ve had cuts that have definitely needed stitches (last night too, actually!) but ended up fine with gauze and bandages. Unless you’re gushing blood, 20 mins isn’t awful.

On the other hand, cat bites/ scratches can be particularly nasty bc of the bacteria but all you need is some disinfectant/ Neosporin

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Na you need antibiotics from the doc if it’s bad. Cats are nasty

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Yeah sorry, I mean Neosporin does contain a small amount of antibiotic which is a good just in case measure, but you’re right, they can get nasty fast. But not fast enough to warrant an ER trip, more like β€œkeep an eye on it”

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Nope. Just douse that shit in hydrogen peroxide, bandage up with the petro-jelly antibiotic, and you're good to go.

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Lmao my mom wouldn't take us to a doctor unless we were on death's door. I really mean that.

At one point I broke my shoulder and my mom insisted it wasn't a big deal for 5 days until she realized I still couldn't move my arm, was afraid of CPS, and took me to a hospital.

At another point I slashed my face open on a steel garden hose mount that was face level for some reason and she taped a piece of plastic over it and said it was no big deal, until again, people started asking questions and she took me to get stitches.

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Do we have the same parents? Same thing here

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Sounds like a typical woman being over dramatic

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Typical case of a male being insensitive.

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Me at my wife and child’s funeral after they were killed by a drunk driver:

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I pity you. There is a reason more males transistion to females than the other way around. We just lead fuller lives.

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Begone foul gussy-haver

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No it's because dudes are like 1000% more likely to be horny to a disgusting degree

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I'm a fan of D&D, Oxventure (web series), Hitman video games, star wars, nature, photography, poetry and writing

so soy.

I am in love with my friend, I have been for a long time but he does not return those feelings, this is not a punishment, this is not a crime that he has committed towards me, he has not unjustly rejected my feelings, friendship is special, and I wish that people weren't so willing to throw it in the trash because it's not a sexual or romantic feeling or emotion.

sad femcel sounds

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Hitman video games

This surprises me. Seems like the type to cry at any death, virtual or otherwise.

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My grandpa fell and broke his hip at 91 and he just waited for Dad Sr. to find him like 2 hours later while he watched Wimbledon.

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Kitty vs Kitty. A fight that was bigger than Paul vs Mayweather.

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What are the damages in this case?

Delay in definitive medical treatment. Ambulances and EMS, are not definitive medical care. That just take people to get it. Also NAL, I’ve stated β€œmight have a case for negligence”. Talking to a medical malpractice lawyer in OPs area will give OP definitive direction on a case or not.

Who is this LARPer?

>not a lawyer, go ask a lawyer

Then shut up. I'd rather they ban these useless c*nts than the trollolols.

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Probably a cop

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moderator of r/CasualWaterBDSM

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Why the FRICK is there a comma in the url

janny @Aevann clean it up!

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sry fixed

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Grade-A jannieing

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i cant fix that one lol, @qussy has to edit it

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you got it fam, thanks for Gold-tier jannying on a top tier salary

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That bacteria ridden fur baby you share your slave quarters with you call a one bedroom on the upper East side is counting the days till they get to eat your face when you die alone and no one notices till your rotting flesh leaks thru the floor boards and starts being flown about by the downstairs neighbors ceiling fan.

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Don't be ridiculous. Rats, maggots and roaches will take care of the corpse before it leaks through the floorboards.

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I can’t wait till some young Jewish couple moves in after she’s gone and their baby plays on that same spot grows up watching Saturday morning cartoons licking the toys that fall on those nice hardwood floors. The circle of life is so wholesome. Hail to the maggot queen may we all go out in such a blaze of virgin cat face eaten glory as her

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landlords will "pay" jannies to clean it up

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Cats are the sigmas of the animal kingdom

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She deleted her account. I hope she's ok :(


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Lol your falling right into these people's hands.

Someone who is gonna off themselves ain't gonna post in r/suicide

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But they should

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Her gussy lets her literally make a post saying "I'm a NEET incel" and she gets showered with positive emotion. Seems like that's what she wanted.

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The only point you'll ever have is that you represent the sad, fedora-wearing, bloated face of capitalism in the 21st century.


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