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Pokimane is so hot

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Lol no. Have s*x incel.

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Pokimane is so hot fat

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You need to post some imgur albums for cooming purposes if you're gonna shitpost like that.

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I hate imgur it is a Jewish website. Imgur is the Discord of image hosting sties

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Based, imgur is actually trash lmao

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She needs to lose weight and hit the gym

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Or do stims and have s*x.

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As crazy as it sounds, I don't think she fricks either

All she does is stream and make money

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Wasn't there something about fricking that creepy moid Fed?

Honestly though, if stream watching moids lusted over me I'd probably have 0 s*x drive too.

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Average pokimane simp


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Dafuq this is real? Lmao I had no idea her simps were into her for this reason.

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Pinned for shaming

Also @August

Also her without makeup


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Imagine knowing foids who use makeup, smh

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I can't get the :marseyschopenhauer: quote out of my mind when looking at women aging :

Here, as elsewhere, Nature proceeds with her usual economy; for just as the female ant, after fecundation, loses her wings, which are then superfluous, nay, actually a danger to the business of breeding; so, after giving birth to one or two children, a woman generally loses her beauty; probably, indeed, for similar reasons.

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Do you stick your peepee in cans of foundation after rubbing blush on your balls?

I really don’t get the weird attraction some of y’all have to make-up.


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Replied to the wrong neighbor i think that fricker hideous

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Nope, replying to you, neighbor :marseyboomer:

Someone looking different w/o make up isn’t a gotcha lmao


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....Bro she looks like 50

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Not really her skin is clear

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She has no eyelashes tho.

Tbh fake eyelashes are the true "fraud" imo.

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There’s like 5 pixels in that photo.

Both her and the boomer bean look like cleaning ladies irl.

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Boomer bean?

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God I'm so horny

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Funniest thing ive ever seen

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fakeup is fraud.

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Member when that fakeapp app was released that "removed makeup" from photos and foids sneeded so hard calling it misogynistic


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It's like when punctuality and hard work are supposedly characteristics of whiteness. It just boggles mind how they literally never understand the logical implication of reacting like that. Could it just be a really fricking low IQ?

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The only reason to play a video game is to call kids cute twinks or yell bad words and listen to marginalized people cower in fear or get upset as you harass and ridicule them for being vulnerable. There is no entertainment value otherwise

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She's a disgusting Moroccan, I can't take her seriously.

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I see that dumb b-word posting that same shit every other month

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Telling g*mers to "get creative" about how they vent their anger is one of those ideas that seldom works out well.

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A g*mer within slurs is like an angel without wings

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He may have the worst post history of all time lol

Trans lives matter

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A couple of little things that happened to me since I put sodomy behind me. Dogs stopped barking at me. Friends say it’s because I don’t smell like blacks any more. But also—and I can’t fully explain this—I started to care about spoilers. I once posted HAN SOLO DIES on Twitter and lost 2,500 followers and reveled in it. But I’d be furious now to read that, and wouldn’t inflict it on others (Star Wars cringe aside), because my viewing and reading habits are changing. I used to watch and read for color, texture, pattern, theme, atmosphere and didn’t care what happened to the people in the story. So I liked Wilde and Rothko and TV sci fi. But now I find myself caring how the plot resolves itself. I want to know how it ends. I enjoy art for more than just the surface textures and historical contexts and political dimensions. Things matter, and what happens to people and to things matters to me.

I think I would say my focus has shifted to the story because I have stopped running from the ultimate story—our universal origin story. The story of the eternal mysteries of the universe. And I care about what happens to people in stories because, for the first time ever, I finally care what happens to me.


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It's dissapointing to still see people use bullets, especially in the Ukrainian army.

I hope they can grow and learn that there's a plethora of war tactics they can use without harming marginalized Russians.

The harm is the whole point, r-slur.

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The fact that they think slurs are inherently worse than any other expression of hatred shows that they have such a juvenile mindset. Anger and bitterness and hatred isn’t the problem, the problem is the magical no-no word.

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:marseyjamming: Foids when bad shit happens

:marseycry: Foids when somebody mentions bad shit happening in the world

Foidium and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race :marseysigh:

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Wasnt there a drama with her recently because she said BIPOC ons tream or some shit like this lmao

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This language is so detached from reality lmao. Twittercels really live in their own word, imagine being mad at children and manchildren shouting slurs in your vidya. I hate these BIPOCcute twinks so much

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Ya mama so fat she wore high heels and struck oil

Edit: holy shit this thread is full of cringe

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That fricking BIPOC was camping on the corner

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Stop using slurs because they're the most offensive.

Cute twink BIPOC r-slur, that's the point.

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especially in the gaming community

Why especially when the frick has gaming ever been some beacon of morality?

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They're r-slurred and don't know how to think or put their thoughts on paper

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ever since the g*mers fought for ethics in gaming journ*lism, chud

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Just call everyone a queer, but it is compliment this time.

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You sound like a woman, and I just wanted to let you know you are valid.

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This might actually be funny, whenever someone gets even a tiny bit heated just start saying "your opinions are valid and you are heard" "your not worth any less as a woman because of your ange"

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When did g*mers as a whole become such cute twinks. Well I guess the ones on forums at least

I blame the lack of gatekeeping. Gonna need to do a write up on this one day

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Isn't she guilty of using slurs herself before she got real big? She only changed because it could have affected her bottom line

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This is the case with literally every one of these e-celeb nobodies

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Many such cases

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Literally 99% of cases

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It’s so blatantly obvious. I don’t know how so many of these drooling mongoloid zoomers are able to have respect for these creators like idubbbz and H3H3. They deify them and expect them to be perfectly in line with their version of morality. They expect them to be like unrealistic Marvel good guys and then they either don’t care that it’s all fake and driven by muh capitalism or they’re just too r-slurred to realize it. I think a lot of terminally online people craft their own version of reality and as long as everything and everyone fits with and caters to their delusions, they can just keep on playing pretend.

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“I just love saying BIPOCcute twink” - Ethan from H3H3

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I fondly remember how funny and r-slurred the Say BIPOC video was.

That shit would get blocked before uploading it or insta cancel him nowadays

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Redditors can't help but simp for Poki. If she told them she was only into eunuchs I bet most of them would de-scrote themselves.

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Can we pay her to say that?


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G*mers will legit cry more if you call them a BIPOC than if you threaten their entire family & first born child. I mean yea he insulted his family and said they should be put in a gas chamber, but atleast he wasn't racist.

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It’s a good idea for a bait post.

Unpopular opinion: racism is worse than murder. At least murder might occur because someone is trying to defend or feed their family(idk add whatever talking points they use to defend criminals). But racism? Anyone who is racist is not a redeemable human being.

50k upmarseys guaranteed

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what social justice rot does to the brain

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It really is a fascinating phenomenon. I think you can chalk it up to the fact that they didn’t get here by their own reasoning, or else they would’ve felt the same way about it in 2012. This is what happens when you mindlessly accept current thing— leaves a lot of ground uncovered, so their understanding of offensiveness is about on par with a five year old with no greater comprehension than “this word is bad, don’t say it.” Intent is what’s supposed to matter but that’s gone.

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Being racist is way worse than murder.

You could literally post the above statement on reddit and hundreds of people would unironically agree. Being a racist is the worst thing you can be in 2022, aside from being a transphobe

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Thats because murder is just murder, but rascism is literal genocide 👏 keep 👏 up 👏 sweaty 👏

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And my ax!

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I hate that movie cause of the people who love and quote it.

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it is just a worse Life of Brian

also, Hiya wuzzie!

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Which they never qoute . Know why? Cause it's not swordshit.

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LoB is christshit


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Gosh Soren I opened this up in the outback steakhouse. What if there had been someone else to see it? I'd might been thrown out of such a fine dining establishment. Think next time dude.

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did you get the deep fried onion flower?

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Yes and I opened up your reply right before it came out. What woulda happened if the waitress saw that when she brought out my blooming onion?? You bout ruined my supper.

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there's a plethora of terms they can use without harming marginalized groups

yeah lol thats why i use the racist ones

I dont even play video games, I just log in, call everyone a BIPOC and quit so everyone on my team loses by default

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Did BIPOC get jannied into BIPOC now? What about neighbor? And basketballamerican?

edit: yes, for the most part. Sweetdreams, enword-chan

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Start using BIPOC as a slur. Not the g*mer word, the word 'bipoc'. It rolls off the tongue really nicely and you can just say you were trying to be anti-racist if you get called out for abusing the shit out of someone with it. You can even shorten it to 'poc' which sounds like a disease as well, and the hard 'c' sound at the end is just perfect.

We need to normalise doing this.

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